Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1461: Keeping Shura in Captivity

"You..." Dar looked at Lin Fan's eyes in pain, as if he finally understood something, gritted his teeth and said: "You are not, you are not him..."

This sentence aroused Lin Fan's interest. Lin Fan frowned and said, "Who?"

"I won't tell you... you will know." Dar said with a trembling voice: "Unless, unless you and I become second masters... we will be good brothers... I will not tell anyone about you... We swore sworn vows in front of the second master..."

Lin Fan glanced at the statue of Guan Gong placed in a prominent position in the tavern.

His expression was quite complicated.

The Second Master's reputation in this lawless place obviously exceeded Lin Fan's expectations.

Even a gang leader like Dar would think of the Second Master when he was about to die. The Second Master's sworn contract seemed to be legally binding...

But it has to be said that the second master's ability to create allusions is extraordinary, and each allusion he creates is more majestic than the last.

Even in Daxia, many fringe people have a fanatical pursuit of the second master.

Lin Fan sighed: "Forget it if you don't say it."

"Master, hee hee..." Behind Lin Fan, the female ghost laughed like a silver bell, and her scarlet tongue happily licked her fangs.

"you can not……"


Two Shura knives slashed down with a bang!


In the dark cage, a head rose into the sky, and Dar, who was bound by chains, fell to the ground.

The fourteenth-level high-level thief god died!

This is undoubtedly the most powerful god Lin Fan has ever faced.

Even the Caone that Lin Fan faced before was only at the thirteenth level.

But he died a little too easily.

But in fact, this is not surprising. Although Dar is a fourteenth-level high-level thief god, he has not mastered the rules.

On the other hand, although the strength of the main gods such as Caone and Poseidon declined due to the battle that year, they were at least sixteenth- and seventeenth-level beings that were superior to the gods.

They have mastered the rules, and even if their strength has weakened, they can still forcefully apply the rules.

Rules cannot be competed with by pure divine power.

Lin Fan has always faced these master gods who control the rules.

Therefore, even if Dar's divine power is more powerful, he is still not enough to face Lin Fan who has two rules: [Killing] and [Pain].

On the other side, those middle-level gods and low-level gods have already stopped wailing, and their bodies have been completely ground to pieces by the [killing] in the field.

There was relief in their and Dar's eyes, as if they had finally gotten rid of the heart-wrenching [pain], and their souls felt the call from the other side.

"I told you, you can't leave." Lin Fan smiled and stretched out a palm.

The pitch-black and scarlet realm boiled, and chains of white bones burning with flames surged like wild snakes!


Chains merged into those corpses, pulling them out from the call from the other side, pulling out souls surging with divine light, and tightening them crazily, as if they were going to be crushed alive!


Painful and silent screams came one after another, which were the last wails of each soul.

"Kneel down."

The glory receded, and dark shadows fell to their knees, like cold machines.

Their eyes were filled with suppressed pain and despair, but at this moment, their souls no longer belonged to them.

"Master..." The ghosts and gods looked at the shadows in front of them with longing expressions, like little girls praying for snacks.

Lin Fan rubbed the ghost's head lovingly: "Eat them all."

"Hee hee, Master is the best. I must eat all the gifts given by Master!" The ghost nodded happily and stretched out his sharp and pale palms to grab the dark souls.


"Wait a minute." Lin Fan suddenly interrupted the ghost.


Lin Fan looked thoughtfully at the shadow of the fourteenth-level high-level thief god.

The battle just now seemed to be easy for him to win, but Lin Fan knew that this guy was actually very strong.

It's just that Naihe met himself, and he had rules that he couldn't touch.

If he didn't master the rules, he might not even be qualified to fight back, and everything would have been stolen, including his divine power.

If the Sword God and Sword God were replaced by the same level, unless Dar was killed immediately, he would probably suffer a loss.

"I didn't expect that the God of Thieves, a priest with no fighting power in theory, would be so miraculous... he could even steal the Shura Sword and Shura Divine Power."

"Look, if it's the God of Thieves who knows the rules, he can probably steal them."

"Staying here seems like a good helper." Lin Fan thought of this, pointed at Dar's shadow and said, "Leave him here and eat the rest."

The ghosts and gods prayed with some reluctance: "Master, I..."

"My words don't work, do they?" Lin Fan looked at this strange woman with pale skin coldly and snorted.

The strange woman suddenly looked fearful, lowered her head and said: "Don't dare to disobey the master's order. Master, please put the knife down from your neck first..."

"It's good to know." Lin Fan put down the Pheasant Sword across his neck. The ghosts and gods obediently stopped looking at the nutritious and extremely tempting 14th-level high-level god soul. He stretched out his palms and chained those The souls were all caught in his hands and stuffed into his mouth one by one.

The eyes of those souls were extremely desperate, and they let out silent wails, which were broken between the fangs of this ghost and god.

But Dar's eyes were even more desperate. He looked at the souls devoured by ghosts and gods, and even felt a little envious.

Lin Fan glanced at Dar, suddenly relaxed his palms, and said slowly: "I grant you a short period of freedom."

Only then, some of Gungun Shura's divine power actually emanated from Dar.

The shackles that suppressed emotions and reason were loosened a little, and the glory was slightly restored.

This is not considered a forbidden Shura technique, but Lin Fan's control over Shura's divine power has become stronger after reaching the thirteenth level.

In the past, Shura's divine power was too overbearing. Once Lin Fan restrained the other party, he could only completely crush the other party's reason and emotions, leaving only some at most.

But now, Lin Fan's control over Shura's divine power has become stronger, and it is no longer erasing, but suppressing.

You can even relax a little and allow the other person to briefly regain a certain degree of freedom.

Dar was stunned for a moment, and looked down at his palms in disbelief, as well as the restored glory. He immediately gritted his teeth and rushed towards the Shura God: "Shura God, I will fight with you!"

They are all dead anyway, so he is not afraid of anything anymore!

But the next moment.


Shura's divine power once again turned into a chain of burning flames, tightly binding him. Dar instantly froze in place and let out a painful wail.

But Lin Fan waved his hand again, and the dark shadow instantly stopped wailing and knelt on the ground expressionlessly again.

"You'd better not waste my rare mercy." Lin Fan said softly: "I hope you will accept the reality from now on. Whether you are willing or not, you are already my shadow."

"You will never be reincarnated again."

"Now, I have something to ask you."

Lin Fan stood on the abyss of the blood sea, carrying the "Painful Shura" on his back, looking like a master in the intertwining of scarlet and pitch black.

Shura's divine power loosened up a bit again, and the dark shadow had a faint glory coming out again.

Dar's eyes regained some clarity as he knelt on the ground, but he did not speak.

"Why, you don't want to answer?" Lin Fan frowned and said, "You'd better answer proactively, otherwise... I have a way to know what I want, even though it's incomplete, even though it will scare you to death."

Behind Lin Fan, a Shura chain suddenly began to shatter, splitting into several smaller Shura chains.

Like tiny poisonous snakes floating in front of Dar, and like fingers ready to pierce Dar's soul and read through Dar's memories.

[Thinking Magic·Memory Search].

Before this, because Shura's divine power was too overbearing, Lin Fan could not use Shura's power to perform this soul-reading magic.

It was like shaving your head with a nine-ring sword. Lin Fan swung it and his head fell off. That overbearing Shura divine power will only completely shatter the soul.

But now Lin Fan's control over Shura's divine power has become stronger and more meticulous, and he is already confident that he can get some of the information he wants... but there is still a high possibility of his soul being broken.

However, what Lin Fan didn't expect was.

"Are you serious? As long as I don't tell you, you will make me lose my mind?" Dar actually smiled expectantly: "That's great, hurry up and make me lose my mind too!"

Since he has become Shura's shadow and cannot be freed from eternity to eternity, losing his soul has become a luxury hope!

Lin Fan: "..."

I still underestimated the terrifying power of God Shura.

"Look at what you said, how can I be willing to let you lose your soul? You are the fourteenth-level god of theft." Lin Fan smiled: "Don't worry, even if you don't want to answer, I will let you stay by my side forever." No separation. Aren’t you going to be sworn brothers with me? We will die on the same day, the same year, and the same month.”

"But as long as I live for one day, I will treat you well. I will briefly restore your freedom every day to let you know that you are still alive." Lin Fan's palms burned with painful flames.

Seeing this reverse threat, Darl trembled all over.


It seems like something has been exposed.

"But if you are obedient... maybe if I am in a good mood, I will let this ghost eat you." Lin Fan smiled.

On the one hand, there is endless pain, on the other hand, it is soul-crushing.

In front of this despicable Shura, even losing his soul seems to be an unattainable luxury!

Dar fell into a brief silence, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I say, but you have to promise me that after you ask me, you will make me fly away!"

Rather than staying with this Shura and not being separated, it would be better to lose your soul...

Lin Fan smiled happily: "Now let me ask you, what do you mean by 'you are not staying in the Free City' and 'you are not him'" you said before? "

Dar was silent for a moment and then said: "Then... there is also a Shura God."

"Huh?" Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

There is actually a Shura God in this God Realm?

How is this possible?

The God Realm is fully encircling God Shura, and unless God Shura controls the killing like himself, he must kill regularly, otherwise he will lose control!

And killing will attract attention!

Even in a lawless place, if a Shura suddenly appears, it will definitely attract the attention of many temples!

Once noticed, God Shura will face the relentless siege from many temples!

That is to say, I have Da Xia as my backer, otherwise I might not be able to survive more than three chapters in the book!

As if he knew what Lin Fan was thinking, Dar said, "This is a lawless place. People disappear every day. If you disappear a few more, no one will notice."

"But as long as God Shura takes action, he will definitely attract attention." Lin Fan looked around: "Unless he kills all the witnesses like me every time."

"But if so, you wouldn't know he existed."

Dar's expression changed, and he realized that this Shura God was more thoughtful than himself!

"Don't you want to say yes?" Lin Fantuo held up [Pain] and walked towards Dar.

Dar suddenly sighed: "Lord God, my subordinates really can't help themselves! Just think of your subordinates as dead... No, I'm already dead..."

"Huh? Lord God?" Lin Fan frowned.

"That's the Shura God who was kept in captivity by the Lord of Stealing..." Dar whispered.

Lin Fan looked confused: "Captivity?"

Keeping Shura God in captivity?


Dar nodded and said: "That's right, captive. God Shura will definitely attract attention if he takes action publicly. But if I steal the temple and steal the living gods quietly and send them to him... No one will will find out.”

If you are good at what you do, then you belong.

"Hiss...are you so brave to steal the temple?" Lin Fan took a breath.

Keep Shura in captivity!

When the entire God Realm adopts a unified attitude towards God Shura, the Thief Temple is actually raising a Shura in captivity!

This is even more serious than colluding with Shura.

Once's unimaginable what will happen.

Being besieged by all the temples and perishing just like that is considered an easy task. I am afraid that the God of Thieves in the entire God Realm will be besieged and killed!

"I stole the temple and came and went without a trace. Who would know?" Dar grinned: "And even if you know... this has nothing to do with stealing the main god, it only has something to do with the black dragon!"

"So the Black Dragon Society is the 'white glove' that steals the temple... Your main god is really smart, and you know how to support a Black Dragon Society alone." Lin Fan nodded and continued: "But why do you want to keep Shura God in captivity?"

"You asked me why I kept Shura in captivity! Then let me ask you, why did I steal the temple and hide in this lawless place!"

Lin Fan's words seemed to anger Dar, and Dar's voice was filled with incomparable anger: "Why are other gods born as sword gods, sword gods, and the majestic fire gods and sea gods, but we are also gods, but we are... God excludes!”

Lin Fan said softly: "Because you stole."

"What's wrong with theft!" Dahl said coldly, "The gods say that we are collaborating with the Assassin Temple, but have we killed people? In the past, the most we could do was steal things from orders, and if we didn't have orders, we would steal something ourselves."

"It's okay if we kill people! The Assassin Temple is obviously more vicious than us, but it still stands in the divine world. No temple dares to look for trouble, because they can really kill people!"

"I stole the temple, and I was not as evil as the Assassin's Temple. But the Assassin's Temple can sit majestically on Mount Olympus, side by side with the other temples. I stole the temple, but was suppressed by many temples and could only run to this barbaric land! "

"Who still remembers my contribution to the war with Zeus when I stole the temple? Not to mention anything else, the Eternal Spear was a sure hit, and the main god had to fight hard to get seriously injured... It's ridiculous. At that time, he regarded me as a comrade-in-arms when he stole the temple. Now! Didn't they know that we were good at stealing at that time? Even after the God Realm was settled, after the Forgotten Era passed, many temples inexplicably established something called the Order Society to arrest them. us!"

"The Lord God said that all this is because we are not good at killing! We are just thieves in the darkness! Although we are evil, we are not evil to the extreme!"

"If you want to avoid being bullied and want the temple to be glorious, you must be extremely evil!"

"And this world of gods is best at killing, and the worst thing is..."

Lin Fan whispered: "God Shura."

There is no doubt that the one who is best at killing is the Shura God who masters [Killing]!

That is the extreme level of evil that scares the entire God Realm!

"That's right. God Shura!" Dar smiled ferociously: "I will steal the temple until God dies. We were desperate and hiding in this lawless place, but we actually found a God Shura!"

"Back then he was just a seven or eight-year-old child. He had just awakened his bloodline and fell out of control... He killed his parents and his brothers and sisters."

"I can never forget that scene... It was such a horrific scene. His brothers were devoured by him, the bodies were horrific, and his parents became his shadow..."

"For the sake of the stability of the God Realm, we tracked the past... It's ridiculous. We are all hiding in a place of lawlessness. We are still thinking about the order of the God Realm and the damage that a Shura God will cause to the God Realm!"

"When the Lord God led us, a group of high gods, to see him, he was holding a pitch-black knife under the firelight."

"We were about to encircle and suppress it, but the Lord God suddenly whispered, the glorious temple is right in front of us."

"From that day on we saw the glorious path of the temple."

"That fire, that child, is our hope! Our Assassin Temple will eventually be glorious!"

Lin Fan was slightly silent.

The situation of stealing the temple reminded him of Caonee who was desperate.

In order for the temple to survive and regain its glory, Kaone is willing to cooperate with Shura.

If you put yourself in his shoes, it’s hard to say whether it’s good or evil.

"So?" Lin Fan continued.

"So..., the rest will be very ordinary." Dar said in a low voice: "From that day on, we, the high gods who witnessed Shura with our own eyes, secretly established the Black Dragon Association under the orders of the Lord God."

"From that day on, there was the Black Dragon Society in the lawless land."

"That Shura got a steady stream of nourishment...and we also got what we wanted, a fast-growing Shura."

Lin Fan shook his head: "So you are crazy enough to keep Shura in captivity?"

"Crazy? You haven't experienced what we have experienced! For Zeus's Eternal Spear, my father, most of the high gods in the temple died back then, just to protect the main god. Fortunately, the main god succeeded, but was also killed by Odin when he retreated. And Thor was seriously injured...Now that the world of gods is prosperous, we have become street rats! We are obviously the urinal temple! Who remembers the "night of the missing gun"!

Dar sneered and said: "The palaces are like this, so what if we keep Shura in captivity!"

"Besides, we and that Shura each have what we need. He needs food to grow safely, and we can just give him food and provide him with safe shelter..."

"This is crazy, the gods are all around Shura, and we, the shady thieves, can just allow him to grow up safely! As long as we can provide him with food, as long as we can let him grow up safely, we can check and balance him ! As long as we control the food, we can give him orders! Even the ghosts in his body must be loyal to us!"

"Many temples say that we are evil, so we will brew real evil and let them see what evil is!"

Lin Fan said coldly: "Where do you keep him?"

"I don't know either. That is a secret that only the Lord God knows. It is a secret related to the glory of the temple. It is the most precious secret that I stole from the temple! Everything we steal is given directly to the Lord God. I only know that the Lord God has always been stationed in freedom. City." Dar said with a face of glory, "This is the limit I can tell you. Even if I know the exact location, I won't tell you!"

"You are loyal." Lin Fan smiled.

"Now I have told you everything I know. According to the agreement, you will make me fly away." Dar looked at the ghost and controlled his body and walked slowly away, his eyes full of relief.

The ghost licked its fangs and stretched out its palm.

But the next moment.

"Don't eat him." Lin Fan said softly.

"Alas." The ghost sighed in despair, as if he had expected it.

Dar suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Fan, his eyes frightened and said: "You, what do you mean, we agreed..."

The next moment, Shura's divine power spurted out, and the Shura chains condensed from white bones completely bound him!

The glory faded again, and his eyes became numb and cold.

Dar was like a cold machine, kneeling on the ground.

"You underestimated Shura's despicability." Lin Fan shook his head and sighed uneasily: "You are so naive that you dare to believe in the agreement with Shura."

It was impossible for Lin Fan to directly devour this shadow who was good at stealing.

Lin Fan has never lacked eyes for discovering beauty.

Each god has its own use.

Must be used well.

"Be patient for now. I'll use it a few times. When I'm done using it, I'll give it to you." Lin Fan rubbed the ghost's head.

The ghost nodded reluctantly and was taken back into the body by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan rubbed his eyebrows.

He stole the temple and secretly raised a Shura in a lawless place through the Black Dragon Society.

too crazy.

Although Lin Fan could understand their desperation and willingness to do anything at that time, and even Lin Fan himself wanted to achieve Shura for Daxia, Lin Fan still felt crazy.

Other Shura gods do not have Daxia, nor do they have the terrifying thoughts and solid anchors that are enough to suppress ghosts and gods and control killing.

"They are raising a killing machine... can they control a Shura by controlling food?" Lin Fan shook his head: "You are so naive, you have no idea how despicable a Shura is."

"This stolen temple will eventually be devoured by the evil they have trapped."

"Speaking of which, that Shura is really smart and has endured it until now."

"Should I tell Zeus... Well, the appearance of a crazy Shura is also a big trouble for me..." Lin Fan wanted to use the power of the gods to kill the Shura, but then he shook his head: " No, I can’t say that I bound a fourteenth-level thief god and tempted him to tell me by using his soul to disperse..."

Let alone the Shura God, Lin Fan would be killed on the spot.

But the theft of the temple was so secretive that Lin Fan really couldn't find any other excuse to tell Zeus. He couldn't just say that he was walking on the street and met a high-level god of thief, and then the other person immediately hit it off with him and stole the largest thief in the entire temple. The secret was told to myself.

This is a bit difficult to handle.

If it’s difficult to do, then don’t do it.

Lin Fan decided to find an opportunity to tell Zeus in the future and let the God Realm help deal with it.

Anyway, this Shura was imprisoned in the God Realm. He suffered disasters from the God Realm first. When he grew stronger, many temples had to pay some price to surround him.

This seems to be a good thing.

"That being said, I have to wish this blood relative of mine whom I have never met before a happy growth." Lin Fan smiled and immediately began to clean the battlefield.

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