Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1254 The floor heating is a bit too hot


Button pressed.

The next moment, a voice came from the intercom.

"This is the command center. The main switch of the underground furnace project has been turned on! Authorization issued!"

"National underground furnace project, testing begins!"

"The first trial run of the Shangjing underground furnace project! Begin!"

"The first trial operation of Jin City's underground furnace project! Start!"

"The first trial run of the Heilong City underground furnace project! Start!"

"Jishi...the first trial run! Start!"

From the intercom, there were gentle but excited voices!

In the brightly lit underground furnaces, scientific researchers in white coats looked serious, facing the steel behemoth in front of them, and pressed the button.

Just a moment.


A low roar began to resound throughout Daxia, like a dragon's roar!

Six hundred and sixty underground furnaces began to operate!

Like the ferocious beasts underground opening their eyes and roaring!

At this moment, all the scientific researchers scattered around clenched their fists, stared at the instrument in front of them, and breathed rapidly.


"Damn it, we can't fail!"

"If this fails, then we are sinners!"

"It's impossible to fail. We stayed here for several months and stayed up all night for this thing. We didn't even have time to eat... It's impossible to fail!"

The researchers had sweat on their foreheads. Some of them had extremely long hair that hadn’t been cut in months, some had unkempt beards, and some had obviously lost a lot of weight, but their eyes were bright!

The buzzing sound that resounded through the Great Xia, like a dragon's roar, slowly dissipated, like a ferocious beast roaring, and returned to calm.

Each nuclear power device, after going through the initial start-up stage, operates quietly under the gaze of everyone!


White mist spreads out from the vents under the roaring ramparts of each city like the breath of a giant beast.

It was steam turned from harmless cooling water, making the roaring barriers look like a fairyland on earth. Every city was surrounded by white mist spewing out from below.

At the same time, it was obviously early autumn, but under the white mist, the dry and cold air became moist and warm!

In every underground furnace, busy scientific researchers quickly collect statistics and observe abnormalities.

Every second seems extremely long.

Mr. Chen clenched his fists, looking nervous and excited. He stared at the data beating on every panel in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Underground furnaces from all over the country report the status!"

"The underground furnace in Shangjing City has been opened. Everything is normal now and we are ready to connect to the national heating pipeline network!"

"The underground furnace in Guangzhou has been opened. Everything is normal now and we are ready to connect to the national heating pipeline network!"

"The underground integration in Ji City has been completed. Everything is normal now and we are ready to connect to the national heating pipeline network!"

"Jingnan City..."

Thousands of reports, continuous!

At this moment, on the Great Xia territory, every city that had already had red lights on turned on yellow lights again below. The red light and yellow light combined to become a warm orange color like a flame. .

For a moment, Lin Fan felt the temperature rise even though he was on the Great Wall of the North!

A sense of warmth, ready to go in the late autumn that is coming this winter!

Mr. Chen took a deep breath and said slowly: "Underground furnaces in various places are connected to the national heating pipeline network!"

"Let's heat the floor for Daxia!"

this moment.




In underground furnaces across the country, scientific researchers pulled down the huge gates almost simultaneously!

"Turn on the floor heating!"

Just a moment.


The ground throughout Daxia seemed to be shaking. The pipes buried deep under major roads such as national highways, provincial highways, and expressways were shaking violently, and there was the sound of water flowing inside!

Hot water is flowing at this moment!

The scalding water heated by nuclear energy in the underground furnace is gushing and flowing in the pipes under the ground!

They carry heat to the ground in the city above and to heating pipes in buildings.

It also follows the underground pipelines extending from the city and along the main roads, continuously bringing the rolling heat to the surrounding towns and rural areas!

With the underground furnace of each city as the core, it radiates to surrounding villages and towns through the surrounding roads!


The whole of Daxia seems to be echoing with the sound of the place where it comes from


The sound of water falling, scalding hot water rushing underground in late autumn!

The cold ground in late autumn became warm instantly, and the ground in the north that had begun to freeze slightly melted and evaporated quickly!

The heat from every underground furnace surges out at this moment, covering the whole country with major transportation roads as the core!

The pipeline network buried deep under the roads has become Daxia's floor heating, transporting heat to all parts of the country!

This is the floor heating installed by Daxia people on this land!

This is a gathering of blood and sweat from all over the country!

This is a floor heating pipeline network that has never been seen before and shocked the gods, spanning the country and covering the entire territory of Daxia!

In order to build this terrifying floor heating network, Daxia people are like ants, digging up the vast land inch by inch and laying pipes.

Some houses without heating, such as private houses in towns and villages that burn their own coal, and houses without heating facilities in the south, have been renovated and included in the national floor heating network.

But now, this floor heating created by 140 million citizens with astonishing power is bursting out with astonishing heat when winter is approaching!

The underground furnaces were suddenly released like suppressed ferocious beasts, and the rolling heat rushed out along the heating pipes!

The workers and soldiers standing under the roaring barrier were stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's so hot!"

"It's obviously autumn...why is it suddenly summer?"

"Has the underground furnace been tested?"

"It's so fun. It's so hot just standing outside. If I go back home... ugh, I can't even think about it!"

"Fortunately, I'm smart. As soon as I was informed, I immediately prepared short-sleeved shirts today!" A worker laughed and took off his coat, revealing the short-sleeved shirt underneath.

There are also smart fellows who have been ready for a long time, and immediately started selling insulated boxes: "Ice cream, ice cream, each one costs three yuan!"

"Fellow, what do you have?" A soldier who forgot to prepare short sleeves asked quickly because he was too hot.

"The kind that cost a dollar a piece on the market!" The fellow laughed.

Soldier: "... profiteer."

The fellow's face turned red: "Don't look at me like that. I also participated in the construction of this floor heating network. In the past few months, I drove a truck to help you pull earth. Now that the floor heating network is open, I can make some money." Well!"

The soldier laughed, feeling instantly friendly, and said with a smile: "Ah, you also participated in the construction, so we are comrades in arms. It's your turn to earn this money! Here are ten! Give one to each person in my class!" "

There are even people in the south who have been waiting at home early. When they feel the warmth, they instantly become happy.

"Mom, can you feel it? It's not cold anymore!"

"I tried it out, and it turns out this is floor heating!"

My mother stepped on the warm floor with a look of surprise and joy: "There is such a thing in the north... How did we know about it now? It's such a good thing. I thought that people in the north would shiver at home like us in the winter, and why? Fortunately, we are in the south, but I saw a video some time ago and realized that people in the north wear short-sleeved shirts at home to eat ice cream in the winter... We are the only ones who are upright!"

"Great, now we also have floor heating! Don't tell me, it's so warm."

"Son, take out the ice cream we prepared, and let's try eating the ice cream while stepping on the floor heater!"

The son excitedly took out the prepared ice cream from the refrigerator and said with a smile: "It's actually quite good to say that the gods have come, otherwise we wouldn't be able to legitimately popularize heating here... Thank you, god, old man. !”

They say the south is not cold.

In fact, winter in the south is more difficult than in the north... The temperature of 12 or 3 degrees Celsius is indeed not freezing to death, but it is really cold... it is so cold that even getting into bed is cold.

Now that the floor heating is turned on, the people in the south, bathed in the warmth, suddenly feel that the gods have come to bring welfare... Thank you Lao Tie for the heating!

At the same time, on the Daxia map in front of Lin Fan, the cities lit up with orange light, and the orange light began to rapidly extend outside the cities!

Follow the roads and flock to villages and towns!

Just like a long dragon, it grows in the territory of Daxia.

In just ten minutes, the territory of Daxia was covered with warm orange light. Those lights used the roads as the hub, lighting up every village and town!

Even the Great Wall of the North is lit up!

When the Great Wall of the North lit up, even Lin Fan felt it instantly. A wave of warmth came over, covering the Great Wall of the North. The sound of water came from the floor under his feet, and scalding hot water surged in the majestic Great Wall. !

In late autumn, frost has begun to condense in this far north, but at this moment, the ice

The cold air becomes warm!

In the cold wind of late autumn, the heat of the whole summer is rising!

Strictly speaking, it's even a little too hot...

Mr. Chen was sweating on his forehead. He looked nervously at the map in front of him and the data jumping on the screen. He clutched the walkie-talkie as if waiting for something.


The territory is completely lit up with a light that symbolizes warmth.

The data stabilizes.

"The underground furnace in Ji City is connected to the Daxia heating network, everything is normal!"

"The underground furnace in Shangjing City is connected to the Daxia heating network and everything is normal!"

"The underground furnace in Guangzhou is connected to the Daxia heating network and everything is normal!"

"……everything is normal!"

Amidst the reports, Mr. Chen smiled.

He looked at the Daxia territory that was completely enveloped in warm light, took a deep breath, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said slowly: "Everyone, today is a day worthy of being recorded in history."

"We heated the floor for Daxia!"

"Winter is coming, let's raise the fire for summer!"

"We have raised a furnace against the cold for our 140,000 compatriots!"

"Everyone has worked hard during this time!"

"I-thank you everyone!"

Mr. Chen's voice sounded in the headsets in the ears of every scientific researcher.

Those scientific researchers stood in front of the floor heating network covering the entire Great Xia, and in front of the nuclear power equipment that was running quietly like a domesticated beast, their eyes were red. It was an indescribable sense of accomplishment!

They loudly vented their joy and the hard work of the past few months.

"It's done!"

"Underground furnace, successful!"

"Hahaha, we raised the floor heating for Daxia!"

"Winter is coming, and summer comes with a stove!"

"We are not afraid of winter, and the summer is not afraid of winter!"

I recall the scenes of the past few months in my mind. During this period, it was not only the workers and soldiers who worked hard, but also the scientific researchers who devoted themselves wholeheartedly.

Although Daxia is now a powerful country, it provides them with the best, good food and good housing.

But I am too busy and I dare not neglect it at all!

Almost everyone forgets to cut their hair, stays up all night, doesn't even have time to eat, and even forgets to take a shower for a month.

Some people even spend their food, clothing, housing and transportation in this underground furnace that never sees the light of day. They just watch various data and calculate it all day long, and they check the data more than a hundred times just by checking it.

Some of their parents died of illness, but they could only kowtow to say goodbye over the phone.

Some of their children have just been born and have been here for a few months without even seeing the children in person.

Some of them had just gotten married and came here without telling their lovers.

And now.

"Honey," a young scientific researcher suddenly picked up the phone, only to be greeted by an angry shout from the other side.

"You bastard, you have the nerve to call me. Where have you been in the past few months? You haven't responded to my messages no matter what. Where have you been fooling around? Did you find a mistress? Do you want to divorce me... …”

The young man smiled and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, stop arguing. I'll tell you what I did."

"I haven't been fooling around or having a mistress during this period. Well, I...I'm burning the stove for Daxia."

"Now the project is done. No need to keep it secret..."

The young man turned to look at the quietly operating nuclear power plant, smiling with his eyes as affectionate as if he were looking at a mistress. In other words, this nuclear power plant was his real wife in his heart...

The other side was stunned for a moment: "Burn the stove? Wait, you...are you..."

"Are you very warm now? That's the stove I burned for you. In the past few months, I can't see you, but I have been burning this stove for you. Okay, don't be angry..." The young scientific researcher smiled.

There was a sudden pause over there.

The angry heart was suddenly rendered speechless by the sudden warmth.

"There's no way I won't be angry! I will never forgive you! I've actually been jealous of a stove for several months, and let a stove beat me! This makes me even more angry!" came a voice from the other end of the phone. A choked voice: "Tell me, where are you now? I will find you right now! I will give you a good deal today! In the past few months... I will squeeze you dry and give you a child. Take good care of you!"

"I work in the black market underground furnace near our home. Although it is now established, I still can't live without it... In a few days, in a few days I will go home for a rest, and you can take good care of me." The young man smiled fondly. Laughing, I finally hung up the phone.

"Is the fight over?"


The team leader in his forties next to him also just put down the phone and smiled.

The young man said awkwardly: "My wife is very angry. She wants to eat me alive."

"Nonsense, you've been here just a few months since you got married. It would be strange if you're not angry. Haha, I'm a newlywed... it's easy to eat you alive. I'll give you two waists later, so be prepared." Haha, the team leader He smiled and then said: "I'm miserable. My child hasn't seen me for several months and doesn't recognize me anymore... Do you think I've changed a lot?"

The young man silently looked at the team leader, who a few months ago had a shiny face and short hair, but now has lost a lot of weight, has bald hair, and has sunken eye sockets, and said nothing.

"Haha," the team leader scratched his head helplessly and said with a smile, "Anyway, the stove is on fire!"

“It doesn’t matter how hard you endure to burn your own stove!”

Burning a stove for your own home, no matter how much hardship you endure, it won’t be considered a hardship!

Although these scientific researchers do not go to the battlefield, they still have the desire to serve the country!

Feeling the blazing heat covering Daxia, all the superpowers stationed in charge were astonished, and Suzaku, as the third-level God of Fire, was even more shocked.

A member of the Great Xia Divine Legion slowly walked up to a scientific researcher and whispered: "I killed two gods before, and I admit that I was a little swollen. I spoke a bit loudly to you yesterday... You have this ability. I told you earlier..."

"Brother, I'm sorry!"

"I will never say that a scholar is powerless again! I was wrong!"

The underground furnace and heating network created by these scientific researchers is really terrifying!

The billowing heat that covered the entire Great Xia, not to mention the legions of gods in Great Xia that had not yet grown in strength, even the arrival of Prometheus was incredible!

Although it is only a body of flesh and blood, huge furnaces have risen, and the terrifying heat warms the entire Great Xia, enough to put the gods to shame!

Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace is probably no match for these terrifying furnaces!

And six hundred and sixty of these furnaces were raised in Daxia!

On the side, a veteran of the Great Xia Divine Legion grinned and said: "I asked you to apologize yesterday, but you were still not convinced. Are you convinced now?"

"I'm telling you, you just joined us, and you're just a side dish. You didn't see the battle with Poseidon..."

"Every one of these scientific researchers has transformed into a lightning mage. Good guy, on that day, there was lightning and thunder, and electric fish traveled thousands of miles. I think Zeus would have trembled when he came! I think back then, we dared to speak loudly to the scientific researchers. Ever since we witnessed that scene …You’re the new guy and you don’t know the depth.”

"Just be lucky. When you were showing off to others yesterday, they didn't raise their hands to summon a thunder and lightning for you."

"I'm telling you, if you are naughty, they might throw you into a furnace to be refined..."

The more he spoke, the paler the face of the warrior who had just joined the Great Xia Divine Legion became, as if the gentle scientific researcher in front of him was like the supreme god who mastered thunder, lightning and fire...

The scientific researcher smiled and waved his hand nonchalantly: "Okay, we are all brothers and we all fight together. It's no big deal. Just treat me to a meal and touch my feet."

"Okay, brother! You will be my big brother from now on!!"

In the laboratory.

The tension in Mr. Chen's eyes suddenly relaxed, and the excitement in his eyes turned into exhaustion.

Obviously, he hasn't had any rest in the past few months.

"Successful." Mr. Chen looked at Lin Fan and Mr. Jin, bent down and touched the warm floor, feeling the hot water flowing calmly under the ground, and said with a smile: "The underground furnace project was successful!"

His expression suddenly became excited: "We turned on the stove and heated up Daxia!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if it's winter. We have a stove and heating, so we don't have to worry about winter!"

Lin Fan also smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work, God of Stoves."

God of Stoves…

Mr. Chen nodded cheerfully: "Haha, not only the god of stoves, but also the electric fish in the last time... you also have to call me the god of power grids."

"Everything about this stove is good," Lin Fan suddenly said, "It's just a little bad..."

"What's wrong?" Mr. Chen was stunned.

"too hot……"

"This is just a trial run, and it has only turned on 10% efficiency. It is not running at full capacity. We have built it according to the design to withstand the cold winter of forty degrees below zero..." Mr. Chen said helplessly: "The main reason is that the cold winter still has It hasn’t come yet, why can’t they come earlier... When winter comes, the heat will stop and we can operate at full capacity.”

"Be patient, the test run stopped after half an hour."

"When winter comes, we will be able to operate at full capacity. Come on, eat some ice cream to cool down first."

Lin Fan nodded with a strange look on his face.

Winter is coming, but the people here in Daxia who are so warmed by the floor heating actually want to eat ice cream...

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