Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1504 Does anyone here want to do business?

Although the Titans are weakened, they are still powerful.

Even if the thirty-six main gods join forces, they can only be evenly matched for a while and cannot win in a short time.

Of course, this does not mean that the Titans are so powerful that even the gods cannot defeat them.

It happened so suddenly that only Zeus and the thirty-six main gods from the entire divine world came.

This is not the entire combat power of the God Realm at all. If hundreds of gods gather together, they can defeat the Titans head-on. If all the gods in many temples come out, they can all be killed after paying a certain price.

But even so, the thirty-six main gods still persisted.

After all, the battlefield that truly determines victory or defeat does not lie with them.

"Hold on!" Apollo encouraged the power of the sun, and the rules of the [Great Sun] exploded. Like a human-shaped sun, it punched Koos head-on, and shouted loudly: "The God King is about to defeat Cronus! "

The battle between Zeus and Cronus is what truly determines strength!

The battle between the strongest gods and the strongest titans!

The decisive battle between the King of Gods and the King of Titans!

Amid the roar of thunder, Zeus raised his golden spear high, thunder and lightning surged through his body, and roared: "Father, you have already escaped, why are you coming back!"


The golden spear surrounding the thunder was like golden lightning, thrust out with terrifying destruction!

Cronus's arms were already stained with blood, and he was gasping for air. This child who inherited the power of thunder in his blood was too powerful!

Because it is pure, it is powerful!


Facing the golden spear that was like dazzling lightning, Cronus did not dare to be careless and stepped suddenly.

The terrifying speed is like teleportation.

One moment appears thousands of meters away, but the next moment.


The golden spear turned a corner and was still heading towards Cronus!

"It is indeed the Eternal Spear!"

Cronus was shocked and angry, but he also knew that evasion was ineffective, so he could only raise his arms again.


[Destruction] Shred flesh and blood, the eternal spear penetrated Cronus' right arm, and returned to Zeus's hand again.

"Hoo, ho, ho..." Cronus covered his arms and gasped. He had already seen his own end.

"Father, I gave you a chance to escape." Zeus raised the Eternal Spear again, and the terrifying thunder and lightning gathered at the tip of the spear again, "Why do you have to seek death?"


The tip of the spear pointed at Cronus again, aiming at Cronus' throat.

Cronus could only hold on to his remaining left hand.

"In the name of the God King, with the power of thunder."

"I judge."


The roar of Zeus was like thunder, and the face of Zeus appeared in the thunder clouds in the sky.


Cronus also roared. At this moment, he was no longer defending, but rushing towards Zeus with a thousand years of anger!

But he is not as fast as Thunder!

Zeus raised his hand, and the spear of eternity, guided by [Definite Hit] and carrying [Destruction], was about to stab Cronus' throat!



A roar sounded, and for just a moment, a figure blocked the front of Cronus.

When he saw that figure, Zeus's face showed fear for the first time!

It was a man in his fifties, tall and missing one eye.

Although he lost one eye, he still could not hide his majesty. He wore a dark gray cloak on his shoulders, with shining stars on the edge, and a wide-brimmed hat as blue as the clear sky, reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun in the sky. The single, piercing eye seems to be able to see through time.

There were two black crows perched on his shoulders, and two strong black wolves at his feet.

The moment he appeared, a powerful aura filled the air.

Eighteenth level.

Although not the peak.

But he actually has the aura of two kinds of rules coexisting in him!

[War] and [Omniscient]!

Zeus's voice suddenly trembled, and the majestic thunder became panicked: "Odin!!!"

The Lord of the Aesir, in charge of prophecy, kingship, wisdom, healing, magic, poetry and war.

God King Odin!

Known as the most powerful God King!

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Even if his rule has ended for many years, even if Zeus has replaced him, even if the whereabouts of the Aesir are unknown.

But the gods still recognize that Odin is the most powerful god-king in history!

"Zeus." Odin spoke slowly. The moment he spoke, everything around him became distorted, and figures exuding a powerful aura and shining glory appeared around Odin.

Hall of Valor, Valkyrie!

These warrior gods wear gold or silver helmets decorated with feathers or bird-wing shapes on their heads, blood-red tight-fitting battle robes, hold luminous spears and shields, and ride white horses with two wings.

All master the rules!

Odin's strongest army, the Valkyries!

There are only sixteen of these Valkyries, but each one exudes the aura of at least seventeen levels.

"In the name of the God King!"

"You've obviously disappeared... Why... It doesn't matter, it's just one more time!" Zeus no longer cared about Cronus. The golden spear he raised in both hands turned and pointed directly at Odin!


The spear was like a shooting star, stabbing Odin with a crash.

Odin whispered: "Let the war begin."

next moment.

“The king says, let’s start the war!”

Without any hesitation, the Valkyries rode their white horses and rushed towards the terrifying spear that seemed to destroy everything!

But compared to Zeus, they are still not enough.

The [Destruction] at the peak of the 18th level seemed to be endless, as if it was going to destroy everything. Under the guidance of [Must Hit], the bodies of the Valkyries blocking the road were shattered inch by inch. Even if the Valkyries were blocked by the rules, they could not compete with that thunder. .


Amid the roar of thunder and lightning, Odin whispered: "War will never end."


The Valkyrie, who had been destroyed by the thunder, appeared in front of Odin again and rushed towards the eternal spear again!

They were destroyed time and again, but they appeared in front of the eternal spear again and again, like emotionless and fearless warriors, scrambling to die!

Under such crazy obstruction, the [Destruction] on the Eternal Spear is gradually exhausted!

Seeing this scene, Zeus's thunderous eyes welled up with fear.

This scene is so terrible!

This is just [war]!

The Eighteenth Level [War]!


"Odin, do you still think you are the same person as before!"

Eighteenth level [War], how to stop the eighteenth level peak [Destruction]!

The golden spear buzzed, and all the [Destruction] on it surged, shattering all the Valkyries in an instant. Before these Valkyries appeared again, the spear wrapped in [Destruction] stabbed Odin fiercely!

Looking at Gungnir, who had been with him day and night, Odin's eyes became complicated. He slowly stretched out a hand, as if to grab the spear.

For Odin, who has mastered the two rules of [Omniscient] and [War], and both have come to an end, he seems to be able to compete even with [Destruction] and [Infallible].

But the next moment.


The golden spear pierced Odin's chest directly.

Odin's mouth was bleeding. He stood there blankly, as if a little unbelievable. Then he seemed to understand something, looked at his hands, and said softly: "So that's it, I was..."

at the same time.


With a loud noise, Cronus had already rushed in front of Zeus while Zeus was dealing with Odin and could not be distracted.

The terrifying giant fist fell from the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and smashing the thunderclouds!


Lightning burst out, thunder shattered, even [Destruction] was smashed!


In the shattering thunder and lightning, Zeus's thunder armor instantly shattered and was smashed directly into the mountain forest, smashing all the way to the mountain before stopping with difficulty.


Zeus spat out a mouthful of blood, but did not look at Cronus, but stared at Odin excitedly.

"Odin, you are slow, hahaha! You are indeed old, and your injuries have not recovered yet!" Zeus laughed amid the roar of thunder: "You are no longer at the peak of the 18th level.

! You are no longer the most powerful God King! "

He had never laughed so heartily, not even on the day he became the God King, he had never laughed so freely.

Odin, who he feared the most and was even his nightmare, died like this?

This is really, really good!

"Today is really my lucky day. My efforts and the goddess of luck are all in vain..." Zeus smiled fiercely: "Cronus, Odin, I will kill them all for you today!"

But the next moment, Zeus's smile suddenly stopped.

Odin's body suddenly became illusory and disappeared like a bubble.

"This is..." Zeus' face suddenly froze, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

But the next moment.


The Dragon King roared, and it closed its eyes tightly, as if thinking about something.

The aura in his body dropped again, and wisps of [Creation] condensed out of his body, turning into Odin again!

"That's not Odin!" Zeus's pupils shrank suddenly, "It's the Odin you imagined!"

The dragon of fantasy, the dragon king Gudor, the king of [Creation]!

How could the real Odin die so easily, how could he be so weak!

This is the Odin imagined by the Dragon King based on his own memory.

As the enemy who led many mythical beasts to fight against Odin in the past, he knows Odin best, even better than Zeus.

The Odin he imagined has the strength of eighteen levels of double rules!

Of course, this is still not as powerful as Odin back then. Although [Creation] is powerful, the Dragon King himself has not reached the peak of the eighteenth level, and he cannot fully understand Odin who is at the peak of the eighteenth level. How can he be perfect? fantasy.

And at the moment Zeus fell into shock.


Cronus seized the opportunity again, appeared in front of Zeus in an instant, and kicked out hard.


Zeus was smashed into the thundercloud, and it took a long time before he fell from the sky with a pale face.

He did not look at Cronus, but stared at "Odin" and the dragon king behind Odin.

"Goodor, do you know what you are doing?" Zeus's eyes were cold, and the thunder clouds and thunder behind him shone, declaring the wrath of the God King.

The Dragon King slowly opened his eyes. He did not look at Zeus, but at the Titan King, and growled: "Titans, you are qualified to fight alongside my beasts."

"From today on, we are comrades-in-arms."

"Hey." Cronus grinned.

"Comrade...I have been so merciful for too long!" Zeus roared like thunder, holding up the eternal spear: "Aren't you afraid of thunder!"


The Eternal Spear wrapped around [Destruction] and stabbed down, but this time, "Odin" and Cronus rushed at the same time!


There is no hiding.

Fight with force!

"Odin" broke an arm, and Cronus grabbed the eternal gun, took the remaining [Destruction] in it, and threw it at Zeus!


The spear of eternity came with dazzling lightning like lightning. Zeus turned his head suddenly, and the spear of eternity disappeared into the thunder clouds.

Zeus stretched out his hand again, and the Spear of Eternity appeared in his hand again.


Zeus was about to speak, but suddenly froze.

He touched his cheek and felt blood and a strand of broken silver hair.

Zeus' eyes became complicated.


The Dragon King looked up to the sky and roared, and in an instant, the ancestors of mythical beasts such as Phoenix, Centipede, and Giant Deer Pandari joined the battlefield one after another.


Apollo was about to fight again when he suddenly heard a cry behind him.

"Want to hurt me? I'm the Sun God!"

Apollo's expression remained unchanged and he snorted coldly. The nine suns behind him emitted scorching light and released a solar barrier behind him.

That figure rushed into the sun barrier.

"Stupid." Apollo sneered, "How dare a mere beast dare to face the sun?"

Any life that dares to touch the sun will

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Burned to ashes!

But the next moment.

The figure actually passed directly through the sun barrier, completely ignoring the high temperature of the sun, and directly hit Apollo hard!


Apollo flew backwards and was punched by Koos again, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The breath actually dropped directly to the seventeenth level!

He looked behind him in disbelief and saw a bird with its body covered in flames reborn from the ashes, spreading its wings and looking at him indifferently.

Phoenix, Udalilian!

With the participation of mythical beasts, all the gods were at a disadvantage, and some were directly injured.

You know, these main gods are not young either.

Most of them were injured when they were fighting. Fortunately, they were young at the time and some could recover, but there were also many hidden dangers.

Now that I am injured again at this age...

"Damn it!" Zeus looked ugly as he listened to the exclamations and groans of the gods.

A mythical beast made him fearful.

Now the mythical beast has joined forces with Titan!

I'm still late!

But this is too incredible. Titan also fought against the mythical beasts with Odin back then. It was not until he was jealous of Odin because he showed too much strength that he was severely wounded by Odin with the help of Zeus.

In other words, there was originally a blood feud between the mythical beast and the Titan!

How could we become comrades?

And even if there is a possibility of becoming comrades-in-arms, it is impossible for the Titan clan to directly form an alliance as soon as they wake up. It will take at least some time for both clans to calm down from the grievances of the past!

Zeus only felt that there seemed to be an invisible hand pushing everything forward, guiding everything to the situation that was most unfavorable to him!

At this time, facing the Titans and mythical beasts who had joined forces, even Zeus did not dare to take action rashly.

"Stop it!" Zeus shouted loudly while staring at Cronus and the Dragon King.


Rolling thunder fell from the sky.

The thirty-six gods took this opportunity to break away from the battle and stood behind Zeus panting.

At this time, they looked particularly embarrassed, their armors were shattered one after another, their divine light became miserable, most of their bodies were bleeding, and they no longer looked as proud as before with their dazzling divine light.

The Titans and mythical beasts looked at Zeus and did not dare to pursue him wantonly. They could only confront him from a distance.

"Hoo, ho." Apollo, whose breath dropped to the seventeenth level and the sun behind him was almost shattered, gasped behind Zeus, holding on to the golden sun scepter and almost unable to stand up.

His foundation was shaken!

Looking at the back of the God King, Apollo looked ashamed and whispered: "I'm sorry, God King, this subordinate is really...ahem..."

"It's okay, you are already very loyal." Zeus nodded slightly, he was still very satisfied with this loyal subordinate.

After returning home, he still needs to reward his wife.

"I really didn't expect that the two clans would unite so quickly."

Zeus knew that the thirty-six gods he brought alone could not defeat the combined Titans and beasts.

In any case, both tribes had their glorious times.

"Zeus, do you still want to fight?" The dragon king Gudor flapped his wings, stood behind "Odin", and said coldly: "If nothing happens, please leave. This is the forest of my beast!"

"As for the Titans, they are our comrades."

"Ha, comrade." Zeus snorted coldly: "That's good, it saves me trouble."

"You just have to survive here for a few days, and wait until I use the authority of the God King to organize a coalition of gods and conquer this place! I will destroy you all!"

After Zeus finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Lin Fan, who was hiding behind Crowley, exhaled and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I was still fooled by myself!

But at this moment.

"Ah? You're leaving now? Don't leave yet, it's so lively and everyone is here." A voice suddenly sounded out.

Everyone looked at the figure who suddenly spoke.

A little fat man smiled and rubbed his hands. Facing the three kings, he bent over and smiled enthusiastically: "Um, let me ask, is there anyone here who wants to do business?"

Lin Fan, who was hiding behind Crowley, was sweating profusely.

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