Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1279 Current Situation on the European Side

Brenda reluctantly took a few more bites, then touched her round belly and went to the conference room.

Under Lin Fan's farewell, the gods of Daxia and the European divine descendants headed by Brenda once again went to the God Realm to work for the gods.

There is no need for Lin Fan to go.

Because the conquest is imminent, "Nos" will stay with Chione for these three days, and Chione will not let North leave.

And if Lin Fan appeared in the God Realm without a mask, he would simply be seeking death.

Life became comfortable again, and Lin Fan resumed the good habit of writing a diary.

Chione's craftsmanship is really good.

During this period, Lin Fan also watched the live broadcast of the European people. Not to mention, it was quite satisfying.

It was a woman named Ma Qi, holding her daughter in her arms and hiding in a small, dark, semi-underground house.

The small window has long been sealed, but even so, the howling cold wind is still like an angry beast, making a shocking roar outside the door.

The cold air penetrated through the crack in the door, and the dim house was a bit cold. The ground was even covered with thin ice, and only a small fire worked hard to release the heat.

Perhaps to prevent the cold air from seeping in, there is no chimney in the house, and the choking smoke is lingering, but there is no need to worry about suffocation, as the cold wind is constantly whistling in through the cracks in the doors and windows.

Mother and daughter, one old and one young, were all wearing thick clothes, but they were not warm. Through some holes, you could vaguely see the lumpy straw stuffed inside. The little girl was also wrapped in a thick quilt.

This woman, who could vaguely see her delicate appearance before, but whose face was now covered in dust, was holding the cute and slightly thin girl, holding her mobile phone in her hand, and said with an eager expression: "Everyone, we really need help here."

"I borrowed this phone, and it's going to run out of battery soon."

"Let me briefly report today's situation. I just went out an hour ago to clean the snow on the roof and outside the door..." She stretched out her frostbitten hands, and there were still unmelted snowflakes on her shoulders, and sighed: " Because the snow is falling so fast, we have to go out and clear the snow every two hours."

"Otherwise the falling snow will bury us alive."

She picked up her phone and opened a small crack beside the door: "Look."

In the semi-underground houses outside the settlement, many European people huddled together and used shovels to clear the snow amidst the heavy snow and the howling cold wind.

There were constant coughs coming from the cold wind.


Ma Qi tried her best to close the door against the cold wind, and sighed into the phone again: "The food reserve... is actually not bad, there is dry and hard bread, and there are still thirty kilograms left."

"The original plan was to save some food and survive for four months."

"But the temperature was too cold, and my thirst for food increased, and I felt cold all over. In just one month, my daughter and I have already eaten less than half of our reserves, which originally weighed 50 pounds."

"Although it's dry and hard to swallow, we can boil snow water to drink...the water pipes have long been cracked by the freeze."

For a time, many barrages passed by.

"Bread? This must be healthy!"

"I vomited after eating meat."

"You guys, one big and one small, only ate twenty kilograms of bread this month? You're not very hungry. My family ate fifty kilograms of meat in just one month."

"Don't your officials transport supplies?"

"I originally wanted to lose weight today, but after seeing this live broadcast, I suddenly wanted to eat hot pot again... Forget it, let's eat fried tenderloin. Eating hot pot all day will make you angry."

But there are also soft-hearted viewers who commented: "Oh, it's really heartbreaking. This little girl was fair and fair at first, but now she has lost weight..."

These barrages are all sent by the audience in Daxia. The main reason is that only the audience in Daxia still has the heart to watch live broadcasts all day long. The people of the Free Country have long given up their Internet addiction...

Ma Qi looked at the words "hot pot" and "fried tenderloin" in the barrage with confusion, and swallowed in dismay.

She had eaten Chinese food before the arrival of the gods, and the sizzling hot pot, the fragrant fried tenderloin, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside all left a deep impression on her.

During this long period of hunger, she suddenly heard someone say this. Her mind was filled with the scorching heat of hot pot and the aroma of fried tenderloin, and her brain could hardly think.

His stomach, which had been hungry for a long time, twisted a few times unsatisfactorily, and he pursed the corners of his cracked mouth, secreting saliva from his tasteless mouth that had been eating bread.

Another barrage asked: "Why don't you use electric heaters?"

Electric heater……

Ma Qi gave a helpless smile

, she also wants to use electric heaters. Who doesn’t want to be in a warm and comfortable house?

"It's not that the officials haven't thought of a solution," Ma Qi sighed as she retracted her thoughts: "But the roads have long been interrupted, the water pipes have been frozen and cracked, and the power supply has been paralyzed."

In order to cope with this severe winter, when Daxia was building a national heating pipeline network, the pipes and lines were buried underground, close to the heating pipeline network.

In order to prevent people's livelihood facilities from being damaged by freezing, there was no abnormality in the water and electricity supply.

The European side has not built a heating pipe network at all. Even if they bury the pipes deep underground, the frozen earth still cannot provide protection.

What's more, the European side has no spare power to protect these.

Ma Qi exhaled and said again: "Because I have a low-power wind charging device at home, I can borrow a mobile phone from others for half an hour every day... The reward is to help charge it."

"Actually, the interruption of roads is not important. The key is that the officials do not have extra food."

One barrage said in amazement: "You can use greenhouses to produce food."

Ma Qi smiled bitterly and said: "The greenhouse cannot produce in the cold winter."

"It's impossible," one commenter replied: "We still use greenhouses in the suburbs to produce food."

Ma Qi paused. She looked at the barrage in disbelief, as if she saw the green crops and crisp and delicious fruits in the ice and snow.

She swallowed again.

It’s enough that everyone in Daxia can eat meat, but agricultural production is still guaranteed to this day?


I'm afraid the temperature in their greenhouse is even warmer than the house I live in!

And that's just the suburbs?

Yes, yes, there are three major projects there, there is the Great Wall to block the cold wind, there are barriers surrounding the city, and there is a terrifying network of underground pipes and behemoths of steaming water!

It’s Daxia there! !

Her eyes were filled with yearning, but then she lowered her eyes and said sadly: "This is the real winter here...forty degrees below zero...the greenhouse has long lost its function."

"Mom, I'm hungry." The little girl, who was a little shy and didn't dare to speak, suddenly looked at her mother.

"It's time to eat." Ma Qi looked at her watch. In fact, in this dark room, it was difficult to tell the time.

She took out two fist-sized pieces of hard bread from the box, handed one to her daughter, thought about it, and broke off some of her own bread.

There was a kettle hanging on the fire. Ma Qi used a stick to adjust the kettle, poured a cup of precious hot water for each person, and ate it with dry and hard bread.

The style of painting on the barrage is completely different.

"Oh, it's lunch time here too."

"Brothers, I'm eating shabu-shabu beef today."

"Eat hot pot again, aren't you tired of it, brother? I'm tired of eating it. I've been a little lighter recently, eating slices of octopus warriors."

"My mother made swordfish warrior meatballs, stir-fried beef and steamed vegetables for lunch today."

"If I'm not wrong, this is the sea animal meat that was stored last year, right? Don't you feel a little strange smell?"

An enthusiastic lady from Daxia saw this and her eyes were red: "Poor baby, come to auntie's house, auntie will cook you a good meal!"

"Oh, the child is so hungry that he has lost weight. How can such a young child eat bread every day?"

"Yes, people are holding bread and gnawing on it, and look at this big table of dishes I made... I want to eat a few more bowls today!"

Ma Qi: "..."

Ma Qi, who was nibbling dry hard bread, looked up at the barrage, then looked at the bread in her hand, and suddenly it didn't taste good.

"Oh, there's still a while, and I have to go out and clear the snow again." Ma Qi finished the bread quickly. In fact, she had tried to eat slowly to let her mouth chew more.

But there really isn’t much bread, so it’s not allowed…

Moreover, the Daxia delicacies discussed on the barrage made her mouth water, and she couldn't help but eat a little faster.

"Okay, everyone, today's live broadcast ends here." Ma Qi patted the corner where the firewood was piled: "This firewood is enough to burn for two days. Plus the firewood piled outside, it can last for almost more than a month."

“In fact, in the budget, the provinces and provinces are almost enough.

I managed to survive the cold winter, but it was too cold... The fever started to burn a little faster. Even if I add a bed board, table, etc.... I still don't know how I can survive the last month. "

"But the most scarce thing at the moment is food, which will be exhausted in about a month."

Maggie sighed.

She turned off the live broadcast.

"Mom," the little girl finally dared to speak, "Why do we have to broadcast live every day?"

"Because... maybe Daxia will help us." Ma Qi said helplessly.

The little girl Tong Yanwuji thought carefully and whispered: "Then, then, are we beggars?"


Ma Qi was stunned for a moment and wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to refute.

"Mom, do you really eat meat every day in Daxia?" The little girl's eyes flashed, her face looking a little surprised after being malnourished for a long time.

"Well, that's right." Ma Qi smiled and swallowed in frustration: "Eat meat every day, have floor heating, a stove, and barriers..."

"Maybe they will help us."


"Bang bang bang."

Someone knocked on the door. Ma Qi thought it was the sound of hail hitting the door at first, but then she found that the knocking was too rhythmic.

"Who is it?" Ma Qi opened the door in surprise. No one would be a guest at this time, even her parents hadn't visited her for a long time.

"it's me."

Outside the door was the husband of my best friend Chrissy.

"It's such a cold day, what are you doing here?" Ma Qi felt guilty, but she still turned sideways to welcome him in: "Stop standing, it's cold outside."

"I won't go in."

It had obviously been more than a month, but the man's eyes had become dull and he said stiffly: "I just want you to tell me where Chris is."

"Kris...she's dead." Maggie frowned.

"I know...but you must know where she is." The man looked at Ma Qi.

Ma Qi felt increasingly guilty: "I am not to blame for her death, it was her..."

The man's numb eyes finally showed some fluctuations: "I know something may have happened to you, but, I just want to know where she is?"

Ma Qi exhaled, identified the direction, and pointed to the thick layer of snow dozens of meters deep outside the settlement: "She is there."

"Thank you." The man nodded.

In the closed live broadcast room, the remaining viewers are still thinking about it.

"It's too miserable on the European side."

"I want to donate something. If nothing else, I just take a few kilograms of meat from the refrigerator. I can't say I can save a few people, but I can at least give them a full meal."

"Sigh... I really sympathize with them. I contacted the transportation team before and wanted to donate, but the transportation team refused to agree, saying that the commander-in-chief had spoken and would not allow it."

"Ah? Why doesn't the commander-in-chief let us donate?"

"Maybe he has his own reasons. The commander-in-chief is not a person who refuses to save others."

The people of Daxia are simple and kind. In Daxia, if you ask others for money, they will not give it to you, but if you ask for stuttering food on the street...

From the street to the end of the street, it can last to death.

I told the local authorities that I was hungry and couldn't eat, and someone immediately took me to the canteen to eat. Before I left, I gave me a few bags of steamed buns. Then there were people who went to my home every now and then to deliver food.

If someone really starved to death in Daxia, among other things, the local leaders would have to be raped from beginning to end.

Daxia has experienced times of hunger and famine. The people have a natural fear of hunger, and they also have empathy and sympathy for the hungry.

For a time, many people complained about the commander-in-chief. But fortunately, Lin Fan's previous performance was remarkable, and the people of Daxia immediately helped to smooth things over.

Lin Fan, who had unknowingly eaten three large bowls of rice, was looking at his phone in the cafeteria and said complicatedly: "Don't say it, I'm really good at eating..."

"No wonder this kind of European live broadcast is so popular in Daxia. It's like surviving in the wilderness."

Lin Fan was originally tired of eating meat every day these days, but when he saw others starving in the ice and snow, he felt hungry inexplicably...

After withdrawing his thoughts, Lin Fan thought about business, recalled the live broadcast just now and made a judgment: "It is estimated that most European people can survive for more than a month..."

And the other side.

Amid the howling cold wind and falling snowflakes, Ma Qi stood on the roof after clearing the snow in front of her door.

Swing the shovel hard.

In just two hours, the snow was already one meter deep.

The cold wind cracks the surface.

The biting cold penetrated the thick but not warm clothes, and penetrated into the bone marrow with the cold wind.

The ice and snow melted, soaking clothes, and then froze into ice. Frost hung on masks, hats, and bare eyebrows.

Ma Qi didn't dare to take a deep breath, fearing that the cold air would freeze her lungs and the air she exhaled would turn into white mist outside the mask.

She just wanted to finish her work and go home quickly.


"Aunt Ma Qi." A childish voice sounded from below.

Ma Qi leaned down, looked at the little boy standing in the ice and snow, and said in surprise: "Willy, why are you here? Where is your father?"

Willy is the child of the man just now and the child of his best friend Chrissy.

The little boy didn't know what happened yet, so he said happily: "Dad asked me to come and play with Sharon."

Sharon is Maggie's daughter.

"This is the gift dad asked me to bring to Aunt Ma Qi!"

The little boy said, and took out a piece of air-dried ham wrapped in oil paper from his arms. It was oily, half fat and half thin, and weighed about three kilograms.

Ma Qi's eyes widened instantly. Ham is very precious at this time!

She had forgotten the smell of meat!

But a bad premonition appeared in Ma Qi's heart. She quickly came down from the roof and said nervously: "What else did your father say?"

"He also asked me to stay at Aunt Ma Qi's house tonight. Dad also said that if Aunt Ma Qi's house doesn't have enough firewood to burn or bread to eat, you can go to my house." The little boy smiled happily, before the god came. , he often comes to Maggie's house to play with Sharon. The two are best friends.

"Where is your father?" Ma Qi's nervous voice was trembling, and she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

Willy scratched his head and said, "Dad said, he, he went to find mom. I said I wanted to go too, but he wouldn't let me..."


Have you gone to find your mother?

Ma Qi's heart tightened, and she ran towards the outside of the shelter regardless of her physical fatigue and coldness, but then she stopped and led Willie into the house first, letting Sharon play with her.

Then he put on his clothes, held a piece of wood against the cold wind, and ran quickly in the direction of Chris.

"It can't be too late, it mustn't be too late...Run! Run!"

In the cold wind, Ma Qi screamed in her heart that it was the first time she ran so fast, perhaps only as fast as the last time she abandoned Chris.

In the snow outside the shelter, Ma Qi, who was shivering from the cold, stopped and looked at the snow in front of her in astonishment.

I saw that someone had actually dug a hole into the snow layer.

Ma Qi walked in confusedly, holding the mobile phone that had not been returned as a light, and moved forward along the cold snow cave.

Maggie stopped.

In front of him, a man held a woman who looked like an ice cube.

The man took off his coat as if looking for death. His eyebrows were already covered with hoarfrost and icicles, but there was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, just like when he first met Chris on the college campus.

In the ice and snow around him, he wrote with his fingers: "I love you, across the ice and snow."

There seems to be a letter next to it.

Ma Qi slowly picked it up with frozen fingers. The letter read: "


I can probably guess Chris's death, and I don't blame you.

I know that you don't have much food reserves, and I don't have much food reserves, nor much firewood.

If this continues, your child, my child, all four of us will starve to death.

but if……

Help me take good care of Willy, he is my and Chrissy's child, and you can move the things in my house slowly.

I'm here with Chrissy. She is a girl who is afraid of the dark. She was afraid of the dark when we first met her.


Also, it's very cold here. You're probably going to freeze if you run here. Run back. Run quickly, Ma Qi.


Ma Qi was stunned for a few seconds, then turned around and ran out of the snow cave, holding the door panel and running wildly in the cold wind.

The cold spread across her body, as if it was freezing her, but there seemed to be a voice shouting in her heart: "Run! Run!"

A warm current surged through her body, making her forget her fatigue, but she was so immersed in guilt that she didn't notice it.

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