Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1274 Send Lao Zhu to the God Realm

In the interrogation room.

"I really didn't expect you to adapt so well." Lin Fan looked at the other side with a complicated expression.

Lao Zhu wore the shackles that suppressed his divine power, sat on a locked stool, and scratched his head with a humble expression: "It's not that good, isn't he being arrested..."

"You think I'm praising you!" Lin Fan was speechless and slapped the table: "You said that you are also a famous emperor in Daxia. After returning, you will not help Daxia and go to deceive others?"

"What on earth do you think?"

"Why do you want to commit fraud? You can at least find someone in the class!"

Lao Zhu was silent for a moment and said seriously: "We don't know how to work... I can only lead the team to rebel..."

"You don't know how difficult it is to find a job. It requires academic qualifications, skills, and work history."

"But you said that if you rebel, the risk is too great. In this era, you are seeking death, so I thought about it. I only have organizational skills, no skills and no education, so I can only make a living by cheating... Isn't this a coincidence? , the professionalism is quite relevant! I was a fool and rebel back then!"

"And when I become a boss, I will hire anyone who has graduated from elementary school! It doesn't matter if they don't have a resume, I will teach them step by step! As the saying goes, I have been caught in the rain, so I hold an umbrella for others."

"Guess what, hey, these employees are loyal..."

Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "You are still proud, right?"

Lao Zhu: "..."

The two fell into an eerie silence.

Lin Fan coughed and broke the silence: "The amount of money involved in your case is too much. To be honest, it won't be a problem to sentence you to twenty years."

"Judge me?" Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned.

"Or, you can choose to cooperate with us." Lin Fan said, "Daxia needs you now."

Lao Zhu was silent for a moment and then asked seriously: "How much is the salary?"

"Salary... As a member of the Great Xia Gods, your annual salary is one million." Lin Fan answered directly.

"It's only one million...that's too little." Lao Zhu shook his head: "Is this how you are treated?"

"Why don't you just work with me? You are the commander-in-chief of Daxia and have authority in the hearts of the people. Once you join my company, you don't need to do anything, just go there."

"Isn't this money coming?"

"When the time comes, I will give you an annual salary of tens of millions. In this way, I will give you shares. When the company goes public, you will be the veteran of the company!"

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke skillfully and said with enthusiasm: "I, Lao Zhu, treat elders the most kindly! When the time comes, we will share the glory and wealth! You must earn at least several hundred million a year, and I will give you a yacht and find you a few A girl..."

For a moment, Lin Fan felt a little moved and subconsciously said: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly, "You don't have to worry about your family. They will be taken care of by you when the time comes. They will be crowned kings and prime ministers one by one..."

Lin Fan's breathing became rapid, but when a ghost sound suddenly came from within his body, Lin Fan suddenly woke up and his expression changed.


"its not right!"

Lin Fan bit the tip of his tongue, his brain regained its clarity, and he felt extremely scared.

This guy's personal charm is so terrifying!

Just a few words will make people want to follow him!

And he’s also very good at drawing cakes!

This terrifying organizational ability even made Lin Fan want to work for him!

This guy... is indeed Zhu Yuanzhang!

Fortunately, I have Shura in my body, so I am immune to some means of manipulating my mind, otherwise I might really have to mess with him!

"How about it?" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile: "Fight the world with me. From now on, you and I will be brothers, and your parents will be my parents..."


Lin Fan slammed the table and said in a deep voice: "Shut up! Now I'm giving you a chance to cooperate. Why the hell do you still want me to work for you?"

Lao Zhu glanced at Lin Fan in astonishment, seeming a little surprised that Lin Fan actually woke up from his recruitment, and said quickly: "Ah, I'm sorry, professional habits, professional habits... I have been an emperor for a long time, and I haven't recovered yet. A bit of a rebellious hangover.”

"So, you mean, let me work for you?" Lao Zhu frowned.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "That's understandable. You have to obey orders anyway."

"Fart!" Lao Zhu suddenly became furious. At this moment, although his divine power was suppressed, his whole body exuded the majesty of an emperor, and he shouted like a dragon: "We are the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!"

"We will continue to start a business throughout our lives!"

"How can you obey other people's orders?"

"Have you ever heard of an emperor obeying the orders of others!? What's more, we are the great ancestors of the Ming Dynasty who founded the Ming Dynasty! Do you know the majesty of the emperor?"

Lin Fan looked at the bald man next to him.

The bald man smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Ying Zheng."

Lao Zhu was stunned for a moment and said coldly: "You're sick. I didn't ask you, why did you ask Ying Zheng to do it...wait a minute!"

Lao Zhu's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the bald head in disbelief, and he started to stutter: "Ying, Ying Zheng?"

"You, are you Ying Zheng?"

"The First Emperor of Qin, Ying Zheng?"

Lao Zhu's whole body was shaking suddenly, and his eyes were filled with fear, admiration and awe!

The First Emperor of Qin!

Sweep the six kingdoms and swallow the world!

The beginning of the emperor's reign and the unification of Daxia!

It can be said that every emperor in history has followed his example, but even if he spends his whole life chasing after him, he can't keep up!

This is the true emperor through the ages!

Lao Zhu is no exception. Although he comes from a grassroots background, as an emperor, why wouldn't he admire this emperor for all eternity!

But now, this eternal emperor is right in front of us!

Lao Zhu hadn't recognized it just now, but at this moment, the bald head in front of him completely coincided with the First Emperor Ying Zheng he had seen on TV!

"No wonder you completely crushed us on the imperial road before, the First Emperor Ying Zheng..."

But before Lao Zhu could express his awe, the First Emperor waved his hand carelessly: "Please don't call me that. I have to criticize you a few times. You are engaged in feudal restoration."

"You'd better call me Brother Zheng to be more affectionate. After all, we are all a family, brothers and sisters. I came to arrest you this time just to obey orders as the gods of Great Xia. There is no grudge between you and me."

"Speaking of which, I still admire you. Although your achievements as an emperor are not as good as mine, it's not bad that you can turn from a beggar to an emperor..."

"Ah?" Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was trembling: "Zheng, Zheng brother?"

At this moment, facing this eternal emperor, even if there was no confrontation, his emperor's heart was shaking!

Under those nine golden dragons of imperial energy, the imperial energy in his body was completely suppressed!

The king does not see the king!

This is the cruelty of the emperor's way. Only a truly powerful emperor can make it to the end!

"Okay, Brother Zheng, stop pretending, calm down and get down to business." Lin Fan said to Lao Zhu expressionlessly: "You just said that as an emperor, you can never obey other people's orders?"

Lao Zhu looked at the First Emperor, who was in military uniform, and then at Lin Fan, with a slightly red face: "It's not so absolute... Well, you can just call me Lao Zhu."


The first emperor of the ages, Yingzheng, now obeys the military orders of Daxia and has become the gods of Daxia.

How can he act like an emperor and talk about the majesty of an emperor?

Although Lao Zhu was the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, in terms of emperorship, how could he compare to the First Emperor who created great unification and created the name of emperor?

With Lao Zhu's adaptability, he naturally knows what to do now...

Facing the First Emperor on the side, Old Emperor Zhu's heart cracked, as if he was under great pressure, and he no longer regained his previous majesty. He whispered: "It's not impossible to cooperate with you... But what are you going to let me do?"

Lin Fan was stunned by this question.

Although Lao Zhu had eleven levels of strength, he was not good at fighting, so Lin Fan caught him in just a few strokes.

To be honest, even the tenth-level Daxia gods, such as Mr. Zhang, can fight better than him.

Lin Fan even doubted that he wouldn't be able to defeat an eleventh-level Ocean God in a real fight.

In other words, he is not very suitable to join the gods of Daxia who are fighting head-on with the gods.

"I'm going out first. He can't get too close to me." The First Emperor sighed and whispered: "Although I admire him quite a lot, he can't bear the imperial aura I invisibly exude."

After speaking, the First Emperor turned around and walked out.

Lao Zhu, whose emperor's heart was slightly broken, exhaled, feeling as if he were facing a formidable enemy. In front of the First Emperor, he always felt that he was a minister, not a king!

His crystal-hard emperor's heart, which had been tempered all the way through the bitter cold, could not withstand this pressure at all, even though the First Emperor had never made it difficult for him, let alone started a confrontation in the way of an emperor!

Lin Fan sighed.

Lao Zhu is not good at frontal combat and his fighting skills are not strong.

After all, he is not sweeping six

He was the first emperor of China. When he became emperor, he relied solely on his brains and deception. He was different from the iron-blooded emperor like the first emperor.

And he couldn't get too close to the First Emperor, which also meant that he couldn't participate in multi-person actions and battles, or even fight side by side with the gods of Great Xia on the battlefield of gods.

In terms of true strength, it is far inferior to the iron-blooded and domineering imperial way of the First Emperor.

This guy is not good at fighting, and seems to have no other abilities. He only has super organizational power, impressive charisma, and extraordinary adaptability.

He is an emperor who has worked hard from the grass roots, looking for opportunities in the bitter cold, and rallying his team.

He is also the most powerful swindler in history. He deceived the whole world and then wiped out all the deceived elders and all the nine tribes...

But this kind of existence is not a good thing for Daxia today, because Daxia does not need an emperor, nor does it need anyone to recruit a private army to rebel.

And an ancestor who is not good at fighting is not suitable for fighting gods.

"What are you good at?" Lin Fan asked directly: "I want to think about how to arrange you."

"Rebellion, does it count?"

"It's okay to cheat. In fact, I relied on deceiving people to rebel. Fraud is also considered a professional."

"By the way, I'm quite good at repaying the elders."

Lin Fan: "..."

Does Daxia need you to rebel?

Do you need to defraud?

As for the elders... do you think I don't know how you repay me?

Lin Fan felt a little depressed at this time. The Ming Taizu had woken up and he had taken it. The other party also agreed to cooperate, but he didn't know how to arrange it for him.

If ignored, this big swindler's organizational skills are too strong, and his approach is too wild. He might gather his team to commit fraud again tomorrow, and he might even kill the entire rebel army.

"What a headache. How about really locking him up for twenty years?" Lin Fan scratched his head.

Xingye on the side suddenly said: "How about throwing him into the God Realm and letting him go to the God Realm to rebel?"

Lin Fan was suddenly stunned: "Throw it to the God Realm?"

"God Realm?" Lao Zhu's eyes lit up.

"You are such a genius!" Lin Fan gave a thumbs up to Xingye. Yes, Lao Zhu is good at rebellion and fraud. Although he is not suitable for staying in Daxia, he is suitable for the God Realm!

The beggar emperor Zhu Yuanzhang went to the divine world?

Be good!

This is probably not as big as the First Emperor who is about to start a war between the gods!

"I know what position I'll give you!"

"What?" Lao Zhu looked forward to it.

"Daxia rebels!" Lin Fan felt his thoughts suddenly clear up and said in a deep voice: "That's right, that's right, I happened to have a plan before..."

Lin Fan had previously thought about taking more than 6,000 Daxia gods to work in the God Realm, but to be honest, this matter was too dangerous. More than 6,000 gods would attract too much attention in the God Realm!

If you don't do it right, there will be danger and the whole army will be annihilated!

Lin Fan was not sure that he could lead 6,000 gods to survive in the God Realm.

But if Lao Zhu is responsible for this matter... Just kidding, this guy's adaptability and organizational skills can't lead more than 6,000 people?

He can transform from a beggar to an emperor in troubled times! He knows how to behave better than anyone else!

This is a big lie!

Just by waking up this time, he became a fraud leader within three months!

If anyone can do this, it’s only Lao Zhu!

"What's the point of defrauding your own brothers? If you cheat here and there, the only ones who lose are Daxia! Only our compatriots!"

"But if you can deceive the gods, or even rebel in the God Realm...then you will be the hero of Daxia." Lin Fan laughed a few times, and then said: "I have decided to let you enter the God Realm and do what you do best. thing!"


Lin Fan's eyes were bright.

Lao Zhu also figured it out in an instant, and his whole body was shaking with excitement: "Rebellion? You mean, let me rebel in the God Realm?"

"Can you do it?"

"Yes, that's great! I'm familiar with this!"

Lao Zhu was very excited.

If you can rebel, who would commit fraud?

This is a traditional craft!

"You don't know, I've been feeling very uncomfortable during this period. I have to hold back and be cautious in everything I do. And it's so difficult to break the law and commit crimes in Daxia now. I was so careful, but I got caught!" Zhu said excitedly: "Haha, after arriving in the God Realm, I can finally let go!"

Lao Zhu also instantly understood that that was the battlefield he should go to!

That’s right!

What's the point of defrauding your own brother? As for rebellion... there is no possibility in Daxia!

Moreover, Daxia is now prosperous and he has no thoughts of rebellion. Back then, as long as he had enough to eat, he would rebel and become emperor.

Speaking of which, Lao Zhu actually feels quite guilty. After all, the people he defrauded were his own juniors...

And now, the vast divine world is about to open its door!

The enemy of mankind, God is right before our eyes!

That is the battlefield where you should play!

"We will wait until we return to the Great Wall in the north to discuss this matter. Let's talk about the fraud case first. They have already compiled statistics there and found that the stolen money recovered is still short of two million." Lin Fan suddenly shifted to the case, "You should have been sentenced to two million yuan." Ten years in prison, but since you have a good attitude in pleading guilty and confessed all the bank accounts and fraud, I decided that you should be punished and meritorious service."


"The shortfall of two million will be made up by the state and your salary will be used until it is filled up."

"Your twenty-year prison sentence will be converted into twenty years of serving Daxia. Since you are going to enter the God Realm in the future, twenty years of God Realm time will prevail."

"Do you accept it?" Lin Fan looked at Lao Zhu.

"Accept." Lao Zhu has excellent adaptability. He knows when to say what to say and nods repeatedly.

He was already looking forward to it and was eager to give it a try.

In a strange world filled with strong men, I am alone... This plot is so familiar.

It actually feels like a second round.

"Okay, I'll go through the handover procedures and take you back to the Great Wall in the north." After Lin Fan finished speaking, he walked out of the interrogation room and met the head of the local department.

The head of the local department looked strange: "Is that really Taizu of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded.

The head of the local department didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment. The good news was that the famous emperor in his family's history had returned. The bad news was that the emperor was caught committing fraud...

"I will take him back to the Great Wall of the North and hold a ceremony for him to join the gods of Great Xia tomorrow." Lin Fan smiled: "He may have done some wrong things before, but that was just a lack of guidance, and after that, he It will be Daxia’s knife to attack the gods!”

"That's good, haha. It's all about bringing glory to our Jingnan City, otherwise we wouldn't know how to publicize it. Now we can also build the Taizu Xiaoling Mausoleum in Purple Mountain to boost income." The local department The person in charge smiled.

Nowadays, there are some comparisons in various places in Daxia. Luzhou says that they have produced Zilu, Yuzhou says that they have developed enlightenment and lamentation, Emei says that they have produced the Great Sage, and Xianzhou says that they have produced the Bull Demon King... There is a vague feeling of fans. The group looks like they are fighting each other over the stars.

In particular, some areas where ancestors have returned have taken advantage of this to create tourist attractions, such as former residences and mausoleums. Some directors directly started filming TV series and movies, quite suspected of riding on the popularity of their ancestors, but it has to be said that the income from cultural tourism has increased directly. Especially every time the scenes of the gods of Daxia fighting are shown on TV...

The heads of other regions were extremely jealous, especially those whose ancestors had not yet awakened. They wished they could dig their ancestors out of their graves and say a few words.

Now that Taizu has returned, the local person in charge is very happy. If Taizu has not been arrested for committing fraud... And now that Lin Fan has said that he wants to drag him into the gods of Daxia, it means that the matter of his ancestors has been Properly resolved!

"By the way, what did the arrested elders say?" Lin Fan suddenly asked.

"They still don't believe that Lao Zhu confessed to them, and they are still keeping the boss a secret. They all shouted that the boss can't betray us! The boss is our brother and our nobleman!" The person in charge was speechless, " Is his organizational ability really that great?"

"Didn't you tell him that the returned Taizu was deceiving them?" Lin Fan frowned.

"I told you. When the elders heard that their boss was the returned Taizu, they became even more excited and admired him. He was quite honorable. They said that they would continue to work with him after he was released from prison! Let's take over the world together!"

Lin Fan: "..."

"Don't judge them. After recovering the stolen money, educate them and let them go." Lin Fan said helplessly, "It's not their fault for this. I suspect that even if I met Lao Zhu, I would be deceived by him into following him. He does it."

"It's true that Lao Zhu is so good at deceiving... He is also an emperor after all. What do you think..."

Lin Fan scratched his head helplessly, and then said: "By the way, make arrangements for the local airport, and I will take Lao Zhu back right away."

There was a typo in the previous chapter. Lao Zhu had eleven levels when he came out.

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