Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1232 The son travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried

When the gods and young masters were interceding for Lin Fan, and when Zeus had clearly relented, Zeus suddenly took action!

That eternal spear struck Lin Fan like dazzling lightning!

At this moment, all the main gods and young masters did not react. Zeus's attack was really too unexpected!

They were still sighing in their hearts that it was rare for Zeus to speak easily for once, and they were still bowing their heads in thanks.

Even Lin Fan didn't expect that Zeus could be so changeable. Just now he said, "I didn't think it through", and the next second he turned against him!

The eternal spear carried the anger of the God King, passed by the gods who were still worshiping, and carried thousands of thunders, crashing towards Lin Fan!

It’s as if the space is shattering!

This is the wrath of the God King!


Lin Fan raised his head in astonishment. He only saw a flash of lightning quickly magnifying in his field of vision, and the dazzling thunder and lightning obscured everything!

Lin Fan wanted to do something.

After all, he had fought against Zeus, and even left safely under Zeus's gaze!

But that shot was too fast and too powerful!


Surrounded by thunder, the golden spear of eternity flew straight past Lin Fan like golden lightning!


That spear went straight into Lin Fan's face!

Blood splattered everywhere!

The Eternal Spear buzzed happily, the tip of the spear vibrated, and like a golden lightning, it instantly returned to Zeus's hand.


Lin Fan fell straight down. In this flash of lightning, let alone resistance and avoidance, Lin Fan didn't even have the chance to move his fingers!

For a moment, all the gods looked up in shock, and it was only then that they reacted.

Turning around to look, Lin Fan had fallen to the ground, covered in blood and motionless.

"God King..."

Young Master Jesse looked at Lin Fan in disbelief. He really didn't expect that Zeus would kill Young Master North like this!

At this time, the gods of Daxia also reacted.

Xingye stared blankly at Lin Fan, who was lying in a pool of blood. His eyes instantly turned red, like an angry lioness looking at Zeus, and said one word at a time: "You, kill him?"

There is no fear in his eyes, only murderous intent!

The other gods of Great Xia also looked livid, their divine power surging within their bodies, as if they were ready to take action at any time!

In fact, if they get their hands dirty here.

With the current strength of the gods of Great Xia, Zeus will not die.

On the contrary, in front of Zeus, in this hall where many gods gather, none of the gods of Daxia can escape!


At this moment, no one is afraid!

Because Zeus dared to kill the supreme commander of Daxia? !

Not even the God King can do it!

Daxia people's hatred is engraved in their bones. They will never sit back and watch their family members being killed because of the strength of their enemies!

Zeus looked at Xingye expressionlessly: "It's enough for the gods to dissuade me. How dare a slave of the gods from the lower world dare to question me?"

Xingye didn't speak, her eyes were determined, and her right hand reached for the dagger at her waist.

Bai Qi also had a sinister smile on his face.


At the moment when Xingye and the gods of Daxia were about to take action, when all the gods were filled with astonishment.

A voice sounded.

"No, it's okay..."

"I'm not dead."

The gods were silent, and the gods of Xingye and Daxia were also stunned, and turned to look at Lin Fan with disbelief on their faces.

I saw,

Young Master North, who had the Eternal Spear inserted into his face, staggered and slowly got up.

He slowly wiped the sticky blood from his face.

Revealing the face beneath the blood.

His face remained the same, but his left eye had become hollow and black.

The eyes that once exuded a frightening sharp light were now empty. Only the hollow eye sockets were slightly smokey and blood was slowly flowing down.



Blood streaked across Lin Fan's face and dripped from his chin. The only sound left in the hall was the patter of blood dripping to the ground.

"Young Master North..."

"Your eyes..."

Young Master Jesse looked at Lin Fan in astonishment.

Xingye and the gods of Daxia also clenched their fists.

Lin Fan survived, but one eye was destroyed!

The heartbreaking pain came from those empty eye sockets, making his soul throb, and Lin Fan's whole body was trembling.

But this kind of pain was bearable for Lin Fan.

Because he has experienced real pain. Losing an eye is incomparable to seeing mountains and rivers shattered and compatriots slaughtered!

That is the real pain!

The pain is beyond all injuries on the body, as if the soul has been torn apart inch by inch!

Lin Fan even enjoyed this kind of physical pain morbidly, because it reminded him that he was still alive and Daxia was still there!

The pain that spread throughout his body gathered deep in Lin Fan's heart. The twisted heart that was buried deep and filled with "pain" greedily devoured it, and a drop of "pain" slowly flowed out.

"I said... I'm fine." Lin Fan touched the empty socket of his left eye and looked at Zeus with his only right eye.

His eyes were angry, yet frightened!

The terrifying scene of the eternal spear wrapped in thunder and lightning, with a hint of destruction, like golden lightning hitting his face, echoed in Lin Fan's mind!

The thunder in the sky covered everything, and Lin Fan seemed to be completely destroyed in the thunder, dissipated into nothingness, and turned into a wisp of smoke!

It wasn't until that moment that he felt the terror of Zeus!


Destroy everything!

Maybe it was because Zeus suffered a series of defeats in Shenzang last time, or maybe it was because he held the first blade and left safely under the nose of Zeus.

In short, Lin Fan didn't have any feelings at all.

But facing that shot, Lin Fan finally felt the terror of Zeus!

Now, facing Zeus without holding the first blade, I am not even qualified to dodge!

Not even qualified to take out the first blade from the space ring!

He didn't even have time to move his fingers!

This is the strength of God King Zeus! This is what he relies on to become the God King!

Absolute crushing strength!

This god-king was like a low-key swordsman, seemingly inconspicuous among the powerful ones Lin Fan had seen such as Crowley, the King of Hell, Amy the First Demon, and the Lord of Time.

But when he actually wields his sword, people realize how powerful he is!

Throughout the God Realm, some say he is too domineering, while others say he is too cruel.

But no one has ever said that this God King is not strong enough!

The most powerful god in the God Realm now, the well-deserved King of the Gods!



Come to think of it, if I hadn't held the first blade in my hand last time and mastered the majestic and pure [killing] from Cain in the first blade, I wouldn't have had a chance to speak!

The reason why I was able to leave from Zeus's eyes last time was all with the help of the power of the First Blade!

Without the first blade, he is like an ant, an ant that Zeus can easily crush!

Even if there is suppressed [pain] in my heart!

That is to say, Zeus had no killing intention just now. The spear of eternity accurately pierced his left eye without scoring another point, and the [Destruction] was not released. Otherwise, he would have been a corpse before he could react. corpse.

But even so, under the [Destruction] and thunder, his left eye instantly turned into powder.

No matter how he despised Zeus before, at this moment, Lin Fan also felt the power of this god king!

This is the strength of being a God King!

Without the First Blade in his hand and without the power of the First Blade, Lin Fan was not even qualified to dodge.

In fact, it is useless to dodge, that is the eternal spear that [must hit]!

Seeing that Lin Fan was still alive, all the gods in Daxia breathed a sigh of relief, but Xingye still stared at Lin Fan's empty left eye with extremely distressed eyes.

The other gods also looked at Lin Fan's empty eyes with complicated expressions.

they know.

Zeus takes action, not only against Young Master North!

It is also to punish them who dare to contradict Zeus for the sake of Young Master North!

I took action against North and you couldn't stop me. Then I took action against you who dared to contradict me. Did you stop me?

Even if I kill North, do you really dare to be an enemy of me, the God King Zeus?

King, you must not disobey!

Perhaps it is because since the disappearance of Odin's lineage, Zeus, who became the God King, has not really shown his strength for a long time.

After so many years, these main gods may have forgotten the power of Zeus, the ruthlessness of Zeus, and the terrifying figure holding the eternal spear, stepping on the corpses of countless gods, covered in blood, accompanied by thunder and lightning, walking out step by step.

Even this time, the main gods even dared to unite to refute Zeus's decision and disobey the god king.

Even those little brats dared to stand up!

But at this moment, they finally realized.

God King, still the same God King!

Zeus is still the king who took away the Titans and defeated the Odin gods!

His thunder has annihilated countless gods. His name once became the nightmare of the Titans. That eternal spear has been stained with the blood of countless powerful gods in the Odin pantheon!

This is the King who emerges from destruction!

During the battle to become the God King, the name Zeus once made the entire God Realm tremble!

He was also the [Rebel] who even frightened Odin, the God-King at the time!

In those battles, Zeus seemed to be invincible, leading the gods of the Zeus pantheon with great strength, sweeping across the divine world, defeating the Odin pantheon again and again, and finally driving Odin off the throne!

His road to becoming a king was filled with blood and destruction!

He is the God-King who stepped on the corpse of the Odin pantheon!

Zeus used his strength to remind them of the terrible Zeus of the past, and also reminded them of one thing - King, you must not disobey!

"Thank you God King." Lin Fan let his empty left eye continue to drip blood, clasped his hands into fists, squeezed out a grateful smile, and bowed to Zeus.

"Thank you God King for your forgiveness!"

Many main gods and young masters also bowed to Zeus one after another, showing great respect and not daring to breathe too loudly.

What is strong?

This is powerful!

Even if you prick one of the other person's eyes in person, the other person still has to stand up and say thank you!

This is the authority of the God King!

"I haven't been angry for so long that you have forgotten who I was and dared to disobey me?"

Zeus's voice was like thunder. He glanced at Lin Fan and the many young masters, remained silent for a moment, and continued: "But if you think about it carefully, what you said makes sense."

"After all, North is Poseidon's child."

"Besides, this time Shenzang actually performed well..."

"But, no matter what, he is inseparable from the death of my son Zeus."

"And I am a father who just lost his son!"

His voice was full of anger. At this moment, he was just angry at the grieving father because of the death of his child!

"North, I hope you remember that you can live because I allow you to live."

Zeus looked at North with suppressed anger in his eyes.

"For the sake of your father and the gods who are interceding for you, I will not kill you."

"But you can escape the death penalty, but you can't escape the living penalty!"

"I blinded one of your eyes as punishment!"

"Someone must pay the price for my child's death, and someone must bear my anger! Not just the Shura God, but everyone who has a relationship!"

"I...I want you to suffer the pain of losing a loved one!"

"Poseidon is my brother and he has done a lot for me. I can't touch him!"

"But, your mother...the winter goddess Chione..."

"Her child caused my child to die. She will bear my wrath!"

Zeus's voice was like thunder in the sky, and the bright and dazzling thunder faces in the sky looked down on the gods and spread like wildfire: "From today on, I, the Thunder Temple, will destroy the Winter Temple!"

"If you kill my son, I will destroy your entire temple!"

This is the tyranny of the God King, the anger of the God King!

For a moment, the entire temple was silent, and all the gods' eyes widened!

Destroy a temple!

If a child is killed, let him be buried in a temple!

How many years have passed since Zeus sat on the throne, and the major temples seem to have remained unchanged!

And today, Zeus is going to destroy one!

No one doubts whether Zeus can do it, because the Winter Temple is the weakest temple besides the Ocean Temple.

Whether it is the Winter Goddess Chione or the Winter Temple, they are vulnerable to Zeus and the Thunder Temple!

But the Temple of Destruction... is still a temple after all!

For a moment, many main gods looked in horror!

North has something to do with the death of Zeuni, so you are going to kill his mother and destroy the Winter Temple... This will inevitably make the major gods tremble.

"Does anyone have any opinions?" Zeus looked around.

Lord Aoki couldn't sit still and said in a deep voice: "God King, the destruction of the temple is of great concern. You'd better calm down. After all, North is just..."

"My son is dead!!" Zeus was dazzling with thunder, just like the anger in his heart!

My son is dead, how can you tell me to calm down!

At this moment, Zeus is just a father who wants to avenge his children!

"God King..." The Lord Qingmu's face was complicated, and he tried to muster up the courage: "Just like this, a temple will be destroyed..."

The other main gods also had complicated expressions.

In fact, they can almost understand Zeus. After all, he is a father who has lost his child. He looks completely overwhelmed by sadness and anger.

But who among you is not the master of a temple?

Today you, Zeus, just destroyed a temple, even though it was just the Winter Temple, but what about tomorrow?

After all, these main gods of the temple are all our own, and no one can guarantee whether the next one will be them.

He pleads for the Winter Temple, not for the Winter Goddess Chione. After all, the Winter Goddess Chione is a completely leftover woman, and Poseidon only cares about her, but they don't care about her at all.

Or because I’m worried about myself!

"That's it? My son is dead. Isn't that enough? Do you still think it's just that, and why are you pleading for Chione?"

Zeus's eyes were filled with thunder and lightning, and he looked at the Lord Aoki with a solemn look: "What, your Aoki Temple is also related to my son's death?"

The Lord of Swords had a complex expression: "I just..."

"I know what you are worried about!" Zeus' eyes were fierce: "But this time, it was my son who died! I destroyed the Winter Temple!"

"As long as you don't touch my bottom line like the Winter Temple and have nothing to do with the death of my child, I will not touch any temple!"

"Or do you want to kill my son too?"

As soon as these words came out, Lord Qingmu quickly said: "I don't dare!"

"Do you have any other opinions?" Zeus' voice carried Wang Wei's power and he asked through gritted teeth.

"no comment!"

Lord Aoki was relieved at this time. After all, Zeus had expressed his stance that as long as these temples did not touch his bottom line and were not involved in the death of his children, he would not attack them.

This is reassuring.

After all, who had nothing to do with the death of Zeus' child?

Zeus's children, even if they are just illegitimate children, may be looked down upon by other temples in private, but they must be treated with respect on the surface!

The main god of the temple even nodded slightly - it seems that this time Zeus was really angry just because of Zeuni's death and went to attack the Winter Temple. Instead of attacking other temples out of ambition.

In fact, it is understandable, after all, Zeuni is the successor to the authority of the God King trained by Zeus.

"Do you have any objections to my decision?" Zeus looked at North.

Lin Fan, who lost his left eye, endured the excruciating pain, knelt on one knee, and said solemnly: "Please God King, please don't kill my mother. If you want to kill me, just kill me!"

"I was the cause of Brother Zhouni's death. Please ask the God King to kill me!"

"Don't let it affect my mother!"

For a moment, the gods looked approvingly.

Didn't see it.

This young master North is still a filial son.


Faced with North's request.

"Nos, I won't kill you!" Zeus looked at Lin Fan and said solemnly: "Because, my brother Poseidon will definitely not be able to accept your death!"

Lin Fan agreed in his heart.


Poseidon really couldn't accept it.

The main reason is that even though I want to accept it, I can’t accept it…

Zeus's voice did not stop, and he said in a deep voice: "But, your mother, Chione, the goddess of winter... although she is your biological mother, my brother has not much affection for her!"

"So, your mother is going to die!"

"Remember, this is not because I wanted to kill your mother, it was your actions that brought disaster to your mother!"

"You killed your mother! It's all because of you!"

"Instead of killing you, I will make you live with guilt and pain. Every day for the rest of your life, you will be immersed in the pain of killing your mother!"

Every time he said a word, the corner of Zeus's mouth twitched, as if suppressing his anger and hatred to prevent himself from taking action against North.

Only Lin Fan knew that Zeus was so happy that he almost laughed.

Wherever he was suppressing his anger, he was clearly suppressing his laughter.

The Winter Temple is right in front of you!

It was for this scene that Zeus convened the Olympus Congress!

Just for this bit of vinegar, I made this dumpling!

Now, he can finally attack the Winter Temple openly and openly under the watchful eyes of many temples!

Zeus stared at North, suppressing the joy in his heart and pretending to be fierce: "You must remember that your mother paid the price for you! Your mother died for you!"


"Such a vicious punishment! So cruel!" Lin Fan stumbled and fell to the ground, begging: "No, no, no, kill me, please kill me, don't kill my mother!"

"This, this will make my life worse than death. Please, kill me... Please, kill me!"

Many gods were moved again.

Too filial.

She is so protective of her mother!

Moreover, Zeus's punishment was too terrible. No wonder he didn't kill North, but killed North's mother. He wanted to make North's life worse than death!

Presumably, North will be immersed in pain, regret and sadness every day after that!

For North, a filial son, this is even more uncomfortable than killing him!

"I just want to make your life worse than death!" Zeus said coldly: "North, you must live well!"

"This is the biggest punishment for you!"

As soon as these words came out, North was stunned.

"What, what else do you want to say now?" Zeus looked at North and said.

"Everyone is responsible for what he does. I did it, and I should pay the price..." North's eyes turned red: "Since you have to kill my mother, let me taste the pain and regret of losing my mother... You go ahead and kill me. !”

"Rather than letting my mother grieve over my would be better for me to bear the pain and regret on my mother's behalf!"

Many main gods: "..."

Something seems wrong.

But nothing seems wrong.

Young Master Jesse even looked at him with admiration: "It's so good that one person can do things for everyone. Young Master North, you really have the courage to take on the responsibility!"

"Yes," Xiao Lisi, the young master of the Temple of Power who was not very smart, also sighed: "The pain of losing his mother... He is really a person who dares to bear it. Although Nachione lost his life, Nos But I have to live in regret and pain every day in the future! Is this the real disaster that brings harm to my family?"

"Everyone, this matter has been decided! I, the Thunder Temple, will handle the rest of the matter myself!"

Zeus slowly raised his head and said solemnly: "From today onwards, I, Thunder Temple,


Officially declare war with the Temple of Winter! "

"I will lead the Thunder Temple to attack the Winter Temple! Go straight to the Mother of North!"

"Use her head to bury my son Zhou Ni with her!"

"Let North live in pain and regret from now on to atone for the death of my son Zeuni!"

Many of the main gods had complicated expressions. They looked at the sad face of Nos and then at the empty seat of the winter goddess Chione with a snowflake pattern.

They didn't speak again.

After all, Zeus had already intimidated them just now, and they persuaded Zeus to be tolerant by almost forcing him into the palace.

As a result, Zeus blinded North with his backhand. Although he would not kill North, he would destroy the entire Winter Temple and make North's life worse than death!

It can be said that this is more terrifying than killing North!

This is not only Zeus's revenge on North, but also Zeus's beating of his own gods and young masters who dare to disobey and intercede for North!

You beg for mercy, okay, I'll give you face.

I won’t kill North anymore, I will only blind him in one eye.

Kill him directly with your backhand!

I won’t kill Nos, but I will make Nos’s death even more uncomfortable!

Many gods have noticed Zeus's deep meaning after all this.

You beg for mercy and I will give you face.

But don’t forget, who is the king of the gods!

Zeus was telling them that the God King cannot be disobedient!

The authority of the God King cannot be challenged!

In their view, the destruction of the Winter Temple and North's life worse than death were, in some respects, caused by their dissuasion.

How dare you persuade me again?

With Zeus's current rage, he might get involved too!

Seeing North, who was worse than dead, lying on the ground helpless and crying sadly, Young Master Jesse's expression became more and more guilty, and he whispered: "If I had known, I shouldn't have persuaded him... Oh, I'm really sorry for North Young Master Si."

But on the other hand, these chief gods can also understand Zeus.

After all, his son died, and he was a father who was filled with anger and lost his sense.

After that, he continued to be defeated in front of God Shura and Loki, and even the main gods and young masters of the halls under his seat tried to stop him!

Now this angry and irrational father vented his anger on the Winter Temple. Although it took a while, but... it is understandable!

They also saw the angry, painful, and desperate look of Zeus, and could understand Zeus's crazy revenge.

The faces of many main gods are extremely complex.

No one expected that this meeting would develop to this point, and the Thunder Temple would actually declare war to destroy the Winter Temple!

This meeting is enough to be written into the history of the divine world!

This is the meeting that marks the fall of the Winter Temple!

Over the years, since the pattern of the God Realm has been established, not a single temple has been destroyed. Even if they bully those weak temples, they have never really thought about destroying them!

It can be predicted that the Winter Temple is destined to be destroyed!

All the gods present knew that under the wrath of Zeus and the Thunder Temple, the fate of the Winter Temple had been doomed, and the future had been written.

And the other side.

The endless snowfield, the biting cold wind, and the roar of snow beasts.

Made of ice crystals, crystal clear, outside the ancient and ancient Winter Temple, the winter goddess Chione stood in front of the door, standing in the biting ice and snow, looking at the gloomy sky with a worried look.

"I really don't know how my son North is doing now, is he still alive..."

"My son, North, must come back alive."

She had heard from some temples that in that divine treasure, Nos was actually involved in Zhou Ni's death!

North didn't even get back to the Winter Temple and went to attend the Olympus Conference hosted by Zeus.

And Zeus wouldn't let her attend. Obviously, that meeting was aimed at North, so he deliberately didn't let his mother attend!

Maybe Zeus wanted to blame North for Zeuni's death and execute North to vent his anger!

As the saying goes, the mother worries when her son travels a thousand miles.

Although she has no real maternal love for North, in any case, North is now the link between her and Poseidon, the link between the Winter Temple and the Ocean Temple!

If North was gone, Poseidon would definitely not share with her the infinite potential plane discovered by the Ocean Temple!

Although she has no motherly love for North.

However, this is a link of interest related to the revival of the Winter Temple!

If North dies, then her Winter Temple will never be able to revive and can only remain weak!

But as long as North lives...she, the Winter Temple, will regain its glory!

The glory and splendor of this palace all belong to Nos!

At this time, Chione was like a mother standing in the biting ice and snow, waiting for her child to come home at the entrance of the village. She looked worriedly at the sky in the distance, her green-white fingers entangled together, and the surrounding snowflakes were flying rapidly.

"My son North, you must come back alive..."

"If you die, then our Winter Temple will never be able to regain its former glory!"

"You must not be killed by Zeus... As long as you can come back alive, anything can be said... With Poseidon's face, Zeus shouldn't kill you... As long as you don't die, anything can be said..."

"You must come back alive."

"Great Goddess of Winter, please bless Noss for his safe return. I am willing to use anything to exchange for the safe return of my son Noss."

"As long as I, North, can come back alive, relying on the infinite potential plane discovered by the Ocean Temple, I, the Winter Temple, will definitely rise!"

"North, come back North...come back with the glory of my Winter Temple..."

The mother was worried about Lin Fan's safety.

His eyes were full of hope, looking at the sky in the distance expectantly, expecting that North would appear in the next second and return home with the splendor and glory of the Winter Temple.

She seemed to see the rise of the Winter Temple.

But what Chione didn’t know, what those main gods participating in the meeting didn’t know.

In the dark, dense writing appeared on a silk scarf, "With the cooperation of Lin Fan's disguised North, Zeus can finally attack the Winter Temple without exposing his ambitions."

"The Temple of Winter will usher in complete destruction, and its fate has come to an end."

"But Chione's fate will not end with this, nor will it come to an end."

"Following the guidance of fate, she will usher in a turning point of fate, a fateful turning point, and the gears of fate will turn..."

I haven't been in a good state the past few days. I have been dealing with some things and can't calm down.

So my mind was buzzing with clerical errors such as "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty", "Li Guang of the Tang Dynasty", "Mind Reader", and "Lin Fan" was written as "North".

Make some adjustments today, calm down and write well.

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