Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1467 Complex Relationship

A qualified actor should add drama to himself.

Lin Fan stroked Young Master Aoki's face and hair, held her in his arms, and whispered to her ear: "I tried my best to save all the young masters that day, but in my eyes, I only saw you. In fact, they are not important to me. The reason why I went back to stop Susanoo is because I hope you can live happily without my company. "

"I am willing to die for you, for that forest. That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, the only thing that attracts me in the entire divine world, and I will never allow it to disappear."

After saying that, Lin Fan said in his heart: "Brother Mask, I'm just doing it for Daxia! I'm really not trying to pick up girls! This isn't falling in love either!"

"I did this as a last resort!"

"I'm just trying to win over the Aoki Temple for future convenience!"

Sure enough, there was no backlash.

However, Young Master Aoki did not think so.

Young Master Aoki raised his little head and stared blankly at Lin Fan's side face, his little face getting redder and redder.

She had never heard of such words.

There are no such earthly love words in the entire divine world.

Although the god is noble, she is only twenty years old and has just entered college in Daxia.

What's more, I have been protected by the temple since I was a child and have never been exposed to this kind of thing. I just study magic and learn to manage the temple every day. My experience in this area is completely blank, and I have not been influenced by romance TV series. I am more clear than a college student. Even clearer.

Especially when I heard Lin Fan talk about the time when he faced Susano'o.

It turned out that he was doing it for himself.

It turns out that he is not selfless, he does not want to save all the young masters, he just wants to save himself.

In this divine world where mothers have given up on themselves, a young master actually died for himself.

That escape echoed in her mind, and she remembered the figure who rushed back resolutely.

Now that I think about it, the way he looked at me was so sincere.

He left the hope of survival to himself, but rushed towards Susanoo alone!

Xiao Qingmu even felt a little guilty, why she didn't notice his intentions in the first place, why she didn't stop him or fight side by side with him!

But in fact, Lin Fan didn't even look at Young Master Aoki at that time...

Lin Fan now experienced the happiness of a scumbag.

Just say it and that's it.

For Daxia!

These touching words, coupled with the heat in the other person's embrace, and the hot breath accompanying the words in his ears, made Young Master Aoki's eyes start to blur.

It's bad, I seem to be playing too big.

I obviously just used him as a shield, and wanted to make Zhou Nan angry and make him break off the

"Don't, don't be like this... I, I am betrothed to Zhou Nan, you will be in trouble..." Young Master Aoki tried hard to maintain the last trace of reason and gently pushed Lin Fan.

Lin Fan hugged Young Master Aoki tightly and said without any doubt: "It's okay, I will kill Zeus. Leave it to me. He must die if he steals my woman!"

"Do you know why I rebelled against Zeus?"

"Because he is trying to get involved in your fate of being with me!"

"No one can stop us from being together... Whoever stops me, I will kill. If the Lord God stops me, I will kill the Lord God. If the God King stops me, I will kill the God King. If the entire God Realm stops me, I will slaughter the God Realm and become the God King." !”

Young Master Aoki was stunned. It turns out that he was the enemy of Zeus because of me?

For me, who even gave up on my mother, to become an enemy of the God King and the entire God Realm?

He is even willing to bloodbath the entire God Realm for me?

These words directly made Master Aoki, who had never been baptized by love, have red eyes, his whole body tremble violently, and his body was paralyzed like an electric shock.

Who can withstand this!

The First Emperor walked to Zhang Feng and whispered: "Is this kid really not afraid of death?"

"I don't know." Zhang Feng ate melon seeds with a look of helplessness and whispered: "Despicable, despicable! I want to see what happens when the real owner comes later!"

Lin Fan struck while the iron was hot and touched her head: "When I destroy Zeus, will you be my princess?"

"Ah?" Young Master Aoki was stunned for a moment.

"When the time comes, if you want a throne, I will give you one. If you want a divine realm, I will give you one. As for me, I want a child, will you give it to me?"

"I, I..." Young Master Aoki's face turned red. Why, why did he mention the child?

Lin Fan smiled and said: "We can find a forest, build a small house by the lake, raise a dog, and have a child. Stay away from all the hustle and bustle and live a peaceful life."

"We watch the sunset together, watch the flowers grow together, and watch the fruits ripen together. We walk in the jungle, next to the playing children. We will quarrel, but we will always make up."

"Do you want to?"

Paint cake.

Outline a better future.

In Daxia, girls who have long been baptized by TV dramas and the Internet and have evolved themselves would completely dismiss this kind of thing.

Completely low-level means.

After all, Lin Fan has never been in love, he has only watched TV series and the boss's quotes.

But how could a girl who had never been contaminated by love withstand this? How could the cold and cruel world of gods ever have such a romantic scene?

You know, in the divine world where there are many temples and temples are supreme, love?

In the divine world where Hades can steal his niece as his wife, you want to fall in love with me?

Romance movies in the divine world are all shot by Cupid with a bow and arrow! Two arrows passed directly, and the TV series had a happy ending.

Daxia's confession section, placed here, directly reduces the dimensionality and hits it.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

This is a feeling I've never felt before.

For a moment, Young Master Aoki's heart suddenly beat violently, the air was filled with the smell of apple juice, the ground was full of pink flowers, even the vine-woven skirt on her body was in full bloom, and her long light green hair A small pink flower also bloomed.

Somehow, she whispered: "I...I...will..."

The hands that were pushing Lin Fan no longer resisted, and slowly rested on Lin Fan's shoulders. His soft body clung to Lin Fan like a vine.

Feeling the touch of the apple, Lin Fan exhaled and tried not to raise his head.

"Brother Mask, believe me, I'm just saying this for fun! I'm just doing it for Daxia, I really don't do it for this! I really do it for Daxia!"

Zhou Nan slowly climbed up, and his eyes filled with joy when he saw the two people embracing each other.

Good brother North!

As soon as I told him, he started to help me mess up the engagement arranged by Huang's father!

Even at the expense of himself!

In this God Realm, there are actually people who help and care about me so unconditionally!

This is the brother he has never met! No, not to mention my brother, even my father never cared about me like this!

Is this the feeling of family affection? Is this family?

Zhou Nan suddenly had the feeling that if brother Zhou Ni died in exchange for brother North, he would really make a lot of money!

But Zhou Nan's face immediately turned cold again.

It's rare for him to have a brother who cares about him so much.

Brother, don't sacrifice your own happiness for me.

"North, you're done. Just now I disobeyed my father for you, and now you're going against me for a woman... You really don't want to live in Ocean Temple, do you? Let her go quickly!" Zhou Nan stood up with a gloomy face. He said word by word to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't seem to hear, but instead touched Young Master Aoki's face with a distressed expression: "Did he hurt you when he hit you? If so, how about I kill him now."

"No one can hurt you."

"No one can bully you in front of me."

Young Master Aoki's voice was trembling, and he was too embarrassed to raise his head. He buried his head in Lin Fan's chest and said like a mosquito: "No, it doesn't hurt..."

Lin Fan touched Young Master Aoki's head: "Forget it, kill him. I will not allow the person who bullies you to live!"

"Whoever makes you unhappy, I will make you unhappy!"

Little girls like these bossy quotes the most.

"Ugh..." This directly made Young Master Aoki's mind go blank, and he let out a soft moan, feeling only full of security and incomparable hot warmth. Seeing Lin Fan raising the trident and heading towards Zhou Nan, he quickly grabbed Lin Fan and said, "No, no, he is the young master of the Thunder Temple... I really don't feel any pain... If you kill him, you will be in trouble..."

Lin Fan shook his head: "No, I still have to kill him. He hurt you...ah, it doesn't hurt. If it doesn't hurt, forget it. Spare his life."

Lin Fan touched his neck, and his harsh and protective tone suddenly changed.

It's strange that the back of my neck suddenly feels cold.

next moment.

"It's quite lively."

A cold voice sounded, and four figures quietly emerged from the shadows, one of them looking like ink.

The expressions of many gods changed slightly.

Assassin's Temple!

Definitely the most notorious temple, bar none!

It is even more notorious than the Temple of Thieves, but unlike the Temple of Thieves who were suppressed and running around, no one dared to trouble the Assassin Temple and could only be polite.

He didn't even dare to complain behind his back.

Because they really kill people!

Facing these four assassins, the young masters present only dared to smile: "The Assassin Temple is here."

"Long time no see, young master assassin. How is your business lately?"

"Elder Xingye is here too. Please pay more attention to me this time."

Don't dare to speak loudly.

The Temple of Morals once tried to propose at the Olympus Council that all temples unite to attack the Assassin Temple.

It is said that eight temples had privately agreed in advance.

After all, the Temple of Morality is a well-known good person in the divine world.

As a result, at that meeting, this proposal did not appear. Instead, the Assassin Temple's proposal to "legalize assassinations in the business world" was unanimously approved.

At the meeting, the Assassin Lord only said one sentence: If this proposal is not passed, I will bring it up every time the Olympus Congress is held in the future, and I will remember which temple was the first to veto it.

Half an hour before the meeting, one-third of the gods in the Temple of Morality mysteriously disappeared.

Morality cannot guard against the dagger in the dark.

No clues have been found about the disappeared gods until now, so they can be said to have disappeared.

Even the Order Council couldn't find out, and the entire God Realm was helpless towards the Assassin Temple. They didn't dare to provoke him, and they didn't dare to scold him.

This allowed the Assassin Temple to consolidate its position among the temples. And the Temple of Morality has plummeted, and even Shenzang didn't bother to invite them this time.

"What a sweet love. How about the new young master of the Thunder Temple who almost killed his girlfriend to protect his girlfriend?" It’s such a sweet love to have a god as a betrothal gift.”

"Ah, that..." Lin Fan subconsciously took a step back.

Young Master Aoki protected Lin Fan behind him and stared at Xingye: "You, what do you want to do!"

She felt that something was wrong with the way the assassin looked at Lin Fan!

It seems...jealous?

A woman’s intuition!

Isn't this assassin secretly in love?

By the way, it must be a secret love!

After all, Young Master North is so good!

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

But...hum, I am the one that Young Master North likes!

"Everything is scored on a first-come, first-served basis!" Xiao Qingmu, who was half a head shorter than Xingye, stood on tiptoes under tremendous pressure and pinched his waist with both hands, trying to make himself look taller. However, facing this assassin who had recently become famous in the God Realm, , after two seconds of confrontation, she was still a little scared and said: "Well, I came here first. Even if you are from the Assassin Temple, you can't rob me. We are true love. You, can you please stop hitting me? I'll treat you to food." An apple..."

"First come, first served, true love..." Xingye played with the dagger and stared at Young Master Aoki with his dark pupils: "By the way, do you walk at night? Do your family members walk at night?"

Lin Fan whispered: "Don't argue..."

He was sweating like a caught thief.

"Shut up!" Xingye said coldly.

"Stay back!" Xiao Qingmu nervously blocked Lin Fan and said, "She is very dangerous."

Zhou Nan on the side thought for a while and stood in front of Lin Fan: "You are not allowed to hurt Brother Nuosi!"

Young Masters: "???"

The young masters feel that they don’t understand what they are doing today.

How did you get up there?

Didn't you just fight with North because of Young Master Aoki expressing his feelings to North?

Even if you go up, you should help this assassin who obviously has evil intentions to deal with North. Are you on the wrong side?

"What's the situation?" Xiao Lisi always felt that he couldn't understand.

"Wait, I think I understand." Jesse looked solemn.

"Do you understand? Hurry up and explain!" Xiao Lisi said quickly.

Jesse looked at Zhou Nan with a complex expression: "Young Master Zhou Nan just had a fight with North because of Young Master Aoki's intimacy with North, and then the more intimate North and Xiao Qingmu became, the angrier Zhou Nan became."

"Nonsense, didn't Young Master Qingmu say that he was betrothed to Zhou Nan?" Xiao Lisi frowned and said: "I would have done it if it were me at that time. I mean what the situation is now, how come Zhou Nan is protecting North again! "

"Stop arguing!" Jesse said coldly: "You have fallen into a misunderstanding!"

"What's the misunderstanding?" Even Mo Zhixun, who was standing by, couldn't sit still and asked curiously.

"Zhou Nan did have a fight because Young Master Aoki and North were jealous because of their intimacy." Jesse said in a deep voice: "But who said that to be jealous, you have to be jealous of Young Master Aoki?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Lisi looked confused: "Young Master Aoki is Zhou Nan's concubine, so of course he is jealous of Young Master Aoki!"

Jesse said directly: "Who said men have to be jealous of women? Can't men be jealous of men?"

"Don't forget, Zhou Nan was very affectionate to Nos in the beginning, and even went against his own father, and even threatened the God King with his own life... But when he saw Nos and Young Master Aoki being intimate, he immediately became furious... and He never hit North, but slapped Young Master Aoki! "

"You mean...hiss..." A young master looked at Zhou Nan in disbelief, his eyes widening.

"Yes, he likes North! He has a crush on North!" Jesse's eyes shined with wisdom, "On the contrary, North has been protecting Young Master Aoki and even beat Zhou Nan!"

The young master Tian Tian with wings on his back said excitedly: "This proves that Zhou Nan likes North, North loves Young Master Aoki, and Young Master Aoki also likes North, but he is engaged to Zhou Nan!"

She seemed to be very interested in this kind of thing, and the more she talked, the more excited she became: "It can even be said that Zhou Nan asked his father to get engaged to Young Master Aoki because he couldn't pursue North! Just to piss off North!"

"And she's just a concubine. That's why North is so angry!"

"This succeeded in angering North, so he hit Zhou Nan!

As soon as these words came out, the other young masters looked shocked!

"I see!"

"No wonder Zeunan had to blow his own head off because of North! It really is true love!"

"This complicated love! This unreasonable love!"

"Oh my God, Zhou Nan actually likes Young Master North!"

"No wonder the God King has been rejecting Zhou Nan... It turns out he doesn't like the goddess! No wonder, no wonder! With Zhou Ni here, it is natural to choose Zhou Ni! The successor must continue the family line!"

"No wonder Zhou Nan was known as a playboy before. He couldn't love her, and his character was naturally twisted! He is also a pitiful person."

The girl on the side of the storm sighed: "I have the best relationship with Xiao Qingmu and Miss Hunting. The three of us have been best friends since childhood. When Xiao Qingmu knew that she was betrothed to Zhou Nan as a concubine, she cried to the two of us. No amount of comfort was in use... I never expected that she and North had liked each other for a long time, but they were suddenly separated by Zhou Nan... No wonder she was so sad. "

"Wait a minute," Xiao Lisi said in confusion, "What about this female assassin? What's going on with this female assassin?"

"She saw North and Young Master Aoki hugging each other, and she showed hostility towards North..." Jesse deduced: "I understand, she is the same as Zhou Nan!"

"She also likes North?" Xiao Lisi asked doubtfully.

Jesse shook his head, his eyes once again radiated wisdom, and said solemnly: "No, she likes Young Master Aoki!"

"So Young Master Aoki took the initiative to stand in front of her. Look at their eyes meeting, as if they had a thousand words to say but couldn't speak. They only said first come, first served and true love. There is obviously a story between them."

For a moment, many masters seemed to have solved a huge mystery, and they all looked at Lin Fan with complicated eyes at Zhou Nan and Young Master Aoki who were blocking Lin Fan, as well as Xingye with cold eyes.

And at this moment of tension.

"It's so lively, everyone is here." A voice sounded.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

Many masters looked at it.

I saw Nong Li walking slowly with Bai Xiaoqi and the three gods of agriculture.

As the arch-rival who was currently searching for the God of Agriculture Temple, Xiao Qingmu immediately narrowed his eyes.

Nong Li is naturally at the eleventh level of strength.

One is quite young, about the same age as Nong Li, but his strength is only at the tenth level. The other is middle-aged, exuding the same aura of the eleventh level.

The last one, with his whole body aura restrained, wearing a bamboo hat, his face could not be seen clearly, but his whole body exuded the aura of the fourteenth level.

"Level 14." Xiao Qingmu's face suddenly turned ugly.

On the side, a thirteenth-level Aoki Lord smiled and said: "The fourteenth-level... is difficult to fight, but if we fight in the Forest of Divine Beasts, young master, I am 80% sure to defeat him."

"Young Master comes here for the first time, so he doesn't know anything. There are countless trees in this forest of mythical beasts, and they cannot wither. Unless you are a god-level agricultural god who has mastered the rules, there is nothing to fear."

Xiao Qingmu finally exhaled and his face looked better.

at the same time.

A towering ancient tree seems to hold up the stars, sun and moon, and clear spring water flows.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" A wealthy woman wearing gold and silver said softly.

A pale middle-aged man with blond hair and a hooked nose muttered: "The first blade... I have tried more than three thousand ways, but I can't get it back... take the first blade from the hand of that madman who kills everyone, and then use the second blade..." Killing him with one blade is simply impossible."

"Don't you have [Deception]? Even Death can be deceived by you, not even him? Can't you weave a fake first blade to replace it?"

"Ah? If I could deceive him, why would I sit here with you? That guy is more powerful than death. It's not like you don't know that even death can't stop him."

The middle-aged man looked helpless, "This kid is so cruel... My arrangement was completely disrupted all of a sudden. He was so good at returning the first blade to that lunatic, who the hell would have thought of it. The last killing day... "

He was so angry that he cursed rarely.

A giant snake entangled in a towering ancient tree coiled down and laid its huge head on the middle-aged man's shoulder affectionately. This scene was very inconsistent. It was really that the giant snake was too huge and could not be seen from a distance. A middle-aged figure.

"Daddy, daddy." The giant snake opened its mouth, but it was the little girl's voice: "Can you tell me another story?"

An equally huge black wolf walked out from behind the tree. He lay quietly next to the middle-aged man, blinking expectantly. When he opened his mouth, the little boy's voice came out: "Dad, I want to listen too."

"Ah, okay." The middle-aged man smiled and tapped his eyebrows: "Let me think about which story I want to tell you... Well, I still remember not long ago, I went to the God Realm to play and played the role of a god of morality. ...What's the name, oh, Jiluo Orson..., you name it casually, Loki Odinson, Jiluo Orson, I met a dude, I played...forget it, Let’s change the story. The ending of that story is a bit disgusting, although I also became a mare..."

When the middle-aged man said this, his eyes became painful and disgusting, as if he was remembering some painful memories.

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