Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1339 Mother, don’t worry


Amid the dry friction sound, this one was white and cold, and a rippling blue door slowly opened in the cold wind.

"The attached plane obeys the order!"

North's voice spread like an oracle.

"In the name of winter and the ocean, by God's command!"

"All races who believe in my winter, all races who believe in the ocean."

"Go to war!"

Just a moment.


There was a roar from the treasure houses of the two temples!


The earth shook at this moment, and countless heavy footsteps sounded from behind the two treasure house doors!


"Fight for God!"

With fanatical chants, the orcs, wolves and foxes rushed out of the gate of the ocean treasure house one by one, forming a neat and mighty formation!

One by one, the ice bear giants and the ice hunters rushed out of the winter treasure house with the cold wind, full of fighting spirit, and roared to the sky!

Their eyes shone with unparalleled piety, a crazy fighting spirit combined with devout faith.

“God is calling us!”

"God, guide us on what to do next!"

"We would die for you!"

"We will bask in glory and serve God!"

In the two major treasure houses, more than two hundred creatures from more than two hundred planes all obeyed North's call at this moment, rushed out of the treasure houses, and fought for God!

North pointed at the monstrous sea of ​​​​fire in front of him and the path of melting ice crystals that ran through the sea of ​​​​fire, and said solemnly: "In the name of God, all tribes obey orders!"

"Take this road of ice and rush into the sea of ​​fire!"

"Hel those lives born in the cold winter out of the sea of ​​fire, and save them from the sea of ​​fire!"

The sea of ​​​​fire is raging, the fire is raging!

It seems to burn to death any life that dares to enter, like a giant fire beast that wants to devour everything.

This is undoubtedly to die, to exchange their lives for the lives of those snow beasts!

But in the face of this terrifying raging flame, in the face of God’s command...


"Do God's will!"

"God, we are willing to meet your test!"

"I, the orc clan, charge with me!"

Cardan looked up to the sky and roared. The next moment, her legs tightened, and the beast under her crotch roared and rushed into the path of the ice crystal!

Two hundred planes and hundreds of millions of creatures rushed into the sea of ​​fire!

Facing the monstrous sea of ​​fire that could burn them to death, there was no fear in their eyes, only a crazy fighting spirit!

"This is God's test!"

"Fighting for God is the highest honor!"

"God is watching us!"

"Save God's glorious ones! Save them from the fire!"

"Save them!"

"Snow beast brothers, hold on, we will be here to rescue you from the fire!"

These lowly beings roared angrily, marching on the road of ice crystals, rushing into the sea of ​​fire without hesitation, to save the snow beasts that were swallowed by the sea of ​​fire!

At this time, Chione had no intention of caring about Lin Fan, who was about to break the seal. All her winter power was used to strengthen the ice crystal road.

Looking at the many races who screamed and rushed into the sea of ​​fire without hesitation, with no fear but only the will to fight, Chione couldn't help but admire her eyes: "You are so loyal!"

"North, you took good care of it."

Chione turned her back to North and expressed her unstinting praise.

These races in front of us are really too loyal!

All of them were willing to die for the gods. God only needed a word to let them all rush into the sea of ​​fire without fear and full of piety!

What a solid belief this is!

You must know that the auxiliary plane is not your own natal divine realm, and these lower beings are not the beings created by the gods themselves and given glory.

The races inside were all conquered by gods! They are born with an ancestral hatred for the gods.

For ordinary temples, half of the lower beings in the attached planes are willing to fight and die for God, which is already considered very good!

And these more than two hundred subsidiary planes, the subsidiary planes of the two major temples, in the hands of North alone, are all willing to fight for God and die for God!

Just one word, even if you face a sea of ​​fire, you will rush in without hesitation!

Even when Chione took care of it herself, she could not manage the hundreds of planes in the Winter Treasure House to look like this and establish such a strong belief.

But North has single-handedly molded the beliefs of more than two hundred planes so firmly!

How long has it been since North took over?

A few days of work!

"Mother is ridiculous." North said hoarsely behind Chione.

"No, there is no need to be modest!" Chione looked excited, "Nos, you did a good job!"

"You will be the best main god in the Winter Temple and the Ocean Temple. You will surpass me and Poseidon!"

"You inherited my caution, my privacy

He endured it, but he also inherited Poseidon’s bravery and wisdom! "

"I am extremely confident now that you will lead the Winter Temple and Ocean Temple to unprecedented glory!"

North didn't believe it.

Lin Fan didn't believe it either.

Let’s not mention the Winter Temple for the moment, but the Ocean Temple has only the deputy hall master left... Well, the Winter Temple is probably about to come soon.

Chione's eyes widened and she looked excitedly at the affiliated believers who rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire on the ice crystal road.

She was filled with great joy.

As long as her followers are rescued from this sea of ​​fire, as long as her followers stop losing money, her strength will stop declining.

When the time comes, she can still crush the Shura God head-on, and she can also free up her hands to start conquering!

Two hundred million affiliated believers, mighty and mighty, are walking on this road of ice and snow, rushing towards the sea of ​​​​fire, towards the snow beasts struggling in the sea of ​​​​fire!

"hold onto!"

"Don't panic, we are here to save you!"

"You can come out soon!"

The 200 million subordinate army shouted loudly.

And the other side.

Hearing the monstrous shouts and watching the mighty 200 million affiliated believers approaching on the road of ice crystals, the eyes of those snow beasts struggling to support themselves in the blazing fire all filled with unparalleled hope.

This is support across the fire!

“God has come to save us!!”

"I knew God would never give up on her most devout believers!"

"Brothers, use all your strength to walk towards the ice crystal road! Even if you can't walk, you have to crawl over!"

"As long as we get to that road, we'll survive!"

A group of winter believers, using their last strength in the blazing fire, dragging their almost half-cooked bodies, rushed towards the winter road!

"Help me! Help me!"

Some believers rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire with difficulty, lying on the road of ice crystals and shouting with hope.

A frost giant that finally escaped onto the ice crystal road looked at the orcs and other races that were coming in a mighty manner. His eyes were filled with excitement and joy. He stretched out a hand and said, "Quick, drag me out!"

That is the joy of surviving a catastrophe, that is the desire to survive!

This ice crystal road and these affiliated believers who came to save them are their last straw!

"Don't worry, we're here to help!"

"hold onto!"

"We will get you out!!"

Faced with these believers asking for help, many races shouted loudly.

Their eyes were extremely anxious.

But the next moment, the anxiety in their eyes turned into a serious look. Cardin's lips curled up into a slight sneer, and facing the Frost Giant who begged for help, he whispered softly: "Orcs, charge!"


The war beasts roared at the crotch, and the orcs looked up to the sky and roared!

"Tap tap tap!"

The heavy footsteps became orderly and heavy, and each war beast carried the orcs on their backs and rushed towards them!

"That's so kind of you."

Seeing the roaring orcs coming, the Frost Giant was a little moved. He didn't expect that these races were so eager to save themselves. Their rapid steps were like a charge from the enemy.

"Of course we're fine."

Cardin smiled and clenched the original battle ax, "Don't worry, don't worry, your pain will disappear soon, and you will no longer be in pain soon."

"Pull me out with a rope..." The Frost Giant lying on the ground stretched out his hand, but the next moment, he suddenly said in shock: "Why don't you slow down!"

"Slow down!"

"You will run me over and trample me to death!"

I saw that those races were clearly rushing forward, but they did not slow down at all. Instead, they still roared and charged forward!

There was no rope in his hand to drag him out of the sea of ​​fire. Instead, he held the battle ax and various weapons tightly!

"You..." The frost giant seemed to understand something, and his eyes widened in disbelief, "You, betrayed..."


Millions of war beasts all collided with this huge body lying on the ground!

"kill him!"


Amidst the roar of the orcs, the heavy battle ax struck hard on the huge body!


The 200 million troops, like an unstoppable river, roared and roared, directly running over the frost giant that had finally escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire and was waiting for rescue!

The hard flesh was shattered under the giant axe, and the huge body was trampled into pulp!

"Look, it doesn't hurt anymore." Cardin chopped off the huge head with an axe.

There was an ice-cracking bird that was almost turning into a roasted chicken. It managed to crawl to the edge of the ice crystal road in the blazing fire, wailing for help: "Help me, give me a hand!"

“Oh my god, your legs are

It's almost burnt! "An orc screamed and hurried up: "Come on, give me your legs! "

The ice-cracked bird stretched out its legs with difficulty.

The orc grasped the hot bird leg, but did not pull it out. Instead, he shot the ice-cracking bird from head to tail with his spear, and then tore off the cooked bird leg!

"Ah!!!" The ice-cracking bird screamed in pain!

"Don't worry, I will take good care of you!" The orc stretched out his spear with one hand and put the ice-cracking bird back into the sea of ​​fire. With the other hand, he grabbed the almost cooked bird leg and took a big bite, feeling the flow in his mouth. The mellow aroma of the oil showed an intoxicating smile: "It is indeed cultivated by God himself. It is so delicious and the heat is just right."

"Fortunately, he was saved in time, otherwise he would have been really anxious."

There were even orcs who kicked the half-cooked snow beasts back into the sea of ​​fire again as they struggled to climb onto the ice crystal road and stretched out their hands for help.

The snow beasts looked confused.

"Aren't you here to save us?"

"What are you doing!"

"Pull me out! Why are you kicking me back!"

Cardin raised his giant ax high: "Today, what we have to do is to smash everything and trample everything!!"

"All races, occupy this road and block their escape!"

At this moment, the sea of ​​fire is silent!

Those snow beasts who were struggling to crawl towards this escape route in the sea of ​​​​fire with full hope all had stunned eyes, and then they seemed to understand something and roared with anger and despair!

“Didn’t they follow God’s will and come to save us?”

"What's going on?"

"You have betrayed the gods!!" A saber-toothed tiger whose body was burning with flames jumped out of the sea of ​​fire nearby and roared angrily.

But the next moment.


Cardin smashed the saber-toothed tiger's head with an axe, shook his head and said, "No, it was our ancestors who we betrayed."

"As for now..."

She looked around at the snow beasts struggling towards them in the sea of ​​fire, and said slowly on the ice crystal road: "The escape route has been closed."

"Your God cannot redeem you."

"Only flame is the destination. Today, you will all die in the flames of the human race, burning all your glory and all your sins!"

"You will be the firewood in this fire!"

She raised her battle ax high and said loudly: "The orcs obey the order! The humans have lit the fire. Today, let me, the orcs, add firewood to the human flames!"

"Ouch~" The wolf clan on the side looked up to the sky and roared: "The wolf clan is willing to collect firewood for the human race!"

"The Fox Clan is willing to collect firewood for the Clan!"

Even those races in the winter-affiliated plane that were accustomed to living in the cold winter, at this moment, were standing in the raging flames ignited by the human race, standing on the ice crystal passage surrounded by the fire, and roared one after another.

"The ice hunter clan is willing to collect firewood for the humans!"

"The ice bear giant clan is willing to add firewood to the human race's flame!"

"The direwolf clan is willing to add fuel to the human flame!"

this moment.

The Terrans lit the fire.

All races gather firewood!

Under the glory of this god, amid the thousands of planes of darkness, the human race is no longer alone.

The flame ignited by the human race is burning brightly, and each race is gathering firewood for it!

This flame burns in the cold winter, burns away the ice and snow, and burns away the glory of the gods!

"Collect firewood for the human race!"

With roars, these subordinate races who were once immersed in the glory of God tore up the cloth strips covering their eyebrows and wrapped them in red cloth strips!

They even put up bright red flags!

That bright red flag, standing in the sea of ​​fire, was more dazzling than the blazing flames!

Some orcs and other subsidiary races simply threw away their original weapons and took out the same guns and cannons as humans, as well as high-temperature weapons such as flamethrowers.

Stop pretending!


"How dare you betray the gods!"

Witnessing this scene, a frost giant was completely angered. At this moment, a surge of anger surged up, which actually overwhelmed the pain of burning his body!

For devout believers.

God, supreme!

Faith cannot be betrayed!

The pain of being burned by fire is nothing compared to the anger of witnessing someone betraying the almighty god!

These believers who had been half-baked and struggling in the sea of ​​fire actually burst out with all their strength. The frost giants who could not stand up before actually stood up in the fire with their roasted legs. , ignoring the pain, rushed towards Cardin!

"Have you forgotten the dazzling glory?" He waved his giant fist and scolded angrily.

Cardin had no expression on his face, and with his height of more than ten meters and a burly body full of muscles, he directly carried a heavy cannon, like a human carrying an RP/G, and said in a deep voice: "Have you ever eaten Oreos?"

Frost Giant: "???"

What Oreos?


The heavy artillery roared and exploded, directly smashing the frost giant into the sea of ​​fire again!

Other saber-toothed tigers and other races also became red-eyed, roaring in the sea of ​​fire and using their last strength to rush towards the road made of ice crystals.

Not just to survive!

It is even more to punish these races who dare to betray God!

“Have you forgotten God’s gift to you?”

"Do you know how to provide food and accommodation?"

"You ungrateful things, God has given you everything!"

"Given everything? Oh, have you ever eaten the king of kings?"

"God will not forgive you! Without God's guidance, you are doomed!"

"It's a joke, you've never seen a compass, right? It still guides you. Do we need God to guide us? We can choose our own direction, our own path!"

"Have you forgotten God's hymns and God's epics? God has given you the joy of bathing in glory..."

"Tch, have you seen a mobile phone?"

Facing the snow beasts that were dying to fight back in the fire, these subordinate races roared one after another, stood on the road of ice and snow, and killed them one after another!

In the face of their reprimands, these subordinate races only felt ridiculous.

To be honest, Cardin once regarded God as supreme, just like them.

But now facing these angry snow beasts...


Have you ever eaten steamed buns?

Have you ever played with mobile phones?

Do you know what food and accommodation are included?

Do you know what King of Kings, Yolk Pie, and Orion are? Have you ever eaten dumplings and fried chicken legs?

Rubbish! madness!


"Today, God cannot save you!"

"The way of escape has been closed!"

"Today, hell is coming! You will feel the pain of being burned by fire, and you will die under the flames!"

“Fuck you and fight for God!”

"Fight for humanity! Fight for yourself! Fight for hope and freedom!!"

"Fight for the happiness of our descendants!"

These former affiliated believers, now the race that collects firewood for the human race, fight with these snow beasts that rush up.

Block the escape passage through the sea of ​​fire that the god had paved for them with ice, so that those snow beasts could not take a step on the road prepared by the god for them, and let them die in the sea of ​​fire!

Compared with the native believers trained by Chione, these subordinate races may be weak in body, may not be as strong as the 100-meter-tall mammoth, and may not be as powerful as the 300-meter-tall frost giant.

But at this moment, the fighting spirit in their eyes was more intense than the fighting spirit to fight for God!

Fight for yourself, fight for future generations!

Fight for hope, for freedom, for happiness!

Above the fire, blood stained the ice and snow.

The two thoughts collided fiercely in this sea of ​​fire, and the two armies fought on the ice and snow.

"Fight for God!"

"Fight your mother!" A wolf clan pounced directly on the burning saber-toothed tiger, biting the opponent's chest that was roasted and fragrant.

He chewed the heart, cursed and looked at the stiff saber-toothed tiger, and said solemnly: "My werewolf clan hunts pitifully few prey in the ice and snow, and we have to pay 30,000 tons of hearts to the gods every year... but they were taken away by the gods. I’m here to feed you, right?”

"Do you feel like you are above us?"

"Have you suddenly discovered that we, the subordinate races, actually have our own fangs and claws, and they are pretty damn sharp!"

No matter how powerful Chione's snow beast believers are, at this moment, they are unable to take a step on this path and are beaten back into the sea of ​​fire again and again!

The human flames are really too terrifying, they have already been half-burnt! Now it's just a matter of holding on for the last breath!

For the snow beasts of Chione, this is a fight for survival.

But for these once-subordinate races, it’s not just a battle for survival! Isn’t it a battle of revenge that has lasted for many years?

Even when they are hungry, they can just eat barbecue...

"Trapped them all in this sea of ​​​​fire! Let them become part of this monstrous sea of ​​​​fire!" Cardin shouted loudly.

And looking at this scene in front of me.

Chione's eyes widened, she couldn't understand it at all!

What's the matter!

Why would these affiliated believers take action against their own believers!

Didn’t North maintain their faith very well?

At this moment, as the death of the believers accelerated, her strength dropped even further, almost to the twelfth level!

Her mind went blank and she almost lost the ability to think. She subconsciously asked: "North, why..."

And behind her.

North held the dark trident tightly and whispered: "Mother, don't worry."

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