The video conference fell silent.

Before that, the leaders of these countries thought that Daxia was just making things up, and that any god coming was just a lie by those cunning Daxia people.

Those Daxia people wanted to make other countries believe it, and then they followed Daxia's suggestions and worked together to build a Great Steel Wall, which was a waste of national power.

By then Daxia would be able to take advantage of the empty national power of various countries and launch an uprising.

but now……

Daxia, this is not just a show!

The Great Steel Wall was actually built!

Moreover, it is equipped with countless firepower, and those Daxia people with extraordinary means are guarding it!

"What we guessed before may indeed be wrong." Tom, the leader of the Great Britain, stood up. "If Great Xia just wants to deceive us, they only need to pretend... But now, you have seen it with your own eyes..."

"Now we have to consider whether what Daxia said is true."

"If it's true……"

Tom's words fell silent.

But the heads of the nations understood what he meant.

If it's true.

That means that God will come in three days!

If the descending gods are really as powerful as Daxia said, then the countries that laughed at Daxia's construction of the Great Wall of Steel and used their whole country to prepare for it will probably be over in a matter of minutes...

But what can we do even if they are true now?

Only three days left!

Even Daxia spent more than a month building the Great Steel Wall.

This is Daxia, a Daxia with terrifying construction capabilities and national cohesion!

"If it's true... it will take us several years to even build a high-speed rail..."

"Now even if we want to listen to Daxia's suggestion and build the Great Wall of Steel, it's too late for us... Daxia has used 30 million workers and 50 million soldiers this time, and it has consumed a lot of resources..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the leaders of the various countries became even more ugly.

Now it is no longer a matter of whether they listen to Daxia's advice or whether they believe what Daxia says!

Even if they believed and obeyed, it would be too late!

And only Daxia can build such a Great Steel Wall in a short period of time, and only Daxia has such terrifying national power to support this Great Steel Wall!



The leader of the Free State slammed the table hard, his fat body slowly trembled, his fat face gritted his teeth: "Impossible, this, this must be Daxia's conspiracy!"

"That's right! It's Daxia's conspiracy!"

"What they want to see is what we are like now!"

"What kind of god has come, what nonsense!" The fat little eyes of the leader of the Free State once again shone with a wise light: "I know, they just don't believe it when they see us, so they have to grit their teeth and finish building the Great Steel Wall! What kind of drill did you just conduct so that we can believe it!"

"Their purpose is the same as before, they still want to take the opportunity to bring down our national power! The reason why they are willing to spend so many resources... I heard that there is an old saying in Daxia, which is that if you don't let go of your children, you won't be able to trap the wolf!"


"We can't believe it!"

"Once you believe it, you will fall into Daxia's trick."

As soon as these words came out, the leaders of all the countries present were stunned.

The leader of Kameda Kingdom laughed: "Yes, Daxia people have always been cunning. The more they try to make us believe it, the less we can believe it!"

"Yes, the Daxia people are at the end of their rope now. As long as we still don't believe it, they will have no choice! Now is the most critical time!"

For a time, all the countries responded one after another!

It’s true that they can’t believe that gods are coming now!

Once you believe it, it shows their dereliction of duty, their stupidity, and their mistake!

Once you believe it, just the curses of the people of those countries can drown them!

"Not only can we not believe it, we must also express our stance resolutely!" The leader of the Free State gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Didn't Daxia talk about the coming of gods, and also built the Great Steel Wall to defend against some gods?"

"Then we'll do the opposite."

"There are many people in our country who are looking forward to the arrival of gods, right?" the leader of the Free Country asked.

The Prime Minister of Australia nodded: "Well, many members of the Australian Church are looking forward to seeing God."

Tom, the leader of Great Britain, also smiled: "Yes, our countries already have developed sects to help us manage those ignorant people. Those believers who believe in the existence of God and gods were very happy when they heard about it."

"Okay." The leader of the Free State sneered: "Don't those believers want to welcome the gods? According to what Daxia said, the one who came this time is the God of the Ocean. We will take the initiative to send a car to take them to the beach!"

"Not only do our officials from various countries have to send them away, we also prepare various church supplies and welcome items for them, provide them with food... no, even pay them wages!"

"Let those Daxia people who built the Great Wall see, we are not afraid and we don't believe it!"

"Besides, even if the gods really come, after seeing our people welcoming them so warmly, would they still have the heart to invade us?" The leader of the Free State touched his fat face and said with a smile: "Looking at Daxia They actually built some sort of Great Steel Wall. If the gods really came, they might not have been hostile to them in the first place, but seeing Daxia's attitude, they were destroyed in minutes."

"Of course, what I'm saying is, if the gods really come, haha, it's actually unlikely."

The leader of the Free State shook his fat body and couldn't help but feel happy for his wisdom.

The other countries were the first to hear his suggestion and applauded in response.

"As expected of a big brother, yes, we have to show our attitude, we just don't believe it!"

"The powerful ships and cannons in Daxia tried to trick us, but we didn't fall for the trick. We just wanted to let the people celebrate and welcome us on the shore with loud gongs and drums and huge crowds of people!"

Their eyes reflected the light of wisdom.

That night.

Lin Fan was still summarizing the meeting with officers above the regimental level and members of the God-Slaying Army, describing the upcoming battle and the weaknesses of the believers, and emphasizing the coordinated operations between the various arms.

On the top floor of the Great Steel Wall, in the general command center.

Lin Fan stood on the high platform, facing the officers in the crowd below. He pointed at a picture on the projector and said: "These are swordfish warriors. They are extremely fast, but their attack method is single, using sharp edges. And has a serrated mouth for piercing and slashing."

"Of course, you can see that their bodies have been transformed into human shapes by the gods, so even on the shore, they have terrifying speeds and can breathe."

"But compared to the shore, the speed of them with fins in the ocean is even more exaggerated. The ninth-grade swordfish warriors can reach fifty meters per second, which translates into a speed of nearly two hundred kilometers per hour, crushing all warships. speed."

"So don't try to fight them hand-to-hand, but their weakness is also obvious, that is, their defense is not high. These shiny scales can be easily penetrated by bullets. For this kind of enemy, we do not seek precise strikes, but only long-distance strikes. Large-scale fire coverage and machine gun fire, so if you see silver light streaks sliding across the sea, or many silver rays rushing towards you, directly cover the area and don't let them rush to the city wall..."

The officers at all levels below will keep records. After they return, they will combine the ppt with these contents to inform the soldiers below.

The atmosphere was tense, the depression before the war began.

But just when everyone was recording quietly.


There was a knock on the door.

Lin Fan stopped his speech and looked at the door.

But he saw Mr. Chen push open the door and walk in, waving to Lin Fan.

There was still a look of exhaustion on Mr. Chen's face. Three days and nights were really too much for this old man.

"First of all, please recall for yourselves what I just said about the ways to deal with the giant whale clan, swordfish clan, and octopus clan." Lin Fan said quickly: "In five minutes, if you have any questions, ask me immediately. "

After saying that, Lin Fan walked out of the temporary lecture hall in the command center and looked at Mr. Chen: "Mr. Chen, you're awake."

"Hurry up and inject the ingredients of the Tianshan Snow Lotus later. I've almost drained you dry these three days and nights. You really have to wait until the battle begins..."

Lin Fan was about to give some instructions when he saw Mr. Chen wave his hand and take out his mobile phone: "Don't worry, take a look at this first."

Lin Fan took the phone and his expression suddenly became strange.

On the screen of the mobile phone, on a beach with blue sky and blue sea, a group of foreign friends are singing and dancing, and believers wearing church clothes are worshiping towards the sea with enthusiasm and piety.

The gongs and drums are noisy, firecrackers are blasting, banners are fluttering, and there are huge crowds of people.

Balloons and flowers were placed like a large welcome scene.

"What...what's going on?" Lin Fan looked confused.

"This is the west coast of the Free State." Mr. Chen said speechlessly.

Lin Fan was confused at the moment!

The west coast of the Free State.

It was the place where another god was about to descend.

Why is there singing and dancing again?

The same vast ocean, but the two sides of the strait are completely different.

On one side is the Great Steel Wall, with strong ships and cannons ready to go, looking ready for battle.

On the other side, the country's gate is open, with singing and dancing, as if to welcome...

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