For a time, the entire Daxia fell into silence again.

In a residential building.

While drinking, the man laughed at his wife and said, "I had a great time today. Let me tell you, I saw the manager on the way back."

"He's still treating me, little Wang, Xiaowang, who are he with? Damn it, winter is coming, and I'm not used to it at all!"

"I gave him a scolding at that time, which made him bloody. It was really enjoyable. If I hadn't been in a hurry to go home..."

Suddenly, the old man's embarrassed voice sounded on the TV.

The smile on the man's face suddenly solidified.


"Didn't lose?" The man seemed to exhale and was about to hug his wife, but suddenly he was stunned again: "Wait!"

He immediately picked up the phone, and the expression on his face became flattering: "Hey, manager, yes, yes, yes, I am Xiao Wang, Brother Wang, you heard wrong... Hey, hey, listen to my explanation!"


The man looked at the hung up cell phone with a confused expression, looked at the northern sky with complex eyes, and muttered: "Commander in chief, lose quickly, don't win... When you are tired, destroy it..."

But then.

The man suddenly laughed: "Fuck, it's just a bad job. Damn it, I usually thought I couldn't survive without a job. In the half hour just now, I didn't think about work at all... At worst, I'll change it! As long as you live, as long as you and your wife I'm fine, I'm so scared!"

He dialed the phone again: "Hey, yes, no, I'm not here to apologize. Who the hell is Xiao Wang? You call me Brother Wang, damn..."

And the other side.

Amidst the collision of wine glasses, the younger brother, who had been running away for many years owing money, looked at his elder brother and sister-in-law who were serving him food, and slowly stood up.

"Brother, I've been sorry for these years."

"Don't, don't talk about this. The previous accounts have been written off. I was just thinking about the memories of us playing when we were kids." The elder brother slapped the table, "When we grow up, we only know about money, money, money. For money, we The two of us have lost contact, and because of money, we are like absolute enemies."

"Suddenly money became useless paper, and it was just a joke between us. For this thing, we broke up the most precious flesh and blood relationship in our lives!"

"It's winter, but we haven't seen each other for ten years. You don't have to pay back this money from now on... Haha, not anymore." My brother smiled and said, "Here, cheers!"

Wine glasses clink.

The atmosphere was harmonious and warm.

The slightly embarrassed voice suddenly came to mind on the TV.

The lively family dinner suddenly became silent.

The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became heavy. The younger brother who owed money whispered: "Brother, you just said that the money I owe you will be written off..."

"What, did I say something! I didn't say anything. You heard me wrong!" The man grabbed his younger brother who was hugging and drinking just now, and shouted loudly: "Honey, close the door! Call the police to come and detain him, and say that the old man has been found. Got it!"

"Brother, money is something external to one's body, and family ties are the most important! We are flesh and blood, and we played together when we were kids!"

"Fart! Brothers have to settle accounts, and family ties have to be repaid! Wife, help me hold him down!"

The younger brother who was being held down looked uncomfortable: "Damn it, why didn't you lose..."

The man held his brother's shoulders tightly, but when he heard these words, he suddenly sighed: "Damn, yes, why didn't you lose... Forget it, get up and have a drink, and I will pay you back if you have money later. Forget about the money, just come as a guest often."

And the other side.

In the community.

Several strong men who were roasting sweet potatoes laughed and waited for the sweet potatoes. They lost their temper and started having a snowball fight in the flower bed of the community like children, throwing each other in the face.

"Hehehe, I've wanted to do this again for a long time!"

"Haha, when we were kids we used to play like this all day long in the village!"

"What a fool, are you trying to sneak up on me? Third brother, hold him down for me, I'm going to pour it into his collar!"

"No time, these sweet potatoes are so fragrant! They'll be ready soon!"

Several men who were burdened by home and car loans laughed and joked happily.

And the next moment, the phone rang.

Hear that old and embarrassed voice.

Several men were suddenly stunned, and one man asked: "What's wrong? You don't want to continue playing?"

A man wiped the snow water off his hands with a paper towel, and the smile on his face disappeared: "What a joke, how old are you for playing this? Stop talking and go back to work."

"That's right, how old are you to still play this?"

"Let's go, let's go, I have to work overtime. I still have tens of thousands of dollars left to buy my BMW."

"You're still roasting sweet potatoes. There are a lot of them on the roadside. What's there to eat? How old are you? You're still roasting sweet potatoes in the flower beds of the community. Isn't it a shame?" A man shook his head and said, "Brothers, please put out the fire. , let’s disperse.”

The big boy who was having fun before suddenly turned into a rational adult again.

The few remaining men walked towards the fire and were about to stamp it out.

But looking at the warm fire and smelling the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes, no one made the first move.

They seemed to see the familiar scene again. Several children in the village were playing in the deserted snow.

Noisy, shouting and having a snowball fight with my friends.

"Brothers, please go work overtime tomorrow." A man suddenly smiled and said: "Come on, come on, the sweet potatoes are ripe, let's continue playing after eating the roasted sweet potatoes!"

"Fufufu, it's quite hot."

Garden corner.

A young couple is very busy.

"Husband, please slow down..."

"Huh, huh, I usually let you try but if you don't try..."

"Aren't you afraid of being seen? Ah..."

And the next moment.

That slightly embarrassing voice sounded from the loudspeaker in the community.

For a moment, the young couple froze in place.


What is this! The girl pushed the boy away, her face was as red as Yunxia, ​​she straightened her clothes and glared at the boy: "You bastard, you have to bring me to do this!!"

"It's okay now, what should I do if others see it!"

"Stinking rogue!"

The girl left angrily, and the boy was speechless. But suddenly, the girl came back.

"What's wrong?" The boy was stunned for a moment.

"First, finish what you just did!" The girl blushed and said in a whisper: "In case... don't say anything, continue!"

A living room.

"Come on, son, drink!"

The man sitting in the main seat laughed and said: "The end is coming soon. It's rare for us to sit face to face like this. Come on, daddy will teach you one last thing. As a man, you must learn to drink!"

At the dinner table, the son looked at his usually stern and dignified father, and he rarely relaxed: "Dad, didn't you forbid me to drink a little wine?"

"Nonsense, how old are you? I originally wanted to wait until you were twenty before teaching you... Damn it, it's a pity that I can't drink your wedding wine." The man sighed, a little unwillingly, but still smiled and said: "But I can drink with you. The first sip of wine in your life, haha, it’s pretty good.”

"My father is usually a bit strict, but he also hopes that you can become better. Stop talking and do it!"

The boy suddenly felt the paternal love hidden under his father's majesty, and his heart felt warm.

Looking at each other and smiling, father and son seemed to have become two equal men, and they drank a toast.

"Cough cough cough..."

The son choked, and the man quickly slapped his back and said with a smile: "You bastard, you must have choked..."


An old voice sounded on the TV.

The man and boy fell silent.

"You bastard, you dare to drink even though you haven't even grown your hair yet! You've turned against me!"

The hand stretched out to the back instantly clenched into a fist!


Father as a mountain!

The boy wailed and looked at the northern sky with a confused look on his face: "Why isn't this doomsday coming?"

The man suddenly became silent for a moment, retracted his fist, and smiled: "Forget it, I'll spare you today, and I won't hit you again. It's too late... Come on, let's finish this bottle."

the other side.

"Ah? The apocalypse hasn't come yet?" The little boy who was having dinner and chatting with his parents was stunned. He quickly opened the computer at home, logged on to QQ, and found the girl's avatar: "Do you know?"


The tone seemed to have become very weak, without the passion when he expressed his love before!

The little boy's heart suddenly hit rock bottom: "Then, does the confession still count? Can you still be my girlfriend?"

"Are you kidding me? It was the end of the world before, but now it's not the end of the world, so confession doesn't count." The other person replied.

The little boy was almost crying. He typed eagerly on the keyboard with trembling fingers: "Then, can we still be friends? I'm sorry. If I had known this, I wouldn't have confessed. I know you pity me and sympathize with me. You want me to spend the last time happily...Actually, don't get me wrong, if it weren't for the end, I wouldn't have the courage to confess to you...Anyway, thank you!"

The boy typed the last few words and glanced at the northern sky.

Suddenly I have a feeling...why doesn't this end come? !

Might as well come! ! At least I can spend the last time happily!

He sighed and was about to press Enter to send.

Suddenly, my mother's happy cry came from the living room: "Dear son, what are you doing in the house? Why do I hear you crying?"

"The apocalypse is not coming, I, I'm happy!" The boy quickly wiped away his tears, suppressed his cry, minimized the chat window, waited for a while, and made sure his mother didn't come to see him before opening it again.

He was about to press Enter to send, but the next moment, he suddenly froze.

I saw the message coming from the other side: "So, since the doomsday has not come, we have to take a long-term view. We are still in school now, and we have to study hard so that we can find a good job in the future and we can have a happy life together."

A bright future. "

"So, let's study hard first and get into a good university."

"The days are still long. Now we get along as classmates. Let's study hard and work hard together. When the college entrance examination is over, the confession will take effect."

The boy was stunned for a moment, his eyes turned red, and he laughed happily.

"Okay, okay! I will study hard and I will pass the 985211 exam!"

The other person replied: "Well, we will meet in the library every weekend from now on, and I will help you with tutoring. Future boyfriend. Come on ヾ(?°?°?)??"

Through that cute emoticon, the boy seemed to see the girl blushing and cheering for him!

"Let's work together!" He smiled happily and looked at the northern sky again.

It’s great that the end is not coming!

Until the end comes, there is hope!

Until the end comes, this happiness will not end! There will be more happiness in the future!

The end is coming, which is of course the last warmth.

But the doomsday has not come, but there is infinite hope and more warmth in the future.

"Baby son, why do you seem to be crying again?" Mother's call came from the living room.

The boy quickly turned off the computer with a guilty conscience: "No, it's okay! The end has not come, I am very happy!"

"Well, yes, it's time to be happy... By the way, haven't you always wanted a mobile phone before? I was always afraid that it would affect your studies, so I wouldn't buy it for you." Mom said calmly: "In this way, let your dad take you with you later. Go buy it, buy the Apple 14 you want most! The best price! Haven’t you always envied that classmate of yours?”

If it were released before, the boy would definitely jump with joy.

But at this moment, the boy looked at the northern sky and suddenly felt something.

After this time, cell phones and other things, and comparisons among classmates no longer seem to be important.

It's even a bit ridiculous to dream of having a mobile phone when you should be studying the most in your life.

"Mom, don't buy it. I won't need that thing in school." The boy seemed to have grown up in an instant and said with a smile: "Let my dad buy me some exercise books tomorrow. Well, my English is not very good. Buy more. English paper. Also, tomorrow weekend, I will go to the library to study, and I will go to the library every weekend from now on."

The woman looked at the child in disbelief: "You..."

"Mom, don't be stunned, let's eat." The boy put a large piece of meat into his mother's rice bowl and said with a smile: "After we finish eating, let's go for a walk together. It's been a long time since I took a walk with my mother. The last time was in elementary school... …”

The woman nodded with red eyes, suddenly feeling that her child had grown up, and said with a smile: "This doomsday... is quite scary, but it's not bad at all."

Under the doomsday that has not yet come, the people of Daxia seem not to be affected. They are still enjoying the last moments before the doomsday comes.

On weekdays, everyone seems to be always chasing something.

Students want an expensive mobile phone and a pair of luxurious shoes to show off in front of their classmates.

Adults want more money, a bigger house, and a better car.

That seems important.

But when you know that everything must end, you know what you really want, and you know what is important and what is not.

At this moment, the end has not come, but everyone seems to understand something.

This doomsday that has not come has made people know what is truly precious, and it has also made people cherish the last time even more.

Before this, although I knew that the coming of gods would be a doomsday catastrophe for all mankind.

However, people seem to have no idea.

At the beginning, I was still a little nervous, but as the gods were defeated one by one, as the young man killed the gods again and again, and as Daxia made full preparations again and again, everyone no longer felt that the end was coming. .

But at this moment, although the end has not come, people suddenly know what this era of the coming of gods represents.

They cherish every minute and every second they have left more, and they also cherish what should be cherished more, and spend every day as if it were their last.

The end is coming at any time, which is scary, but it also makes people know how to cherish it and work harder.

And the other side.

As [Winter] withdraws from this land inch by inch, the frozen cities are restored again, the frozen lights light up again, and the vehicles on the road roar again.

In the quiet living room, the lights suddenly turned on, the TV instantly started playing again, and the pointer on the wall moved again.

The wine glasses that collided together shook again, and the "ding" sound that was frozen in the air sounded again.

It was as if frozen time began to flow again.

"The end is coming, let's eat and drink well!" the male host greeted his relatives and friends. Although his eyes showed uncontrollable tension and sadness, he still laughed loudly.

Relatives and friends were also silent. Although they tried to smile, no one really laughed out loud.

Because the end is coming soon!

On TV, the black color that symbolizes extreme low temperature has entered their city!


r\u003eThe countdown also changed to 00:01 at this moment!

Everyone's eyes were extremely nervous, after all, it was the end of the world!

But the next moment.

The countdown turned out to be 00:02, 00:03...

"what's the situation?"

"Hey, isn't winter coming?"

"what does it mean?"

"Wait a minute, why are the official time on the screen and the time on the clock on the wall suddenly different? The official time is five minutes faster."

someone exclaimed.

Someone touched his head: "Strange, why is it a little cold...Why are there still water drops on my head?"

And right now.

An old voice sounded.

"Well, I'm sorry, the announcement was too early... Doomsday is retreating..."

Then the local mayor appeared on the screen. He said with a strange expression: "Everyone, the doomsday is over. Winter has retreated..."

The mayor also had a look of astonishment on his face, but he actually didn't react. Just a second ago, he was still reading his final speech from the script, appeasing the crowd, vowing to persist until the last moment, saying that as the mayor, I can't Protect this city, but I can stay with this city until the last second, please don’t panic...

As a result, the next moment, a call came from above saying that the apocalypse is over and you have survived the apocalypse.

Don't make this emotional transition too big.


"Is this the end?"

"Have we been frozen? Ah... no wonder the clock doesn't match the official time..."

"It feels like nothing happened!"

"That's it?"

The guests at the table were all stunned, with disbelief on their faces.

We are getting ready for it. The result is over?

This it over?

The only result is that five minutes are skipped inexplicably... This is the end of the world, is this?

The male host was the first to react and raised his glass: "Come on, come on, don't worry about it, let's continue playing music and dancing!"

As [Winter] retreats, everything seems to have returned to its original state. Even the frozen people have recovered again. Many people are still nervously welcoming the doomsday, completely unaware that the doomsday has ended...

It seems that the only impact is the "vanishing time"... which once became a folk suspense story.

In fact, this is also caused by the characteristics of [Winter].

Absolute zero can freeze everything instantly, freezing atoms and molecules.

But because it is instantly frozen, the human body turns into ice cubes in an instant, and even the cells have no time to burst.

A gentle thaw will bring it back to life again.

Just like a fish frozen in liquid nitrogen and put into the water again, it will still swim.

[Winter] focuses on freezing, not killing enemies.

This is not a powerful rule, but an auxiliary rule. Just like Poseidon's [Immortality], it cannot be compared with [Destruction] and [Killing] that focus on killing enemies.

If it were Zeus's [Destruction] or the flames controlled by Prometheus, even if they retreated, they would only leave ashes on the ground.

On the Great Wall of the North, as [Winter] retreated, the silent battlefields roared again, frozen bullets roared again, and solidified explosions soared into the sky!

On the second battlefield, the frozen soldiers roared again, and the flames frozen at the muzzles bloomed instantly.

Some soldiers looked to the north with grief and anger, and shouted: "Come on, Winter!"

Jin Laoye roared angrily: "Come on! Who is afraid of whom?"

But I heard a voice coming from the intercom: "Dong Dong has retreated, and the second battlefield has been thawed! The freezing time is ten minutes."

The soldiers blinked in confusion: "Ah? It's over?"

Thaw...we've been frozen?

"I didn't feel anything!"

"Is this the end?"

"I haven't even tasted the cold winter... It's gone now? That's it?"

The soldiers who were originally full of enthusiasm and ready to die generously suddenly felt confused, maybe they had been frozen?

Is this the end?

"Ah? It's over?" The roaring Jin Lao was also a little confused. One second he was roaring with sadness because of the coming doomsday, and the next second he suddenly told himself that it was over...

"How many casualties have been caused by the spread of [Winter] this time?" Mr. Jin suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie and asked nervously.

Over the intercom, the technician's voice said strangely: "0."

Mr. Jin: "..."

For a moment, Mr. Jin even began to wonder whether this Chione was of the same type as his own.

This is simply kinder than Poseidon!

Is this an invasion of gods?

It's really scary... I haven't felt it yet, but the spread of [Winter] has ended, and the casualties are also incredible...


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