Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1392 Lin Fan, do it quickly!

After Jin Lao gave his speech, it was Lin Fan's turn.

A very conventional speech.

"Unfortunately, I witnessed Chione's death yesterday..."

"It's also a pity that I couldn't fight alongside him."

"But no matter what, Winter Temple has established diplomatic relations with Daxia. If Chione is still alive, she will definitely..."

After Lin Fan said this, he turned around and looked at Chione's ice coffin.

Just one glance almost made Lin Fan scream out in fright.

I saw a small gap opened in the red cloth covering the ice coffin. Chione poked out half of her head, stretched out her hand, and was reaching for an apple.

In this situation, in order to pretend to be dead, Chione not only did not dare to use her divine power, but instead suppressed the fluctuations in her divine power.

So I can only reach out.

Fortunately, Lin Fan was standing in front of the ice coffin, so no one saw him.

Lin Fan was quick to think and quickly said: "Please pray for three minutes of silence for Chione!"

Everyone bowed their heads.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lin Fan quickly glared at Chione: What are you doing out here? Go back quickly, there's a funeral!

Chione rubbed her face stained with chocolate and biscuit crumbs: I'm starving and haven't had breakfast!

Lin Fan could only take a few steps back again, trying to block Chione as much as possible.

After Lin Fan gave his speech, it was his fiancé Wang Hu.

Wang Hu, wearing a red robe, walked onto the stage, and the festive red color was particularly dazzling at this time.

"Honey!!" As soon as Wang Hu saw the coffin covered with red cloth, he couldn't help crying: "I, I haven't sucked enough yet, how could can I forget you and your taste in the future? ah……"

I don’t know if I am sad that Chione is leaving, or I am sad that I can no longer drink Chione.

After all, it was the first Lord God he had ever smoked.

In particular, Chione's [Winter] can also destroy his [Demon Blood Boiling].

Once Chione died, Wang Hu was directly weakened from version T0 to T1.

For a moment, everyone was moved by it, even the winter gods couldn't help showing their unbearable expressions.

The festive red color that does not understand the current affairs sometimes makes people more sad.

The God of Winter sighed: "This should have been their wedding."

"Although those humans deserve to die, this blood demon still truly loves the Lord God... Sigh."

"Let's take action soon. Don't kill this blood demon."

Wang Hu cried more and more sadly: "Honey, no matter what, today is still your wedding!"

"Look, I'm wearing this groom's suit and I'm here to marry you!"

For a moment, even the viewers watching the live broadcast couldn't hold back.

"Wang Hu is so miserable!"

"Oh, it's obviously a match made in heaven..."

"Why is Chione dead? My electricity bill..."

The people who set up mourning halls in their homes and spontaneously mourned Chione burst into tears. At this moment, the entire Great Xia was covered with silk and paper was burned for Chione.

Paper money is flying all over the sky.

There is an omnipresent sadness in the air.

The public's emotions were also detonated by Wang Hu, and countless cries gathered together, with sorrow and joy.

Wang Hu held the ice coffin with one hand and sobbed: "Chione, to be honest, I didn't like you at first."

"Your body is made of ice. You also know that Wang Hu is a rough man and has strong blood."

"When you want a wife, you have to marry someone who is good at childbearing. Not to mention the fact that you are an ice sculpture, I don't dare to touch you hard, otherwise I will break it into pieces for you."

"It was only because of that drink and the cooperation of Da Xia and Lin Dong that I... reluctantly agreed. I still resent Lin Fan."

But after getting in touch with me last night, I found that you are a nice person. You really care about me and treat me as your husband. Wang Hu thinks about it carefully. It seems that no one has cared about me since I was a child. Even when I turned into a devil for Daxia, No one even cared about me. They were even afraid that I would suck their blood, so they avoided me at first...

"You are the only one who makes me feel warm. As a god, you actually like me, Wang Hu, and you care about whether I, a devil, have a cold mouth. You are afraid that I drink too fast, so you clamp it down..."

"Ahem." Lin Fan coughed and said, "You don't need to remember this."

Wang Hu continued: "I, Wang Hu, have already thought about it, and I will seriously marry you this time... I actually didn't hate Lin Fan that much at that time, but I didn't expect..."

"You can rest assured. No matter what happens, I, Wang Hu, will marry you today. From now on, I, Wang Hu, will not marry you. You will be my wife, Wang Hu."

The atmosphere is a little weird.

It was obviously a funeral, but he actually confessed.

Paired with Wang Hu's bright red groom's suit, it looked like a ghost marriage.

But then, Wang Hu said coldly: "I, Wang Hu, will not let go of anyone who has insulted you! Don't they pride themselves on being noble? I, the devil, Wang Hu, want to suck them all to death! Look at that noble person How noble is blood!"

"And that Lin Fan... When the war is over, I, Wang Hu, will settle the score with him! If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have died!"

Lin Fan: "..."

It seems that Wang Hu was seriously injured.

But it is also understandable that Wang Hu is now a devil and looks ugly.

Although Daxia waited for him along with the gods of Daxia, and everyone gradually let go of their grudge against the Blood Demon and no longer feared him, Wang Hu was still lonely and confused in his heart.

He is a troubled devil.

And Chione is also lonely and confused

, is also a tangled main god.

When these two people met, it was a match made in heaven for Wang Hu and Chione.

As a result, he died...

In Wang Hu's eyes, Lin Fan was already a sworn enemy. Not to mention forcing myself to get engaged, and ended up inflicting so much pain on myself.

And the other side.

In the ice coffin under the red cloth, Chione looked at Wang Hu's blurry figure through the red cloth, her eyes were red, and she was so moved that she forgot to chew the apple.

How many years!

Finally someone confessed to him!

This Blood Demon King Tiger really loves him deeply, and those words made Chione even shed tears!

This funeral was so worth it!

If I had known this, I, Chione, would have held a funeral earlier!

She already wanted to jump out.

Life as a human being is truly wonderful.

In just two days, he had experienced birth, old age, illness and death, and was even able to watch his own funeral.


Wang Hu caressed the ice coffin reluctantly, as if he had made a decision: "I want to worship Chione as husband and wife!"

"Ah, this..." Shang Weitian's expression changed: "She's even cold..."

"If she were alive, she would definitely be willing. Even if she dies, she is still my wife." Wang Hu said with great affection and sadness: "Let me complete the last step with her. We can't be together in life, but we will still be husband and wife down here after death." .”

"This is not good..." Shang Weitian looked stunned.

Suddenly, a slight voice came from the coffin: "Good, good, good!"

There was silence.

Wang Hu's eyes widened suddenly and he grabbed the ice coffin: "Chionee..."

The other gods of winter also opened their eyes wide immediately: "The Lord God... No, I can't sense it without the breath of the Lord God!"

"Yes, if the Lord God is alive, we will definitely be able to sense her divinity!"

Is it an illusion? Or is there something under the divine spring that suddenly appears?

But Chione couldn't hold it back.

Lin Fanxin wondered why Chione did not come as promised, but he could only say quickly: "It seems that there is someone under the Chione spring who is willing."

"As a child, I will personally help Chione out, and finally have a husband-wife ceremony with my father."

Lin Fan said and walked onto the stage.

Opening the ice coffin, fortunately Chione was already ready, lying there motionless in a stiff posture.

Her face was covered with a red scarf, she was wearing a red wedding dress, her hands were hidden in her sleeves, and her whole body was tightly covered.

Fortunately, Chionena's rosy body was not exposed.

Lin Fan bent down and picked up Chione, and whispered: "Stick, don't move."

Chione nodded slightly, tensed her body, and tried her best to become a corpse.

Lin Fan picked up Chione who was pretending to be a corpse.

Placed it in front of Wang Hu, standing stiffly.

Wang Hu looked at the bride-like figure with a red hijab, and sighed sadly: "Chione, I come to worship you. From today on, you will be my wife, Wang Hu, for life."

This demon is still a love interest.

Lin Fan returned to his original position and raised the mineral water bottle in front of him: "Replace the wine with water, and it can be your wedding wine!"

Everyone was also touched by this scene, and they all raised their mineral water bottles with sad faces.

"Couple greetings!"

Lin Fan shouted loudly.

Wang Hu slowly bowed to the figure wearing a red hijab, standing stiffly in front of him, and the devil shed tears.

"Gudong, Gudong," everyone also drank the mineral water that was used as wedding wine.

Lin Fan suddenly threw away the mineral water bottle.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, thinking that this was a good way to vent their sorrow, and threw away the mineral water bottles one after another.

Lin Fan: "???"

Lin Fan looked around.

very quiet.

Even Chione remained motionless.

"The ancients broke cups when drinking," Lin Fan coughed, "If you don't have a cup, just use a mineral water bottle instead."

The deputy palace master frowned slightly: "Ah...that means the fall was..."

"Do it!" The deputy palace master suddenly burst into flames. In a flash of glory, the thirteenth-level divine power poured out. He was like an ice dragon, heading straight for the First Emperor in the front row!

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

The other winter gods also rose up one after another!

"Humans, pay for my Lord God with your life!"

"Don't be hypocritical. Didn't my master God die in your hands?"

It was such a coincidence that he surrendered yesterday and died today! Human beings, do you really think I, Lingdong, is easy to fool?

"Feel the wrath of winter!"

"Young Master, take action, Young Master! Why are you standing there in a daze? Go and kill that monkey! Today we have destroyed human beings!"

However, Lin Fan did not move.

One person moved!

Breaking the cup is the number!

The moment these gods of winter rushed out, Chione, who was standing stiffly in front of Wang Hu, instantly bowed down.

Wang Hu’s mind went blank with a sad look on his face.

, actually fell to the ground: "Did you cheat?"

Seeing this scene, the gods of winter were also stunned: "The Lord God..."

The deputy palace master suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "The Lord God will die with his eyes open! Human beings, I will fight with you!"

The bright divine light surged, the divine personality manifested, and the cracks began to fill!

He's going to blow himself up!

But the next moment.

"Bang!" The bride who was bending down suddenly raised a hand, and the deputy palace master fell to the ground!

Behind the bride, "winter" appears!

Although she has lost her divinity, she still controls Winter and still has the authority of the Lord God of Winter! .🅆.

"Lord, Lord God?" The deputy palace master's eyes widened suddenly. Although he vomited blood after being hit by the blow, his eyes were extremely excited.

This is suppression from the Lord God! Suppression from the Lord of Winter!

The other gods of winter also widened their eyes, their faces full of overjoyed surprise.

"Lord God, are you not dead?"

"Great, you are still alive?"

"But, why can't we feel your divinity..."

Chione said coldly: "Why didn't you die? Let's talk about it later. If you disturb my wedding, watch me destroy your Winter Temple today!"

All the winter gods immediately fell silent.

The Lord God was rarely angry.

The most important thing is that the Lord God is not dead!

So what else is there to take revenge for?

Wait, the Deputy Palace Master suddenly felt something was wrong. The Lord God just bowed down and raised his hand?

Her body was eaten back by [Winter]...

Seeing the reaction of the God of Winter, Wang Hu also understood at this time, it seemed that there was no fake corpse.

He carefully bent down and poked his head out to look under the hijab.

I saw that Chione's neck had returned to its original state, and her white hands stretched out from her sleeves, holding Wang Hu with a hint of coldness.

Wang Hu's eyes widened: "You..."

"I, I am not dead, I have recovered from [Winter]..." Chione said in an excited voice: "Thanks to Lin Fan..."

"Hehe, hehe!" Wang Hu chuckled.

He bowed deeply to Chione again, completing the couple's worship, then turned to look at Lin Fan, and rushed over to hug him.


What a good brother!

"Hey Hey!"

Lin Fan looked helplessly at Wang Hu, who was full of excitement: "Why, weren't you unwilling to marry Chione before? And you complained that I gave you an engagement."

"That, that's not her body... Hehehehe, it's better now. Not only can I drink it, but I can also...hehehe!"

"Wait!" Wang Hu's smile suddenly changed, he looked at Chione, and said nervously: "Then you have recovered from [Winter], can I still suck it?"

Chione whispered: "I haven't fully recovered yet, and one of my toes is frozen by [winter]. You won't dislike me, will you?"

"Phew, that's great! One toe, just right!"

Wang Hu was extremely surprised!

Big ups and downs!

Originally thought that Chione was dead.

Not only did he not die, he even recovered from his injuries!

Then I got a huge bargain!

If Chione's body hadn't been crystallized by ice, would the majestic winter god have gotten his turn?

And he also left himself a toe...

Gongshu Mingdu on the side sighed: "If I had known that Chione could recover, alas, no matter what, I would have to... take advantage of Wang Hu."

"Yes," the Bull Demon King also looked envious, "Wang Hu made a big mistake..."

The iron fan on the side silently held the fan tightly.

"Stop talking about this, just don't be idle and let me call you dad." Lin Fan looked at Wang Hu, "Be nice to my mom from now on..."

Lin Fan couldn't speak anymore.

He suddenly regretted saving Chione.

Damn it, dead end.

It seems like everything is at a loss.

"Come on, come on, don't be stunned, send a report immediately! Celebrate Chione's resurrection! Sadness turns to joy! Get excited!" Lin Fan stretched out his hand and said.

Elegiac sorrow turns into festive joy.

It's too late to demolish the mourning hall, but it doesn't matter, just get married in the mourning hall and that's it.

There were also several winter gods who served as bridesmaids for Chione, and Wang Hu naturally had no shortage of groomsmen. The First Emperor, Bai Qi and other gods of Great Xia served as groomsmen.

Lin Fan served as the flower girl.

Shang Weitian took his mobile phone and said loudly: "Come on, come on, we are getting married. Let's pay for another round of money. What, have we paid it? It's different. It was for the funeral just now, and now it's for the wedding... Kaoru Nirvana was resurrected on the spot and performed miracles. Isn't this much more beautiful than a funeral? Come on, come on! Let's have a feast as usual!"

The people of Daxia, who were crying just now, looked at the inexplicably happy wedding, then looked at the paper money in their hands, and fell into deep thought.

"As expected of a god, can this person be resurrected?"

"Can we open this table yet? The food is already hot!"

"Open! Didn't you listen to what the commander-in-chief said? The funeral has turned into a wedding! Open! Put the photo down and eat as usual!"

"Yes, this is a good thing. Chione is not dead anyway, she has become our Daxia's wife, and we have a refrigerator and air conditioner again!"

"By the way, is this a play between Wang Hu and Chione?

One ring... Damn it, have we become their props? "

That night.

Lin Fan led a group of gods of Great Xia and the gods of winter to sit opposite each other.

"Strange, why is Chione late again?" Lin Fan looked at his watch and said to the Great Sage, "Didn't you inform her?"

The Great Sage scratched his head: "I, Old Sun, informed me, who knew what Chione was doing..."

The words have not yet finished.

A low voice came from the corridor again.

"I let you pretend to be dead, I let you pretend to be dead, I let you..."

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore..."

Lin Fan: "..."

It lasted for half an hour. Just when Lin Fan thought he could have a normal meeting, he heard a voice coming from the corridor again: "You are tired, husband. The demon blood has been burning for so long. Come quickly, I will replenish it for you."

"Don't be itchy..."

I heard another movement from the other side.


The dormitory door was opened.

Chione walked in panting and wearing a bright red dress with a rosy face. Lin Fan said helplessly: "Finally done?"

"Actually, we can continue..." Chione blushed and whispered: "Your father and I are really a match made in heaven. His demon blood is boiling and his whole body is hot. I can use this to digest [Winter] and regain my strength. Wait for him The demon blood boiling is almost over, he will absorb my [Winter] again to replenish his physical strength, and then turn on the demon blood boiling..."


One ice, one fire, endless cycle.

When you meet your opponent in chess, the more you fight, the stronger you become, right?

Lin Fan suddenly felt envious of this kind of love.

It seems that if he hadn't asked Chione to come over for a meeting, the two of them would have been able to stay like this for several days and nights.

The other winter gods also had complicated expressions.

The First Emperor frowned and said: "The remaining [Lin Dong] of yours is now on your toes. If Wang Hu sucks [Lin Dong], wouldn't he want to lick your...hiss!"

"Ahem, there's no need to go into too much detail about this kind of thing." Lin Fan waved his hand and suddenly warned: "By the way, Chione, your humanity is not yet stable now. You will have to deepen your relationship with the anchor point later. connect."

Chione asked curiously: "How to deepen it?"

"It must be to integrate into the people, serve the people, bring joy to the people, and make them miss you more..." Lin Fan thought for a while, "In this way, after you work eight hours a day, you can go to the massage parlor to work in your spare time. Can truly serve the people.”

The Great Sage nodded and said: "That's right!"

The Bull Demon King chuckled and said, "I agree!"

The First Emperor nodded slightly: "Well, I will also apply for a card to support you later."

This is the genuine Chione’s winter massage!

Isn't that more exciting than the cosplay girls in the massage parlor?

Chione nodded: "Stabilizing humanity...well, it sounds like a good idea. I will go back later."

"Well, send me your address later, and I'll give it a try... ahem, the main thing is to help you stabilize your humanity." After Lin Fan finished speaking, his expression became serious: "Okay, let's get down to business first."

He looked at the winter gods and said, "Your divine power is almost out of control."

All the winter gods sighed.

The deputy palace master smiled bitterly and said: "Does this need to be said..."

The light of divine power on them became increasingly dim, and even began to flicker.

The deputy palace master's body even swelled and deformed from time to time, and the divine power collided uncontrollably, as if it was about to explode at any time.

"Those believers...well, they are all crazy. They even dare to scold us." Another God of Winter sighed and shook his head.

They had previously thought that the collapse of believers' faith was caused by Daxia, so they simply prepared to rebel.

At the wedding, the misunderstanding was cleared up.

In the afternoon, they took time to comfort the believers.

But unexpectedly, in the face of their comfort and the dazzling glory, those believers who had been loyal to them actually roared at them and cursed them quite unpleasantly.

"It's okay, I have a way to save you now." Lin Fan smiled.

The deputy hall master's eyes lit up: "What can I do! Their faith is so broken, how can it be repaired?"

Lin Fan chuckled: "My faith is broken, and I really can't do anything about it. But I have other ways."

"Ah?" The deputy palace master was stunned: "But if we don't restore our faith, our divinity cannot be restored."

"This is easy to handle. If it can't be repaired, then just cut off the divinity." Lin Fan looked at the deputy palace master: "How simple, right?"


In his hand, the Shura Sword is revealed!

Shura Sword, specializes in killing souls!

"What are you going to do! Calm down! Don't come over here!" The deputy palace master stood up almost instinctively, but the next moment, he stumbled to the ground and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't worry, it will be quick and it won't hurt." Lin Fan said with a smile.

He held the knife and walked towards the deputy palace master step by step.

The deputy palace master's eyes were horrified, and he tried to crawl towards Chione: "Lord God, he is crazy, come and save me..."

"Don't be afraid," Chione smiled and pressed the deputy palace master: "Don't worry, I tried it for you. It will be quick and it won't hurt at all."

"Lin Fan, my son, do it quickly, I'll hold it down for you!"

Deputy Palace Master: "!!!"

It’s over!

Chione has rebelled against the Temple of Winter!

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