Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1386 Winter bites back again

"Mr. Sun Bin and I discussed it and have chosen a target." Lin Fan said solemnly: "Aoki Temple!"

"Aoki Temple?" Jin Jiao, who broke into the Aoki Temple, was slightly startled: "Are you kidding? Although Aoki Temple is also a lower-middle-class temple in the God Realm, there are more than fifty high-level gods! They are the ones of our current high-level gods. More than twice as much!”

"Furthermore, although the Aoki Temple is not strong in frontal combat, their characteristics are extremely powerful. They can control plants!"

"Once the war starts, not only will our crops fail, but the plants will also attack humans crazily. Are there no plants in Daxia?"

"Not to mention villages and towns, even the flower beds and lawns in the communities have to be turned into Shura fields! The damage they caused is definitely not weaker than any temple!"

In fact, it is.

In the previous life, the Aoki Temple came to Great Xia in the year 008 of the New Calendar.

At that time, Daxia had only ten people left after being invaded by the Ocean Temple, Winter Temple, and Power Temple.

Almost a third lost.

On average, each temple invasion resulted in the death of more than 100 million people.

Logically speaking, the Aoki Temple, which is not good at frontal combat and only has more than fifty high-ranking gods, will not cause more casualties than the Temple of Power.


When the Aoki Temple came, people felt their terror.

The vegetation turned into a meat grinder for humans. The usually quiet trees began to slaughter humans, and the thin green grass became a rope for hanging humans.

The fruit-bearing trees were covered in blood, with frightened heads hanging on them, swaying wildly in the wind.

The fields where people depended on for their livelihood became Shura fields where people were harvested.

On the street, vehicles were smashed by fallen trees and penetrated by branches.

Crazy plants out of control, killing humans!

The God of Aoki, who was not good at frontal combat, caused the greatest harm to Daxia, causing the death of 300 million people!

The entire mountains and rivers are rendered in emerald green and bright red!

Those out-of-control plants have shown an unprecedented side. They have never grown so fast. The roots of the trees are inserted into the walls, and the grass is crawling on the ground. The greening rate has almost reached a terrifying 90%, but the originally vibrant green ocean has It has still become a forbidden place for humans and animals!

The remaining humans retreated to the barren northwest Gobi, struggling to support themselves with flamethrowers.

This is why Lin Fan established the most important production area of ​​Daxia in the northwest, because the northwest was once the safest rear area of ​​Daxia!

But when plants get out of control, it’s not just the plants themselves that are at risk.

There is also a subsequent food crisis, as well as a water crisis due to the occupation of water sources.

Although in the northwest, where no grass grows, one can barely survive the water crisis by digging underground water, plants have always been the main food type in Daxia, and meat alone cannot satisfy them.

In the case of extreme hunger, people could only rely on the old stored grains and canned food to satisfy their hunger. In the end, almost all animals were killed, even pet dogs were not spared, and rats became delicacies.

Of the 300 million people who died, half of them starved to death!


"In any case, we should deal with the Aoki Temple in advance." Lin Fan recalled as he said: "Otherwise, in the rapidly developing Daxia, the Aoki Temple will cause even greater disasters in the future."

"In preparation for war, for food and timber, our cultivated land is constantly expanding, and our forest areas are also being planted at an accelerated pace."

"Our land is becoming more and more fertile."

"The later the Aoki Temple arrives, the greater the harm it will cause!"

"So, it must be solved in advance!"

After listening to Lin Fan's explanation about the Aoki Temple, all the gods of Great Xia also vaguely agreed, but Jin Jiao still frowned and said: "But we can't defeat it at all!"

"I know." Lin Fan smiled: "But what if the Temple of the God of Agriculture starts a fight with them?"

"Impossible!" Bai Qi shook his head: "The Gods of Agriculture are very peace-loving, like taking care of plants, and have a very good relationship with the Aoki Temple."

"Although their divine power will not cause plants to go out of control, it can speed up plant growth, make the plants luxuriant, make the land more fertile, drive away pests and diseases, and appease out-of-control plants, so they are consistent with the Aoki Temple. good cooperation.”

Not finished yet.


Chione's exclamation suddenly came from the corridor.

It seemed very painful.

In order not to waste time, the dormitories of the Daxia gods were arranged on the same floor of the highest command center.

The conference room suddenly became a little awkward, and Bai Qi cursed loudly: "Wang Hu, that's it!"

"These two temples are one for civil and one for military. On weekdays, the Aoki Temple will ask the God of Agriculture Temple to take care of its own plants or improve new varieties, while the Temple of the God of Agriculture will go to the planting area of ​​the Aoki Temple to polish its divine power. Even conquering planes Whenever we are together, we will cooperate closely and evenly."

Lin Fan nodded: "I know."

The God of Agriculture Temple and the Aoki Temple can be said to complement each other.

Although the Temple of the God of Agriculture cannot directly control plants, it can accelerate plant growth and even cause plants to directly age and wither!

If we say that the Aoki Temple turns plants into weapons.

The Temple of the God of Agriculture is an old farmer who takes care of plants.

The relationship between these two temples can be said to be the strongest in the divine world.

In the last life, these two good friends of the temple joined forces to invade. The Temple of the God of Agriculture accelerated the growth of plants, and the Temple of the Green Wood turned plants into weapons to attack humans!

"I know they are closely related," Lin Fan smiled, "But what if...I mean what if, the God of Agriculture Temple suddenly discovers that the God of Aoki is assassinating the God of Agriculture Temple?"

"How could the God of Aoki assassinate..." Jin Jiao shook his head and suddenly took a breath of cold air: "You mean..."

Lin Fan nodded: "You are now the God of Green Wood!"

Bai Qi sighed and said: "Those agricultural gods are all honest and honest. I am afraid that in order to avoid the situation worsening, they will choose to be patient or give a little warning..."

"Ah!!! No, there..."

In the corridor, Chione screamed again, and her voice seemed to be getting more painful.

"Damn it, this guy Wang Hu, we are having a meeting here, and he is over there..." Bai Qi snorted coldly.

Lin Fan also blushed and said awkwardly: "Understand, after all, we are newly married, and the wedding night is full of flowers and candles..."

"Let's get down to business," Lin Fan said, "What if the God of Agriculture strikes back and kills more Gods of Aoki?"

"How is it possible? I am also an elder in the Temple of the God of Agriculture. From what I understand, those Gods of Agriculture..." Bai Qi was suddenly stunned for a moment, then his eyes became serious and he said excitedly: "You mean..."


Lin Fan nodded and continued: "If you add that an Assassin God happened to die in the Assassin Temple, and a certain contract was found on him. It happened to be a task entrusted by the God of Agriculture Temple..."

Xingye nodded slightly: "I can do this. There are many assassin gods who take orders privately."

Lin Fan chuckled and said, "These two close comrades-in-arms, even if they don't quarrel with each other, they are probably about to fight, right?"

"If, I mean if," Lin Fan chuckled, "Zeus assigned a fertile plane to the God of Agriculture Temple, but after the Temple of God of Agriculture entered that plane, the Aoki Temple came to snatch the plane. …”

"Both of these two temples regard the land as extremely important!" Bai Qi and Jin Jiao said almost in unison: "Then they can't be suppressed at all!"

Lin Fan nodded: "Although the Temple of the God of Agriculture is not good at frontal combat, it has developed quite well and has forty-three high-level gods."

"And it's also Aoki's way, the characteristics are compatible, but if they really fight, the characteristics will become incompatible!"

"One turns plants into weapons and makes them go crazy, while the other turns plants into docile crops and can even make plants wither..."


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The conference room fell into awkward silence again.

"Listen, listen, is this still human movement?" Bai Qi shouted towards the door: "Wang Hu, please be gentle! We are having a meeting!"

When he calmed down again, Lin Fan said: "These two temples will definitely be involved in a difficult battle. Of course, the God of Agriculture Temple will definitely lose slightly to the Aoki Temple, but if we are included..."

Bai Qi responded: "Then the Temple of the God of Agriculture must win!"

"Why are we helping the Temple of Saturn win? We are so full that we are full?"

Lin Fan said helplessly: "I mean, let's finish it off and Daxia wins!"

Sun Bin in the wheelchair smiled and said: "When two tigers fight, one will die and the other will be injured! When river clams fight, the fisherman will benefit!"

"Thank you for your advice, sir." Lin Fan bowed respectfully to Sun Bin: "Mr. Sun came up with this method for me."

There was no trace of nervousness on Mr. Jin's face at this time, and he laughed and said: "In this way, we can defeat two temples at the same time! And both temples are stronger than us!"

"If we can defeat...even let the Winter Temple join us, let these two temples join us."

"Our strength will be doubled!"

When Mr. Jin said this, his expression paused: "But how can we get these two temples to join us in the end?"

"I...cough cough, I have my own way." The First Emperor smiled slightly.

Mr. Jin slapped the table excitedly, "That would be great! Just like Lin Fan said, let the two temples come directly!"

The gods of Daxia also expressed their approval: "Just choose them!"

"Just kill the Aoki Temple and the God of Agriculture Temple!"

"Playing two at once...thinking about it is exciting! If this happens, Daxia will take off in no time!"

"I didn't expect that we could actually choose a temple!"

Mo Zhi frowned and said, "Yeah, it always feels like we are invading the God Realm."

"That's right." Lin Fan suddenly said in a deep voice: "From today on, the offense and defense will change!"

"I, Daxia, will never wait to be beaten again!"

"From now on, I, Daxia, will take the initiative to fight and choose temples to invade!"

"Okay, now that the general strategy has been discussed, we have to discuss the details. Bai Qi, Jin Jiao, after you return to the God Realm..."

Jin Jiao's eyes widened: "This, is this really okay?"

Bai Qi chuckled: "I Bai Qi really can't remember such a complicated plan, but if a war is provoked, I have followed His Majesty for many years, so I know a little bit about it! Just kill it and it's over!"

The First Emperor nodded slightly, quite pleased.

When it comes to fighting, the First Emperor may not be the strongest.

But when it comes to finding faults, the First Emperor can be said to be the first professional porcelain expert in history.

And just when everyone was discussing the follow-up plan.


Another painful scream came from the corridor.

But this time it was not Chione, but Wang Hu.

"Too much, too much...overflowing..."

"I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all!"

"Honey, it's a bit too much, I can't stand it anymore!"

Bai Qi snorted coldly: "This Wang Hu... why did he scream by himself?"

Xingye, like a curious baby, blushed and asked Daji: "Really, is it really that comfortable?"

But the next moment.

"Something's wrong!" Lin Fan suddenly noticed something and his expression changed suddenly.


Behind him, ghosts and gods appeared instantly, and then merged into Lin Fan's body!

Lin Fan's skin turned pale, his eyes turned white, his sharp teeth grew out, and he transformed into a terrifying ghost.

Contaminated by [Killing], Shura's divine power turned scarlet and spread out under his feet, like a pool of blood. There were countless heads and stumps undulating in it. One arm stretched out to grab, each head let out a silent wail, and more There are pale spines connected to other bones like chains, waving in the void.

The Shura realm unfolds instantly!

Even the Shura sword, one black and one red, was condensed, one [Pain] and one [Killing]!

Full status!

This terrifying ghost didn't hesitate and rushed to the end of the corridor!

The other gods of Great Xia followed immediately, and they also noticed something was wrong.

Thick ice had already risen in the corridor, and a white cold air filled the air from the end of the corridor and spread slowly.

Just walking into the corridor, many Daxia gods felt a bone-chilling coldness rushing towards their faces, as if it was going to freeze everything.

Under this cold air, the blood seems to freeze and the heart is solidified!


"[Winter] is out of control!" Lin Fan said with a serious look on his face, using his killing blade to split the oncoming wisps of [Winter], gritting his teeth

: "Xingye, take Mr. Jin and Mr. Chen away. The others will evacuate the staff immediately. I'll go see what's going on!"

Only rules can resist rules!

But now, among the gods of Daxia, only Lin Fan can use the rules.

And it is [Killing] and [Pain] that are more powerful than [Winter]!

The other gods of Daxia got busy, knowing that they could not help.

Waves of divine power spread out, and the gods of Daxia immediately began to evacuate the staff in the building.

Lin Fan held [Killing] and [Pain] in his hands, smashed the spreading layers of winter, and rushed towards the end of the corridor.

The figure kept flashing, leaving only a hair floating in place.

That is A206 [The Trouble of the Space God].

"Strange, isn't Wang Hu absorbing [Winter]?"

"It stands to reason that with continuous absorption, Chione's [Winter] will only become less and less. Why is it spreading again!"

"Is Chione pretending to surrender? Is she releasing [Winter] again?"

After advancing a hundred meters, Lin Fan's body became stiff and cold, and his eyebrows and hair were covered with frost.

Even though he was protected by [Killing] and [Pain], Lin Fan seemed to be frozen into an ice sculpture!

This [Winter] is really too majestic, almost more majestic than when we fought Chione!


Chopping the rich and majestic [Winter] into pieces again, murderous intent flashed in Lin Fan's eyes, and after a flash, he instantly appeared in the room at the end of the corridor.

In the simple dormitory, Chione's body turned into ice crystals lay on the bed, covered with a quilt. Wang Hu's upper body was buried in the quilt, with only his buttocks and legs outside.

Chione's nose and forehead turned into ice crystals, and only the eyes that emitted divine light were left on her face.

It actually started to snow in the room, and the cold wind surged like a storm of ice crystals.

"Wang Hu, hurry up, leave quickly, leave me alone..." Chione's spiritual thoughts fluctuated with prayers.

Lin Fan opened his almost frozen mouth and said coldly: "Chione, what are you doing!"

When she saw Lin Fan appearing in the room, Chione paused slightly, and the cold wind stirred by the fluctuations of her divine power seemed to be crying: "I... I have tried hard to control it, but I can't control it..."

"I'm going to lose control..."

"My believers... My believers have given up their faith for some unknown reason. My godhead is already unstable. Now my divinity has fallen and my godhead is fragmenting. I can no longer suppress [Winter]..."

In the room, a one-meter-sized "winter" godhead stood in the ice and snow.

Under the influence of [Freezing Winter], most of it has turned into ice crystals.

And the remaining godhead is no longer radiant, but dim, as if the flame is going to be extinguished at any time, and is even shattering.

Lin Fan understood instantly.

In the previous battles, Chione had killed and injured too many believers. Her divinity was already unstable and her divinity was faintly declining.

Fortunately, Wang Hu absorbed [Winter] and helped Chione barely survive the backlash of [Winter] with his remaining divinity and godhead.

If there are no other accidents, with Wang Hu's continuous absorption, the [Winter] remaining in Chione's body will become less and less until it disappears.

With the proliferation of believers, Chione's divinity will be anchored again, and the godhead will become stable again.

At this point, the backlash of [Winter] has completely disappeared, and Chione will recover again, even stronger than before.

But after witnessing the noble gods surrendering to Daxia, they even got married happily.

The devout believers, who were willing to suffer heavy casualties just for the Lord God's command, couldn't accept it at all.

They are not afraid of death.

But the surrender of the Lord God made these devout believers start to think about the meaning of their lives, what is the God they unconditionally respect, and what are they in the eyes of God.

Faith is crumbling.

The believers of Chione had the most casualties, and only 5 million of the 30 million believers were left. Being able to anchor the divinity and stabilize the godhead was already the limit.

Under the collapse of faith, the number of believers has decreased again, Chione's unstable godhead is rapidly collapsing, and the anchor point of divinity is also rapidly disappearing!

She was originally able to support herself in the face of [Winter]'s backlash, but it was no longer possible for her to support her!

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