Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1215 He is my master

When the killing breath spurted out, beheading Susano'o and killing Lin Fan's body, the pure and primitive desire to kill hidden in the bone knife also rushed into Lin Fan's mind.

The dark inner world seemed to be eternally silent. The ghosts and gods who had been chained by Lin Fan were freed at this moment, and the strange figures of the woman and the boy stood side by side.



The dark thinking space began to surge and twist, as if something was about to rush into it, and it seemed as if a force began to pollute this space at this moment.

"This guy... is polluting my thinking!" Lin Fan's phantom frowned and waved his hand. In an instant, layers of chains suppressed him, as if to seal off the space and block the invading consciousness!

"Master, be careful," the strange woman said with a confused expression, "He is very strong..."


The chain that Lin Fan used to block it shattered into pieces, and that terrifying power could not be stopped at all!

Lin Fan could only gather more chains to try to block it, and at the same time took out the thinking cone to prepare to defend his inner world!

But under that force, Shura's chains were all shattered!

It's simply unstoppable!


The darkness was suddenly rendered into blood red, and the blood red quickly amplified. In just an instant, the originally peaceful inner world turned into a sea of ​​blood, twisted and crazy, it was pure killing!

A big hand suddenly tore apart a corner of the inner world, and a terrifying figure slowly rose from the sea of ​​blood!

Scarlet eyes, blood-red skin, the whole body is filled with the aura of primitive killing, and the huge body is up to 10,000 meters tall!

Those scarlet eyes contain violence and killing, as if they can arouse the deepest desire for violence and killing in people's hearts. Looking at them will turn them into a madman who only knows killing!

Extremely powerful!

"Stop me with Shura chains?"

"Hahaha, God Shura... it's really interesting." The huge ghost looked down at Lin Fan, who was like an ant. "Don't you know that I am the first ghost born in Cain's body?"

"Don't talk about you, even the ghost and god in your body that is the source of your power are just my descendants."

Having said this, he looked down at the woman in the black dress, his eyes cold and disdainful: "The unpromising junior was actually countered by a Shura god who borrowed the power of ghosts and gods."

"Ancestor..." The strange woman who was usually cold and cruel didn't dare to raise her head, looking like she had done something wrong.

Lin Fan also had an ugly expression on his face. He could feel how powerful the other party was!

The first ghost and god, the ghost and god born in the body of the sinner of all evils!

It represents the evil of Cain, the madness of Cain, the deepest sin and desire for killing in the world!

Just when it stood in front of him, Lin Fan felt like he was going to lose control and go crazy!

I am not qualified to look at him at all!

That's the [Killing] rule! Although it is not Cain and is not the origin of the [Killing] rules, it is definitely not something Lin Fan can face!

This powerful ghost seemed to be very curious. He looked at Lin Fan's inner world and said to Lin Fan's natal ghost with increasing disdain: "Is this where you usually live?"

"It's so narrow..."

"As a ghost and god, he was actually sealed in his heart by the Shura God. Not only did he not think about how to counterattack the Shura God, become a ghost and god, and master the rules of [Killing], he was actually willing to be the source of Shura's power and live on Shura's feeding... What are you doing with your pet? different!"

"It's just embarrassing to me!"

Lin Fan's natal ghost looked frightened and ashamed, but he still said: "But the master does feed him a lot, and I grow up very quickly..."

"Shut up! You loser! You still call him master?!" The terrifying ghost and god looked up to the sky and screamed, "You are a ghost and god! A life born from the rules of [Killing]!"


"When you grow up, you will kill!"

"You are the ghost and god who wants to turn against Shura and control Shura!"

"Boss, calm down," Lin Fan said quickly, "I..."

"Boy, do you think you can talk to me just because you have mastered your natal ghost?" The terrifying ghost smiled fiercely, glanced at Lin Fan, and then at Lin Fan's natal ghost: "Okay, now that I'm here , I will help your unsatisfactory junior to completely control him!"

"Ancestor!" The natal ghost suddenly froze.

Lin Fan's expression also changed suddenly, and he held the thinking cone in front of him tightly!


In front of this ghost born in Cain's body, all resistance seems to be in vain!


The ghost suddenly stretched out its huge hands, and the scarlet, pure [killing] aura spurted out, and chains that were pitch black but thicker than Lin Fan suddenly rushed out!


The thick and hard chain instantly knocked away the thinking cone in Lin Fan's hand, and crushed the Shura chains surrounding Lin Fan's body!

The same power comes from ghosts and gods, but the difference is completely different!

The Shura chains that Lin Fan was so proud of were nothing in front of this number one ghost and god!


The huge chain tightly entangled Lin Fan.

It's impossible to resist!

This is not the power of a single level!

"Now, I am immersed in killing and become a puppet of ghosts and gods!"

Amidst the whispers of the powerful ghosts and gods, the huge chains suddenly shrank and tightened around Lin Fan!

Lin Fan's conscious body began to loosen, and the chains seemed to be tightening into Lin Fan's body. Even Lin Fan's gradually loosened conscious body began to turn black!

Lin Fan's current state is just like those Shura troops who were about to have their emotions and consciousness wiped away by Lin Fan!

But now, this state appears in Lin Fan himself!

Shura God, who uses the power of ghosts and gods to erase the emotions and consciousness of others and bind others into puppets, at this moment, has been wiped out of emotions and consciousness by ghosts and gods, and is about to become the puppets of ghosts and gods!

This is also the final fate of every Shura god as he grows up, to be devoured by his own ghosts and gods!

Of course, it is not the natal ghosts and gods who are taking action against Lin Fan now, but the powerful ancestor of ghosts and gods who want to help the descendants, erase Lin Fan's emotions and consciousness, and bind Lin Fan into a puppet!


Lin Fan's conscious body let out a heart-rending cry. At this moment, Lin Fan could feel that his soul was shattering inch by inch, his consciousness was dissipating, and his emotions were receding rapidly!

A primitive and pure desire to kill erupted like a volcano in his heart, trying to occupy his reason, erase his thinking, and replace his consciousness!

That is the soul-destroying pain!

Lin Fan had never felt this kind of pain before. It was more severe than the pain when his body was shattered inch by inch under the sneak attack of the God of Time. Pain was everywhere in his mind, as if red flames were burning in his mind, burning everything!

Under the invasion of the desire to kill, he is about to become a slave of ghosts and gods, a madman who only knows killing!


The chains continued to tighten, and Lin Fan's consciousness became more and more fragmented, painted into the darkness of a puppet!

The clear black and white eyes gradually turned scarlet, with a desire and violence for killing.

His consciousness became more and more blurred. Under the erosion of the terrifying desire to kill, the instinctive desire for killing in his heart became stronger and stronger, overwhelming all emotions and reason, burning everything like a raging fire.

Lin Fan's soul has been completely rendered black, and the blackness spreads

on the neck, gradually rising from the neck.

As long as his soul is completely rendered, as long as his head is also rendered pitch black, it means that Lin Fan is completely controlled by [Killing].

But just when his consciousness was about to shatter, Lin Fan's soul was about to be completely rendered black by the chains, and he was reduced to a murderous madman.


Suddenly, a ray of white light came out of Lin Fan's broken consciousness.

That ray of light blocked the darkness, blocked the contraction of the chains, and blocked the desire to kill that constantly occupied Lin Fan's consciousness.

For example, the last piece of pure land maintained Lin Fan's last shred of sanity.


The ghost was slightly startled, "This is..."

Lin Fan's painful expression suddenly became calm, and in the consciousness that was about to fall into darkness, pictures radiating light suddenly appeared.

That scene... seems to be at home.

"His dad, Xiaofan's grades have declined recently."

"Well, I know. You cook him some good food tonight, buy a fish, and I'll cook him some food too."

"Dad, you can also cook!"

"Haha, I can still stir-fry shredded pork with a whip." Father Lin chuckled and took out his belt: "Look at the brand!"


That was Mother Lin's worried and puzzled look. At that time, she didn't seem to consider her mother's feelings at all, and just waved her hand: "Mom, don't worry, I just want to kill a few gods and save the world."


That was when I was injured and lying in the hospital, and my parents came from Luzhou just to sit on the edge of my bed and take another look at me.

The taciturn father seemed to be unable to speak. He just rubbed his red eyes and said with a smile, "It's okay."


It was the first time I brought Xingye home, and my parents looked surprised, and there was also Lao Xiali, who was driving a family of four on a busy road in the hot summer, panting like an old cow, with laughter and laughter all the way.


Those are the gods of Daxia who face the gods and stand side by side with him. That is the master who taught him how to move bricks and for whom he still owes two packs of cigarettes. Those are the workers who built the Great Wall of Steel together under the scorching sun. Those are those who stand beside him. Fifty million soldiers behind us!


A picture echoed in Lin Fan's mind. It was a mark that even the desire to kill could not erode. That was Lin Fan's mark. That was the mark left by Daxia to Lin Fan!

A gentle whisper appeared in Lin Fan's ear.

On the dark and bumpy jeep, a girl with slender legs, a well-proportioned body and a ponytail looked at the boy's side face and whispered:

"Lin Fan, I am willing to be your anchor."

That is the anchor point that hooks Lin Fan's humanity!

"Lin Fan, I am willing to be your anchor!"

These words seemed to transcend life and death, echoing in Lin Fan's ears like thunder!

That picture, that person, the entire Daxia, and that girl are all the anchors of Lin Fan's humanity!

The consciousness that was about to dissipate under the erosion of the desire to kill suddenly seemed to grasp something, like a small boat about to be overturned by the waves suddenly found support, like a drowning person grasping the life-saving straw!

This is salvation in the darkness, just like a beam of light illuminating the darkness that is about to swallow Lin Fan!

"This guy...what's going on!"

The powerful ghost and god's eyes widened in disbelief. He only felt that the consciousness that was about to dissipate and be replaced by the desire to kill was actually as solid as a mountain!

But, how is it possible!

I am a ghost and god born in Cain's body. I was born from the most primitive [killing] and is a part of [killing]!

How could this little Shura God resist his own erosion and killing?



Under the stunned gaze of ghosts and gods, the young man slowly raised his head. His eyes that were originally scarlet due to the desire to kill became black and white again. The scarlet color gradually faded away, and the killing that eroded his heart gradually dissipated.

Bound by the chains, he chuckled.

"My consciousness will not dissipate."

"I will not become a slave to killing."

"Because... they left an anchor for my humanity. That girl anchored my humanity!"

"Anchor point?" Guishen frowned slightly.

"The name of that anchor point is Daxia."

"As long as they are here, I will not sink and I will not lose control."

"As long as they are here... I have humanity. In other words, they are my humanity." Lin Fan said softly: "And all of this... you, a ghost who only knows about killing, will not understand."


On the soul, which had turned into pitch black from the head down, the blackness that had been rendered was actually fading downwards!

Even the dark chains that bound Lin Fan began to unwind!

"What humanity! What an anchor! Killing is the most powerful instinct!" The ghost roared in disbelief and retracted the chain again!

But this time, he couldn't tighten the chain again!

There seemed to be something in Lin Fan's body that helped him retain his humanity and consciousness. That thing seemed to be stronger than the power of ghosts and gods, and stronger than the desire to kill!

An anchor of humanity!

"Help me!" The powerful ghost looked at Lin Fan's natal ghost: "You, help me!"

But the woman in the black dress stood there motionless, her long black hair draped down her shoulders, covering her face. No one knew what she was thinking.

"What are you hesitating about!" The ghost roared angrily, "I took action so that you, the younger generation, could completely control him and make him a slave for you!"

"As long as you and I take action together, this kid will never be able to resist!"

"I will help you devour him completely and come to the God Realm as a ghost!"

"He will become a slave at your mercy, he will become your puppet! He will become a monster controlled by you, controlled by [Killing]!"

"And you will be completely free in his body! You will come to the God Realm as a ghost! Isn't it much better than being locked up here now?"

"Help me!"

The powerful ghost looked up to the sky and roared.

The woman in the black dress slowly raised her head and nodded slightly: "Of course I must obey the instructions of the ancestor."

"Besides, the ancestor is also for my own good."

This undignified ghost slowly walked up to Lin Fan, and his long, cold tongue licked Lin Fan's face like he was tasting the taste of prey.

"Actually, I have wanted to devour you for a long time..." She whispered in Lin Fan's ear.

Lin Fan's face turned ugly. He knew that if his natal ghost chose to stand in front of the ancestor of ghosts and gods, even if he had the anchor of humanity, the last trace of consciousness he had worked so hard to maintain would be completely wiped out, and he would be killed by ghosts and gods. Controlling madman!

Are you going to die here?

Do you really want to...

Lin Fan had no doubt that the ghost and god he had suppressed would devour him without hesitation!

And just when Lin Fan was despairing, the strange woman suddenly smiled.

The pale face suddenly laughed, the scarlet lips and sharp fangs revealed a strange smile, and the slender tongue was wagging.

This evil ghost turned around, blocking Lin Fan behind him, looking at the powerful ancestor who exuded an energy that made his body tremble and made him almost kneel down in surrender.

"But, he is my master."

"I will carry out your master's orders without hesitation."

She smiled and said what she had said.

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