Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1210 Demon God Lu Bu, level 11!

Seeing the gods of Daxia passing by him one by one and rushing towards Susanoo with their backs, Lin Fan no longer had any fear or despair in his heart, only a burning fighting spirit like a rising fire!

"Then today, I, the gods of Great Xia, will destroy this god!" Lin Fan no longer hesitated and immediately grabbed the two dying gods.

"Now, you are mine!"


The cold and dark chains swept out and instantly wrapped the two dying gods tightly, wrapping them like rice dumplings.

The next moment, the chain tightened, and then merged into the other person's body and embedded in his soul!


"Don't..." 🄼🄲

The two gods who had been speechless suddenly wailed, their eyes were filled with fear, and their expressions were distorted with pain!

This is pain countless times more painful than a serious physical injury!

That is the pain of being forcibly dragged out of the soul that should have gone to the other side!

The two gods were wailing, but suddenly there was no sound, and the expressions on their faces were completely frozen.


One after another, the dark chains were rolled back, and the two illusory souls were forcibly pulled out of the bodies of the two dying gods. At the end of the chains, there were the palms of ghosts and gods!

"No, don't..." The two souls stared at the thousand-meter ghost and god with wide eyes, as if they saw the master of their own destiny, and they were trembling with mourning.

But no matter how they wailed, the chains slowly contracted, and they still entered the hands of the ghosts and gods.

The rough hands held the two souls, like two little chickens. The ghost opened its mouth full of fangs and showed a sinister smile.

The soul of a god is always the sweetest food for Shura!

What's more, this despicable and insidious Shura doesn't have any divine power in his body at this time, and he is already hungry!

"Heh heh heh..." With a horrifying laugh, the evil ghost picked up two souls and stuffed one into its mouth, chewing the soul with its sharp fangs.

The Shura God can forcibly bind the soul to become his own Shura Army, and can also swallow the soul to break through the realm, but in addition, he can also directly absorb the soul to quickly restore his strength.


Between the fangs, souls are broken, and the souls of the dead howl.

While chewing, the ghost and god crushed another soul to pieces. His rough palms were like millstones, slowly kneading the eleventh-level soul into powder.

Lin Fan looked at the extremely illusory dark shadow beside him, especially the completely missing right arm.

That was the shadow of Poseidon, and it was also Lin Fan's most powerful soul that he was still reluctant to devour.

But at this time, Poseidon almost dissipated because of his right arm that was broken by Zhou Ni before, and because he resisted Zhou Ni's [Thunder Domain], and because he helped Lin Fan block the slashing sword just now, The realm is about to fall from the thirteenth level.


The broken soul fragments floated down like stars of black light, falling on Poseidon's dim and illusory dark shadow.

That's pure, soul energy.

Just a moment.

As if the dark ink was blending in, Poseidon's soul body trembled violently, and the drops of dark light and electricity began to spread in his body. At the same time, his soul body gradually became solid and dark!

The shadow and Lin Fan's aura began to recover quickly, as if they were being recharged quickly!

Speaking of which, the soul is actually equivalent to the power bank used by God Shura in battle...

"Hold on and wait for me to recover!" Lin Fan whispered, then closed his eyes slightly and quickly absorbed and recovered!

"Hurry up, kid!"

"Lin Fan, go back and save those two corpses for me! I haven't drunk the blood yet!" Blood Demon King Tiger shouted while drooling as he rushed forward.

One after another, figures passed by Lin Fan, swooping towards the two thousand-meter giant swords that looked like divine punishment!

"Kill... you!"

Susano'o seemed to have lost his mind and could only repeat these words. His two eyes widened with murderous red light, and the Ten Fist Sword and the Grass Pheasant Sword overlapped and chopped down!

The gods of Daxia looked like ants in front of these two thousand-meter giant swords!

But these ants roared up!


When he was still a thousand meters away from the blade, the invisible blade that penetrated the space of the Grass Pheasant Sword had already slashed down, striking a figure in front of him!

But the sword blade, which was powerful enough to cut through space, did not split into two, but instead made a crisp metal collision sound!

Susano'o, who had lost his mind, was slightly stunned. It seemed that even he was surprised, why is this man so tough?

The armor on the right shoulder of the Great Sage was shattered, but the monkey hair was still smooth. He tried hard to hold up the golden hoop to resist the terrifying sword light.

Behind him, the shadow of the thousand-meter demon monkey also raised his stick!

"This old boy has so much strength!"

"However, your Grandpa Sun is indestructible!"

But even if King Kong is indestructible, the Great Sage at this time is only at the twelfth level of strength. Even with his natural divine power, he cannot compete with the full power of the fifteenth level!


The great sage was pushed by the invisible blade and fell suddenly!

And under the sword was Lin Fan, who was still recovering!

If it were chopped down like this, Lin Fan would be split into two on the spot!

"What a boy!" The Great Sage said with a serious look on his face, "Do you really think your Grandpa Sun has no abilities?"


A piece of monkey hair fell from the back of the Great Sage's neck, and the golden light shone brightly!

The bloody cloak spreads across the world!

One hundred thousand Great Sages appeared behind the Great Sage, all holding giant sticks and smashing towards the sword blade!

"Hey, give your grandpa a stick!"

"Your grandpa is here!"

One hundred thousand people raised their sticks and smashed them down!

This is the scene where the Great Sage stormed the Great Steel Wall in order to avenge Buddhism!

But these clones are too weak. They may be more than enough to deal with sea monsters, but they are simply not comparable to the real divine body!


The two swords slashed down a hundred meters again. In an instant, all the clones of the Great Sage turned into smoke and dispersed. The Great Sage felt that the terrifying power was very much like the Five Elements Mountain that suppressed him all the way to the human world!

"If my old grandson hadn't been sleeping for too long..."

The great sage gritted his teeth. The phantom Buddha light of the demon monkey behind him was entangled with the demonic energy. The demon left and the Buddha were still unable to compete with that power!

"Great Sage, let me help you!"

A sword is placed on the grass pheasant sword, with the weight of Shushan Mountain!

The sword energy that rose up from Shushan protected Lin Fan and blocked the falling Pheasant Sword!

The sword god Zhang Feng stood on the top of the mountain, his white clothes swaying, holding a sword to stop him!

But it's still not enough!

After all, he was a fifteenth-level Susanoo!

The grass pheasant sword still fell down, but the gods of Daxia were also worthy!

"Momen, Thousand Machine Techniques!"

Gongshu Ming shouted loudly, waving his arms, and the corpses of four tenth-level mid-level gods suddenly rushed forward to block the Grass Pheasant Sword!

"The Master said, a gentleman has no power!"

"Only the weak use weapons!"

Zilu also roared angrily and used his giant pen to block the Pheasant Sword!

"Amitabha." Bu Wu took a step forward, and the shadow behind him floated in white clothes. The Buddha's light was shining all over his body, and the Buddha's aura was dense!

He was also blocked by the Pheasant Sword and remained motionless like King Ming!

"I'm coming too!" Mo Zhi also raised the book and pushed it up!

Just for a moment,

Led by the invulnerable Great Sage, the seven Daxia gods joined forces to block the Grass Pheasant Sword!

The Ten Fists Sword follows closely behind!

"Kill!" Susano'o roared and slashed down the Ten Fist Sword, and the blazing sword slashed directly towards the gods of Daxia!

He wants to kill these ants who dare to block his sword!

But suddenly.


A cold light appeared out of thin air, extremely sudden, and pierced Susano'o's eyes!

starry night!

The sudden appearance of the assassin made Susanoo's scalp numb, and he could only raise his Juken Sword and wave it away!

But at that moment the assassin was about to be killed!

"Hoo!" The wind started blowing!

The overwhelming yellow sand rolled in, and Susano'o's eyes stung instantly!

Samadhi Kamikaze!

In the yellow wind, the yellow wind monster shouted loudly: "Xingye, withdraw! This guy is too strong to make a sneak attack!"

The other gods of Great Xia had already put on goggles, and with the cover of the yellow sand, Xingye immediately withdrew!

Assassins never delay! If you miss a hit, you have to wait for the next opportunity!

"Fortunately, there is Samadhi Kamikaze. He can't open his eyes now. We can take advantage of this opportunity..." The yellow wind monster exhaled and prepared to make an evacuation plan. This Susano'o's strength is really unexpected!

It was clear that Susano'o was also suppressed, so why was his strength not declining seriously!

But the next moment, the Yellow Wind Monster's expression suddenly changed!

"Damn! He...opened his eyes!"

Under the yellow sand, Susano'o's eyes closed, and a pair of goggles condensed on the cover of the samurai armor!


A wonderful magic that can conjure up the items you want in your mind!

The moment Susanoo opened his eyes, the ten-fist sword suddenly slashed down and went straight towards the yellow wind monster!

"Damn it..." The yellow wind monster's face changed suddenly. When he saw the ten-fist sword slashing down, he saw a majestic Great Wall suddenly condense and block the ten-fist sword!

[Great Wall of Qin]!


The Great Wall shakes!

Meng Tian's old face flushed, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his hands pressing on the ground trembled violently: "This guy... is so powerful!"


A sea of ​​blood also hit the Ten Fist Sword. The Blood Demon King Tiger grabbed the sword body of the Ten Fist Sword and tried to resist it.


The phantom of the thousand-meter-long demon charged forward, Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd, and also drew it on the ten-fist sword!

Thousands of ways, Golden Horn, Bai Qi, Zhang Lao, all of them can compete with the Ten Fist Sword! Even Xingye had to show up, and Brenda, who had just been promoted to high god, was able to stop the Ten Fist Sword!

At this moment, the gods of Daxia tried their best and finally stopped the Ten Fist Sword and the Grass Pheasant Sword!

It’s true that the opponent’s level is too high!

Level fifteen!

What's more, not all the gods of Daxia came this time. One of the most powerful ones, the First Emperor, Daji, Niu Demon King, Yinjiao and Situ Hong did not come!

"Damn it, what's going on with this guy... He's been suppressed for who knows how many years. Even if it's better than those of us who are sleeping, his strength should have dropped to the thirteenth or fourth level... Why is his strength still at the fifteenth level... ..." Bai Qi's eyes were red and his canthus was about to burst. He relied on his rough skin and thick flesh to stand in front. At this time, the ten-fist sword kept cutting deep into his shoulders!

He does not have an indestructible body like the Great Sage!

Moreover, traces of weird power from the ten-fist sword continued to spread into Bai Qi's wounds, quickly destroying Bai Qi's vitality and destroying the meridians and internal organs in Bai Qi's body!

That power was extremely evil and terrifying, as if it was born for killing. Even Bai Qi couldn't resist it!

"The devil knows what's going on!" Dao Wanqian also tried hard to fight against the Ten Fist Sword with his fly whisk, "Moreover, his divine power is very crazy, mixed with a very destructive force... His state is not right, he is almost out of control..."

"Block! Lin Fan is right behind us!"

"Hold on! As long as Master wakes up, we still have a chance of winning!" Brenda's thunder and lightning surged, and the 200-meter Thunder God hammer emitted dazzling light, pressing against the ten-fist sword.

She never left either. At the last moment, like the gods of Daxia, she used an excuse to cover the other gods' departure and returned alone.

Because Lin Fan is not only Daxia's patron saint, but also her master!

Lin Fan's safety is not only related to Daxia, but also to the Alliance of Gods!

Daxia, that is the most powerful and powerful comrade in the Alliance of Gods! It was Daxia who guided them to where they are today!

Therefore, regardless of emotion or reason, she must help Lin Fan!

The scene is very subtle.

The gods of Daxia were actually locked in a stalemate with Susano'o's two swords. It was like wrestling, and there was a delicate balance for a while.

But everyone knows that this delicate balance can be broken at any time!

This Susano'o is of the fifteenth level and has great divine power, but among the gods of Daxia there are only the twelfth level Wang Hu, the twelfth level Great Sage, the eleventh level Xingye, and the twelfth level Meng Tian.

In addition to Brenda, who has just been promoted to the eleventh level of advanced thunder god, there are only five advanced gods!

The gap between the fifteenth level and the eleventh level and the eleventh level is not comparable to five times the number. Even if the gods of Daxia withstood it for a while, they would not last long!

In particular, although the Great Sage standing at the front of the Grass Pheasant Sword is indestructible, Bai Qi, standing at the front of the Ten Fist Sword, is made of flesh and blood, and his injuries are getting serious quickly!

Furthermore, Baldr, the god of light from Odin's lineage, is still trying to get closer here in the distance. If it weren't for the waves of weird beings desperately trying to stop him, relying on those weird skills and wooden sticks with eyes to hold him back. Badr, Badr came here a long time ago!

For a time, the gods of Daxia were gradually pressed down by the ten-fist sword and the grass pheasant sword, as if they were about to be pressed like dirt and onto a chopping block!

A huge pressure appeared in everyone's hearts, it was the pressure between life and death!

"Lin Fan, how long do you have to recover!" Blood Demon King Hu shouted loudly: "We can't stand it any longer! Come and help!"

Lin Fan, who was chewing and swallowing, looked ugly: "It will take a while..."

"Damn it!" Bai Qi's blood boiled. Under this pressure and terrifying power, during this life and death crisis, Bai Qi's former strength began to faintly recover, but it seemed that there was still something missing!

"I, Lu Bu, am I going to die here?"

Lu Bu's aura also began to fluctuate, but there was still something missing before he could regain his former strength!

"Master...disciple is still too reckless..." Zi Lu also murmured in a low voice.

And the other side.

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched these Daxia gods fall into a disadvantageous position, being pressed down by the two giant swords.

In fact, he has recovered.


"The returning ancestors seem to have some signs of regaining their strength and awakening again under the pressure of life and death?"

"Then I can't help..."

"Not only can't we help, we have to give them more strength and pressure to win the high-end game..."

Lin Fan, the despicable and shameless Shura God, saw that the gods of Daxia who stayed for him and faced Susano'o were at a disadvantage, and he actually planned to strengthen his teammates... completely forgetting how moved he was just now.

"But how to put pressure on..." Lin Fan frowned slightly.


Lin Fan's eyes lit up!

the other side.

"I've reached my limit." Lu Bu's arms trembled slightly. His body that usually seemed to have unlimited strength was completely drained by this competition, and exhaustion and pain spread throughout his body.

He said expressionlessly: "I'm ready to withdraw."

"You can't withdraw! If you withdraw, then we will never be able to defeat this Susano'o, and everyone will die..." Mr. Zhang shouted loudly, his face anxious.


"It's none of my business." Lu Bu said softly, "Only if I'm alive can I get Diao Chan back!"

He is a ruthless and selfish person.

No sense of responsibility.

The reason why he stayed was because he felt that if the gods of Daxia died, he would be alone and would have trouble finding Diao Chan.

But if he really had to die... Lu Bu would never die for others!

The protection of his comrades, the bond of life and death, the friendship between comrades... are all obstacles to Lu Bu! Find Diao Chan’s obstacles!

"I am leaving!"

As Lu Bu said this, he was about to put away Fang Tian's painted halberd and ride away, even if his departure would break the delicate balance and cause the grass pheasant sword to slash down, killing all the gods of Great Xia who were blocking it!

But right now.

"Lu Bu, don't you love Diao Chan?" Lin Fan, who was still sitting cross-legged chewing his soul and regaining his strength, suddenly said.

Lu Bu was stunned: "What do you mean, my inability to leave has anything to do with whether I love Diao Chan or not?"

"Of course it does matter!" Lin Fan pointed at Susano'o and said slowly: "This guy's followers, they have defiled Diao Chan!"

"What?" Lu Bu was stunned.

"You may not know that the believers of Blue Star developed by this guy are those from Kameda Kingdom. Although Kameda Kingdom is now destroyed under the Ocean Temple, they were very fond of the Three Kingdoms of Great Xia with their perverted and twisted personalities. The history of that period, especially... the beauties in history!" Lin Fan said softly.

Lu Bu frowned slightly: "You mean..."

Lin Fan said in a deep voice: "They drew Diao Chan's notebook!"

"They even filmed live-action movies of Diao Chan! Moreover, they are all improper live-action movies!"

"What Wushuang Three Kingdoms Diao Chan Dances, Diao Chan Wu Miserable... Look!" Lin Fan took out a series of unsightly comic books and CDs with hot and imaginative covers.

Those were some study materials that Lin Fan specially collected after discovering Lu Bu's character traits.

Of course, Lin Fan did not study secretly for himself, but to stimulate Lu Bu at the critical moment, because only Diao Chan can make Lu Bu go all out and stimulate Lu Bu's strength!

In order to ensure the authenticity of the book and CD, and to ensure that the contents inside could stimulate Lu Bu, Lin Fan even read them all with a critical eye.


I, Lin Fan, am a person who has escaped from vulgar taste!

It’s definitely not about secretly learning new knowledge for yourself!

Just to stimulate Lu Bu and Daxia!

Lu Bu, who was about to leave, suddenly fell silent. The Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand trembled slightly and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He stared intently at the unsightly image of Diao Chan in those books.

That ruined Diao Chan, that humble-looking Diao Chan, that disheveled Diao Chan begging for mercy...that was his true love, his goddess!

It's Diao Chan that he wants to protect throughout his life!

Under the pressure of life and death, an unprecedented anger rose in Lu Bu's heart. This time, he was angry like never before!

"They actually defiled...Diao Chan like this!"

Lu Bu looked up to the sky and roared!

Purple evil energy soared into the sky, and at this moment, the phantom of the demon behind him suddenly solidified!

This is not over yet.

Lin Fan quickly said: "Do you know what is the most hateful thing?"

"In those movies and books, the protagonist is not you!"

"Diao Chan was transformed into someone else's shape by them! Not only the shape of Dong Xiangguo, but also in all shapes and sizes! Diao Chan was transformed into the shape of others by them!"

"I checked every one of them! Everything!"

"Among those male protagonists, you are the only one missing, Lu Bu!"


Lu Bu's eyes were blood red, and a surge of hot blood rushed to his forehead uncontrollably!


The three eyes between the brows shattered flesh and blood, completely protruding, and only the murderous intent and madness remained in the three eyes!

Diao Chan is his reverse scale!

"Your followers dare to tarnish Diao Chan like this!!"

The uncontrollable anger made Lu Bu's heart beat violently and his blood surged uncontrollably!

This selfish Lu Bu, who seemed to be able to escape everything and had nothing to do with him, was truly angry this time!

Lu Bu's strength, which had almost stopped moving forward and had not been able to recover for a long time, suddenly surged. The thousand-meter-long demon god's shadow solidified to the extreme, and the purple evil energy roared like a dragon, soaring into the sky, straight into the sky!

"I kill you!!"

Lu Bu pinched the red rabbit horse hard, the force was so strong that it almost killed the red rabbit horse!

He raised Fang Tian's painted halberd high and activated his divine power regardless of the consequences. The anger in his body that was on the verge of reaching the limit seemed to surge with endless power, and he smashed it against the grass pheasant sword!

The thousand-meter demon god also smashed it with his halberd!

That's the anger of the stranger Lu Bu!

He no longer has any fear or escape. There is only one thought in his mind - kill him! Kill this god who dares to tarnish Diao Chan!

Anyone who tarnishes Diao Chan, whether human or divine, must die! Die under Fang Tian's painted halberd!

"For Diao Chan!!"

The devil roars!

At this moment, Lu Bu's strength, which had been weakened by sleeping, awakened again under this desperate anger, and he advanced to the level of a high god in an instant!

The god of eleventh level high knights, Demon God Lu Bu!

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