Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1320: Deceive and kill

Facing this vast plane, Chione could not hide her excitement. She had already imagined the scene in her mind when she conquered this plane, cultivated and strengthened it, and returned to the God Realm with tens of thousands of high-level winter gods.

The day when winter returns.

Zeus bowed his head and the thunder collapsed.

She will become the queen of the God Realm, countless temples will tremble under her feet, and the Winter Temple will regain its glory!

Thinking about it again, my husband Poseidon happened to find a plane with great potential not long ago. When the time comes, using North as the link, the two temples will join forces... This is God's will for the Winter Temple to rise!

Fantasy time.

Soon, the fantasy time was over. Chione exhaled, barely suppressing the excitement and joy in her heart, and looked at the winter gods behind her with a smile.


"Today will be the day when my Winter Temple begins to take off."

"Legends will be written here."

"Brilliant, starting from now on."

"Now, release your glory and go south in the snow!"

"Let those lower beings witness our greatness, let those weak humans bow their heads in glory, let the ice and snow freeze everything with our footsteps, and let glory pour into every corner of this plane!"

"This will be our world!"

Her voice was like the howling of the cold wind, resounding thousands of miles across the ice field!


All the gods of winter bowed their heads one after another. When they raised their heads, streaks of white glory rose into the sky, ice and snow roared, and snow waves surged!

They must show their divine power and accept the kneeling and prayers of those lower beings with a noble attitude.

Amidst the glory and ice and snow, these winter gods walked according to the previously assigned route, exuding supreme glory, embracing the extreme cold and brutal winter, and carrying the heavy ice and snow towards the winter country on the map!

Walking on the snow, they walked gracefully and briskly, with smiles on their lips.

Ahead is the direction of Winter Country.

Ahead, there is a surrender ceremony prepared for them by the humble and sensible people of the Winter Country. As soon as they arrive, those humans will kneel down and worship devoutly and become loyal believers of God!

Chione exhaled and was about to go to the first venue prepared for herself in the Winter Kingdom.

But immediately, Chione felt something was wrong.

"North, why don't you go with the middle god?" Chione stopped and looked at North behind her with a frown.

It stands to reason that North is a mid-level god at the peak of the tenth level, so he naturally has to go to the mid-level god meeting place to undergo the surrender ceremony.

Lin Fanxin said, of course I have to go with you, otherwise how can I get rid of you...

After thinking about it, Lin Fan immediately bowed to Chione with respect: "Mother Qi, I... I am also a young master after all, how can I go with those middle-class gods! Besides, the child is not willing to leave his mother. !”

"Please mother allow the child to accompany the mother and share the mother's glory!"

"Although he is a little vain, he is really a filial child. Well, the dignified young master should not be mixed with those middle-class gods." Chione smiled and nodded slightly: "Okay, you just follow me!"

"Share the glory with me!"


A thousand-meter snow wave soared into the sky, turning into a long ice crystal dragon, and suddenly lifted Chione and Noss and swept southward!

The glory shines on the ice and snow, the cold wind howls, like the roar of an ice crystal dragon, and the snowflakes rise into the sky!

Wherever it passed, ice and snow froze everything.

At this moment, Chione is the incarnation of ice and snow, she is winter!

Winter is coming from north to south!

at the same time.

The north wind is getting stronger and stronger, the snowflakes are getting denser, and the temperature of the air is dropping rapidly.

Not even the snow beast coat can stop the severe cold at this time. Even if I stick to various warmers, the pervasive cold air still cannot be blocked, and even the goggles are covered with frost.

But at this moment, no one felt cold.

On the contrary, everyone's blood was boiling at this moment, and the blood left by their ancestors was rushing rapidly, making them not afraid of the severe cold!

Because the gods are coming!

Winter is coming!

The war is about to begin!

In the howling of the cold wind, the God of Winter is getting closer and closer.

In a silent and oppressive atmosphere, 70 million soldiers stood on the Great Wall, standing ready on twelve battlefields, facing the north, waiting for the coming of winter.


In the thick snow, in the oppressive dark clouds, came the pure white glory!

That is the light falling from the sky.

That is the glory of God!

Even ice and snow can't stop it. Even through the heavy snow, the glory is still dazzling, even rendering the ice and snow with a pure white light!

One after another, figures walked through the snow.

Noble, sacred.

The extreme cold was approaching. Jin Lao held a miniature thermal map, looked at the approaching dark blue that symbolized low temperature, and said softly: "All units, prepare."

"The gods are two hundred kilometers away from Daxia!"

"As soon as the gods reach a hundred kilometers, fire immediately!"

And at the same time.

A group of gods, divided into twelve directions, arrived almost at the same time two hundred kilometers away from the Great Wall in the north.

Amid the glory and ice, Chione stopped.

Distance from that winter

The border with China is almost 200 kilometers away.

"Everyone." Chione's voice echoed in the ice and snow, using ice and snow as a medium to transmit it to other winter gods thousands of miles apart.

"Free the believers!"

"Let our snow beasts crush the ice and snow, and let this land shake with our arrival!"

"Let those humans see our army of snow beasts, let them witness our power!"

"Yes!" Voices came from different directions.

Since you are here to participate in the surrender ceremony, you must appear in your best condition.

Let those human beings feel the true power of God, let those human beings kneel down devoutly in fear, and call out the name of God in trembling.

Chione and all the winter gods waved their hands at the same time at this moment.


The ice and snow under Chione's feet surged, and the divine realm was cut open. In an instant, tall and white figures rushed into this new world with a roar!

A two-hundred-meter-tall mammoth with thick hair was neighing in the ice and snow!

There is a three-hundred-meter frost giant, beating its chest that is harder than ice and snow, roaring wantonly in the snow!

There are ice-cracking birds neighing and running wildly in the cold wind, saber-toothed tigers roaring up to the sky, and ice hunters holding on to their frosty longbows!

Mighty and neat, standing in the ice and snow!

They are not afraid of the cold. They are glacial life cultivated in the cold winter. They are an army of snow beasts that are invincible to ice and snow!

In the dead of winter, they are an invincible army!

Behind Chione, 30 million believers stood quietly, including tens of millions of legendary believers!

At the same time, the winter gods from the other eleven directions also released their followers, a total of 200 million troops!

These snow beasts stand in the ice and snow as far as the eye can see, spreading vertically and horizontally, as if they are integrated with the ice and snow, facing the south.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit and ferocity, and his expression was filled with crazy piety.

"The time has come to fight for God!"

"Let those humans know how powerful we are!"

"Lin Dong, crush everything!"

In the ice and snow, these believers roared wildly, blending with the howling of the cold wind, and spread far to the Great Wall in the north.

Chione glanced at the believers, with a rather proud look on her face: "Such a powerful winter life, those weak humans will probably cry out of fear just by seeing them."

"However, we can't just think about the surrender ceremony."

Chione pointed and said calmly to the weak races such as the Ice Cracker and the Sabre-Toothed Tiger: "You guys, go west and attack those Europeans."

"Lest that powerful country called Oufang grow in trouble, I will destroy them after I have completely conquered the Winter Kingdom."


"Do God's will!"

“The glory of God is our direction, and the guidance of God is our way!”

"Fighting for God is the supreme honor!"

These were obviously cannon fodder sent to die, but at this moment, there was nothing but madness in their eyes, and they all ran wildly in the ice and snow with a look of honor on their faces, rushing towards Ou Fang, whom the Lord God said was powerful, with heavy steps!

"And the rest..." Chione looked towards the south. Her sight seemed to be through two hundred kilometers of heavy snow, and she saw the mountains and rivers, as well as the weak humans with pious faces and awe-inspiring eyes.

"Come with me and let those humans see how powerful we are!"


Those snow beasts that can walk with the Lord God look up to the sky and roar, taking heavy steps, following the glory in the ice and snow!

One hundred and seventy million snow beasts, the army marches south!

A group of winter gods are coming from the north!

at the same time!

The first battlefield is on the top of the city wall.

Ice crystals slapped against the Great Wall, the roars of snow beasts and the cold wind hit our faces like knives, and the roars from the sky were like winter's declaration of war, like rolling thunder, making people tremble.

The cold wind howled, and the dull sound of footsteps came from the heavy snow in the north, like the snow-capped mountains collapsing, and like the echo of muffled thunder.

These are the footsteps of winter.

The ground trembled at this moment, as if there was a ferocious beast hidden in the thick snowflakes, slowly approaching.

A figure standing in the snow holding a pair of black swords suddenly opened his eyes, and the snowflakes on his shoulders were shattered by the burst of energy.

"They're coming."

Lin Fan raised his head and faced the north. His eyes seemed to see through the thousands of miles of heavy snow that blocked his vision. He saw figures coming from the north, full of glory, and saw ferocious snow beasts.


"Today, winter has arrived, and the gods walked south through the snow and came from the north."

"The army of 200 million snow beasts is now two hundred kilometers away. Coming towards us!"

"Are you afraid?"

Amidst the dull footsteps, the soldiers gritted their teeth and shouted: "Don't be afraid!"

"Haha, there's no need to pretend," Lin Fan smiled, "How can one be completely unafraid when facing gods? That would not be a human being."

"It's normal to be afraid. There's no shame in admitting that you're afraid."

"One hundred and seventy million snow beasts, ten high gods, Chione, the goddess of winter who is at the peak of the thirteenth level and controls winter... Don't talk about you, even I am afraid!"

"I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid of losing!"

"Once we lose, the land behind us will be frozen by the gods, and our home will be trampled by snow beasts!"

"So, no matter what, we can't lose!"

Lin Fan's voice came over the intercom, "This battle is the first and decisive battle between Daxia and Winter!"

"Behind us is Daxia, the land where we have lived for generations!"

"Our families are watching us!"

"Five million brothers are also watching us at the Great Steel Wall!"

"We will let winter know that this land will never freeze!"

"Never freeze!"

At this moment, both the gods of Daxia and ordinary warriors shouted out one after another!

Winter is ahead, the gods are coming on the snow, and the snow beasts are coming from the north and south!

Not afraid?


Everyone is afraid!

However, there are always some things that fear cannot defeat! !

There are always some things that people fear more than death!

"Come on." Facing the heavy snow, Lin Fan said softly: "Winter."

After saying that,

Lin Fan picked up the walkie-talkie: "Okay, now let's show our enthusiastic side and greet Winter!"

The soldiers subconsciously raised their guns and prepared to fire, but they heard Lin Fan say: "What are you doing? I want you to greet me! Why are you preparing to fire!"

"Ah?" A soldier who was about to fire a cannon was stunned for a moment: "Isn't this a greeting?"

"I mean hello! Wave when it's time, say hello when it's time. Treat the God of Winter as a guest from afar!"

"Collect your murderous aura, come and shout with me to welcome the arrival of the God of Winter!"

"We are ready for the surrender ceremony!"

"Winter Kingdom wishes everyone to surrender to the glory of the gods!"

The soldiers shouted in confusion.

"Second Regiment, you didn't hear me? Why are you trying to make fun of me?" Lin Fan pointed at a regiment-level combat area with his walkie-talkie and said, "Show your enthusiastic smiles and shouts. You look like you're about to fight. What should I do if the God of Winter scares me away!"

The leader of the second regiment, an honest man, looked embarrassed: "But, are you willing to surrender to the gods... We can't shout such words. This is surrender. How can I, Daxia, surrender, even if I just talk about it..."

"Did I tell you to talk about Daxia!" Lin Fan chuckled: "The one who is willing to surrender is the Kingdom of Winter. What does it have to do with me, Daxia!"

"Come on, come on, shout!"

"I'll give you a starting point, one, two, three, a warm welcome..."

The snowflakes are getting denser and denser, the cold wind is howling more and more, and the god of winter is getting closer.

When there were still more than a hundred kilometers away from Daxia, Chione suddenly stopped and slowly raised his head.

Her eyes passed through the heavy snow that obscured her sight, and she saw the continuous mountains.

When she saw the city wall on the top of the mountains, Chione's heart skipped a beat.

The continuous city wall stands on the top of the mountains, four to five hundred meters high, like a giant dragon lying down, stretching as far as the eye can see!

In fact, there are billows of steam steaming, which actually fights against the cold winter coming from the north and blocks the cold wind!

This is a terrifying city wall that makes even winter stop!

For a moment, Chione had an ominous premonition in her heart. Her scalp was numb and she turned to look at North: "North, is this the ten-meter city wall you mentioned?"

Unexpectedly, North was even more surprised than himself: "Those cunning humans lied to me?"

at the same time.

In the distance, the howling cold wind came from the exclamations of many scattered winter gods.

"Lord God, this city wall is wrong!"

"How could there be such a towering Great Wall!"

"What's going on? Such a tall city wall...even the Earth Temple can't do it! How did this weak human race do it!"

Using ice and snow as a medium, their voices traveled across thousands of miles.

Chione's face was ugly. She didn't know what this human race meant.

Being cautious, she suddenly had an ominous premonition, and even began to think about whether to retreat. There must be something evil if something goes wrong!

North suddenly said: "Mom, wait a minute, I'm going to see what's going on! Ask those humans what they want to do!"

Chione hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly: "My son, be careful."

Now that things have happened, she is no longer willing to retreat!

After all, the hope of revitalizing the temple is just around the corner, and for this reason, the Winter Temple, which is already in danger, has been delayed in the God Realm for four days!

Not long after.

North came back panting and said in a deep voice: "These humans... did lie to me."

"But they just lied to me about the information about this city wall. Speaking of which, it is not a lie. One meter here is equivalent to fifty meters... This is what they call a ten-meter city wall."

"As for weapons and equipment, I went up to the city wall to check. Those human warriors were not equipped with bows and arrows."

"And they sincerely surrendered. The welcome banners have been hung up. They have gathered on the city wall and are waiting eagerly."

"Mother..." North looked at Chione: "Should we evacuate or continue to move forward?"

Chione frowned.


A trace of hesitation flashed in Chione's eyes.

First of all, at this point, it is no longer possible to evacuate!

Winter Temple has been delayed for ten days for this plane. Zeus must be frantically looking for the Winter Temple. Now as long as he leaves this plane and returns to the God Realm, the only thing waiting for the Winter Temple will be destruction!

And from what North said, it seems like this is just a misunderstanding?

Chione looked through the ice and snow and carefully looked at the continuous Great Wall a hundred kilometers away.

I saw silhouettes standing one after another. Those humans had pious smiles on their faces, their eyes were extremely awe and eager, and they even waved to the gods in the cold wind!

The passionate shout came faintly in the cold wind.

"Welcome the God of Winter!"

"We are ready for the surrender ceremony!"

"Winter Kingdom wishes everyone to surrender to the glory of the gods!"

"God, come quickly, come quickly, we can't hold on anymore, if you don't come, we will freeze to death!"

The leading figure still turned his back to the gods, chanting to the soldiers.

Chione frowned slightly, feeling why the back looked so familiar, but what surprised Chione even more was that those humans welcomed the gods so much.

The fiery attitude and the piety in their eyes seemed like they were the most loyal believers in Winter.

Their eyes were filled with eager anticipation, as if they were standing in the ice and snow waiting for their family to return.

Chione looked again and saw that the city wall was covered with red banners.

"Sincerely welcome the arrival of the God of Winter!"

"The surrender ceremony has been prepared!"

"Invite the gods to come here and perform a surrender ceremony!"

The festive red is bright and dazzling in the white ice and snow, like a flame, exuding the enthusiasm and welcome of the human race.

For a moment, this fiery enthusiasm, and the impatient look to surrender, almost made Chione's cerebellum dry... She had never seen such a devout race, this was simply the believer destined to be given by God in the cold winter. !

Chione nodded slightly.

She felt human sincerity.

The gods of winter who were running in other directions also mobilized their divine power and relied on the link of winter to communicate: "Lord God, don't worry too much, those humans are indeed welcoming us!"

"Look at their slogans! Oh my god, I haven't seen such a well-behaved race in a long time!"

"Even if such a tall city wall is built, it is not enough to be our enemy. I have observed that these stupid humans are not equipped with bows and arrows! At most they are holding some iron rods! They are clearly just entering the iron-making process. In this era, even if you are really our enemy, you will only be easily torn apart!"

"They even took the initiative to cheer. Lord God, let us quickly enjoy their pious kneeling and worship!"

"Lord God, these humans are not like our gods of winter, whose eyes can ignore the ice and snow. They may not even know that we are here now... but they are still facing the cold wind and waving to the wind and snow. I'm afraid they don't know. How long have you been waiting for it, isn’t this enough to move God?”

"And I can feel that there are indeed only a few dozen gods on the city wall, and their auras are not strong. They are not lying."

"Let's hurry up and show our glory, attend their surrender ceremony, and let them bathe in the gift!"

Some low-level gods and medium-level gods are extremely impatient. They really want to be the protagonist for once!

They also want to have their own cheers and devout kneeling!

Some gods were even more moved by the attitude of this winter country. They had not seen such a well-behaved and sensible race for a long time.

Chione looked at the humans who were waving enthusiastically towards Bingxue from a distance, and then looked at those enthusiastic slogans.

The eyes are also a little gentler.

"It seems that I misunderstood these humans."

"The height of the city wall is just a misunderstanding. They are still very well-behaved and sensible."

"And the technology that has just entered the iron and steel process can build such a great wall... Haha, this weak human race has quite a lot of potential. When they invest in glory, I will give them a good gift."

The Goddess of Winter's eyes were filled with joy, and then she whispered softly: "Go ahead and prepare for the surrender ceremony!"

In the ice and snow, Chione and the gods of winter entered the 100-kilometer radius of the Great Wall of the North.

Behind them, 170 million snow beasts moved forward slowly with heavy steps in the ice and snow.

On the city wall.

"You really don't doubt it?" Jin Lao, who was in charge of the overall situation of the Snow Beast Battlefield in the second battlefield, looked at the dark blue low temperature symbolizing the God of Winter heading towards Daxia again in the satellite image, and muttered: "The gods are too It’s so easy to lie, just shout a few words and you can be tricked and killed..."

"How did this stupid race survive to this day?"

Sitting in the third battlefield, Sun Bin, who was responsible for commanding the lower gods, put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "It's wonderful, the masters compete with each other, and the top pulls."

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