Looking at the dense crowd in front of him, Duke, the descendant of the Earth God, followed Brenda and frowned slightly: "Is there any action plan?"

"Action plan?" Brenda said calmly: "It's very simple."

"Find him, catch him."

Brenda's tone was full of confidence. This was the confidence given to her by the power of thunder. This was the confidence brought by strength.

Ogre, Hannibal.

Although she is notorious in Oufang's history, Brenda is now an eleventh-level high-ranking god!

What is a guy who has just woken up, is only tenth level in strength, and is not good at fighting head-on?

"As for how to find him..." Brenda's eyes burst out with bright lightning.


Thunder penetrates the heart of the sky and shines on the ice and snow.

The originally noisy crowd fell silent instantly. Brenda stood in the sky, and under the light of thunder, her voice was like thunder: "The Alliance of Gods is doing something, everyone is waiting where they are to be questioned!"

The crowd immediately stayed where they were, and they still had a good impression of Brenda.

This is not only due to strong strength, but also due to Brenda's actions. Without her leading the Alliance of Gods to forcibly unite the governments of various countries, countless people in Europe would have died now.

"Duke." Brenda said, "Go and ask the missing people if they left anything behind or said anything before they disappeared."

"Also, what do those people have in common, and whether there are any suspicious outsiders."

"Yes." Duke nodded and walked quickly towards the crowd.


"Sir Brenda!"

A figure walked quickly, wearing a straight coat of the uniform of the Alliance of Gods. His eyes were respectful and he said: "I am the person in charge of this settlement, Rupert. What can I do for you, sir?"

His blue eyes revealed calmness, and he was a man with deep eyes.

His strength is quite good, and the aura he exudes is actually at the seventh level. Even if he is a high-level person in the Alliance of Gods, otherwise he would not be able to be the person in charge of a settlement.

"You came just in time. I have something to ask you." Brenda nodded, "I heard that thirty-two people are missing here, but no one is confirmed dead?"

"Yes." The person in charge, Rupert, nodded deeply.

"Did those missing people say anything before they disappeared?"

"No. I have investigated this matter, and they just disappeared without a trace." Rupert looked guilty, "There was no contact between them, and they did not leave any words before disappearing."

"I also checked their home, and there were no signs of being rummaged or robbed, or signs of fighting."

Brenda nodded, pondered for a moment, and then continued: "Have there been any outsiders recently?"

"The roads are blocked, so there are no outsiders anywhere." Rupert sighed, "Moreover, the residents of this settlement are originally from their respective cities, and they don't know each other very well, which is normal. "

The original order was shattered the moment the gods descended, and the European people had to abandon most of the land and take refuge in this high-altitude area surrounded by mountains.

During this migration process, the flow of people was indeed somewhat chaotic.

Brenda nodded. At the same time, Duke, who had inquired with several people, came over with a gloomy expression. He looked at Rupert, nodded and said, "It's the same as what he said."

The gods were powerful, and Duke could also hear the conversation clearly.

"Yeah." Brenda frowned: "That guy knows how to hide himself..."

Originally, in Brenda's opinion, the operation to capture Hannibal should be simple.

find him.

Capture him.

It doesn’t even require any elaborate planning, it’s just two steps.

But I never expected that I would encounter obstacles in the first step.

Rupert's brows jumped after hearing Brenda's words: "That guy..."

Recalling Brenda's previous inquiry, Rupert's expression suddenly changed: "You, you mean...these thirty-two disappearance cases are not simple disappearances?"

Just in the middle of speaking, thunder suddenly started!

Rolling thunder swallowed up Rupert's second sentence.

"Keep your voice down." Brenda looked around to make sure that the people not far away did not hear Rupert's words, and then whispered: "But someone did do it."

"Thirty-two missing..." Rupert's face turned pale, "All of them were murders?"

Rupert's breathing began to tremble, these were thirty-two murders!

Thirty-two murders occurred in the settlement he was responsible for!

This can

It's a big deal!

Before Daxia's support arrived, there were at most two or three murders in other settlements. The order was only vaguely chaotic and had not yet collapsed. Humanity still remained.

Most of the criminals are just looking for food, not killing indiscriminately.

In the settlement under Rupert's jurisdiction, there was not a single murder, and the people remained in order. When he heard the complaints from other leaders, he was still faintly proud, thinking about when the Alliance of Gods would promote him.

Although there are thirty-two missing, it is difficult to say what is missing. After Rupert’s investigation, he has already ruled out the possibility of murder and robbery. He suspected that it was because of the shortage of food that the thirty-two people got excited and formed a group to go to other settlements.

As a result, Brenda, the leader of the Alliance of Gods, came directly to him and told him that these were thirty-two murders!

Even the higher-ups noticed it, but he didn’t even know it!

Thirty-two murders, this... As the person in charge, just being dismissed from his post would be too easy!

But what he was more afraid of at this time was not the thirty-two disappearances, but the person who did these... What kind of monster must be that could kill thirty-two people silently!

Rupert looked at the crowd, as if looking at a monster lurking in the darkness, with cold sweat on his forehead and a nervous expression: "I, I really don't know..."

"I'm not here to hold you accountable. In fact, I'm not blaming you." Seeing that the person in charge was so nervous, Brenda's voice became softer and comforted: "You can't handle that person either. of."

"Actually, you did a good job." Brenda looked at the crowd not far away with a slightly startled look in her eyes.

She saw many people suffering from hunger in the cold winter.

After two months of hunger and cold, almost all the people in each settlement had sallow complexions, sunken cheeks, and eyes as gray as a zombie.

Although these people are slightly thin, they have rosy cheeks and clear eyes.

Facing the food distributed by Daxia's support, she was able to queue up calmly. Brenda even noticed some men giving up their seats to women in a gentlemanly manner.

Rupert exhaled and smiled: "We maintain order here very well. There is not a single murder or robbery, except for the thirty-two missing people..."

It actually calmed the people and maintained order in the despair of winter!

"How did you do it?" Brenda asked curiously. Although this time it was to track down Hannibal, the results Rupert had achieved made her want to learn from it and promote it later.

"Actually, it's nothing. If they have something to eat, people will naturally stay sane." Rupert lowered his head and smiled, "Speaking of which, thanks to the church, every few days, the kind Father Linton will hold a dinner... "


This word instantly stirred Brenda's tense nerves.

Perhaps in ordinary times, this word is not eye-catching, but this time they are hunting the ogre Hannibal!

"What kind of dinner?"

"A very sumptuous dinner," Rupert didn't know that Brenda was chasing Hannibal, and thought it was Brenda's question out of pure curiosity.

There was some aftertaste in his eyes, and he licked his lips subconsciously, and smiled: "Bread, wine...but more of meat."

"What meat?"

Rupert rolled his throat and recalled the taste: "French foie gras cooked to perfection, grilled over low heat, chewy and delicious rabbit meat, chewy steak, stock made from beef bones, lamb tongue... "

"You should really try Chef Hunter's cooking. Although he is a church chef, I have never had that kind of food in those expensive hotels even before the disaster struck."

Brenda's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and then she looked at Rupert sympathetically and said in a deep voice: "Where is the chef?"

"Hunt..." Rupert looked back at the crowd and frowned after a moment: "It seems that he didn't come to collect the supplies. He should be in the church. He is a devout man. Of course, people don't believe in God now. It is the Lord who created everything.”

Since the advent of the gods, the church's status of existence maintained by faith has plummeted, and almost no one cares about it.

Some angry people even stormed the church and smashed the windows in the middle of the night.

But fortunately, the church also adapted to the situation and immediately drew a clear line with gods, abolished previous doctrines, threw away those scriptures with the clear names of gods, and changed their faith in the Lord who created everything... Don't ask for the specific name, ask about the Lord. .

The people in Europe also quickly accepted that people in despair always need comfort. Churches are the most chaotic things to open in chaotic times.

Brenda's voice was urgent: "Which direction is the church?"

"There." Rupert pointed to a ten-meter-high spire building in the center of the settlement.

Although it is not very high, it can be seen at a glance among these semi-underground, low-slung houses in the settlement.

"That chef has a problem!" Brenda shouted: "Duke, take Rupert and follow me to take down that chef!"

After saying that, Brenda was like lightning and rushed towards the church.

Duke looked at the people who were still waiting with doubtful eyes, and shouted: "The investigation is over, everyone can move freely, excuse me!"

After saying that, Duke took the person in charge, Rupert, by his collar, stepped on the ground, and rushed with Brenda!

Every time he set foot, the frozen earth rippled, and then the power from the depths of the earth was fed back to Duke. Although his strength was only at the tenth level, his speed was actually as fast as Brenda.

This is the advantage of the God of the Earth. As long as he stands on the earth, he can mobilize the power of the earth.

"What's going on?" Rupert, who was being held by Duke, was confused: "Why did Chief Brenda..." when I mentioned the dinner?

Before he could finish speaking, Duke turned to look at him and said concisely: "Capture the target, the ogre Hannibal."

"Hannibal the Ogre!"

Rupert's pupils shrank suddenly, this name is really a household name!

Immediately, Rupert was stunned for a moment, and Duke could feel his body stiffen for a moment.

"Then what I eat might be..."

Duke nodded sympathetically: "Yes."


Rupert retched instantly.

With Brenda's speed, she arrived outside the church door in an instant.

Stopping, Brenda glanced behind her to make sure Duke was following.

Duke, who had followed, put down Rupert. Rupert's face was pale, his forehead was sweating, and he was retching.

"At once……"


Just after he said a word, Rupert retched again. He didn't vomit all the gastric juice before he nodded with a pale face and said, "That's it."


Thunder and lightning burst out, the dazzling thunder smashed the door panel, and Brenda's power poured out!

Thunder surged and intertwined into dazzling armor.

Brenda stepped on the thunder, like the master of thunder and lightning, holding the huge Mjolnir upside down, and slowly walked into the church.

The soil under Duke's feet slowly rose, turning into earth-yellow armor next to his body, as Brenda walked in.

There is no one in the church and the seats are empty. It is not the time for worship at this time. Everyone is queuing up to receive support supplies.

Brenda looked around, and Rupert behind her said, "The kitchen is underground."

Brenda glanced at the deep staircase behind the left side of the cross, took a deep breath, and walked slowly.

But the next moment.

"The kitchen is a very important place and no entry is allowed."

A voice sounded, and Brenda turned her head and saw a figure wearing a clergyman's robe walking out of the right corridor of the church.

The slightly sunken eye sockets and protruding brow bones make him look quite majestic.

Her smooth blond hair, parted in the middle, was meticulously combed and pressed close to her scalp. When paired with a church gown, she looked kind and elegant.

He frowned and looked at the thundering Brenda, with a hint of fear in his eyes, but still said in a deep voice: "Are you going to steal the food given by the Lord? Are you going to steal people's hope in life?"

"Although you are powerful,... our food cannot be stolen! This is for hungry people!"

Brenda held the hammer tightly and frowned: "Are you... Hunter?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Father Linton!" Rupert quickly ran up and said: "This is Father Linton, he manages this church, and the dinner is also held in his name."

Seeing that Brenda's eyes were unkind again, Rupert said quickly: "But I can guarantee that he is a good person! He often takes in orphans and widows, and welcomes cold people into the church to keep warm. He once went three kilometers into a blizzard just to save a man who was trapped in a snowstorm. He is a very good priest!”

When it comes to being a human being, Rupert was stunned for a moment, then said: "No, I don't mean that, I mean, he is a priest with high moral character!"

Immediately, Rupert looked at Father Linton and explained: "This is Chief Brenda of the Alliance of Gods."

Hearing this, Brenda's face relaxed slightly and nodded towards Father Linton: "Sorry."

Father Linton also recognized the leader of the Alliance of Gods at this time, and tapped his chest with his right hand: "I have met Chief Brenda."

"Did you host the dinner?" Brenda looked at the priest, ready to take action at any time.

"Yes." Linton nodded slightly, but then said: "Actually, I didn't do anything. I just told people to come to the dinner. In fact, it was all organized by Hunter, the chef of our church. He is a good man who selflessly dedicated his own reserves. The food was served and cooked throughout the entire process... I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t even go into the kitchen to help.”

"I wonder what sir is doing here?"

"Arrest Hunter."

"Arrest?" Father Linton frowned slightly: "What did he do? He is a very good man. If he had not selflessly donated the food he had stored and made us a sumptuous dinner, many people would have starved to death. "

"Father, I don't have time to explain to you now." Brenda shook her head: "The situation is tense, please go out and wait."

Father Linton nodded slightly, turned and left the church.

Brenda held Mjolnir tightly, summoned her power again, and slowly walked into the stairs leading to the kitchen.

There was a closed, locked wooden door, and Brenda punched it in!


Thunder exploded, the wooden door shattered, and the sawdust was charred!

Brenda did not rush in, but stood outside the door and said solemnly: "Hunter, come out."

"Or should I call you, Hannibal?"

"We all know your identity. There's no point in resisting. Come out!"

Duke on the side was also ready for battle, and a steady stream of earth power surged up from his feet.

But no one responded.

"You know you can't defeat us, do you have to force us to do it?"

Brenda frowned slightly, held the Thunder Hammer, and walked slowly down.

Under the light of thunder, the entire kitchen came into view.

The cutlery, bowls and plates are neatly arranged, and the tabletop is spotless. The white porcelain plates and smooth cutlery have a different kind of beauty.

This was totally different from what Brenda had imagined, a kitchen full of blood and stench that an ogre should have.

After all, the ogres' kitchens on TV all have stumps hanging from iron hooks, stains all over the floor, and flies flying everywhere.

But the kitchen was neat and tidy, and there was even a faint fragrance in the air, as if someone had specially sprayed perfume.

There was even a VCR in the corner, playing elegant music as the disks rotated.

Even the most demanding housewife comes and has to praise her tastefully.

It is conceivable that Hannibal, the most terrifying ogre in history, was in this clean and tidy kitchen with fresh air, accompanied by elegant music, holding a sharp knife and cutting each part in an orderly manner. Slowly and slowly, place the pieces of meat in the frying pan until they sizzle on both sides, and carefully prepare the broth.

Brenda could even imagine his grace and ease.

But there was no one in the kitchen.

"This..." Duke frowned slightly.

Rupert also walked in, followed by the frowning Father Linton.

"What is this?" Brenda looked around and suddenly pointed to a box on the table.

Father Linton replied: "These are Hunter's ingredients... He will specially bring the ingredients he reserves and cook them selflessly for the residents."

Having said this, he raised his head with firm eyes.

"I wonder if you are mistaken."

"Hunter is a nice person. We are very good friends in private. Although we only met when we came here, his personality and amazing cooking skills are what impressed me..."

"I'll show you something and prepare yourself mentally."

Brenda interrupted Father Linton expressionlessly.

Opened the box.

Inside the box were neatly arranged tenderloins and human arms that had not yet been processed.


"Your good friend Hunter has another name."

"Ogre, Hannibal."

Father Linton suddenly became silent. He stared blankly at everything in front of him, his pupils contracted violently, and he was full of disbelief.

But then, he seemed to realize something, his face instantly turned pale, and he staggered out the door, hearing the sound of painful retching!

Duke glanced at the door sympathetically: "Do you have to show it to him?"

"He's too naive," Brenda said expressionlessly, "I'm also telling him a truth. Well, in Daxia's words, it means knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts."

Duke sighed, "Poor guy."

Rupert cast a look of understanding. He understood Father Linton's feelings.

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