Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1265 Ice and Snow are Ruthless

Lin Fan walked on the Great Wall of the North while listening to Shang Weitian's report on the situation in various places.


"Didi didi."

The phone rang.

Lin Fan looked down and saw that it was his mother.

"Mom," Lin Fan picked up the phone and said with a smile, "Isn't it cold there?"

"Why is it cold? Let me tell you. I knitted a scarf for you and Xingye and mailed it today. Now it's cold. You put it on and put it on Xingye too." Mother Lin said worriedly: "You now You are the commander-in-chief. You are running around all day long, so don’t catch a cold. I also bought you two pairs of warm autumn pants..."

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment: "Mom, I have already become a god."

"You are not a god, you are my mother's son, and you are talking back to me? Put on your clothes and don't catch a cold!" the mother on the other end of the phone said majestically.

Lin Fan smiled helplessly: "I know, Mom."

"Son, listen to your mother and make sure to wear more clothes." Dad took the phone and whispered.

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded. Both father and son were relatively quiet people.

Mom didn't seem to be satisfied yet, so she took the phone over and said, "Drink less milk tea. I saw on TV why you were walking around with milk tea in your hand. That's not a good habit."


"Also, you are now a grown man and it's time to get married."

Lin Fan's face turned red: "Mom, I'm only nineteen years old, and I don't have this idea either..."

The key [Loki's Mask] is not allowed!

"Then you have to hurry up. I think Xingye is good. There will definitely be no shortage of suitors. If you don't make a move, it will be too late." Mother Lin urged: "In this way, in a few days, your grandpa and we will go to Xingye's house to say thank you. You can come back later. Let’s go along and propose marriage along the way.”

Propose marriage……

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, thinking that he was not in love yet...

But proposing marriage is not considered love, right?

Doesn’t it violate the containment conditions of [Loki’s Mask]?

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded. After all, it was hard to refuse his grandfather to come and say thank you. The old man had had this thought in his mind for many years.

"Well, it's settled, don't forget to wear more clothes! Bring a scarf!"

"I love you mom, see you in a few days." Lin Fan hung up the phone silently.

My heart feels warm.

Commander-in-chief, high-ranking Shura god, patron saint of Great Xia, human beings who have become gods... In the eyes of his mother, he is still a child who is afraid of the cold.

"The anchor of humanity..."

Lin Fan took out the soft white scarf he had received earlier from the space ring and put it on his neck.

In fact, with Lin Fan's strength, he is not afraid of the cold. Moreover, the Great Wall of the North and the underground furnace also push away the cold. The snow beast coat Lin Fan wears is also warm enough.

But the scarf wrapped around his neck made Lin Fan feel an indescribable warmth.

In this family, there are always people who are thinking about me.

Lin Fan looked at the lively Great Wall in the North, listened to the laughter and laughter that overwhelmed the cold winter, looked at the crowds of people and the smiling faces, and said softly: "This winter is really warm."

"But only in Daxia." Mr. Jin came over, holding the tablet with a complex expression: "Except for Daxia, the whole world has entered the Ice Age, and the world has frozen."

On the flat plate, the entire Blue Star is covered in extremely low-temperature blue! Only Daxia is red!

"The European side is requesting a call."

Lin Fan nodded and took the phone: "Brenda, how is the situation there?"


Amid the thunder, Brenda's voice trembled: "We, we need help..."

European side.

The woman carried a wooden basket and chopped down dead trees ten kilometers away from the settlement.

Now that winter is approaching, every household is collecting firewood and withered grass. The trees and withered grass near the settlement have long since disappeared. The ground is bare, and even the mice have moved.

Nowadays, only trees and dead grass can be found at this distance.

The thin woman panted heavily, letting the sweat fall from her forehead, and tried her best to wave the hatchet in her hand.

She is very capable.

once fair-skinned


The soft hands that apply cosmetics have long been rough and thick. The urban beauty who once could not lift her hands and shoulders has become a qualified peasant woman.

The wooden frame was mostly filled with dry firewood and dead grass.

It's just that she is too thin now. With every stab, her already malnourished body becomes more and more exhausted, and her arms seem to be broken.

But she kept doing it, and she didn't even have time to wipe off the sweat, because...

That was four months of winter!

Forty degrees below zero!

Coming soon!

She is racing against time!

"Come on!" Next to her, her best friend Chris, who came to chop wood with her, panted, as if to give herself more encouragement: "Winter is coming soon!"

"Whether you can survive it or not depends on how much wood you have!"

"If it's any less...then you'll freeze to death!"

"If you don't want to freeze to death, work quickly! Then go back as soon as possible!"

The two women who came out to chop wood were breathing heavily, and they had only one thought in their minds - "God, please let me pack more."

God, please show me your mercy.

One more piece is enough.

Maybe we can survive this winter.

Supported by this idea, she seemed to have forgotten time, and all she could think about was chopping wood.

Whenever she couldn't hold on any longer, she thought of her child's smile, and her body seemed to have strength again, allowing her to lift the hatchet again and again.

One more piece...

One more piece...

Under the gloomy, oppressive sky with dark clouds, the two women were like two busy ants, trying to survive this disaster through their own hard work.

When the firewood in the wooden basket was finally full, the woman gasped and straightened up, with a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

"This big basket should be able to burn for two days... If you use it sparingly, three days is about the same."

"With these, the firewood at home should be able to last more than three months. If it is not enough, you can chop the bed and table. Don't chop the door panels, otherwise you will freeze to death..."

Just when she was considering whether to chop some more and hold it back with her hands.

"Bang bang bang!"

Rapid footsteps are coming!

A law enforcer from the Alliance of Gods wearing a white uniform and decorated with gold threads ran over quickly. When he saw the two women, he shouted loudly: "You are crazy, why are you still chopping firewood at this time!"

"Didn't we issue a notice that you are not allowed to go out after eight o'clock in the morning? Everyone should prepare for the cold winter at home!"

"There is not enough firewood at home..." The woman lowered her head slightly and said sheepishly, "I don't think I still have half a day..."

"You two!" the law enforcer said hurriedly: "Do you know what time it is? Winter is coming soon!"


"Didn't Winter come only at ten o'clock?"

The woman raised her hand in surprise, as if she wanted to look at the watch on her wrist.

But the rough wrist was empty. She had sold the watch long ago in exchange for ten pounds of bread - in these days, watches were hard currency.

But she no longer needed to look at her watch to confirm the time.




In the settlements and villages in the distance, rapid bells rang faintly.

Ten sounds.

It's ten o'clock!

A sharp sound came from the communicator on the waist of the Gods Alliance law enforcer.

"Warning, winter is coming!"

"Warning, winter is coming!"

"Warning, winter is coming!"

"Units from all over the country are making final confirmations to see if all residents have returned to their settlements! The cold air mass is approaching, and it is expected that in twenty minutes, all of Europe will enter the Ice Age!"

"I wish you all can survive, or hurry up and

, feel the last warmth, hug the family around you, of course, we will also do our best to support you... Take care. "


Suddenly there was a whistling sound in the silent heaven and earth.


The north wind picked up.

A strong north wind!

Suddenly there was a chill between heaven and earth, and there was a faint north wind coming from the north, bringing with it a bone-chilling coldness!

The temperature is dropping rapidly!

The woman and the law enforcer raised their heads almost at the same time. They looked at the northern sky and saw that the connection between heaven and earth was completely white!

Like a giant white beast, roaring and roaring, rushing towards me with extreme coldness!


Because there is no barrier from the Great Wall, this giant beast from the north is like entering an uninhabited land, heading south all the way across this land, passing straight by!

Wherever you step, the ground freezes!

Even though they were far apart, the woman could hear the howling of the north wind and feel the vibration of the fist-sized hail hitting the ground, like a world-destroying beast running towards her!

"Go back quickly!" After the law enforcer said this, he turned around and left!

"Help, help us!" The woman subconsciously wanted to hold the law enforcer, but the law enforcer pushed her palm away!

"I have a daughter who can't light a stove..." The woman looked at the law enforcer pleadingly.

"I'm sorry, I also have a son. I don't want my son to become an orphan." The law enforcer looked guilty, but the next moment, he turned around and ran away!

As of now, it has nothing to do with right or wrong!

Everyone just wants to survive!

The woman looked at the back of the law enforcer running away, and then looked at the vast expanse of white sky behind her.

Twenty minutes left.

Five kilometers!

This is not what a woman who has been hungry and weak for a long time can run back!

but now……

"You have to run back!" She looked at the basket full of firewood and dead grass with reluctance, gritted her teeth, dropped the basket, turned to the woman and said, "Throw it away!"

The woman glanced behind her with an embarrassed expression, but was still unwilling to throw away the rare firewood. She gritted her teeth and said: "I, I ate three pieces of bread this morning... I can carry it back and run back! My physical fitness is not bad, Ma Qi ,You know!"

This is the firewood that determines whether you can survive!

Where are you willing to throw it away?

If there was no shortage of firewood at home, she wouldn't take the risk of coming here to cut firewood!

The woman didn't try to persuade her any more, turned around and ran away!

Two women, running wildly in the howling north wind!

Winter is right behind you!

The howling north wind blew their bodies, and on this bare land there were only the roars of the giant beasts and the two women running for their lives.

The howling north wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the air is getting colder.

Winter is like a giant beast, fangs spread, chasing these two weak lives!

At first, they were panting heavily and sweating on their foreheads as they ran. But after a while, the sweat on their foreheads was gone and the air they exhaled turned into white mist!

The temperature has gone straight to freezing!

The bone-chilling low temperature made their limbs numb, and the howling north wind made their thin bodies seem to be blown down.

The howling cold wind blew on their faces like knives, filling their stomachs along with their breathing, cutting their lungs, making them burning.

"hurry up!"

The woman looked back and saw that the white giant beast seemed to be about to pounce!

The giant beast of ice and snow bared its teeth and claws, roaring and roaring!

Two kilometers behind you is the wind and snow!

The dense wind and snow, accompanied by extremely low temperatures and cold winds, crossed the mountains and rivers, trampled the land, and froze the ground they stepped on. The thick ice and snow instantly covered the withered grass, and fist-sized hail smashed the branches!

Wherever it passed, it was as if it had been destroyed by an angry beast and then covered with a white blanket.

"Run quickly!" The clothes behind the woman had frozen, and she could clearly


I felt the real coldness behind me.

The cold was like the tongue of a giant beast, licking her.

After the adrenaline receded, her already tired body began to become heavier, but when she saw the approaching ice storm behind her, she seemed to regain strength in an instant.

She didn't want to be like a tree, turning into an ice sculpture in the ice and snow!

And her best friend, Chris, who was chopping firewood with her, was breathing like a broken hairdryer!

"Run, I can't run anymore..." Chris looked at the woman.

"Those damn logs were lost!" The woman shouted concisely while trying to keep breathing and running as hard as she could.

"But..." Chris looked at the heavy but safe basket of wood reluctantly, but finally threw the basket off her back!

This life-saving firewood is now like a hand grabbing her, dragging her towards the roaring winter coming from behind!

Both of them took heavy steps, running under the fangs of ice and snow, and running wildly in front of the sweeping storm.

Breathing the increasingly cold air, her already weak body seemed to reach its limit, and the woman's consciousness began to blur due to lack of oxygen and cold.

Although he was still running, his steps had begun to become stiff.

She seemed to see herself falling and becoming part of the ice and snow.

I saw my cute little daughter crying desperately in the dark and cold room, and finally lying quietly in the snow-covered cabin, her face pale, like a sleeping beauty.

"I can't die..."

The vague consciousness suddenly woke up, and the woman didn't know where she got the strength, but she gritted her teeth and continued running!

There was only one thought left in her mind.

"I can't die..."

"I can't die..."

This sound accompanied her daughter's cry, echoing in her mind. It seemed that the roar of the cold wind behind her could no longer be heard, and only this sound was left to support her running step by step!

She seemed to have turned into a machine, a running machine!


"Ma Qi," the best friend on the side suddenly shouted.

The woman glanced at her instinctively, and saw that blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth, and her breathing was more like a broken bellows, as if her lungs were frozen or broken.

Maybe the basket of firewood was too heavy, which cost her too much energy and her body couldn't hold it anymore.

"Hold on, there's still one kilometer left!" The woman glanced at the settlement just ahead and shouted.

Speaking of which, she only noticed at this moment that she actually ran four kilometers in one breath!

It was a miracle for her body, which was weakened by chronic hunger, but she was not in the mood to be happy now.

"I can't hold on anymore!" Chrissy looked at the woman, her eyes desperate but with a hint of hope, and stretched out a hand.

The woman subconsciously wanted to reach out and hold Chris.

In fact, Chris had held a woman's hand like this countless times before. Chris was her best friend and they had known each other since elementary school.

There are always many physical fitness tests in junior high school, high school, and college.

They are all children from the city. They live a happy life. They have not done much work and their physical fitness is not good, so they are out of breath every time they run.

Chris's physical fitness is better than that of women, so every time she runs to the end, she holds the woman's hand. Even if she is out of breath, she still runs to the finish line, and the teacher turns a blind eye. Close one eye.

A woman can successfully get close to a prestigious university, enter an internationally renowned cosmetics company, and live the life she wants. It can be said that part of it is Chris who helped her pass the physical exams time and time again.

The relationship between the two has always been that of best sisters, and Chrissy's eight-year-old son and the woman's lovely daughter are also best friends.

And at this time.

Before the howling winter, before the thick snowflakes and hail.

Chris stretched out her hand and looked at the woman with hope and despair: "Ma Qi..."

The woman lowered her head and ran a few steps quickly, surpassing her best friend beside her.

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