Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1389 The Winter of Great Summer

There was silence on the intercom for two seconds, which seemed like a long silence.

Mr. Jin finally said: "Is there no way to save it?"

"It can't be saved." Lin Fan said softly.

Mr. Jin hung up the communication.

At the same time, families in Daxia were gathering for dinner.

The news that Chione, the Lord God of Winter, has joined Daxia is really a surprise. Although today is not the Chinese New Year, it is better than the Chinese New Year. All the people of Daxia are gathering together to celebrate.

This is also the most important lesson that this doomsday that will end at any time has taught the people of Great Xia - cherish the present.

Before life came, many hard-working Daxia people were busy with money, status, and eager for salary increases and promotions.

Working alone outside the home and staying up late and working overtime are almost commonplace, and many people even don’t even go home during the Chinese New Year.

This is also caused by Daxia people’s traditional family concepts and the concept of taking precautions for a rainy day. Although many people are reluctant to stay away from their families, they think of the money they will need to spend when their children grow up, the parents who need medical treatment and care when they get old, and the educational resources and resources of big cities. Medical resources are better.

All I can do is be cruel and leave my hometown.

But when the end will come at any time, maybe the next time the gods come, it will be the end of the era. It seems that money, status, school district housing, etc. are not important anymore. Countless people have learned to cherish the present and cherish the company of their families.

Of course, this is also related to the country's vigorous production. No matter where it is, there is an urgent shortage of manpower, and the income is not low.

A common people's home.

"Uncle, drink!"

"Drink, haha, Chione has joined us, we have to celebrate!"

"Yeah, speaking of it, we put in a lot of effort to resist Chione. When I was building the Great Wall in the North, I had to command the orcs all day long. Fortunately, I could understand the blueprints, otherwise I would have to move with the orcs. It’s a brick…”

"I'm also going to sign up for an excavator class next year. The construction site is so busy now, and those orcs are really tough at moving bricks. We all push trolleys, and they just put the trolleys on their shoulders and run away. Fortunately, they are not smart. Fortunately, your uncle and I still have some masonry work, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get to the construction site this year.”

"Uncle, I said you should learn some skills early. Now more and more people know how to be a bricklayer. Being able to drive an excavator is very popular now. In fact, steel smelting and cooking are also good. You can go and get a certificate..."

"Anyway, Chione can be regarded as our refrigerator this time. We will save money on air conditioners and refrigerators in the future."

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief... Well, in terms of contribution, I still feel that Wang Hu is greater."

I still think the commander-in-chief made a greater contribution. Although the Blood Demon King Hu contributed his body, he also became a father. The commander-in-chief didn’t gain anything, he just became a son...

"Speaking of which, I'm really wondering how the Blood Demon King Tiger and Chione got into each other. From what Chione said, it seemed like their bodies were getting hot while they were fighting... Wasn't that a fight? Why did they suddenly get into that fight? "

"Hahaha, don't worry about it. Chione is our Daxia's daughter-in-law anyway. Come on, come on, cheers! Praise to Winter! Praise to Chione! Praise to the Winter brand refrigerator and air conditioner!"

At this moment, Daxia is decorated with lanterns, firecrackers are roaring, and the atmosphere is no less than the Chinese New Year.

Even the windows are decorated with red, festive ice and snow patterns.

Chione, who first surrendered and then got engaged, is the biggest topic of discussion in every family. It can be said that how much she hated the God of Winter before, but how happy she is now!

When she officially announced her surrender, she was already one of Daxia's own!

On the TV, some were broadcasting celebration programs, some channels were showing the majestic appearance of Chione's invasion, and some channels were showing scenes of the battle to capture the cold winter alive.

Some channels are playing documentaries about Chione's personal experience, depicting Chione's lonely, pitiful and dedicated life.

And the next moment.


On TV, the winter-themed celebration program suddenly stopped.

"Is it stuck?" The nephew, who was drinking with his uncle, was stunned for a moment. He was about to get up and take a photo when he saw Mr. Jin in military uniform appearing on the TV.

"Why did Mr. Jin come out?" The nephew laughed and said, "You want to say a few words when you are happy?"

Mr. Jin looked heavy and said with sad eyes: "Next, I will inform you of some unfortunate news."

"Chione, the main god of winter, collapsed at 4:28 and declared dead."

"She is the first god to join me in Great Xia."

"She is the first god who is willing to fight alongside my human race and betray the gods."

"She is my most loyal god comrade in Daxia. Her voluntary surrender allowed my Daxia to avoid a large number of casualties. She led the Winter Temple to join Daxia and provided a great help to my Daxia."

"Here, I ask you to mourn for five minutes for the passing of Chione. The wedding of Chione and Wang Hu, originally scheduled for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, has been changed to a national funeral."

For a moment, everyone was silent.

The laughter was silent for a moment, only the firecrackers outside were still crackling awkwardly.

The news was so sudden that no one could react. There was still a festive atmosphere in the air, and the bad news had already arrived.

The smile on the nephew's face froze, and he said in disbelief: "Chione, is he dead?"

A kind-hearted lady's eyes turned red with distress: "She just got married, how could...this poor girl..."

The uncle said in a daze: "Then, what about our refrigerator and air conditioner for the coming year... If we can't fix it, even the Winter Temple won't cooperate with Daxia, what should we do with our refrigerator and air conditioner!"

For a moment, there was silence.

The entire Daxia, who was still immersed in the joy of marrying Chione and having a refrigerator and air conditioner, was stunned by this sudden bad news.

"How is it possible? She was fine at the engagement party at noon..."

"How long has it been? You just joined Daxia and you died before you even used it?"

"Can the gods of winter accept this news? Will they think it was us?"

"Then what's the point of all the effort we put in before?"

Everyone fell into a sense of sadness, perhaps because they lost their refrigerators and air conditioners, perhaps because they were worried about the cooperation between the God of Winter and Daxia, perhaps because they sympathized with Chione's tragic fate, perhaps because they doubted all previous efforts There is no meaning anymore.

Someone got up, took off the festive red window stickers at home, and put white paper symbolizing winter on them.

Someone even printed out Chione's photo and placed it on the dining table. The wedding banquet turned into a funeral banquet.

On the Great Wall in the north, the logistics team who were preparing for tonight's wedding banquet also immediately redecorated each restaurant. Joy turned into sorrow. The festive red banners were torn off and pale white banners were hung up. The engagement between Chione and Wang Hu was also The photo was replaced by a one-meter black and white photo of Chione.

They even rushed to order the tombstone and dig it directly, the excavator started digging the hole, and the funeral ceremony was urgently planned.

this moment.

A wave of sadness swept through Daxia, and joy turned to sadness.

Fourteen hundred million people sighed at this moment.


"Obviously we got engaged at noon, and we're about to start a family of three... This girl Chione is really pitiable."

"Yes, tomorrow's wedding suddenly turns into a funeral. This must... ugh... Blood Demon King Hu and Commander Lin will be very sad."

"By the way, Chione is dead, what about our refrigerator and air conditioner? She is a Winter brand refrigerator! She is also the link between the Winter Temple and Daxia!"

One hundred and forty thousand sighs, one hundred and forty thousand voices, merged together and turned into three words.


And the other side.

The divinity of the out-of-control Chione has been lost in [Winter].

She fell into the endless winter, just like falling into an icy river, becoming an ice crystal that never melts.

The last trace of humanity supported her, but with the collapse of divinity and the shattering of her soul, the trace of humanity could not support her at all.

Flashing before her eyes was the scene of the Blood Demon embracing her, the scene of 140,000 people welcoming her, and the scene of a family of three enjoying themselves.

But in the endless cold, her consciousness gradually blurred.

Soon, she will become an ice crystal in the glacier, never melting, and return to [winter].

"Who am I...Why do those pictures make me feel sad..."


Her consciousness became increasingly blurry, as if she would completely turn into ice crystals in the next moment.

And the next moment.


A red bolt is like breaking the sky, like red lightning!

Smash this vast snowfield, smash this thousands of miles of winter!


The iceberg collapsed and the ice broke with a loud noise. This red horse smashed thousands of meters of ice, smashed into the glacier, and penetrated [winter]!

This red horsetail is the only color in the white winter, so bright!

Like a flame, it exudes absolute high temperature and heat, causing the [winter] that freezes everything to retreat, just like a fire dragon trying to melt this extremely cold snowfield!

He fell straight in front of Chione, who was floating in the glacier and falling downwards, as if he was about to become ice crystals at the bottom of the river!

A scorching heat enveloped Chione!

At the same time, there was a thunderous noise above the training.

"Ka! Oh! Nirvana!"

She heard the blood demon's roar, heard the cries of humans, and heard countless sighs and reservations.

This cry is the reluctance of 140,000,000 people!

It is the sigh of 140 million people and the concern of Daxia!

There are 140,000 anchor points of human nature!

For a moment, Chione was stunned for a moment, as if she understood something.

I remembered, I am... Chione!

"Lin Fan, is this the anchor of human nature you said?"

She used her cold fingers to try hard to hold the red thread.

next moment.


The scorching flames soared into the sky. Chione had never felt such a high temperature, so hot. Even the high temperature of the blood demon's burning blood had never been so hot!

Her almost frozen body recovered instantly. At the same time, the red horse directly wrapped her around, and a strong force

The indestructible force firmly binds her who is about to be lost!

This is the anchor of humanity.

An anchor for 140 million people!

An indestructible anchor!

The most powerful anchor in history, even the divine anchor of Chione with nearly 60 million believers at its peak, is so fragile in front of this human anchor!


The red horse soared into the sky, bringing Chione out of this rolling [winter] and out of control!

at the same time.

Wang Hu was furious when he heard the sudden bad news: "Lin Fan, what did you do to Chione!"

"How could your mother die!"

“I just got engaged!!!”

"Lin Fan, it's okay if you force me to make arrangements. After the arrangements were made, I reluctantly accepted it, and you actually made me lose my wife again! Dad, I will fight you!"

If the First Emperor hadn't held him down, he would have rushed into the room and fought with Lin Fan!

Lin Fan sat quietly next to Chione. Looking at Chione who had completely turned into an ice sculpture, the corner of his mouth suddenly smiled.

Have you felt it?

"This is what I told you, let me suppress the killing and suppress the human anchor of ghosts and gods."

"You won't lose control, because I, Daxia, still need you, and 140,000,000 people still need you!"

Lin Fan had thought of all this a long time ago!


Fourteen hundred million people serve as anchors!

This Chione can't lose control even if she wants to!

This is an anchor point that is more powerful than any believer. This is an anchor point that any god covets!

"From today on, you are no longer Chione, the Lord God of Winter, but Chione, the winter god of Great Summer!"

"Now, as a Daxia human race, open your eyes."

"Join me and roar side by side."

The words fell.


The ice crystals on Chione's body suddenly began to break and melt!

The shattered soul that had shattered its godhead, lost its divinity, seemed to have a stronger adhesive, and was firmly glued together in an instant!

The out-of-control divine power is restored instantly!

Under the solid anchor formed by those 140 million people, although divinity disappeared, humanity became stable instantly!


Chione suddenly opened her eyes. At this moment, her eyes no longer had the dazzling glory, and her eyes as white as ice and snow had dark pupils!

at the same time.

Behind Chione, the "Winter" godhead that had been completely frozen by the "Winter" had not recovered.

But there is a more brilliant "winter" moment condensed.

That is not just a godhead, but a personality condensed with the help of human nature!

"Huh!" Chione gasped and slowly sat up.

"Successful!" She looked at Lin Fan with great excitement in her eyes. This was her first sight as a human!

At this moment, she was no longer a lofty god!

No longer Chione, the Lord God of Winter!

But it’s summer and winter!

They are no different from those who become gods in the human race!

In this regard, there was no loss in Chione's eyes. Although she had lost her divinity and godhead, she had a stronger anchor point for 140 million people, a stronger humanity, and a more powerful godhead!

Winter will never melt!

"How do you feel?" Lin Fan asked quickly.

feels good! Such a solid anchor...something I couldn't have imagined even in my heyday! Chione's eyes were extremely excited, "The remaining backlash from [Winter] is nothing under this solid anchor point."

Only one toe on her body was frozen!

The rest of the body has completely recovered, and is as white as snow, but without the glory of God, there is a trace of the ruddy color that humans should have.

In fact, this is why the gods of Daxia are so powerful.

The anchor of human nature is too stable!

One hundred and fourteen million people serve as anchors, and even gods don’t get this kind of treatment!

Not to mention that the divine power is more powerful than that of a god with millions of followers, and it is almost difficult to lose control!

This means that Bai Qi and other returning ancestors do not need to fight desperately. If they really fight as hard as they did in the previous life, even if they forcefully apply the rules, Guan Gong, who has just awakened, will be on par with Chione, the main god of winter.

Although Chione is powerful, mastering elemental treasures and able to release endless [Winter], her anchor point cannot support it at all. Although Guan Gong has just awakened, with such a strong anchor point, it is more difficult to lose control under the rules. .


Under the excitement of divine power, the cold wind swept across, and Chione, who obtained this solid anchor point, directly rose to the peak of the thirteenth level!

Moreover, the previous backlash of [Winter] was also resolved, and she once again mastered more [Winter], and because of this incredibly strong anchor point, it was more difficult for her to lose control!

Feeling the solid anchor point, Chione whispered: From today on, I am no longer a god.


I am... the Daxia human race, the winter of Daxia! "

"Is this what it feels like to be a Daxia human race?"

Feeling that the solid anchor point almost firmly tied him to this land, feeling the stability of humanity, Chione took a deep breath, feeling that he had finally become one of them, and the endless waves coming from this land a sense of security and belonging.

"No wonder many temples were eyeing this plane. No wonder you were able to suppress [Killing]..."

"Once upon a time, I also wanted to conquer this place, turn you into believers, and become the anchor of divinity... But I never expected that today I failed to conquer, surrendered in humiliation, became engaged to an alliance, and lost my divinity, but I still have so many people. As an anchor of humanity!”

"This anchor point is so stable that it does not require a divine realm or a natal believer!"

Chione felt a little emotional for a moment.

But then, Chione suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute, you really did it... cut off the divinity, cut off the godhead, and turned the noble gods into inferior beings!"

"You can turn gods into humans!"

This method is simply shocking!

Transform the aloof gods into humans!

Even more terrifying than killing a god!

God, born noble!

Therefore, they can rise above all things.

But now, the boundary between gods and humans has been broken. This Shura not only killed the gods, but also dragged the gods down from the high altar above all living beings!

"Thanks to you for helping me with the experiment." Lin Fan smiled, "But from today on, God is no longer aloof."

Gods and men are in common from now on!

Lin Fan suddenly began to look forward to seeing the reactions of the gods when he turned them into humans one by one.

anger? fear? Grieving?

For gods who claim to be noble, becoming an inferior being in their eyes is probably more terrifying than dying!

Lin Fan was a little proud. He was afraid that he was the first person in all eternity to cut off the connection between gods and divine beings, the connection between gods and divine realms, and the connection between believers!

Transforming gods into humans marks the true equality in a certain sense between gods and humans, and all races in the heavens!

"Thank you." Chione smiled: "I never thought that one day, the child would give his mother a new life. You, a filial child, gave me, my mother, a second life. As a human life."

Lin Fan: "...You're welcome."

For Chione, changing from a god to a human was not unacceptable.

Even some joy.

After all, as a god, as the main god of winter, what she brings to her is even more humiliation!

But now, she has started a new life and has formed a happy family of three with Wang Hu and Lin Fan!

She was originally worried that Wang Hu would dislike her because of her incompatible status as a god. But now, the problem has been completely solved, and she will face him with a brand new face!

"Don't tell your dad yet, wait until the funeral to give your dad a surprise!" Chione whispered: "I have a body, he must be very happy... now I can't just suck it."

Lin Fan nodded, then looked at the frozen "Winter" godhead, and suddenly said: "Mother, is this godhead useless?"

"It's useless. It was completely frozen by [Winter], and I can't use it anymore." Chione abandoned this previously extremely important godhead like worn out shoes.

Then I took it. Lin Fan chuckled and put the Winter Godhead into the space ring.

Chione was stunned: "What do you want it for?"

"With this, I can work for Zeus... Otherwise, with Zeus's cautious character, he will definitely die." Lin Fan grinned, "Zeus would never have thought that you turned into a human being. Giving up your godhead...he will only feel that you and this godhead are frozen together."

"No matter what, I am Zeus's most trusted nephew. I still have to find a way to help him kill you and destroy the Winter Temple."

After all, in the concept of the divine world, if the divine personality is gone, the gods will naturally not be able to survive!

Chione breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relaxed all over, and nodded: "Yes, that's right. In this way, Zeus will definitely trust and appreciate you more, and will not pursue you anymore..."

But before Chione finished speaking.


The door was pushed open.

Jin Lao walked in with a sad face, and two soldiers behind him, one holding a huge black and white photo of Chione, and the other carrying a stone tablet.

"Lin Fan, I know that you have just lost your mother and are grieving in your heart, but you still have some things to deal with."

"Chione's state funeral is scheduled for the evening, and the wreaths and tombstones have been prepared. See if this photo fits. If it's ok, put your mother in a shroud. Also, the gods of winter know this. After hearing the news, they were very angry. They felt that Chione, who was killed by us, seemed to be secretly planning a rebellion..."

The words have not yet finished.

"Is Mr. Jin here?" Chione sat up from the bed and said hello.

"Ah, Chione is here too. It's none of your business, just rest...Wait, Chione, I, can I see you? Ah!!!" Mr. Jin subconsciously replied a few words, and then suddenly let out a startled sound. Huh, he fell to the ground with a pale face.

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