Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1308 Beating up the primitive people

Blood flowed thousands of miles.

On the blood-stained snow, red flags waved!

The soldiers swept the battlefield with guns and collected the still intact furs and wolf meat. From time to time, gunshots were heard. Those were cunning wolves who were cheating to death.

"Be careful, these wolves are too cunning, they are pretending to be dead..." A squad leader who was scratched on his arm shouted loudly: "It doesn't matter whether he is dead or not, just two more shots first!"

"Yes!" Lao Jiu, who was undercover in this world, pointed his gun at a wolf lying motionless on the ground and tried to shoot again.

But not before he pulled the trigger.


"Lao Jiu! I want you to pay for my brother's death!"

The werewolf's limbs violently exerted force, and he rushed toward Lao Jiu like a black afterimage, his sharp claws flashing coldly in the air!


Half a round of bullets shot out in an instant, tearing the air apart and creating a flash of fire!

The gun is fast from seven steps away.

Within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast!

A series of sparks burst out from the werewolf's body, and almost half of his body was destroyed. The cold light of the sharp claws was so small in the firelight.


The werewolf fell heavily in front of Lao Jiu. Lao Jiu stared blankly at the werewolf in front of him: "Lao Ba..."

"Lao Jiu... cough cough..." Lao Ba covered the beaten half of his body and twitched slightly on the ground, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and said intermittently: "I know, you are... you are an undercover, I have always known... ...I am stupid, but, but I can distinguish between good and bad..."

"Lao Ba." Lao Jiu looked blankly at the werewolf who seemed to have a weak brain who had been covering for him, and said in disbelief: "So you know everything?"

For a moment, immense guilt surged into my heart.

"Lao Ba!" The soldier suddenly grabbed the werewolf, trying to cover the gushing blood, and said loudly: "Medical soldier, Mr. Zhang..."

"No, don't call people." Lao Ba used his last strength to whisper: "If you kill my clan, even if you save me, I will have to fight with you... Just let me die like this with the alpha wolf brother."

Lao Ba's voice couldn't help but tremble: "You, since you know, why don't you expose me?"

"I said, I can tell the difference between good and bad. You are doing it for the good of the wolf clan... I know that you warned us about the power of the human race, and you secretly persuaded us to cooperate with the human race..." Lao Ba said slowly: "Actually, , I hope to cooperate...but the alpha wolf is the one who decides the fate of the group."

"You kill me, I don't hate you, I only ask you one thing... In the cave I took you to last time, my two children... you are still their godfather... help me raise them. "

After the words fell, Lao Ba's body completely stiffened, and his wolf claws grabbed Lao Jiu's collar and fell.

Lao Jiu was silent for a long time.

His eyes were extremely troubled.

He looked at the fluttering red flag, and then at the foot of the mountain not far away. He was silent for a long time, and slowly stood up straight.

"Hey, what are you doing!" the squad leader shouted.

"It's okay." Lao Jiu carried the gun and walked in the ice and snow without looking back.

Not long after.



Two gunshots came from the foot of the mountain in the distance.

"Baby, I'm sorry." The soldier held the smoking gun.

In the snow cave in front of him were two wolf cubs that had been beaten to death. He used to play with these two wolf cubs in his arms. The two wolf cubs always licked the face of his godfather.

The warrior closed his eyes and said: "You can't change the fate of the wolf clan, and I can't betray Daxia's position."

"In the next life, we will be brothers."

"But in this life, we can only be enemies."

"Because, I not only represent myself, but behind me are countless compatriots."

Daxia destroyed the wolf clan. As a warrior of Daxia, how could he secretly raise two wolf cubs?

This is a blood feud that wipes out the entire clan!

If we don’t kill him now, we will definitely cause losses to Daxia in the future!

No one can bear this responsibility!

The soldier slowly exhaled. At this moment, he felt the helplessness of his personal destiny in the torrent of this era, and he also truly felt the cruelty of this war.

This is war!

Cleaning up the battlefield is over.

The world where wolves were originally mooing was completely silent, except for the weeping cold wind.

Lin Fan glanced at the soldiers who were getting ready to attack again. At this moment, there was no mercy in the eyes of all the soldiers, only cold blood!

The evil spirit emanating from the whole body is enough to make the gods tremble!

This is a warrior who slaughtered an ethnic group, this is a terrifying army that killed an entire plane!

A terrifying army that can only be polished with blood!

They just stood there, like a world-destroying demon!

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." Lin Fan said solemnly: "This time, I can give you a proof."

"Next, there are still fourteen planes waiting for destruction!"

"There are still one hundred and thirty-three planes waiting for us to visit!"

"Now, there is an army of five million people, led by the gods of Daxia! According to the number, go destroy the enemy and visit friends!"

After all, there are one hundred and fifty planes. If we fight them one by one, we may not be able to finish them in two months.

Soldiers are not machines, they also need to rest, eat and sleep.

And to be honest, 70 million warriors cleaning up a plane... this is simply

It's killing a chicken with a knife.

Under the diligent management of Chione, although the Winter Temple is not as poor as the Ocean Temple, it is almost the same, which is the gap between the penultimate and the penultimate.

Brothers in distress.

Most planes have only a few hundred thousand creatures, no more than ten levels.

There are only three planes above the tenth level, two of which are tenth level and one is the eleventh level, with millions of creatures.

With this kind of strength, there is no need for 70 million warriors. Even if 5 million warriors were to deal with one, they would be crushed!

This is the crushing caused by the difference in weapon generation.

Someone once said that if today's Daxia were placed in World War II, would it be able to defeat the Free Country of that year?

But after the discussion among netizens, they were shocked to find that, let alone the Free Country... even if all the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers were tied together, they would still not be Daxia's opponent now!

The Thirty-eighth Army alone can give all the Axis powers an A rating.

It is also a thermal weapon, but modern firepower equipment is definitely not comparable to the weapons of the year.

But now, soldiers armed with live ammunition and equipped with light and heavy machine guns, RP/Gs, armored vehicles and modern individual equipment face these devout and god-believing races... They are completely like primitive people who beat the enemy!

Real power can never be obtained by praying!

As for the plane spirits...of course the gods of Daxia will take care of them!

"Now, spread out!"

"Slaughter the remaining fourteen planes!"

"Use their death to become my Daxia's business card to the gods, and use their wails to serve as my Daxia's self-introduction to all the worlds!"


Seventy million soldiers all took the lead!

Subsequently, under the leadership of the gods of Daxia, the fourteen teams each received the planes they were responsible for.

In the pure white winter treasure house, Lin Fan faced the terrifying army that would scare even gods, and said in a deep voice:

"Go, my great Xia Erlang!"

"Let me, Daxia's footsteps, crush the enemy's head!"

"Let my flag of Great Xia fly in every plane!"

"Since they are hiding in the darkness and rejecting the light of fire, let us use torches to burn away the darkness and let them know how hot the flames raised by the humans are!"


Seventy million soldiers roared in unison, and then, one after another, terrifying teams held high red flags and walked into each plane!

Carrying a gift on his back and carrying a cold gun in his hand!

this moment.

The giant dragon stretched out its fangs and opened its huge mouth!

The red flags are like burning torches, rushing into the cold worlds!

The iron-blooded killing has officially begun!

The New Year’s visit is also in full swing!

In a third-order plane.

Suddenly the world began to shake.

Like the beating of a dull drum, the snowfield that has been frozen for thousands of years is undulating.

"what happened!"

"Why is there such a movement!"

"Wait, that's..."

Three hundred thousand ice archers with slender bodies, long bows on their backs, about one and a half meters tall, and blue skin ran out of the temple and tribe, looking panicked.

The next moment, the nervous shouting suddenly stopped. Their eyes widened and they looked at the vast ice and snow in astonishment.

In the ice and snow.

Five million human warriors march in formation!

Situ Hong walked at the front.

Behind him, five million soldiers were marching in formation, carrying their guns and loaded with ammunition!

There are even more armored vehicles and tanks roaring, and the dark muzzles of guns and guns are aimed at these ice elves!

The heaven and earth trembled due to their footsteps, and the roar of the engine drowned out the howling of the cold wind!

The terrible evil energy produced by just slaughtering a plane made the world change color!

Situ Hong's voice came loudly: "You have chosen to be the enemy of Daxia."

"Today, Daxiat comes to visit!"

"Just to tell you something!"

Five million soldiers roared in unison: "Anyone who is my enemy in Daxia will be killed no matter how far away!"

This roar condensed together, passed through the cold wind, and resounded through the sky. The entire plane trembled from the roar of humans!


"How come the human race from Daxia appears here! Where is Lao Wang! Where is the Lao Wang from Daxia!"

"Damn it, Old Wang is gone! I understand, he, he is a traitor! He is the one who brought mankind here!"

"It's impossible... He has the mark of the gods and he is a devout believer. How could he betray the gods!"

"How is it impossible! Daxia has invaded us now! Damn it, how come there are so many!"

The ice archers suddenly became nervous and felt a chill coming towards them!

This is a terrifying army, their clothes even have blood on them, and the strong smell of blood is still pungent even through the biting cold wind!


"What are you afraid of! God is watching us!" A figure walked out slowly, wearing a white robe.

He is clearly the agent of the gods in this world, the archbishop who is a false god.


For a moment, the ice archers were no longer afraid when they saw the coming person.

This is the Chosen One!

A being who possesses the power given by the gods!

"Hmph, the weak human race dares to invade us?" The archbishop snorted coldly, touched the crystal long bow on his back that was crystal clear and emitted cold air, and sneered: "We are a race with power given by the gods!"

Although they are only 1.5 meters tall, they are very agile because they have been running in the snowy fields for a long time. The ice crystal longbows they carry can shoot ice arrows up to one meter long!

Groups of ice archers had to dodge even the 300-meter-tall Frost Giants!

"These humans dare to invade us... Haha, I understand, they were sent by God to test us. This is God's test for us!" The archbishop smiled and said: "As long as you pass the test, you can get God's favor! Be with God!”

As soon as these words came out.

The ice archers who had been extremely nervous suddenly no longer felt scared and laughed one after another.

“It turns out to be a test from God, so great!”

"I am God's most devout believer!"

"The human race, at first glance, seems quite bluffing... Haha, in fact, there are only a few more, but they don't even have bows and arrows! They are so backward, how dare they become our enemies?"

"Those iron lumps... it's so miserable. Now they still use sticks as weapons. They are so primitive! Thanks to the gift of the gods, we have long invented high-end weapons like bows and arrows!"

"This is simply food sent to us by God!"

"There are so many, I don't know if I can finish them all... How about making them into sausages and storing a batch?"

This plane's faith in God is so strong that it doesn't even want to take a look at the Daxia information brought by the warrior, for fear that the glory of God will be blasphemed by the pictures of the evil plane. Even if the warrior is embarrassed, he is unwilling to read it. So they don't know what those iron lumps are...

And the other side.

The soldiers looked at those blurry figures from a distance and were confused.

"Are you kidding? They are still using such primitive weapons as bows and arrows?" A staff officer put down his telescope and looked at the automatic rifle in his hand with a complicated look on his face, and then at the bows and arrows over there.

The soldiers were also confused: "This is simply a primitive man..."

"You dare to choose to be our enemy? Are you crazy?"

"No, don't they have any technology? Didn't the Commander-in-Chief say before that there are actually various minerals under the ice? Haven't they even learned how to make iron?"

"Er Niu, aren't you talking nonsense? People already believe in God and rely on God to give them strength, but you still expect them to develop technology?"

"The next step is simply to beat the primitive people..."

Another soldier frowned and said: "Blue skin... looks very unpleasant..."

Both sides think the other is primitive... and both are a little worried about the other's taste.

Seeing the human army heading straight for him, the Archbishop raised his hand to stop the ecstatic tribesmen.


"Although this God's test is a little light, like giving us food."

"But before we turn these humans into bacon, we have to show our best to fight! Let these humans see our power!"

"Don't be embarrassed, God is watching us!"


The expressions of the three hundred thousand ice field archers instantly became serious.

"Array up!"

After the archbishop finished speaking, the three hundred thousand ice field archers formed a neat formation, took off the ice crystal longbows behind them, and did not fire!

This is a high-end tactic they summed up after countless hunts.

As long as you line up and shoot arrows, you can increase your hit rate!

This is a high-end strategy summed up over thousands of years. It is the crystallization of wisdom summed up by generations of ancestors under the gift of gods.

Quite high-end.

"Get ready!" The archbishop also took out the ice crystal long bow from his back. As the mark of the god between his eyebrows lit up, the power given by the god surged through his body, and wisps of winter divine power roared out.

The temperature is getting colder and there are snowflakes all around.

He slowly opened the long bow with bright ice crystals, and a trace of winter divine power rushed in, turning into a huge two-meter arrow, surrounded by ice and snow, as if it could penetrate everything!

Feeling the power bestowed by God, the archbishop looked proudly at the slowly approaching human troops and sneered: "Thanks to God's gift, our shooting range is only two hundred meters away!"

"These humans would never have imagined that we have such a terrifying attack method!"

"We are all ready to attack! As long as humans come within 200 meters of us, we will immediately shoot ice arrows to kill those humans!"

Despair, humans!

Have you ever seen a terrifying weapon with a range of 200 meters?

This is the power given by God! How can you unbelieving people understand this?

The corners of the Archbishop's mouth rose slightly, as if he had seen the desperate and horrified scene when this seemingly terrifying human army faced the rain of arrows with a range of 200 meters falling in the cold wind.


Two thousand meters away.


"What are they doing?" Military God Situ Hong looked at the ice archers in formation with their bows drawn and postures in the distance with his binoculars, and frowned: "Are they waiting in line to be shot?"

Even though she has experienced countless battles and received modern military education, she still cannot understand what these ice archers are doing...

Holding bows and arrows in hand, instead of running away when faced with the modernly armed legions, they stood neatly on the spot and drew their bows.

Standing in line waiting to be shot?

What does it mean to draw a bow?

Could this strange scene be a large-scale summoning ceremony?

The staff officer on the side said in a deep voice: "Be careful of fraud!"

"Well... Although I don't know what they are going to do, it's better to be careful. Anyway, the distance is almost the same, and three thousand meters is within the range of light and heavy firepower..." Situ Hong nodded and suddenly raised his right hand.

Just a moment.


Five million soldiers, stop in unison!

This is her carefully trained firepower army!

Situ Hong looked solemnly at the ice field archers who were holding their bows motionless from a distance. The unknown feeling of not knowing what the other party was going to do made her inexplicably nervous.

On the battlefield, the enemy's fire bombing is indeed terrifying, but for a commander, what he fears most is the enemy's inexplicable and incomprehensible actions!

"It's better to be careful..." Situ Hong muttered, then picked up the walkie-talkie: "All units, build simple fortifications on the spot! Get ready for battle!"

In an instant, the soldiers immediately took out their engineering shovels and started working in the ice and snow.

Every soldier in the firepower corps trained by Situ Hong is a good hand. In less than ten minutes, the construction of simple fortifications was completed!

The soldiers dug out snow pits one after another and lay down in them as simple trenches. In front of them, there were thick blocks of snow dug out half a man's height as bunkers, leaving only firing ports and extending the black barrels of their guns. go out.

Even armored vehicles and artillery were blocked by thick snow blocks, and only the dark muzzles and shooting ports popped out!

The warriors also looked inexplicably nervous, not only because it required all their strength to fight a lion against a rabbit, but also because the behavior of the ice archers was really abnormal.

And the other side.

"Why did they stop?"

"what happened?"

Seeing the human warriors stop unexpectedly, the ice archers frowned slightly.

The archbishop was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "It seems these humans are afraid!"

"Haha, indeed, in the face of our terrible weapons and our terrible tactics, although these humans can't understand, they still know how powerful they are!"

"This is the power given by the gods! It is a high-end strategy that we have accumulated over thousands of years under the blessing of the gods!"

"Archbishop, they are still digging holes..." A tribesman frowned.

The archbishop smiled disdainfully: "Oh, weak humans can be so cowardly!"

"It was clear that they wanted to invade us, but when they got in front of us, they actually tried to hide in the ice and snow!"

"It seems that they also know how powerful we are, and they don't even have the courage to face us! None of them dare to look at us, they only dare to hide behind the ice and snow!"

"All the tribesmen!" the archbishop said in a deep voice, "draw your bow and wait! As long as the human race steps into our 200-meter range, we will kill them all!"

The ice archers were full of fighting spirit and shouted: "Yes!"

"The human race will die if they step within 200 meters of us!"

"Today, we will let them know that within 200 meters of me, there is a forbidden land for the human race!"

They stared at humans, waiting for humans to step into their 200-meter range!

There was even an ice archer with a proud look on his face, shouting to the human army: "If you have the ability, fight! Come! Come here! I want you to know God, and you cannot disobey it! I want you to see the glory of God !”

Three thousand meters away.

"What are they shouting?" the staff officer muttered.

"I don't know, I didn't hear you clearly." Situ Hong put down the binoculars expressionlessly, "But that's not important."

Pick up the walkie-talkie.

In the biting cold wind, he said slowly: "Target, ice archer three thousand meters away. Wind speed 14, direction 51, drop 12 meters high."


The pitch-black barrels rotated slowly, and the cold muzzles were pointed at the ice archers lining up in the distance.

The light and heavy machine guns pulled the bolts. The soldiers pressed their index fingers on the triggers, pointed the muzzles at the ice archers in the distance, breathed steadily, and were ready to fire at any time!

Just a moment.

A series of neat voices came from the intercom.

"Parameter calibration, the target has been locked! The gun group requests to fire!"

"Parameter calibration, target locked! Armored group requesting fire!"

"Parameter calibration, target locked! A ball of missiles..."

All gathered into four words.

"Request fire!"

Situ Hong nodded and said in a deep voice: "The entire unit, covered with firepower!"


For a moment, the ice field archers who lined up neatly and drew their bows waiting for the humans to enter the 200-meter shooting range saw an unforgettable scene in their lives.

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