"Xing, Xingye..." Lin Fan's voice was dry: "Hehe, hehe, what a coincidence, why are you here..."

"If I don't come, you two will have a baby soon." Xingye said with cold eyes, "I'm really sorry for disturbing your good deeds."

Lin Fan's face turned red and he said, "Don't say that, I..."

"It seems that I underestimated you. You are so powerful. I thought you might be in danger, so I came here to take a look... I didn't expect you to be able to say, "You are everything." Haha, little one His mouth is covered with honey."

Xingye praised Lin Fan, but Lin Fan was trembling all over.

A cold murderous intent enveloped Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled as if he was crying: "Don't be angry."

After a moment of silence, Xingye sighed: "Actually, I have no right to be angry. After all, neither you nor I are in true love."

"You have never confessed to me, nor have you said such love words to me."

"From the beginning to the end, we are just comrades... Okay, that's it. You can buy milk tea by yourself from now on. Remember to buy the one with 30% sugar. Too much sugar is bad for your health."

With that said, Xingye got up and left.

Lin Fan suddenly felt an unprecedented panic.


This is to sever ties with me!

Play big!

Lin Fan quickly stretched out his hand to pull Xingye: "Listen to my explanation, I actually..."

"Don't touch me, you're dirty, and don't say sweet words with a mouth that you've kissed someone else. It's disgusting." Xingye snorted coldly.

The thin and thin figure slowly disappeared before Lin Fan's eyes.

At this moment, Lin Fan felt extremely heartache.

This back figure has accompanied him in countless fights with gods.

Although he often couldn't see her, she was by his side all the time.

In the most dangerous times, a dagger will always appear quietly.

Starry Night seemed to turn into ink and escape, but this time, she did not disappear. As if waiting for something.

"Hey, you really don't want to say anything! Why don't you try to persuade me to stay!" Jin Jiao, who was on the side, couldn't stand it anymore. "You can say some sweet words or confess on the spot, but if you really can't, kneel down and kowtow to apologize and explain. Aren’t you good at talking?”

Lin Fan looked at Xingye's back, remained silent for a moment and said, "I'm sorry, I have a mask."

"You are very important, but I can't be backlashed..."

"Now that the divine treasure is right in front of us, there must be something inside waiting for us to discover. I can't be repelled now."

"Although Daxia has grown up now, there is still a huge gap between it and the temple. I can't take any risks. If the backlash damages the foundation, or even loses my life..."

Xingye sighed, seemingly giving up completely.

She completely disappeared.

With her strength, even Lin Fan's eyes of ghosts and gods couldn't see.

Shared Vision was also unilaterally closed by Starry Night.

"Really, Xingye stood there for half a minute, just waiting for you to say something nice." Jinjiao snorted coldly, "You are sensible and said I have a mask. Which elm knot on the mountain are you from? "

Lin Fan sighed: "Otherwise, otherwise I will confess to Xingye, express my feelings and clarify our relationship."

"And then suffer backlash and die here?"

"Then Daxia loses its strongest combat power and its commander-in-chief who knows the gods best?"

Jinjiao was speechless.

Lin Fan said helplessly: "I can't just do what I want to do. I'm not just myself, I'm also the commander-in-chief of Daxia."

The male protagonists in Lin Fan Envy all love and hate each other, and each one embraces beautiful women.

But the reality is that the stronger the ability, the higher the status, and the greater the responsibility.

The safety of the entire Daxia now depends on Lin Fan!

This huge responsibility restrained Lin Fan and made him think about it first no matter what he did. Even if he faced the departure of his beloved, he would not dare to keep him.

Even if what happened with Xiao Qingmu was just for fun, it was purely for use.

Lin Fan sighed and rubbed his face.

When he raised his head, his eyes were cold again.

He murmured in a low voice: "Protecting Daxia is the most important thing. Protecting our homeland and defeating the gods... is the most important thing!"

"For this goal, you can do anything and use any means."

Shura is ruthless!

This is Lin Fan's most determined goal. He came back this time just to protect Daxia!

Fuck love!

"It's almost time to close the net." Lin Fan looked at the time and whispered.


"I'm back." Xiao Qingmu came over with a red face and an irrepressible smile on his lips. He seemed a little shy, but he still walked up to Lin Fan and said as if to show off: "Look, I picked a lot of herbs. !”

"These are rare herbs in the divine world."

"Eat this first, then this... Eat them all, and your injuries will be almost recovered."

Xiao Qingmu blinked his big eyes and handed over the herbs one by one, with indescribable love in his eyes. \u003cb


Lin Fan also nodded with a smile.

At this moment, the two of them looked like young lovers who had just fallen in love.

Especially Xiao Aoki.

In this cold world of gods, even her mother betrayed her for profit.

And now I have found someone who treats me so wholeheartedly.

"Well, thank you." Lin Fan smiled happily and took the herb.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Xiao Qingmu looked at Lin Fan with a blushing face, "I have thought about it. After I go back, I will ask my mother to regret my marriage to Zeus. My mother should agree, after all, the entire God Realm We all know that you are so good, and you have done so much for me now.”

"We will find a forest and build a cabin... No, we have to have a wedding banquet first and a betrothal gift..."

"My mother will definitely make a big noise, but don't be afraid, I will help you speak for the Ocean Temple! If it doesn't work... I still have some private money."

"Well, you're the best." Lin Fan smiled.

A ray of divine power was quietly sent into the leaves in Lin Fan's hand.

"Oh, what are you talking about now..." Xiao Qingmu suddenly lowered his head and whispered: "You haven't proposed yet..."

"Do we miss this?" Lin Fan smiled and rubbed Xiao Qingmu's head, "Okay, since you want to propose, then I will..."

Lin Fan took out a ring and whispered: "Will you marry me?"

It was a ring woven from blades of grass.

It was like grabbing a handful of grass at random, kneading them together in his hands, and bundling them into a ring.

In fact, it was Lin Fan who casually rubbed his right hand behind his back three seconds ago...

"I wish..." Xiao Qingmu raised his head subconsciously, but when he saw the grass ring in Lin Fan's hand, he immediately blushed and said, "Where can there be such a thing... No matter what, I am also the young master of the Qingmu Temple!"

"This is too sloppy!"

Lin Fan frowned: "Then what do you want?"

"Why, you can't scribble like this." Xiao Qingmu complained in a low voice: "And what's the environment here now, there is no one else except us..."

"The engagement they want must be glorious and eye-catching, with all the temples present, and it must be unexpected..."

Little Aoki has the gentleness unique to the God of Aoki.

Even though he was complaining, he still whispered, his face was still like a red apple and he didn't dare to look up.

She and Xingye, who has a cold personality, are completely opposite to each other. She is almost too considerate, and the little one is completely different from Xingye, who has a pair of long legs and looks like a cold lady. She looks pitiful.

From this point of view, she is more suitable as a girlfriend than Xingye.

Looking at the innocent and considerate Xiao Qingmu, Lin Fan suddenly felt a little dazed and a little guilty.

She's good, really good.

She has many advantages that Xingye does not have.

There is only one drawback.

She is not Starry Night.

And just when the atmosphere was sweet, Xiao Qingmu stared blankly at the boy in front of him, whispering about his imaginary engagement, and imagining everything in the future.


A terrifying beast roar resounded through the forest.

Sharp claws crushed the pink petals.

"Be careful! There is a mythical beast!" Xiao Qingmu suddenly raised his head, but the next moment his face suddenly changed: "It's over..."

Dozens of mythical beasts emitting powerful aura suddenly appeared around the grassland.

All are high-level mythical beasts!

Wolf clan!

Although they are not as powerful as the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan, they still have an instinctive desire for killing and blood!

It is one of the most ferocious beasts!

The deep breathing carried the passion for the heart, and the sharp fangs dripped saliva. One by one, the huge black wolves stepped into the sea of ​​pink flowers, crushing the petals with their huge feet.

Scarlet eyes stared straight at Lin Fan, Xiao Qingmu and Jin Jiao.

The leader among them was the leader of the wolf tribe who had a close relationship with Lin Fan. His body was filled with sixteen levels of aura, mixed with rules!

Xiao Qingmu's red face suddenly turned pale, and his shyness turned into fear.

"Why are there so many wolves in the periphery...and they are all high-level mythical beasts..."

"How did they find us..."

Lin Fanxin said hehe, you didn’t expect it, I called him.


The alpha wolf roared, and in just a moment, dozens of high-level wolves rushed in with roars, thirsting for blood and hearts!


Xiao Qingmu was so frightened that he froze in place, but then he gritted his teeth and regained some sense.

Don't panic, don't be confused.

Young Master North has just recovered from a serious injury, and now he is all on his own!

"Don't be afraid! I'm here!" Xiao Qingmu suddenly became much calmer.

Lin Fan: "?

? ? "

No, are you so confident?

But I saw little Qingmu holding her head high and saying loudly: "Mother Meredith!"

Full of energy.

Yes, she remembered Zeus's advice.

"Say your name, say your father's name."

"Although those mythical beasts hate us, they are also afraid of us."

"When they learn that you are the young master, they will not dare to kill you again."

She didn't believe that these beasts would dare to kill her after hearing the name of Lord Aoki.

After she finished speaking, she also said to Lin Fan: "What are you doing standing still? Have you forgotten what the God King said? Hurry up and declare yourself!"

Lin Fan also said loudly: "Father Poseidon! Please give me some face!"

The wolves were really stunned.

They blinked and looked at each other.

"Meredith, Poseidon..."

"you know?"

"Who is it? Do our clan have these two members?"

"Are you kidding me that the wolf tribe has such a strange name?"

Xiao Qingmu exhaled and comforted Lin Fan: "Sure enough, the majesty of the Lord God is still effective. Even the wolves do not dare to easily challenge the majesty of the Lord God..."

But the next moment.


"Meirui, your sister, Meirui!"

"Who is it? I don't know him!"

"What Poseidon? I've never heard of it!!"

"Ho! Fuck it, brothers!"

The wolves roared and charged again, but they rushed faster and screamed more ferociously than before.

Little Aoki was stunned and shouted loudly: "Aren't you afraid? Don't you know that my mother, Meredith, is the main god of Aoki! His father, Poseidon, is the main god of the ocean!"

The mythical beasts roared with disdain.


"The god who rules the forest is Vidal!"

"The one in charge of the ocean is obviously Njord!"

"Poseidon, Meredith, what!"

Xiao Aoki: "???"



Those are all under Odin’s command!

How long has it been since then? I don’t even know if the Odin pantheon is dead!

No, you beasts don’t have access to the Internet!

Seeing these mythical beasts roaring towards them, Xiao Qingmu knew that he could no longer count on anything else.

These mythical beasts are completely unreasonable and don't even give the Lord God face!

All we can do is fight!

She took a deep breath, and the bright green divine power surged.

"Advanced Aoki Divine Art·Aoki Cage!"

"Advanced Aoki Divine Art·Blue Silver Coil!"

"Advanced Aoki Divine Art·Vine Trap!"


A series of magical spells were blasted out, and Xiao Qingmu was willing to do whatever it took to release all the divine power in his body.

In an instant, the entire forest shook, and branches, grass blades, vines, and roots surged in an attempt to entangle and block the wolves.

But Xiao Aoki's strength is only at the eleventh level.

What's more, she was facing a mythical beast!

The divine beast did not release its magic to block it, but roared and rushed towards him.

Unlike gods, divine beasts do not rely on divine magic to fight.

"With the power of our ancestors!"

"Ancestors give me strength!!"

"The power of the wolf clan! Wow!!"

The black wolves roared and roared one by one, and they did not slow down at all in the face of the fallen tree trunks and stabbed grass blades.

Or burst out with terrifying speed and dodge easily.

Or directly use his strong body to smash the magic and resist the divine power.

The sharp claws tore apart the trees, and dozens of wolves roared and charged!

Xiao Qingmu tried his best to use his divine power, but at this moment, this noble and bright divine power was shattered by the roar of the wild beast.

Brutal trampling of nobility!

Seeing that dozens of wolves were about to rush towards her, Xiao Qingmu froze on the spot, she had no idea what to do.

She wanted to run.

But Young Master North is right behind him...

In this cold world of gods, I finally met a person who regarded me as everything. He offended Zhou Nan for me, and even narrowly escaped death to save me...

Back then, Young Master North had attracted a number of high-level divine beasts, and even provoked a sixteenth-level divine beast to save himself.

How can I run away now!

In front of the roaring beast, amidst the sharp claws and fangs, this weak girl suddenly turned to look at Lin Fan and said with a smile: "Idiot, it turns out that you faced such a terrible scene in order to save me."

"You're so stupid, how dare you provoke such a beast..."

"Xiao Qingmu, leave me alone and run!" Lin Fan shouted loudly.

"No, I won't run." Xiao Qingmu shook his head:

"You were the one who saved me when Susanoo was here, and you were the one who saved me just now! Young Master North, it's my turn to save you now!"

Obviously, Lin Fan had completely deceived her.


The dazzling divine power burst out, and the forest of mythical beasts with a radius of several kilometers seemed to come to life. Giant trees rose from the ground like giants, and the grass and trees grasped the mythical beasts like palms.

"You are not allowed to get close to Young Master North!"

Xiao Qingmu spent all his strength and shouted loudly.

But it still doesn’t work!

These divine beasts are not something she can stop.

In just an instant, these divine beasts smashed through layers of magical barriers, broke through the glory of the gods, and came to kill them!


Xiao Qingmu stood there blankly, with residual happiness and unwillingness in his eyes.

Still can't stop it?

Really unwilling to do so.

After finally exchanging heart-to-hearts with Young Master North, I finally felt that I had hope in life, and began to dream about my future life...

I didn't expect to die here.

It would be great if he discovered Young Master North's love for him earlier, but he is always so slow.

But it seems pretty good to be able to die together with Young Master North...

But the next moment the divine beast rushed towards him.


A figure suddenly stepped out and knocked away a high-level wolf that was rushing forward!

The water is surging!

The young man with long blue hair fluttering and covered in blood holds a trident, exuding a noble and powerful aura!

This back seems to block all dangers.

Xiao Qingmu was a little confused for a moment. She didn't expect that now, Young Master North is trying his best to protect herself.

It was like every time he was in danger, he would step forward.

But he was obviously just seriously injured!

The wolves were instantly furious and turned towards Lin Fan.

Xiao Qingmu said nervously: "Young Master North, you..."

"Run!" Lin Fan shouted without looking back.

Jin Jiao also quickly dragged Xiao Qingmu and said loudly: "Young Master, you can't hesitate any longer!"

Xiao Qingmu had just exhausted all his divine power, and was dragged away by Golden Horn. He could only cry: "I won't leave, I won't leave! Even if I die, I will die with Young Master North..."

"Listen!" Lin Fan held the trident and swept away another wolf tribe, then shouted loudly: "Xiao Qingmu, you can't die here! You are everything!"

"You have to live! Without me in the future, you have to live a happy life!"

Xiao Qingmu, who was dragged away by Jinjiao, burst into tears, but could only watch Lin Fan being besieged by the wolf tribe and struggled to support.

Lin Fan could only use the eleventh-level strength that North should have. After defeating two wolves in a row, he was surrounded by many wolves.


Many wolves submerged Lin Fan, and the sixteenth-level wolf king suddenly stepped on Lin Fan, showing his fangs, and was about to bite off Lin Fan's neck and dig out his sweet heart.

"Young Master North!" Xiao Qingmu shouted loudly when he saw this scene.

Lin Fan still shouted loudly: "You run quickly, I will cover you!"

Xiao Qingmu was moved to tears. Until this time, Young Master North was still thinking about helping him to block the wolf tribe!

And when Lin Fan shouted this sentence,

The fangs biting Lin Fan's neck suddenly stopped.


The wolf king, as huge as a mountain, roared suddenly.

"Don't do it, we are one!"

This is the secret signal.

In just a moment, the wolves stopped their mouths. Although the wolves are bloodthirsty, they also obey the wolf king.

This is the cohesion of the wolf clan.

Lin Fan whispered: "Go and catch her, don't let her run away! Also, don't hurt her!"


The wolf king roared, and the mighty wolf pack rushed towards Xiao Qingmu and Jinjiao!

On the other side.

Seeing that North's body emitting blue glory was submerged by the wolf pack, Xiao Qingmu's face was already full of tears.

"Young Master North... Young Master North... Why are you so stupid..."

Young Master North is dead.

Died in front of his eyes!

How could he not die with so many wolves biting him!

Seeing the lover she had just fallen in love with die in front of her, Xiao Qingmu felt extremely sad. The green forest she loved the most seemed to have lost its color and turned gray.

There seemed to be nothing worth lingering in this divine world.

Jinjiao dragged Qingmu and shouted loudly: "Young Master, don't be with Young Master North! Those wolves are chasing us again!"

Behind him, the black wolves that bit Young Master North to death rushed over again!


Don't worry, the heroine will not change, it must be Xingye.

Lin Fan just used Xiao Qingmu. Although it was a bit despicable.

Lin Fan will confess to Xingye soon.

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