Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1333 Slaughter of Winter Believers

On the ninth battlefield.

The ice and snow were thick, and tall figures rushed towards the Great Wall of the North with a sense of oppression, as if they were going to smash everything!

The leading ice-cracking bird looked up to the sky and neighed: "For the glory of God!"

"Trample them!"

Behind him, millions of ice-cracked birds chirped.

But there was still no movement on the Great Wall in front of them, and there were even fewer guns.

"Hahahaha!" The leader of the Ice Cracker looked up to the sky and roared: "We are almost rushing forward, and humans don't have any countermeasures yet!"

"They'll just hide on the walls!"

"Run them all for me!"

The Ice Cracking Bird behind him neighed again, but at this moment, the leader of the Ice Cracking Bird inexplicably felt that the neighing sound behind him was much quieter.

"You haven't eaten yet! Shout out!"

"Come at me!"


It roared and rushed towards the Great Wall without looking back, but no matter how much it screamed, the shouts behind it became smaller and smaller.

"Second brother," it muttered to the Ice Cracker who was rushing toward the Great Wall side by side: "What's going on? Why don't you brothers have any fighting spirit?"

"I also feel that the shouting is getting smaller and smaller...Aren't you full? Forget it, it's important to rush forward first!"

The leader of the ice cracking bird no longer thought about it and continued to lead the charge forward.

"Come on!"

But the screams behind him were indeed getting smaller and smaller. When he rushed to the Great Wall a hundred meters away, roaring to the sky and preparing for the final charge, there was no sound behind him.

"Why don't you say anything! Get ready to charge! The fight for God is right in front of you. Second Brother, Second Brother, I'm calling you..." It cursed and turned around to look.

I saw that there was no bird behind me.

Only the vast expanse of ice and snow.

The swirling ice and snow blocked the line of sight, as if hiding this giant beast that chose to devour people. The army of ice-cracking birds that had charged behind it had completely disappeared!

It was as if it was the only one left in the ice and snow.

Where are the birds?

Where are all the birds behind me?

"How is it possible..." It looked behind it in disbelief, "Where are my compatriots? How come they disappeared..."



Even if you die, you should still scream a little!

He didn't even scream, just disappeared?

Looking at the vast expanse of ice and snow, the ice-cracked bird suddenly felt extremely fearful and palpitating, and felt that there were demons lurking everywhere in this familiar snowfield.

To be fair, even if someone slaughtered millions of Ice Crackers in front of it, it would not be so frightened.

He was still screaming and leading the charge from the front, but when he turned around, millions of his kindred spirits were just gone?

Just a second ago, those same people were still howling behind him!

This is no longer a war.

But... a supernatural event!

It simply disappeared. No, what disappeared this time was the millions of Ice Cracking Birds. It was completely an upgraded version of it, and they disappeared.

"Where are you!"

The ice-cracking bird shouted loudly, but the only response was the howling of the cold wind.

And the next moment.

Behind the heavy snow, blurry figures appeared.

"What are you doing!" The Ice Cracking Bird finally felt relieved and neighed at the black shadows: "We are all ready to charge, where have you gone! Everyone gather and prepare to charge to the Great Wall..."

But the next moment.

His voice stopped abruptly.

Those figures walked out of the snow and wind, revealing their faces.

Not the disappeared kin.

Instead, they were figures wearing white tights and holding daggers!

The breath is almost completely non-existent, there is no sound when stepping on the ice and snow, and even the breath is completely melted into the winter!

On the dagger, unfrozen blood dripped in the cold wind.

One hundred thousand assassins are coming!

Behind them, millions of ice-cracking birds kept charging, their heads falling off one by one and falling into the snow.

He didn't make a sound until he died!

Just die quietly on the way to charge, die under the dagger!

Even the eyes were still charged with determination, and the expressions were still ferocious. Some bodies did not fall down, and still maintained the appearance of charging, as if they did not realize that death was coming until they died!

At this moment, the ice-cracking bird suddenly trembled. It finally understood what had happened before, with great fear in its eyes.

The charge he led his people towards the Great Wall was exactly the same charge he led his people towards annihilation!

When he roared and rushed towards the humans, behind him, one after another of his own race fell silently!

How could humans have such terrifying assassins...


This is not an assassin!

This is the devil everywhere in the snow!

This is the white god of death walking in the snow!

"You're lucky," Xing Ruwu, the leader, chuckled, "At least,

You can see us in person. "

One hundred thousand assassins, holding daggers, slowly approached.

This ice-cracked bird has a determined look in its eyes. It would rather die on the road to charge!

No matter what, it will hit the Great Wall!

This is the will given to them by the gods, and it was earned by millions of their own kind!

It turned to look at the Great Wall a hundred meters away and was about to rush towards it.

But the next moment, the ice-cracking bird was stunned again.

On the Great Wall, millions of soldiers raised their guns in unison, pointing their dark muzzles at it.

The heavy cannons rotated one after another, and the cold muzzles of the heavy cannons were like huge mouths ready to breathe out at any time.

Missiles were pointed at him one after another.

The air seemed to freeze.

The ice-cracked bird suddenly felt like it was sweating profusely.

Suddenly, it raised its head, with determined eyes, and roared towards the Great Wall: "For God..."


"Da da da!"

One hundred thousand heavy cannons roared together, millions of soldiers roared with their guns, and flamethrowers burst out with billowing fire dragons!

The fire is soaring into the sky!

In an instant, the ice-cracking bird disappeared directly under the Great Wall!

Only a deep pit remains.


A steaming chicken wing was blown up five hundred meters and fell directly into the bowl of a soldier who was making hot pot!

"It's really amazing." A soldier looked down at the Great Wall with a look of admiration on his face, "He actually broke his own blood and claws onto the wall. It's so powerful, it can be considered as an attack on the Great Wall."

"Yeah, actually speaking of that, if you calculate it carefully, we lost..."

Even Xing Ruwu slowly walked to the pit where the explosion occurred and said to the pit: "You are an admirable enemy. I didn't expect that you would attack the city wall like this. We lost."

"I will bury you with the highest respect."

He picked up a piece of fragrant chicken on the ground and ate it happily.

After saying that, Xing Ruwu turned around and said to the assassins behind him: "Today, the first actual combat exercise of Mo Yin Martial Arts School ended. Everyone performed well."

"After this actual battle, you should more fully understand the essence of an assassin!"

"Remember, never let them see you until the prey is dead!"

And the tenth battlefield.

A group of ice cattle that were like battering rams and were more than ten meters long were running wildly on the snowy mountains. Their heavy footsteps made the mountains tremble, as if not even the city walls could stop them!

"Break the wall!"

The ice cow roared and roared.

But the next moment.

The city wall in the distance slowly opened its gate!

"Are humans crazy? They open the door to welcome us?"

"Hahahaha, they were so scared!"

The dire cattle are getting more and more excited.


"Crack crack!"


Firecrackers and even louder cow moos sounded from behind the city walls!

No, that's not even a cow moo. In the ears of each ice cow, it seems to be the roar of a terrifying giant beast. Even their blood is trembling at this moment, as if they have met their ancestors!


The mountains are shaking.

Under the horrified gaze of the ice cattle, bulls that were taller than them and with thicker fur than them rushed out from behind the city wall!

Like hills!

Although the appearance is somewhat similar to the dire ox, it is completely an enlarged version of the dire ox. The heavy iron hooves make the dire ox tremble!

Some cows even have humans riding on them!

"Damn it, humans, humans have actually tamed these monsters into mounts!"

"I feel the blood of my ancestors!"

"How can humans control such beasts! This, this is the legendary bull rider!"

But really, what a bull rider.

In fact, they are the breeders of major breeding farms in Daxia!

Those breeders still have badges on their shoulders, saying something like "The Third Cattle Farm in Luzhou", "The First Cattle Farm in Inner Mongolia", and "The First Cattle Farm in Heizhou"!

And those wild cattle that make ice cattle tremble are actually just Daxia's current beef cattle, which have been improved by the cold winter gene and the cow devil gene.

The reason why they were specially sent here was actually not to target the ice cattle. The main reason was that these cattle happened to be put out of the slaughter, so that the ice cattle could help slaughter them.

"Brothers, charge!"

A breeder blew the charge horn and shouted loudly: "Brothers from the Luzhou Breeding Farm disperse to the left and are responsible for the detour on the left!"

"The farm brothers from Heizhou move closer to the right and prepare to outflank!"


The Daxia meat cattle roared and crashed into the team of ice cattle, like a tank crashing into a herd of sheep, directly knocking over five ice cattle!

"That's it?" The breeder on the cow's back was a little disdainful, looking at these ice cattle from a professional perspective, "It's not as good as my Daxia's beef cattle, so why are you coming to attack my Daxia?"

"What's the matter? You're afraid that I won't be able to eat enough in Daxia, so why are you here to deliver meat?"

"But you guys don't have enough to eat. With such a small body size and such a small amount of meat, the Bull Demon King shook his head just looking at it."

Eleven battlefield.

Five million demon soldiers lined up and fought with a group of saber-toothed tigers with their powerful strength!

But the main combat force is not them.


A saber-toothed tiger did not dare to provoke those muscular monster soldiers, and finally found a middle-aged man dressed in a scholar's shirt.

It lurked next to the middle-aged man, and when the middle-aged man turned his back to it, it finally roared out!

Pick the persimmons soft and pinch them!


But the next moment.

The middle-aged man turned around suddenly with a bright smile: "You're here."

"I was worried just now that you wouldn't dare to come up!"


In an instant, the middle-aged man's Confucian shirt exploded, revealing terrifying muscles. The muscles on his back were piled up and cut apart, as if they were blocking the sky!

The terrifying energy spurted out, and the power polished by thought made the middle-aged man look like a giant beast, with a kind smile on his face.

"Little kitten, very cute."


He grabbed the tiger's head with its fangs spread wide open with one hand, like steel!

Sabretooth Tiger: "???"

He called me... kitten?

Am I cute?

This is the first time someone calls me cute...


The saber-toothed tiger opened its fangs, trying to appear fierce.



With one slap, the saber-toothed tiger's whole body shook suddenly, and his head was almost blown off!

"Be good, I'm still willing to reason with you. If you're not good, it's a coincidence that I know a little bit about boxing."

At this moment, in the eyes of the saber-toothed tiger, the humans in front of him were like real beasts!

Not a soft persimmon!

It's an iron plate!

The weak persimmon is me!

"Ho...ahem, meow?"

The saber-toothed tiger had a fearful look in its eyes and was about to roar again, but was stopped by an instinctive instinct.

It was as if the man in front of me was the master of everything on land!

Under that fear, it meowed inexplicably and licked its paws, looking inexplicably cute.

"The Master said, Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish."

"I happen to be short of a mount, kitten, look..."

This saber-toothed tiger surrendered to reason.

It obediently lay down and rushed towards its kin, carrying this man who liked to reason.

Don't ask, it just sounds too painful for humans to ask.

"You're crazy, you actually surrendered to humans, you..." A fellow member roared with disdain on his face.

"But he reasoned with me!"

"What reason can make you betray your own people, you traitor..."

"Then listen to it, teacher, and fuck him!" The little kitten thought for a moment, then led the teacher towards the fellow who insulted him.

For a time, the Confucian disciples were excited to attend class!

"The Master said, "The deceased is like a man who never gives up day and night!"

"The Master said that when three people are walking together, there must be my teacher!"

"Master said, I saw two children arguing about the sun!"

"What a seedling, what a seedling!" A scholar riding a saber-toothed tiger shouted with joy.

One scholar rolled up his sleeves, exposed his muscles, smashed a saber-toothed tiger to death, and cursed: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, so don't blame me for changing the way of a master!"

Mainly highlight a person who convinces people with reason.

This isn't a fight at all.

It is about lecturing good students and eliminating bad students... In fact, not everyone can educate well despite the tireless teachings. This can be seen from the emotion that rotten wood cannot be carved.

But it is strange to say that each of the Master's disciples is more virtuous than the last. They are all good disciples and there are no bad disciples.

Master, he is a good teacher who teaches students in accordance with their aptitude.

The twelfth battlefield.

The warriors of Daxia were not in any hurry when facing the Frost Hunters who rushed a thousand meters ahead.

Although there are no god-killing mechas, no disciples, and no god-killing army on this battlefield.

But they have something else.

"It's close to a thousand meters!" The commander picked up the walkie-talkie: "

Open the door, release the shadow of the sea beast, release the kingdom of the universe! "

Just a moment.


The steel gate rises.

Dark shadows rushed out!

Thousands of shadows of sea beasts!

In the cold wind, these shadows rushed towards the snow beasts unscrupulously. Although their bodies were stiff in the cold wind and their bodies were freezing rapidly, they still waved their claws and opened their fangs unaware of the cold!

These are machines that only know how to execute commands!

Although the bodies of sea beasts are not adapted to the cold winter, their bodies are stiff, their movements are slow, and they suffer heavy casualties, but it doesn't matter, they don't feel bad if they die!

The former citizens of the Space Nation were braver than the shadows of the sea beasts. They were not machines, but when they saw these snow beasts, they all became red-eyed!

"A believer in God, right?"

"Fight for God, right?"

"Our former home was destroyed by you beasts!"

A young man put the photo back into his pocket, then took a flamethrower and charged at several snow beasts with red eyes and roaring!

In the photo, there is a family of four.

There are parents and a sister, but now, he is the only one left!

"I have been working hard in the northwest production area for two and a half years, just for the opportunity to go to the battlefield today!"

"Come on, Snow Beast!"

"Let me take revenge with my own hands!"

Although they are not sea monsters, it doesn’t matter, they are all believers of gods!

As long as you are a believer...

"You all deserve to die!!"


Some citizens of the Universe Country roared wildly: "If you kill one, you will get a pound of pork, if you kill two, you will get three pounds of pork, if you kill a hundred, you will get the official nationality of Daxia! Go ahead! For the sake of pork, for the official nationality of Daxia!" "

Lao Li held a flamethrower and rushed to the front. He also wore the armband of the First Production Brigade on his arm and shouted loudly: "Our former home was destroyed because of our cowardice. Daxia took us in and gave us The second home... We must never see our home broken again!"

“We already know what it’s like to be a slave to a subjugated country!”

"If you want to destroy Daxia, you will have to die unless my former citizens of the Universe Kingdom die! Fight for Daxia!"

"Let these beasts see the anger of the subjugated slaves!"

At this moment, the overwhelming fighting spirit made the soldiers feel ashamed.

This is the fighting spirit of a subjugated slave!

This is the anger of a country destroyed and a family destroyed!

Every one of the former death squads of the Universe Kingdom has witnessed the loss of their land and the shattering of their homes. Every one of them is an orphan with no more care and only hatred!


The fire melted the winter, and the flames devoured the snow beasts. At this moment, these former slaves vented their hatred in their hearts and completed their redemption. Even if they were stuffed into their mouths by the snow beasts, they still laughed and pulled out the grenades, and died together.

"Mom, Dad, wife, I'm here to find you!"

Of course, there is actually another important reason why Shang Weitian chose them as the death squad.

Same as Leviathan Shadow.

I don't feel bad if I die... Anyway, we are not compatriots connected by blood.

Shang Weitian has never been kind. As the general manager of Daxia, he is a selfish and sinister guy.

What he really cares about is his compatriots who are connected by blood, and this land, everything else can be used!

Besides, people are still rushing to join. Only those who perform well in the northwest production areas can join, so there is still a rush to join.

And it's easy to feed. These former citizens of the Space Kingdom who only want to revenge against the gods don't need to make hot pots or snow beast coats like the soldiers. Just some kimchi and steamed buns will make them full of fighting spirit. Adding a kilogram of pork is equivalent to It’s Chinese New Year...

As for conscience... I'm sorry, Shang Weitian has no conscience.

Besides, if it weren't for Daxia, they would have disappeared under the sea and died in the coming of Poseidon. Daxia allowed them to survive and gave them a chance to go to the battlefield who were bent on revenge. Shang Weitian felt that I am very kind.

At this moment, from the second battlefield to the twelfth battlefield.

The disciples of the sect used their own methods, and the engine of the God-killing mecha roared.

The soldiers even picked up thermobaric bombs, flamethrowers, dragon breath bombs, explosive bombs and other high-temperature weapons specifically targeted at snow beasts. The hot air melted the ice and snow, and billowing flames spewed down.

Although the 80 million snow beasts rushed a thousand meters away from the Great Wall, they could not move forward any further and could only wailing and being slaughtered.

But even so, Chione still turned a deaf ear and went back to Lin Fan again and again.

He just glanced down from time to time, where he and Lin Fan were on the first battlefield.

This is the battlefield for believers that determines the key to victory or defeat!

Because here are the believers of Chione!

There are a total of 30 million snow beasts, 15 million of them are legendary believers like frost giants and mammoths!

This is the most powerful army of believers in the Winter Temple, and it is also the army of believers that determines victory or defeat!

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