Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1510 I saw the future

"Xian Sheng Zhenjun, there is nothing to hesitate about!" Seeing Erlang Shen hesitating, the Locust Exorcist clasped his fists and said: "The last general is willing to take the lead!"

He noticed that the three-pointed two-edged spear of the Holy Lord Xian Sheng was also covered with dirt.

Obviously, like him, he had just woken up, so he simply offered to take the lead.

After saying that, the God of Locust Exorcism was filled with divine power, held an insect catching net in his hand, and roared away!

But the next moment.


The Locust Exorcist had only rushed out two meters when he suddenly fell from the sky and fell straight to the ground!

The God of Locust Exorcism got up from the ground in confusion, spit out two mouthfuls of soil, and looked at God Erlang: "Sir, humans are so disrespectful, why do you..."

"Driving locusts, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity!" Erlang Shen said with a righteous expression: "We are a united force!"

The God of Locust Exorcism: "???"

Are you out of your mind?

"Xiansheng Zhenjun, what's wrong with you!" The Locust Exorcist looked at Erlang God incomprehensibly, "You are a heavenly warrior..."

"What kind of heavenly warrior!" Erlang Shen roared: "I tell you, don't spit on others! Don't promote the remnants of feudalism!"

"Although I have a bad background, I am now one of the gods of Daxia and an official member of the third team of the God-killing Army!"

"Don't frame me!"

The red flag waved behind him.

Erlang Shen looked like he was drawing a line.

What a joke.

Erlang Shen, who has now integrated into Daxia, knows that although his heavenly eye is powerful, Daxia's heavenly eye can now scan thousands of miles!

Everything that happens here is clearly visible to the command center!

That is the real eye of heaven!

Whenever I show the slightest bit of wrongness... let alone myself, even the righteous gods of heaven who are still sleeping will have to be dug out...

And right now.


Boundless demonic energy spurted out.

The earth trembled, and the Bull Demon King's thousand-meter-long body stepped across the field.

"Moo!!!" The Bull Demon King looked up to the sky and roared. For a moment, the Locust Exorcist God's eyes widened: "The Great Sage Bull Demon King of Pingtian!"

He clenched his weapon and gritted his teeth and said: "The True Monarch of the Revealed Saint, the Demon King has appeared, please leave quickly, I will hold you back!"


"Erlang," the Bull Demon King glanced at Erlang Shen and frowned, "Why haven't you finished it yet?"

Erlang Shen sighed: "After all, we were colleagues in heaven, so it's not easy to attack."

"Hurry up and finish it. I'll treat you to roast beef when you get back tonight." The Bull Demon King said impatiently.

The God of Locust Exorcism: "???"

What does it mean?

Are you really in the same group?

The Locust Expelling God was completely confused at this time, and he was completely unable to understand the scene before him.

After waking up after a thousand years of sleep, why has everything changed?

Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, who had an arrogant personality and even refused to accept the Jade Emperor, actually stood with the human race, and even... even hooked up with the demon race?

And eating roast beef with the Bull Demon King?

"Rebellion against Tiangang, what a shame!" The Locust Exorcist God said with a serious look on his face: "Erlang, you..."

"You called me Erlang too?" Erlang Shen snorted coldly: "In heaven, I don't blame you if you call me Erlang Shen. Outside of heaven, what should you call me?"

"Am I giving you too much face?"

"Now I will just say the last thing, join Daxia, or... die!"

Erlang Shen's eyebrows and three eyes slowly opened. At this moment, his peaceful and peaceful immortal power became violent, and the silver leather was stained with purple violence!

Like a devil or a god!

Erlang Shen's mind was very simple at this time. I've added it, why don't you!

If you don't join, if I keep you, wouldn't you sue me if the gods in heaven wake up in the future?

"You and I..." The God of Locust Exorcism soared into the sky! !

He is loyal to Heaven!


He is not a powerful god in heaven, but a little god in charge of driving away locusts.

And he still just woke up.

How can he defeat the famous general among the gods of heaven?

"wrong answer!"


Erlang Shen's shot fell, and in an instant, the Locust Exorcist was hit to the ground again, unable to move.

"Erlang!" The God of Exorcism Locusts vomited blood, but still gritted his teeth and said: "You are really not afraid that the gods of heaven will wake up in the future. If they know that you have rebelled against heaven..."

Erlang Shen

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His face was gloomy.

This was what he worried about day and night.


"It doesn't matter." Erlang Shen laughed ferociously: "As long as I kill you, no one will know what I am doing now! As long as I kill all the righteous gods in heaven who are unwilling to be with me... I will not be considered a rebel against heaven!"

Perhaps because of the interference of the magic eye, Erlang Shen is now showing a faint tendency to transform into Lu Bu.

The originally majestic God of War in heaven has become despicable and shameless inexplicably...

The Locust Exorcist was speechless for a moment.


The three-pointed two-edged gun was raised high, but at the next moment.

"That's all, Erlang." Lin Fan's voice came from Erlangshen's headset: "Don't kill him yet, he is still useful."

"But this guy doesn't want to..." Erlang Shen's face was tangled.

"You were no better than him at the time." Lin Fan replied without any doubt: "Bring him back and I will talk to him."

"Okay." Erlang Shen nodded, turned the three-pointed two-edged spear into a clap, and swung it down!


The God of Locusts was slapped straight away, slid a thousand meters in the mud, and finally fell into a coma.

"Xiaotian, bring him back." Erlang Shen snorted coldly, "Hurry up and finish, I still have to go to the pet shelter to take care of those cute puppies."

In the ward.

"Well, although the God of Locusts is not strong, he is still a member of the Heavenly Court. If he is killed now, it will be very embarrassing in the future." Jin Lao praised Lin Fan's attitude.

After all, it is only a matter of time for the gods in the Heavenly Court to wake up.

"Oh, it's really troublesome." Lin Fan sighed helplessly, covering his head.

The awakening of the ancestors and the appearance of the gods are certainly good things for Daxia.

But none of these guys are worry-free.

For example, the First Emperor wanted to rebuild the Qin Dynasty as soon as he came up.

But the human race is actually easy to say, after all, the ancestors are all human race, and it is easier to persuade them.

The Demon Alliance is also easy to say, Daji and Bull Demon King, two leader-level demons, are willing to cooperate.

If another great demon awakens in the future, these two can help persuade them.

The main reason is that the demon alliance has no faith. They were suppressed by the Heavenly Court in the past, and it was a great honor for them to be captured by the gods and used as mounts. Now they can live a peaceful life.

But the Heavenly Court... It used to govern the human world!

There may be kind gods, but it is undeniable that some gods just herd the human world and manage the human race as their own livestock.

In the previous life, they were forced to awaken, not out of mercy, but more out of protection for their own pastures and their own cattle and sheep.

It can be said that those who are willing to join Daxia like Erlang Shen are a minority after all.

After all, not every god is like Erlang Shen, with half of the human blood in his body. Gods like Erlang Shen are completely a minority.

Of course, there are also a small number of gods who were born as mortals and promoted in the Heavenly Court, but even among that small number, most of them are not necessarily proud of being mortals.

In the future, more and more gods in heaven will awaken. Seeing that the human race is now the dominant race in the world, there will be a war sooner or later.

A battle between the Daxia human race and the gods in heaven!

These are all problems that have not been exposed in the previous life. After all, the gods invaded in the previous life and were mysterious and rampant. These Eastern gods and Buddhas were forced to awaken forcibly, and basically one of them died.

There is no possibility of rebellion at all.

In this life, with the joint efforts of 140 million human beings, the invasion of the divine world has failed continuously, and the Eastern gods and Buddhas have been able to sleep safely and adequately.

When they began to wake up continuously, it might be the sudden increase in the help of the human race, or it might be a catastrophe that destroyed the human race!

"But no matter what, Daxia will never kowtow again! The gods of the divine world are not allowed, and the gods of Daxia are not allowed!"

"This is the Daxia of my human race!"

"This is the Daxia of my ancestors of Daxia, watered with drops of blood!"

Lin Fan made up his mind.

Whether it is the heaven or the Lingshan.

If the gods of Daxia want to be enemies with the human race... then Lin Fan doesn't mind killing the gods!

If this locust-driving god is willing to agree, it's fine. If he insists on commanding the human race and regaining the majesty of the heaven, Lin Fan doesn't mind hanging the head of the heaven on his own city wall!

Taking his mind off this, Lin Fan looked at Old Chen: "By the way, Old Chen, I have a gift for you."

"What?" Old Chen was stunned.

As Lin Fan spoke, he took out a notebook from his arms.

But before Lin Fan could speak, the notebook in his hand began to shatter the moment it appeared. In less than two seconds, it had turned into powder and drifted away.

Old Chen looked puzzled: "This..."

Lin Fan sighed thoughtfully and said in a complicated way: "Is this why you asked Zilu to recite it... Master, you are worthy of being you, you knew it a long time ago..."

"What Master?" Old Chen frowned slightly.

Lin Fan had no time to explain, and looked at Xingye: "Is Zilu back?"

"We are all back. After all, the Divine Beast Clan did not restrict our freedom." Xingye nodded, "After the battle, we found a secluded place and went home."

"Zilu," Lin Fan picked up the intercom, "Come here."

Not long after. .đź…†.

Zilu walked in, and at Lin Fan's instruction, he picked up a pen and reproduced the notes in full on the notebook.

"Okay, this is it." Lin Fan handed the notebook to Old Chen, "Old Chen, take a look."

Old Chen didn't care at first, just flipped through it casually.

"This research direction overlaps with mine... Well, how to increase the probability of a demigod warrior becoming a god, I have done all these steps..."

"You kid stole my research notes?"

But then, Old Chen's face became solemn.

"Wait, this step... This is exactly the next step that is currently troubling my research group..."

"Oh? So that's how it is, it needs to be synthesized this way..."

The more he looked down, the more Chen frowned, his fingers began to tremble uncontrollably, and his whole body was shaking constantly.

But Chen didn't seem to notice, his eyes were fixed on the notebook, and he kept flipping back.

"So that's how it is..."

"Genius, you can actually think of this step!"

"Next... Yes, high temperature and high pressure..."

The chief scientist seemed to have become a primary school student. He felt the thirst for knowledge and the excitement in his heart all the time. This notebook solved the problem that he had not solved for a long time.

It was as if a giant stretched out his palm and cleared the fog that had troubled him for a long time.

It's hard to imagine what kind of scientific giant this came from!

His eyes showed great excitement and admiration, and he looked at the notes in his hand with a fascination. Until he saw the last page, his face was still full of disbelief.

"What's wrong, what is it written about?" Mr. Jin frowned, but he saw that Mr. Chen didn't seem to hear it. He turned to look at Zilu: "What is it written about? It drove Mr. Chen crazy."

"I don't know." Zilu scratched his head. Although he had memorized it, he had only just skipped to the fifth grade of elementary school.

That is to say, the level of understanding ABCD, I don’t know what those chemical formulas represent... It’s like a bible, how come this letter plus that letter equals another letter?

Fortunately, Zi Lu, a good student, was able to memorize it. The First Emperor is now in the third grade of elementary school. He doesn't even know the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet and has failed all English papers.

Not ashamed of it, but instead holding the map and studying it all day long, sighing that I should have taken more steps to the west if I had known...

It took a long time for Mr. Chen to come back to his senses. He clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Godhead... yes, use Godhead to stimulate the body, and use Divinity to stimulate human nature! I should have thought of it earlier, I should have thought of it earlier!"

"This is the real ladder that allows demi-god warriors to step into the realm of gods. This is the key to breaking the limits of human beings!"

"This, this is the potion that can make my semi-god warriors become gods in large quantities! This is the potion that can directly create gods!"

Mr. Chen lost his usual calmness and grabbed Mr. Jin's shoulders and shouted loudly, as if he was crazy.

Mr. Jin also widened his eyes: "The potion that creates a god?"

"That's right, that's right, the potion that creates a god!"

The two old men seemed crazy, grabbing each other's shoulders and laughing, laughing and shedding tears.

They know how much this potion can change!

This is the confidence to compete head-on with the gods!

"Prepare a plane for me!" Mr. Jin suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie, put on his coat and ran out while shouting: "I want to go to the Eastern Great Wall! I want to tell those brothers that I, Daxia, now have the potion to become a god!"

Lin Fan was stunned, why did Mr. Jin go to the Eastern Great Wall?

But the next moment, Lin Fan fell silent.

Three hundred thousand brothers are buried on the Eastern Great Wall.

Although Daxia is growing very fast now, facing the invasion of gods again and again... the losses are also not small!

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Countless bright smiles, countless young faces, and countless futures carrying infinite possibilities disappeared in the cannon and fire, and were buried under the glory of God.

And now,

This potion will save countless Daxia warriors!

It will make Daxia completely stand on the same starting line as the gods!

Lin Fan did not stop Mr. Jin and said to Mr. Chen: "This potion uses the god's godhead as the core raw material. One god's godhead can produce five."

"Let five demigod warriors become gods."

"This can also allow warriors who have become gods to increase their godhood and gain combat power beyond their current stage, but at the cost of their lives..."

"Five?" Mr. Chen seemed to have not heard the second usage, or he did not want to popularize the second usage. He just said excitedly: "One god's divinity, five gods become gods?"

"We have a lot of abandoned divinities of the God of Winter there!"

"Coupled with the Godhead stored in the Ocean Temple and the Winter Temple, and the chemical level of this thing is not high, using our current production lines in various places... we can mass produce more than 20,000 in a short time!"

Lin Fan nodded: "There is at least a 50% chance of becoming a god directly, and the more god-making projects you have experienced, the higher the rate of becoming a god."

"Eight times to make a god, the rate of becoming a god will reach 100%!"

"100% God!" Mr. Chen was extremely excited. You know, there is nothing else in Daxia except that there are so many people!

They all use the term "one in ten thousand" to describe genius, but even if it is "one in ten thousand", Daxia can still pick out 140,000!

And now, there are 1.2 million demigods in Daxia!

As long as there are eight god-making projects, and as long as the gods have enough divinity, there can really be millions of gods in Daxia, no, even everyone can be a god!

For a moment, Mr. Chen actually hoped that more gods would come, the more the better! It’s best to come to several temples together!

Of course, that's just a thought.

After all, Daxia still needs to grow now.

If several temples really came together... it would be great fun.

But Mr. Chen will not know that his idea will soon come true...

"By the way, there is a sample here. You can take it and study it." Lin Fan handed over the sample.

"This potion..." Mr. Chen held the sample tightly and said with an almost pious expression: "This potion, I would like to call it, the level of ascending to the gods!"

"No, how can I name this medicine! Only the one who develops this medicine is qualified to name it!"

"What is the name of this potion? Who developed it? Can I meet him? I want to communicate with him face to face!"

Mr. Chen looked at Lin Fan. He wanted to know what kind of genius the giant who cleared away his fog was!

That's the person who saved Daxia!

Is it some European laboratory?

Or a certain temple in the God Realm? Or is it a certain plane?

Mr. Chen even wanted to kowtow to that man, not only because of the great effect of the other party's medicine on Daxia, but also because of his admiration for the pioneer!

Looking at Mr. Chen with a yearning look on his face, Lin Fan thought of the lonely and despairing skeleton sitting alone in the laboratory.

He used his persistence to gain a new life in Daxia.

He exchanged his despair for Daxia's hope.

It was clear that Mr. Chen was in front of him, but Lin Fan couldn't help but remember in his heart, "Mr. Chen, go well."

Lin Fan said softly: "This potion is called the Step to the Gods."

"No, I'm talking about his original name. How am I qualified to name it..." Mr. Chen insisted. As a scientific researcher, he has persistence and bottom line on some things that others cannot understand.

"Its original name is the Step to the Gods." Lin Fan repeated again.

"Is it such a coincidence..." Mr. Chen was stunned for a moment, but Lin Fan continued: "As for the person who invented it, I'm afraid you won't be able to communicate face to face."

Mr. Chen was a little disappointed: "Ah, has he already..."

"But if you don't mind it, you can look in the mirror more every day." Lin Fan suddenly said.

It took Mr. Chen two full minutes to react: "What do you mean?"

"The person who invented the stage of ascending to the gods is called Chen Yan, the chief scientific researcher of Daxia." Lin Fan said every word.

"No, this, how could this happen..."

"This is us in the future." Lin Fan said in a serious tone, "I know you may not believe what I say next."

"I've seen the future."

Lin Fan repeated the words he once said when he faced the higher-ups and revealed the arrival of the gods.

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