Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1226 Evil compatriots who are like villains

Lin Fan said nothing, and neither did Mr. Jin.

Their expressions gradually became ugly.

"The world is declining? Can't you endure hardship?" Lin Fan looked gloomy and said in a cold voice: "What the hell!"

"The soldiers are really fighting in front, just so that she and her family can eat hot pot on the warm floor when winter comes. She won't let the soldiers eat hot pot too? What, are the soldiers inferior to her? ?The soldiers should suffer from hunger, or should they freeze to death?"

"Now that we have the conditions, why can't we let the soldiers eat better and live better when they are working hard? You have to lie down in a snow nest when fighting, right?"

"Return to our ancestors... Are our ancestors willing to endure hardship? Our ancestors have to endure hardship!"

"It is indeed glorious for our ancestors to work hard for their dreams."

"But enduring hardship purely for the sake of suffering is never glorious!"

"The reason why our ancestors endured hardship is so that we, the younger generations, don't have to endure hardship! We don't have to endure the same hardship that they endured!"

"If our ancestors came back and saw that they had gone through so much hardship to build Daxia, and they made the soldiers lie down in their nests in the snow to eat fried noodles, our generation would be a disgrace to our ancestors! All our ancestors would have to Get up, slap our ears, and ask us what we have been doing all these years!” .🅆.🄲

That internet celebrity’s logic seems self-consistent.

But that doesn’t mean her logic is right!

In Lin Fan's opinion, her logic was just sophistry and full of deception!

Do our ancestors like to endure hardship?

Didn’t the ancestors who lay in their snow nests and ate cold fried noodles hope that Daxia at that time could provide them with steaming meals and the Great Wall with floor heating?

They hope!

But at that time, Daxia couldn’t do it!

That is Daxia’s shame, a shame that continues to this day!

The reason why people in Daxia work so hard is because the shame of enduring hardship is deeply imprinted in their memories, and they don’t want it to happen again!

But now, Daxia can do it!

Daxia allows soldiers to eat hot pot and live on the Great Steel Wall with floor heating while fighting against ice and snow!

This is what the ancestors most want to see, and this is also the best comfort to the ancestors!

Letting soldiers endure hardship and letting citizens endure hardship is never a glorious thing, but a shame!

It would be the greatest shame to let the younger generations endure the same hardships as their ancestors!

Lin Fan clicked on the profile of the little internet celebrity and saw that this little internet celebrity whom he had never seen before actually had millions of fans. He was obviously a big internet celebrity!

Jin Lao sighed: "Nowadays, many Internet celebrities, in order to gain traffic, make such disputes. Shang Weitian's attitude is to treat it coldly. After all, we represent the official..."

"What a waste of cold treatment!" Lin Fan said directly: "You have only had enough food for a few years and you don't know what's going on, what's going on, what's going on, what's going on, what's going on! This kind of culture must be killed!"

Mr. Jin nodded slightly: "Then how do you deal with it?"

Lin Fan said in a deep voice: "Don't they like to endure hardship? Isn't it glorious to endure hardship? Well, let them endure hardship!"

"Catch those Internet celebrities, find a few snow nests, and make them lie down for two days while ensuring their life safety. Let them eat fried noodles. Let's see how much they like to endure hardship! Ask them if they still want to eat fried noodles. It’s not honorable to be alone!”

"Isn't it too strict? They are also Daxia citizens..." Mr. Jin couldn't bear it. A veteran like him would be cruel to his enemies, but he would always treat his own people as brothers.


"Is it too much?" Lin Fan snorted coldly, without giving any face to Mr. Jin, and said solemnly: "The soldiers are fighting in the front, and they are stirring up trouble in the back to gain traffic. Isn't this eating the blood of the soldiers?"

"If I, the citizens of Daxia, think this way, criticizing the soldiers for the sake of traffic, and think that the soldiers should endure hardship, then who will protect our homeland and the country!"

Mr. Jin frowned, then nodded: "Yes, that's how it should be!"

"Catch them into a snow den, let them lie down for a few days, let them see whether it is honorable to endure hardship for the sake of suffering..." Lin Fan said, his smile suddenly became ferocious, and he smiled with a twisted face: "Jie Jie Jie Jie, let them feel the pain, feel the pain..."

Mr. Jin looked stunned: "You..."

This laughter is really too twisted and crazy, like a villain!

"It's okay," Lin Fan scratched his head and smiled helplessly: "I've been a little mentally disturbed lately..."

The suppressed "pain" in Lin Fan's heart and the contamination of the "killing" in the first blade made Lin Fan's heart a little twisted...

Mr. Jin suddenly became worried: "Are you okay? Why are you so perverted?"

"It's okay, just sing the march a few more times." After Lin Fan finished speaking, he suddenly said: "By the way, contact a few political commissars later to help me deepen my red thoughts and help me suppress this distortion."

Mr. Jin: "???"

Does this, does this still have this effect?

"Let's settle this matter first." Lin Fan sighed and gathered his thoughts: "By the way, where is the food? How about the food storage?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Mr. Jin rubbed his face, trying to regain his composure, and replied: "We are just waiting for winter to come...the ice bank can hardly hold it anymore!"

"Every house is full. It's really the hybrid varieties of winter creatures that grow too fast, and the sea beast meat is not eaten up. Even the shadow of the sea beast can help us develop the marine aquaculture industry."

"By the way, we also extracted DNA from the carcasses of those sea beasts and tried to hybridize it with ordinary seafood... The effect was also very powerful. The size, meat yield, and growth rate of the seafood all increased rapidly."

Lin Fan's expression changed: "It's getting bigger, can the people of Daxia handle it? Will it be dangerous?"

"Danger? Haha..." Mr. Jin handed over the tablet again.

That's a picture of an offshore fish farm.

I saw a young fisherman feeding his fish pond. Suddenly, a five-meter-long octopus jumped out of the fish pond!

"Hahaha, humans, suffer death!"

"Feel the revenge of my ocean!"

The octopus let out a piercing roar, a roar that humans could not understand.

Although not as good as the original pure-blooded octopus warriors, they are still first-class in strength!

The tentacles went straight towards the fisherman, as if they wanted to crush him alive!


The skinny fisherman's clothes burst and his muscles were ferocious!

The roaring hybrid octopus was suddenly shrouded in shadow. It raised its head and saw a kind smile and a man who looked like a lion.

"Confucius said: The smallest unit of 'strength' is the willfulness to carry out one's own will!"

"And you have no right to be willful in front of me!"

"Because you are not strong enough!"

The young fisherman waved his fists and made an afterimage!


Sixth grade!

The octopus screamed, ink splashed on the fisherman's face!

In just an instant, the octopus was directly blasted into fresh octopus meat!

"Don't you know that when I was studying aquaculture, I took Confucianism and Taoism as an elective? Do you have to bully me, an honest person who has no power to restrain a chicken?" The fisherman took a bite of octopus meat, and then said to the silent fish pond: "Remember? If you don’t want to die, just be honest, eat well, and grow fat quickly.”

"Don't even think about escaping from the fish pond. Let me tell you, now all primary school students outside need to have second-level strength to pass sports, otherwise they won't be able to graduate!"

"They are eager for you to escape. Daxia now has laws. If the hybrids dare to escape privately, everyone can kill them at will and eat them themselves!"

"If my breeding farm didn't have formal procedures, would you still want to grow up? You would have been slaughtered by the common people!"

"I kept you here to protect you, so don't be ungrateful!"

The fish pond is silent.

The octopuses looked at the Daxia people on the beach, whose eyes were glowing green, waiting for them to escape, and then looked at the young fisherman, eating desperately!

"That's right." The young fisherman smiled, "From now on, we will weigh each other every month and adopt the elimination system. Whoever has the least amount of meat will be killed!"

"You can also hate me... Then eat more. As long as you grow big enough, you may be able to defeat me! I will accept your challenge at any time! The strong have nothing to fear!"

"I know you hate me, and I want you to remember this hatred, feel the hatred of genocide, feel the pain of being powerless in the face of me because you are weak, and then, with this hatred and this pain, eat more food! Always! Don’t forget that it was your sea beast ancestors who exterminated my human race! Although it was your sea beast ancestors who wanted to invade us first, you must hate me. Eat more, grow bigger, and take revenge on me!”

"Only those who are strong enough can take revenge! Never forget the hatred of genocide and the pain of the weak!"

"Feel the hatred, feel the pain, eat more in this pain and hatred! Get bigger, get stronger! Revenge me, hahahaha!"

"You guys, hurry up and grow up, hurry up and become stronger, I'm waiting for you, Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

This Daxia fisherman stood in front of those trembling octopuses like an evil villain.

It can be said that hatred is used to increase production in reverse.

Lin Fan: "..."

He knew why Mr. Jin was laughing.


For these hybrid sea beasts, the humans of Daxia are the most dangerous and evil villains...

"Now the average strength of Daxia people has reached the third level. This includes the elderly and children. If they are adults, the average strength is at the fifth level."

"The average strength of the warriors is at level seven."

Mr. Jin looked at the hybrid octopus in the picture with sympathy, and said complicatedly: "Not to mention that they can't control it, the people of Daxia are eager for these hybrid animals to escape from the breeding farms. After all, you have to spend money to buy them..."

Lin Fan: "..."


He saw the fear in the hybrid octopus's eyes.

Daxia is really too dangerous.

Farms that comply with the procedures will protect them...

In other words, the laws of Daxia protected the breeding farms as private property from being robbed, and also indirectly protected these hybrid sea beasts... It allowed them to eat crazily with hatred for the human race and Daxia, become strong, and thus provide the world with Xia Wei is crazy about producing meat for the human race...

It is strange to say that in order to increase the production of these hybrid animals, the compatriots of Daxia even deliberately told them that humans had destroyed the ancestors they wanted to invade, so that these hybrid animals could feel pain and hatred, eat like crazy, and thus produce meat like crazy... It just looks like an evil villain bullying the weak.

My compatriots are like evil villains - Lin Fan felt complicated again.

Perhaps, those sea beasts who were killed on the Great Wall would also feel lucky that they did not successfully enter the land of Daxia alive.

Otherwise they will face deeper terror.

"Don't mention it, this hybrid is quite vigorous, and it's really big." Lin Fan couldn't help but admire.

Mr. Jin continued: "Of course, there are also cases where hybridization fails, such as fish with two tails, fish with three heads, frogs with eight legs, and even some fish that weigh ten pounds each and have eight pounds of heads. Oh, And an octopus with a hundred tentacles..."

"What? That thing...can it be eaten?" Lin Fan was shocked.

I just feel like a monster.

"Although it looks ugly, it is quite popular." Mr. Jin nodded: "People who like to eat braised fish tails, and people who like to eat silver carp heads, bullfrogs and barbecued octopus feet are very happy."

Lin Fan: "..."

I underestimated the DNA in the blood of the people of Daxia for delicious food.


As long as it tastes good, no matter how weird it looks, demand exceeds supply.

What if it doesn’t taste good?

Don’t worry, the people of Daxia will find a way to make it delicious no matter what kind of food they face...

"As for the other two major projects..."

Mr. Jin handed Lin Fan a tablet.

Lin Fan took it, and there was an overhead view of Daxia.

I saw that every town was surrounded by a city wall!

There are even villages and towns!

Lin Fan zoomed in on a city and saw that the 100-meter city wall surrounded the city and protected it completely, leaving only the main entrance and exit routes.

The cold wind of late autumn blew by, and the ring of standing city walls made a whining sound, like the earth opening its mouth and roaring in the cold wind!

Roaring Barrier, completed!

This is Daxia’s roar!

This is the roar of mankind in the face of the coming winter!

What to do when winter comes?

Build high walls and fix furnaces!

This is the wisdom taught by our ancestors!

And the stove...

Lin Fan looked down and saw that the bottom of each city had been hollowed out and reinforced, and scientific researchers were coming in and out one by one.

I saw that the roads have been renovated, and pipes extend from underneath the city, all over the city roads, and into every building!

It extends from the ground, crosses the Roaring Barrier, passes through the roads outside the city, and radiates to surrounding villages and towns!

Underground furnace, completed!

With the city as the core, underground furnaces are built one after another to provide floor heating to the city, and the floor heating pipes will also radiate under the roads, providing surrounding areas with

Villages and towns turn on floor heating!

Moreover, those floor heating pipes buried under the road can also ensure that the road will not be covered with snow and ice, maintaining the transportation capacity of the summer road network in the cold winter!

Of course, snow still needs to be removed regularly, but it is not difficult. Daxia has already increased production of snow plows and snow removal agents. Even Daxia Iron Cavalry, Daxia Iron Armor and Sea Beast Shadow can be sent to clear the snow on the road.

If that doesn't work, the orcs can also use it to clear the snow.

At this moment, even Lin Fan felt his mind tremble as he looked at the barriers, furnaces, and transportation network with pipelines in Daxia!

This is a unique project that even I can’t do!

Only Daxia, and only these 140,000,000 compatriots working together can do it! .🅆.

At this moment, he was extremely convinced that in this battle against the cold winter, this battle in which Daxia had suffered heavy losses, Daxia would win!

Moreover, victory will be effortless!

Because all the hard work has been paid before the battle!

"Most of the high-rise buildings in the south do not have floor heating. This time we have also renovated it. All high-rise buildings and bungalows have floor heating." Mr. Jin said next to him: "Even some farmland and breeding farms have installed floor heating. Floor heating.”

"Ensure that every common person can eat hot pot, look at the snow, and sing songs when winter comes."

Lin Fan smiled.

This is exactly what he dreamed of when he returned!

Winter is coming?

Then let the people of Daxia eat hot pot and sing songs!

"Where's Ou Fang?" Lin Fan suddenly asked.

After all, he is Daxia's comrade, so he still needs to be concerned about.

Ou Fang, under Lin Fan's suggestion, decided to adopt Daxia's previous strategy and build the Ice Crystal Great Wall.

"The temperature is not enough now and has not yet reached freezing point. They have not started building the Ice Crystal Great Wall yet. It will not start until another month, but it should be completed soon." Mr. Jin sighed: "I pity their soldiers over there. ”


Standing on the cold city wall, facing the cold wind, bathing in the ice and snow, and fighting against the cold winter.

The city wall should have been their support in the cold winter and their last source of warmth.

But even the city walls came from the cold winter.

Chilblains will appear on their hands and feet, and their bodies will sway. On the Great Wall where the breath turns to ice, even the guns that protect them will become cold, and the skin will be ripped off if touched.

And the guns that are supposed to roar and crush the enemy are likely to have problems in that environment and cannot fire smoothly.

They are also soldiers who defend their home and country, but the soldiers of Daxia can eat hot pot and step on the floor to warm themselves. The difference should not be too big.

But there is nothing we can do.

The gap in national power!

Attitude gap!

They do not have the terrifying national power of Daxia, nor do they have the attitude of being united and fighting to the death from the beginning!

"But there is no need to worry about food. During this period, they are focusing on agricultural production." Jin Lao said: "Although most of their land is submerged, the remaining land is barely enough for farming."

"Because all their steel needs to be used to make weapons, they have no farming equipment, and because they fled in a hurry, the people almost returned to the pastoral scenery of the Middle Ages. Fortunately, they still have a lot of history in this regard, and they are all farming and producing food... … should be able to produce enough bread, even if it’s just sour brown bread.”

Western medieval pastoral scenery?

Lin Fan sighed.

It seems like a good word, something to aspire to.

But it’s not really that beautiful!

A peasant woman carrying a basket and wearing a headscarf, harvesting leisurely?

A house made of stone, with a small romantic fireplace and warm firelight?

And the leisurely country style flute and mouth organ?

The truth is.

When you step on the soil to harvest, your fingers will be scratched by the leaves, and you will feel pain when you straighten your back.

This is almost impossible to see in Daxia, and every village rents large harvesting equipment for harvesting.

Only by experiencing it personally can you know how hard it is.

Even after working hard every day, the people in Europe are reluctant to eat a few more mouthfuls of food because they have to face a long winter next!

And all this is just so that when winter comes, the mother can hold her child, hide in a narrow, dark and damp stone house half buried underground, and have cold, dry bread to eat!

Maybe you can also rely on the weak flame of the small fireplace to get a little warmth and avoid freezing to death.

But it is limited to not being frozen to death. How can that small fireplace be comparable to floor heating? How can it compete with the cold winter?

What's more, it will make people choke and panic, and make people look disgraced.

And the people of Daxia will be in spacious and bright rooms, with floor heating, eating hot pot and singing... The gap is simply too big!

As for the leisurely country-style flute and mouth can they compete with the howling of the cold wind?

In other words, who would still be in the mood to be in a narrow, dark and damp stone house, in a cold environment, in a weak firelight, with the howling wind and snow pouring in outside the window, and after eating two bites of dry sourdough bread, not wanting to eat anymore? When you are hungry, play a leisurely harmonium and flute with a rustic atmosphere?

Is this romantic?

Hungry, cold, wet, dark, cramped and not romantic!

"But at least he won't starve to death." Mr. Jin sighed, "But it's also because the European side lost a large area of ​​land before, and the limited land must be used to grow food and maintain food supply. This leads to animal husbandry that requires pasture and a large amount of land. On the contrary, it doesn’t work anymore… Their reserves of meat, especially lipids, are very small.”

Agriculture is a production method that can produce maximum food on limited land.

Animal husbandry, on the other hand, will cause energy losses and the land utilization rate is not high, which is far less generous than agricultural output.

This is a choice that the European side has to face. Naturally, they can only choose to mainly develop agriculture that can maximize land output.

"Hey, let's do some resource exchange with them later. Use the food and coal and other energy they are in urgent need of for some resources they don't urgently need without increasing the price." Lin Fan sighed. After all, whether he was in a personal relationship with Brenda , or care for the comrades fighting side by side, Daxia can help them.

And there’s no price increase, which is quite righteous in this era when winter is about to come!

"Of course, this must be based on the fact that we have sufficient reserves."

"By the way," Lin Fan suddenly slapped his head and said, "Aren't you saying that the fat content in the meat of those winter creatures is too high, and that compatriots will easily become fat if they eat too much? In this way, the fat content will be reduced


Cut it out and sell it to them, or stir out the fat and sell it to them. "

"In this way, they can at least eat fat in the cold winter, which is the high-calorie food that can best withstand the cold, and our compatriots can control their fat intake to avoid gaining weight."


Lin Fan was very happy that he had come up with a good idea, but it still felt strange. Winter was coming, and Daxia was actually trying to control the nation's fat intake...

Simply magical realism.

"Yes. This is a very good and creative idea. I will convey it to Shang Weitian. This can also effectively control the increasing number of hyperlipidemia among the people!" Mr. Jin nodded and ordered his secretary to record it and pass it on immediately.

Lin Fan was shocked again, thinking that winter was coming, Oufang was frugally saving food, and as a result, all the people of Daxia now suffered from high blood fat?

And right now.

"Mr. Jin, this way..." A young soldier came running quickly.

When he saw Lin Fan, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Commander Lin, you, you are out of seclusion!"

All the infiltration operations of the gods of Great Xia were kept secret. What Great Xia announced to the outside world was that the gods of Great Xia and the members of the Alliance of Gods were in seclusion.

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded, "What's wrong?"

"There is something going on over at Da'anling, in the 32nd construction area. A body has been dug up!" The soldier said to Mr. Jin: "Old Jin, go and have a look!"

On Mount Olympus.

A dull cry echoed for a long time, and the thunder in the dark clouds also brightened and disappeared, as if the entire God Realm was crying for it.

The heartbreaking atmosphere made people cry.

On the top of Mount Olympus, the door of the Thunder Temple was closed tightly, and deafening cries were heard.

"My son, my son!"

"You died so miserably!"

"Oh my God!"

Outside, countless thunder gods stood there with complicated expressions, but they did not dare to step into the hall!

Zeus's most beloved child is dead!

Zhou Ni, the first young master, is dead!

"Father," a young man quickly passed by in the lightning, with a sad expression on his face, and walked into the hall: "I heard that my eldest brother..."

"Get out! Get out of here!"


In the lightning, the young man was suddenly swept away!

A God of Thunder quickly supported the young man: "Your Highness, the God King is in grief, please don't disturb me..."

It’s difficult!

The second child of Zeus, another child with pure blood!

"Alas." Zhou Nan looked sad, but his eyes suppressed a sense of happiness. He tried to keep his voice sad and said: "I didn't expect that the eldest brother would... Alas, what should I do now? Once the eldest brother dies, the young master will have to re-establish his position. , and the Olympus Conference is about to be held..."

"Father can't continue to be so sad!"

"Which one of you is going to persuade me? If it doesn't work, let's establish a young master first..."

Zhou Nan looked at several elders, but no one answered him.

No one tried to persuade me before, but they were all repelled by Zeus! Several of the elders were even beaten to the point of vomiting blood by the furious God King!

How can the pain of losing a child be so easy to persuade?

What's more, Zeuni was trained by Zeus since he was a child as the successor to the authority of the God King!

All the elders know that whoever goes in now to persuade others will be in trouble!

Right now.

"It's better for me to persuade you." A bald figure walked slowly over.

"You?" Zhou Nan was stunned.

Elder Lei Ming stepped forward quickly: "Your Highness, this is the God slave sold by Young Master North. He is deeply trusted by the God King. He may be able to cheer up the God King."

Zhou Nan looked at it slightly and said, "That's good work."

The First Emperor pushed open the door and walked in. In the main hall, he saw Zeus holding Zeuni's headless body and crying loudly, showing no majesty of an emperor!

Zeus looked up and saw the First Emperor, and suddenly roared: "How dare you come to see me! My son died because of your plan!"

"Congratulations to the God King." The First Emperor smiled.

"Congratulations? Congratulations for what? Congratulations on my son's death!" Thunder surged all over Zeus.

The divine power stirred up, but the First Emperor was not afraid at all, but smiled and said: "Of course, congratulations to Your Excellency, you will become the God Emperor who unifies all realms!"

"You..." Zeus's face changed, as if he was about to get angry.

"God King, don't be sad anymore."

"It's just a son, he will die if he dies!" The First Emperor laughed loudly: "How can an emperor stick to personal relationships?"

"Besides, you have more than one son!"

"On the contrary, if Zhou Ni is dead, great things will happen! Because of your son's death, the first step towards the unification of all realms has been taken!"

Zeus' eyes red from crying suddenly froze: " mean..."

"Now the entire Mount Olympus has heard the cry of grief from the God King. Every temple knows that Zeuni is dead and the God King is very sad!"

"And North is related to Zeoni's death!"

"If Zhou Ni is only seriously injured, maybe your attack on the Winter Temple is not so justified and is a bit far-fetched. Other temples will inevitably become suspicious." The First Emperor said proudly: "But now, God gives you the Winter Temple!"

"Zuni is dead, no matter how angry you are, it's still justified! Even if North has little to do with Zhou Ni's death, even if you attack the Winter Temple, it's still justified!"

"The unification of all realms begins from now on!"

"Do you think it's good for Zhou Ni to die?" The First Emperor sneered.

Zeus, who was originally sad, had bright thunder in his eyes, and his energy was surging!

"That's right!"

"The unification of all realms is the true great cause of an emperor!"

"Hahaha, sir, please untie the knot in my heart!" Zeus suddenly became enlightened. At this moment, he suddenly realized that his son's death was not meaningless!



"Zoni, it's such a good thing to die!"

"Death of a son, in exchange for my unification of all realms and my great career as an emperor! Hahaha!" Zeus hugged Zeuni's headless body with a stern smile: "Son, dad really didn't train you in vain, you're dead Great! What a good son of my Zeus!"

The First Emperor nodded slightly: "Now, it's time for you to show your grief to the gods."

"Then, attack the Winter Temple in a legitimate manner!"

After the words fell, God King Zeus, who had been sitting slumped before, slowly stood up: "Inform me, the meeting will be held in half an hour!"


Divine power surges, thunder shines!

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