Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1394 Meeting before entering the God Realm

The Winter God's face turned slightly pale. He knew how ruthless the Shura God was, and he immediately reprimanded the Frost Giant: "How dare you be so rude!"

The Frost Giant spat: "Hey, you still sound so condescending. Do you still think we don't know anything? Come on! Come down and fight with me if you can!"

The God of Winter looked ugly and was about to fall.

Although he has lost his godhead, he still possesses divine power!

How could it be insulted by a winter creature?

"Wait a minute." Lin Fan grabbed the God of Winter.

The God of Winter frowned and said angrily: "Young Master, how dare he..."

"If he is your believer, willingly dedicates his life to you, and is willing to be killed or beaten by you, I have nothing to say." Lin Fan shook his head and said without any doubt: "But he is not your believer now; A life of its own.”

"If I, a Daxia man, scolds you, will you take action directly?"

"Well..." The God of Winter was speechless for a moment and could only mutter: "Then what should I do?"

"If you can bear it, just bear with it. If you can't bear it, you can also yell back or call the police." Lin Fan said, "In any case, you can't do anything."

God of Winter: "???"

Are you kidding me?

I am God! At least he was a god!

The lower beings scolded me, and I opened my mouth to scold me back?

Or even call the police?

"But this time, I'll help you deal with it first." Lin Fan pulled the God of Winter behind him and looked at the cursing Frost Giant.

The Frost Giant was still yelling: "God of Winter, don't hide and enslave us for so long. Come on, let's fight!"

"You don't even have the courage to fight us!"

The other Frost Giants and other believers whose faith had been shattered also looked up to the sky and roared: "God, come down and fight!"

"Why, aren't you very good at fighting? Come on! What you didn't plant!"

Seeing Lin Fan standing in front of the gods of winter, the former believers' voices became weaker, but they still said: "Shura, don't stop me, this matter has nothing to do with you humans..."

"I won't stop you." Lin Fan said with a smile, "Screen as hard as you can."

The former believers were stunned for a moment, as if they did not expect Lin Fan's reaction.

The gods of winter were also stunned for a moment.

Lin Fan encouraged him with a smile: "Screen as hard as you can, it's okay. I'm really upset. Whoever you want to beat, I'll pull him down and let you beat him. If you can't beat him, I'll give him a good beating."

"Human, are you so good?"

"We invaded you before, you want to help us?"

"But haven't you already joined forces with these gods?"

"Why do you want to help us?"

Those Winter Believers were a little unsure about what Lin Fan meant.

Lin Fan did not answer, but looked at these Winter Believers and said, "It seems that enough scolding has been done... Okay, very good."

"You ask me why I want to help you."

"Because, I know you are angry and hateful."

"And I will not stop you. On the contrary, I hope you can remember this anger and this hatred."

Chione whispered from the side: "If you keep talking, the conflict will completely break out, and we can only destroy these former believers."

How could anyone be so helpful in breaking up the fight?

You are obviously stirring up trouble!

It turned out that after these former believers had their own consciousness after their faith collapsed, they began to hate the gods who had conquered them and used them.

As a result, instead of persuading you, you started to make people angry?

Even these former Winter Believers frowned: "What...what do you mean? Are you here to break up the fight?"

Lin Fan waved his hand to reassure Chione and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to break up the fight."

"I just hope your anger and hatred are not directed at the wrong target."

For a time, the remaining 30 million former believers roared: "Wrong person?"

"How could you find a mistake!"

"These gods once invaded our land, killed our ancestors, enslaved us and used us with their faith!"

"We were so loyal! We were so proud!"

"If they hadn't revealed their true nature this time... we would have thought they were benevolent and kind gods guiding us forward!"

"Just thinking about how pious we once were makes us feel sick!"

One by one, the former believers looked up to the sky and roared.

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes, you should indeed hate them."

Lin Fan knew the anger in the hearts of these former believers.

In the eyes of these former believers, these gods of winter are just like the devils who invaded Daxia back then.

Slaughtered the ancestors, and built an excuse to manage the remaining people that seemed beautiful but actually had sinister intentions.

Even these winter gods are more hateful than the devils, because they really succeeded for a time!

If the human race hadn't exposed their true nature this time, these winter creatures would have really thought that these gods were good people guiding them in the direction of their progress.

But Lin Fan suddenly said: "But it's not them you should hate more."

"The God of Winter has indeed invaded you."

"But to put it bluntly, even if the God of Winter has not invaded you, you will be invaded as soon as you are discovered by the God Realm."

"Even if there is no God of Winter, there will still be the God of Fire, the God of Green Wood, or the God of the Ocean..."

As soon as these words came out, the former believers were stunned for a moment.

As believers, they can occasionally witness the arrival of gods, and even the chosen ones can accept God's will.

They also know that gods do live in the God Realm, and that in addition to the God in charge of winter, there are various gods in the God Realm.

"Why?" A frost giant frowned and said, "We obviously didn't provoke anyone..."

"Their invasion of you has nothing to do with you." Lin Fan smiled, as if he heard a joke: "If you don't provoke them, you won't get beaten, right?"

"No, that's not the case."

"Not provoking is never the best defense."

"Because you fall behind, you will be beaten."

"The invasion of the strong will never look at whether the weak will be provoked or not... It may even be a bit ironic. If you have the strength to provoke others everywhere, they will not dare to attack you."

If you don't provoke him, you won't get beaten.

Then there have been no wars in this world for a long time. Who did Daxia provoke whom?

The leader of the Frost Giants sneered: "Oh, what nonsense is it that the invasion is our own fault? Do you want us to write a review?"

"No, the weak are not guilty," Lin Fan shook his head: "But the strong are not guilty either."

"The weak eat the strong, that's how it is."

"In this world, where there is strength, there must be weakness."

The Frost Giant frowned slightly and scratched his head.

Under the long-term shackles of faith, they have never learned to read and can only sing hymns. Their already weak heads have long been rusty.

He felt that this was not a question he could think about.

He said in a naive voice: "Then who is wrong?"

"What's wrong is the most powerful person who made the rules of the entire God Realm and encouraged all this to happen. He is the King of Gods who gave orders to the Winter Temple." Lin Fan said softly: "You hate the God of Winter, this is necessary."

"But the God of Winter only received the order from the God King."

"Your plane is only assigned to the Winter Temple."

"They were just soldiers following orders."

"The one you should hate the most is the king who started the war!"

All the winter creatures frowned and fell into deep thought.

Although I don’t quite understand it.

But it feels like it makes sense.

"Now, I, Daxia, will give you a chance for revenge." Lin Fan said calmly: "Join Daxia and be used by me, Daxia. I, Daxia, will lead you to seek revenge against that king."

"You can ask him face to face why."

"You can also refuse."

"But unfortunately, if you refuse... In this war between man and god, except for comrades, they are enemies, and no one can stay away."

"I, Daxia, will have to kill you. Otherwise, after you are conquered again, your descendants will still become what you hate and will still be our enemies."


The leader of the frost giant whispered: "But, in that case, we will be comrades with those damn gods of winter... They once enslaved us with their faith..."

Lin Fan could understand their displeasure.

After all, Daxia people are not willing to fight side by side with the Japanese who invaded them.


What if it was a rebellious Japanese who wanted to lead the Daxia people to counterattack the Kameda Kingdom and capture the emperor alive?

The King of the Gods is like an emperor!

Lin Fan smiled and said: "You will indeed be comrades-in-arms, but this time, it is not you who betrayed the Winter Temple, but the Winter Temple who betrayed their king!"

"They will help you and kill their king!"

The ex-believers got into a quarrel and seemed to be arguing about something.

In the end, the leader of the Frost Giant slowly walked forward: "Although it feels weird,...human being, what you said seems to make sense."

"Since you promised to lead us to find that king, ask why, then..."

"The Frost Giants are at your disposal."

He slowly knelt down on one knee.

"The ice cattle clan is for your use."

"The Ice Mammoth Clan is at your disposal!"


The remaining 30 million believers knelt down on one knee as if taking an oath!

When the tribes expressed their stance, the leader of the Frost Giants whispered: "Humans, don't forget your promise."

"Don't worry, there will be a day. From now on, you just need to obey orders in Daxia! Remember your hatred now, this will be your constant source of strength in the future!" After Lin Fan finished speaking, he turned to Shang Weitian and said: "They're yours."

"Hey, these are all good things!" Shang Weitian looked happy. These frost giants are getting bigger and bigger, so they are perfect for hard work!

Especially in the northwest production areas, these cold-loving winter creatures can work in the cold nights and produce in shifts 24 hours a day!

Although winter creatures seem to be afraid of heat, it doesn't matter. There are many orcs in the northwest production area who are not afraid of heat. Let's encourage intermarriage between the two races and see if we can produce any excellent varieties...

Oh, and those who can't be saved... let's send them back to help in the kitchen.

He can always make the best use of anything


Absolutely nothing will be wasted.

Lin Fan thought the conflict had been resolved, but he didn't expect that there were still believers kneeling on the ground, crying and shouting with tears on their faces: "No, don't..."

"Lord God, we don't want to be comrades in arms with you!"

"We just want to be your believers! Lord God, why do you abandon us!"

They looked at the gods of winter sadly, their eyes confused, as if their lives had no meaning.

These were believers who persisted in their faith and were eventually cut off from their connection with the gods by Lin Fan.

"You are free." Chione said calmly: "You are no longer our believers, and we are no longer gods. You don't need to kneel down and worship us. At this moment, we are just comrades-in-arms."

"Your freedom is our last gift to you."

"God..." the high priest prostrated on the ground, "I, we just want to be your believers..."

"You abandoned us, we...where should we go!"

"I don't want freedom! God, please continue to lead us! God, you are testing us, right?"

"Without God's guidance, what is the meaning of our lives! Where should our path go!"

One of the believers suddenly looked like a madman. He jumped up suddenly and hit his head on the ground to death!

They are the most devout believers.

Their lives and everything they had had already been sacrificed to God.

The freedom God granted them turned out to be God's abandonment of them in their eyes!

Chione was a little confused and said: "Are they mentally ill..."

Lin Fan did not expect this situation.

You've been kneeling for a long time and can't stand up?

All I can say is that faith is too powerful.

Even the gods who created the faith with their own hands did not expect that the faith would be so strong.

Seeing that each of those believers looked like they were ready to die to prove their ambition, Lin Fan quickly said to Chione: "How about you treat them as believers?"

Chione shook her head: "But we are no longer gods."

"As a matter of fact, I mean, even if you lie to them!" Lin Fan whispered: "Show them a way until they find their own way. Without God to believe in, these believers cannot survive at all."

Lin Fan never thought that one day his patron saint would help the gods to conquer the believers.

"Okay." Chione nodded: "If you are willing, you will still be my believers."


"I knew you wouldn't abandon us!"

"That was just a test, just a test for us, right! We passed God's test!"

The small number of devout believers knelt on the ground with excitement on their faces.

Chione cleared her throat and said calmly: "Today, the oracle is issued."

"I'll wait to hear the oracle!"

Under the honored and excited gazes of those believers, Chione whispered: "From today on, the final trial will begin."

"You must respect Daxia's orders, live alone, and hone your faith."

"If you can't persist and feel dissatisfied, you can voluntarily quit."

"If you persist until the end, one day you will be able to return to the embrace of glory."

All the believers responded one after another: "Yes!"

"We will persist until the end! Until God ends this trial!"

Before that, we must respect the oracle and follow Daxia’s orders!

"We will never have any dissent. We will always be your devout believers. Witness it, great God!"

At this moment, these believers who have shattered their faith, whether they still believe in gods or not, are acting on the orders of Daxia!

Lin Fan exhaled,

At this point, the matter in the Winter Temple is completely resolved!

And then, it’s time to return to the God Realm.

Lin Fan rubbed his head and picked up the intercom: "Mr. Jin, let me inform you that at eight o'clock tomorrow, all members of the Supreme Command Center will gather. I will arrange the last things and then go to the God Realm!"

Supreme command center.

Lin Fan, the gods of Daxia, Chen Laojin, and other important officials, as well as the gods of Chione and Winter were all there.

Iron Fan and White Bones, who have never been to the God Realm, are here, as are Guan Yu and Yang Jian, who have just joined.

Even Hannibal and a bloody humanoid creature were there.

Everyone looked a little serious.

Today is the day to return to the divine realm.

This war, just like what Lin Fan said at the beginning, seemed to be endless. He had just finished dealing with the Winter Temple and had to start preparing for the next temple.

Every victory is worth celebrating, but it only means living a little longer.

"Everyone is here." Lin Fan stood up as he watched Brenda walk in.

"Master." Brenda happily threw herself into Lin Fan's arms, hugged him tightly, took a deep breath, and looked happy.

Xingye on the side narrowed his eyes, but did not take action.

She knew that the relationship between Brenda and Lin Fan was not pure love, but a slightly deformed family relationship.

Brenda could feel the warmth of her parents in Lin Fan's embrace.

In other words, Brenda regards Lin Fan, the teacher, as her father...

But seeing this scene with his own eyes still made Xingye feel weird.

"What's going on over there in Oufang?

Lin Fan asked.

Brenda smiled, glanced at Chione secretly, and said, "Praise the winter. The winter melts away, the winter is finally over, and spring is here."

"As temperatures rise, we no longer need to light firewood or huddle in small shelters."

"And because of the erosion of water from melting ice and snow, the land that was originally soaked by sea water is no longer saline-alkali land, and crops can be grown. Agriculture is recovering."

"Although the crops have not yet been produced and food is still scarce..." Brenda forced a smile: "But at least the most difficult moment has passed."

Lin Fan nodded: "Well, don't worry, if the next battle goes well, our food production will increase significantly. This will lay the foundation for our victory in this war!"

"Huh?" Brenda was stunned.

Lin Fan smiled: "Next, we have to deal with the Aoki Temple and the God of Agriculture Temple."

"Huh? Two at the same time?" Brenda's nervous voice was trembling.

"Don't worry, this is a plan I have thought about carefully." Lin Fan comforted: "These two temples are stronger than us, but as long as they are operated properly, they can still be done."

"If we can win, our agricultural production will instantly rise to an incredible height! This will be of great strategic significance for our next war!"

"We will have the agricultural output of the God Realm! And the agricultural output of the God Realm will drop off a cliff!"

To put it simply, it is to kidnap farmers from the God Realm to Daxia!

Farmers seem to have nothing to do with the cruel war, but they can greatly determine the outcome of the war!

"As for how to operate... I will explain it clearly before returning to the God Realm."

"That's why today's meeting was held. But there are other things now."

"Mr. Jin." Lin Fan looked at Mr. Jin.


Lin Fan said bluntly: "After we go back, you will continue to be responsible for the construction of Daxia."

"Still building?" Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment.

"Nonsense, God of Agriculture, Aoki Temple, even if these two temples defeat both sides, they will still fight back if we go in to pick them up." Lin Fan sighed: "And the characteristics of these two temples are too powerful."

"One can manipulate plants, and the other can control plant growth."

"After falling out, once they break into Daxia...our crops will not be harvested. Our forests and our pastures will become human purgatory."

Jin Lao's expression also became serious. Indeed, the characteristics of these two temples were too powerful.

Humans cannot live without plants.

It just so happens that these are two temples for controlling plants!

This is also the reason why these two temples can cause huge losses to Daxia in the future!

"Spring is here and everything is flourishing."

"Whether it is the Green Wood Temple or the God of Agriculture Temple, they will come to the area with the most lush vegetation."

"That's the rainforest."

Mr. Jin nodded slightly. Indeed, if he were the god of green wood or the god of agriculture, his favorite would definitely be the tropical rainforest.

That kind of climate is conducive to plant growth.

"So, Daxia will not be my priority." Jin Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

Tropical rainforests are rare in the summer.

"But I won't let them descend in the tropical rain forest. I will guide them to descend in the Great Summer." Lin Fan said.

"Ah?" Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

If the gods don’t come, why don’t you take them home yourself?

"Because once they control most of the plants in the world... they don't even need to attack Daxia, they will kill us all." Lin Fan said solemnly: "The God of Agriculture only needs to accelerate the death of the plants, and we will suffocate. die."

"So, we must not let them leave Daxia!"

Jin Lao suddenly understood.


"I will let them come to Daxia." Lin Fan said softly: "I will first bring the gods from the God of Agriculture Temple... We will be loyal to them devoutly, cultivate food for them, and let them help us with agricultural production. …”

Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment: "Help us with agricultural production?"

The God of should I put it, as long as they don't turn against each other and start a war, they are still relatively enthusiastic gods. Lin Fan smiled and said, "In the last life, they made us starved and skinny, and we starved to death all over the place. In this life, I want them to give me the white and fat people of Daxia!"

Immediately, Lin Fan explained his plan in detail.

Mr. Jin's eyes widened: "Is this okay?"

Chione on the side frowned slightly: "This sounds so familiar..."

This is the way to deal with the Winter Temple!

Listening to Lin Fan's plan made Chione's hair stand on end. Is this the danger of human beings?

In contrast, those gods who claim to be noble are simply lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

Chione was even a little excited. She couldn't wait to see if the reactions of the God of Agriculture and the Aoki Temple would be the same as hers!

"Definitely!" Chione said to Old Jin: "That's how I was plotted against! Those stupid gods never thought that humans would dare to plot against them!"

Seeing Chionedu say this, Jin Lao nodded.

"In order to complete this plan, Chione's cooperation is needed. Two major projects need to be launched in the next year. In addition, all citizens need to take a nationwide action."

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