Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 126 Where is the army of believers?

A world full of oceans rolled down from the sky.

It's like the land of Daxia is being crushed alive, swallowing this land!

This world that fell from the sky is the exclusive domain of gods.

Gods are an extraordinarily powerful species that transcend the mundane.

Their strength can no longer be measured according to common sense. In addition to their own divine power, the gods also have a world within their bodies, which is the divine domain.

In the divine realm, there live the religious races that they cultivate or conquer, that is, believers.

The more these believers are, the more devout and powerful they are, the more faith the gods gain and the more powerful their divine power becomes.

The Divine Realm also becomes larger and larger by invading other planes and devouring other planes to accommodate more believers.

It can be said that the strength of a god is the sum total of a plane.

It is a terrifying existence fed by countless believers with their faith.

Therefore, their battle is far from as simple as a direct fight. The gods and believers are all forces that can be used!

Standing proudly under his own divine domain, the God of the Ocean looked down at the ant-like humans indifferently.

"Your land will eventually become my divine domain."


"Kneel down!"

The roar of the gods, rolling like thunder, resounded throughout the Great Xia!

Falling from the sky, this pressure from life makes people want to kneel down!

But, 50 million people, not one person kneels!

They stood upright on the Great Wall, facing the pressure from the gods that transcended the level of life, and glared at the gods!

Behind them is the land of Daxia, their home, their relatives and friends.

How can you kneel down!

"Don't kneel!" Fifty million people roared in unison!

Behind them, 140,000,000 people also refused to kneel!

Whether they were women, children, old men or young men, they all stood on their own land, looked up at the god, and roared.

"Don't kneel!"

Fourteen million people roared in unison!

This is Daxia’s roar!

This is Daxia’s answer to the gods!

Don’t kneel!

One hundred and fourteen thousand shouts merged into one, shaking the mountains and rivers. They actually overwhelmed the voice of the gods and rushed away!


"Then crush them!" She stretched out her hand.

In the sky, the world full of oceans rolled down!

It's like smashing the land of Daxia alive.

But right now.

"Full heavy firepower, smash it!" Lin Fan roared loudly.

Give an order.

The Great Steel Wall begins to roar!



A heavy cannon that was several meters long reverberated like thunder, echoing on the sea.


Surface-to-air missiles roared and took off one after another, swaying with dazzling tail flames, like huge 100-meter arrows piercing the sky and rising into the sky!


The warships staying on the sea in front of the Great Steel Wall also roared and fired out cannonballs and missiles.

this moment.

The dragons four thousand miles away are roaring, and Daxia is roaring!

Mr. Jin stood at the control position of a giant cannon, his eyes were red as he fired out rounds of cannon eggs, and shouted: "Second men!"

"What will happen if the gods invade Daxia!"

"We are the only Daxia people"

"Welcome the gods with guns and cannons!"

Welcome the gods with guns and cannons!

This sentence was shouted out in the previous life, but it was finally shouted out in this life!

It was Old Jin, an ordinary Daxia person, who shouted out.

When Lin Fan returned to Daxia, he wanted to change Daxia in his previous life.

Some things have indeed changed because of Lin Fan's return.

But some things, no matter what, will never change!

For example, Daxia people’s will to fight for their country!

Meet the will of God with guns and cannons!

When the gods come, Daxia people never lack the courage to fight!

"Come on! God!"

"See if Daxia's cannon balls are enough to satisfy you!"

Jin Lao seemed to have returned to the prosperous days of the past, not caring about his age at all. He pulled the lever frantically on the violently shaking operating position, and the heavy artillery roared!

He didn't care that his heart was numb from the shock, nor did he care that the huge roar made his ears ring!



Those soldiers also fired wildly with heavy firepower. Four thousand-mile heavy artillery roared, and countless huge missiles hundreds of meters long rose into the sky, lighting up the sky.

The dense cannonballs almost covered the sky.

Countless missiles, like a boundless rain of arrows, converged into a long river of steel with swaying tail flames, rushing towards the crushing world!

"Want to crush us? Come on, see if you are tough enough first!"

"In the first area, everything is available, with full firepower output!"

"Second combat area, full firepower output!"

"The flying troops are preparing to drop bombs from the air! The target is a divine domain!"

"The first annihilation team is ready to take off!"

"The second annihilation team is ready to take off!"

"Annihilation Squadron Three..."

"This is the air command headquarters. All fighter squadrons will take off immediately to carry out full firepower bombing coverage!"


A series of steel war eagles took off roaringly at the temporary military airport behind the Great Steel Wall, their engines roaring!

One hundred thousand fighter planes, like countless goshawks, rushed up and passed over the Great Steel Wall.

Carrying the scorching air current and loaded with large-caliber missiles, it bombed the God's Domain that was coming from top to bottom!

"Are you the only gods who can fly?"

"My army in Great Xia can spread its wings like a falcon and fly thousands of miles in an instant!"


In the cockpit, each soldier's eyes were red and he pressed the missile launch button!

this moment.

Daxia is roaring!

The three armies fight together!

Fifty million soldiers, the blood and tears of countless people, and the accumulation of countless generations are all revealed at this moment!




Countless cannon balls and missiles rotated and shredded the air, carrying unparalleled power and hitting the ground moving inch by inch, threatening to crush the land of Daxia on paper.

Explosion roars!

The flames of the explosion swept across.

The million-square-kilometer divine domain that the gods had devoted all their efforts to build was, at this moment, shattered inch by inch under the impact of the torrent of steel, and was torn apart piece by piece by the terrifying explosion!

At this moment, the third-level ocean god's face was full of disbelief, and a heartbreaking pain radiated from his soul!

That is the pain of the collapse of the divine realm!

"Damn, these humans..." Her eyes were full of panic, and she looked at those ant-like humans in disbelief, at the roaring four-thousand-mile Great Wall, and at the sky full of missiles and fire.

That is the divine realm she worked so hard to create!

The divine realm is the foundation of the gods!

At that moment, the divine realm was shattered inch by inch, and she felt that her soul was beginning to crack. She gritted her teeth and raised her hands back violently.

The divine realm that was originally crushing Daxia stopped instantly and returned behind her.

Those missiles followed, and she raised her hands slightly.


The ocean is turbulent and the waves are rolling back.

The sea water under his feet instantly turned into a huge wave, like a huge wall, completely blocking the artillery fire.


After the explosion, the huge waves burst into flames, but in the end the power of the explosions was completely dispersed by the rolling huge waves.

[Elementary Divine Spell·Roaring Waves].

She looked at her damaged divine domain with distress. In just ten minutes, her million square kilometers of divine domain had lost 100,000 square kilometers!

"Damn humans..."

"Why can't you kneel down?"

The god gritted his teeth fiercely, with a hint of ruthlessness in his brows full of holiness and brilliance. He looked at the humans who dared to open fire on him and said loudly: "You have angered me."

"The war has begun!"

"Where is the army of believers!"

In that damaged divine realm, countless sea beast believers of different shapes were roaring!

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