Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1541: Transformed into a Key Fairy, Torturing Teammates

Lin Fan exhaled and nodded with satisfaction.

Among the 23,000 warriors, 16,500 became gods!

This ratio is obviously more than 50%. Obviously, this is the result of three God Plans and countless battles.

The gene locks in these warriors have long been shaken. With the help of the God-ascending potion, it is naturally easier to become a god.

Those warriors who became gods were also extremely excited.

"Haha, commander-in-chief, we did it!"

"Congratulations to all the gods!" Lin Fan picked up the microphone and smiled at these new gods who exuded divine power: "On behalf of Daxia, thank you all for sticking to the end!"

"You are all great!"

"But as I said, in Daxia, gods are also people! There are no real gods in Daxia!"

"I know that after becoming a god, you suddenly gain powerful power and it is inevitable to swell. But don't think that becoming a god is noble. If you break the law, you will still be punished. Becoming a god in Daxia does not mean being high and mighty, but it means a higher chance of death!"

"Next, your procedures will change and you will be directly incorporated into the Daxia God Corps. What awaits you is more difficult training and more terrifying training!"

"Your predecessors will take good care of you!"

As soon as these words came out, the old members of the Daxia God Corps who had already become gods and whose strength had already reached the fourth, fifth, or even sixth and seventh level intermediate gods, smiled kindly at these new gods from a distance, pinched their wrists, and waved to say hello.

After they became gods, they were trained by the commander-in-chief and the gods of Daxia.

Some of the more arrogant ones who became gods were already convinced by the hot-tempered brothers such as Zilu and Baiqi.

Now there are finally new people!

"Don't worry, commander-in-chief, I promise to train them well!"

"They are all family members, of course we have to take good care of them and help them improve their strength! Hehe!"

"Hehe, commander-in-chief, don't worry! Don't worry, they won't feel noble just because they become gods... Hehehe, we will let them recognize their own identities."

"With us here, they can't get arrogant!"

"I promise there will be no rebellious period!"

"When I just became a god, I was arrogant and wanted the old squad leader to polish my shoes. Brother Wang Hu beat me directly as a sandbag... Hehe, now it's time to show you how powerful Xingyiquan is!"

The new gods who were originally full of confidence because of becoming gods gradually put away their smiles when they looked at those kind brothers with ferocious smiles.

The smile will not disappear, it will only shift.

Just like Fan Jin's success in the imperial examination, every industry has a period of expansion for newcomers.

It is inevitable to expand when you suddenly become a god, and most of them will enter a period of expansion for new gods.

I have become a god, and you still treat me as a normal person?

But at this moment, their hearts that had just expanded suddenly became humble.

It seems that what the commander-in-chief said is really right... Even if the warriors of Daxia become gods, they are not noble gods!

Just now, among the warriors who gained powerful power after becoming gods, there was a warrior who was so inflated that he directly greeted the old squad leader who failed to become a god: "Squad leader, you didn't become a god, haha, come and wash my clothes tonight!"

As a result, he immediately said: "Old squad leader, I spoke too loudly just now, please, don't complain, I will go over to wash your clothes tonight, and wash your feet and shoes! I kneel down and kowtow to you!"

But the squad leader was too lazy to look at him, just standing there with a lonely face.

All the failed warriors looked lonely.

After all, they were the ones who were selected and most likely to become gods.

Either they have a long career and countless military exploits, or they are extremely talented.

And everyone has also gone through the three trials of the God-Forging Plan.

Lin Fan sighed: "Those who failed, I know you are unwilling, but there is no way, the fact is like this."

"There are successes and failures. It is impossible for all to become gods in the first god-making ceremony."

"In fact, this ratio is already very high. You have all worked hard and done very well."

"Please accept the reality. Since you have failed, don't be too depressed or desperate."

Lin Fan comforted, but the effect was not great.

The soldiers were still full of grief, and some even cried.

After all, everyone has been looking forward to it for so long, and has worked hard for it for so long. They are all specially selected and carry everyone's hope and trust.

The young soldier Li Sanyong sat on the ground dejectedly, his eyes lonely.

Yesterday, he ran to the commander-in-chief to protest, saying that the children of the fallen soldiers were not afraid of death, and they also wanted to participate in the God-Forging Plan.

The result.

Hey, failed.

He directly hindered Daxia and wasted a step that could allow a demigod to become a god.


But more of it was guilt and disappointment.

He remembered that his father was killed by a sea beast. He witnessed it with his own eyes during the live broadcast. His father roared and stuffed a grenade into the sea beast's mouth, and half of his body turned into meat paste.

He remembered his eldest brother, as an early member of the God Killing Army, fighting a sea beast in hand-to-hand combat, and was eventually cut in half from top to bottom by a swordfish warrior.

He remembered his second brother, in the battle with Poseidon, when he was fighting two sea beasts, he was hit by a whale warrior with all his strength, and finally only found one leg.

This is blood revenge!

After joining the God Killing Army, he trained hard, repeated the God Casting Plan crazily, and endured hardships, just to achieve a god and avenge his father and brothers.

He dreamed of the scene where the blood of his father and brother was spilled in the glory, and the body was broken in the wail.

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And the scene where he slashed the god with his sword, cutting the glorious figure in half.

But now, before he has achieved any military exploits, Daxia has directly lost a step to ascend to the gods.

I could have not participated, I could have prevented Daxia from losing a step to ascend to the gods!

I could have given Daxia one more god-like person! To put it bluntly, I relied on the achievements that I and my brother had made in exchange for their lives to snatch a place as a warrior who might have become a god!

If a comrade dies on the battlefield in the future, part of his blood will be shed because of himself!

He seemed to see his father, covered in blood, cursing at him angrily, seeing the eldest brother with two halves of his body pointing at his nose, and seeing the second brother with one missing leg looking at him angrily.

"You beast!"

"Who are you worthy of?"

"You still went to protest, and you used the merits we gained with our lives to force the commander-in-chief to let you use the back door. You still think you are great!"

"You still think you are different, you still think you are powerful! Who are you worthy of!"

"Dad, brother, stop talking, stop talking!" Li Sanyong almost collapsed and couldn't even stand up. He beat the ground sadly: "I tried hard, I really tried hard, but I failed! I don't want to If you fail, I also want to become a god! I also want to take revenge on you!”

His heart was filled with grief and despair, and he could not bear the blow of failure to become a god.

Several soldiers who had also failed on the side quickly went up to comfort them: "Brother, be strong. I know you are sad, but it's not that bad. I'm not a god either. Let's work hard in the future. There will definitely be opportunities in the future..."

The words were not spoken yet.


There was a soft sound.


A powerful aura soared into the sky, fluctuations of divine power swept out, and a god-like beam of light rose into the sky!

The godhead of "Knife" shines!

There was silence.

"Brother, please stop crying." A soldier who came to comfort him patted Li Sanyong in a crying tone.

Li Sanyong was surrounded by divine power, waving his hands and saying: "Don't comfort me, who am I worthy of? Even if this happens, I won't even become a god..."

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying...Oh, you are done."

"Don't be kidding, I failed. I know you want to comfort me, but... eh?" Li Sanyong cried twice, suddenly stunned for a moment, looked at the godhead behind him, then looked at his hands, feeling the A powerful breath.

"I...I seem to have become a god."

"Brother, you don't need to comfort me. I'm done, haha, I'm done!" Li Sanyong wiped his tears, stood up and smiled through his tears, quite like Fan Jin's success.

The soldiers who also failed on the side looked sad. Originally, they could still withstand the loneliness caused by failure, but now their defenses were completely broken.

"No, I'm just going to comfort you. Why the hell did you really become this!"

"I said there would be a chance in the future. I didn't tell you that there would be a chance in two seconds! Not in this future!"

"What the hell, I'm still here comforting you! I'm fucking comforting you!"

"I am comforting you to make you feel better, not to make you a god, buddy!"

"No, I can't hold myself any longer, wuwuwu!"

I am afraid that my brother will have a hard time, but I am even more afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

The failure of a friend is sad, but the success of a friend is even sadder.

Seeing with their own eyes that their comrades who had failed like themselves suddenly became gods, these soldiers who came to comfort them felt even more uncomfortable than their own failure just now.

"Brother, be strong, I know you are sad..." Li Sanyong was not very good at comforting others, so he could only imitate the other person's previous comforting words and speak familiar words.

Reverse comfort belongs to yes.

"Oh, oh, oh, don't say anything about my comfort to you. I beg you to stay away from me. Are you a devil..." A soldier cried with tears on his face.

The result is the next moment.



Become a god!

"Oh, I have become a god too?" The warrior looked at the divine power bursting out of his body in confusion, "This... Haha, brothers, you are uncomfortable first, and I will not be uncomfortable. I will comfort you."

The other defeated warriors cried even harder.

Li Sanyong was silent for a moment, thinking to himself, could this comforting formula be the formula to become a god?

He tentatively walked towards another grieving soldier and said slowly: "Brother, be strong..."

the other side.

Lin Fan just finished saying, "Please accept the reality. Since you have failed, don't be too depressed or desperate." He also thought that the comfort was ineffective, and why were these soldiers becoming more and more uncomfortable.

Just before his eyes he saw several beams of light rising into the sky.

Even with the appearance of this divine light pillar, as the failed and successful warriors like Li Sanyong began to comfort each other, those failed warriors became more and more painful, and more light pillars appeared.

Lin Fan: "..."

Is this despicable Shura himself too kind?

That's easy to handle.

If it can’t be comforted, then it won’t be comforted!

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then took the microphone and cursed loudly: "You trash, who can you deserve? You waste a potion to become a god. Do you know how precious this potion is! One hundred and forty million people are counting on you trash?"

"You still want to become a god, and still want to fight with gods, I'm ##@#@, even if I give you a chance, it's useless, I'll fuck you

# ¥¥%, I'm fighting hard outside, you rubbish ##¥ # %, you deserve to have your relatives and friends killed by gods, you deserve to be..."

Not only did he not comfort her, but he started to scold her, his little mouth was chattering, and his tongue was eloquent.

Who said that the human race has no key emperor.

I became a key fairy with Shura!

For a while, listening to the commander-in-chief's scolding, the soldiers who were already sad because of the failure to become gods became more uncomfortable and ashamed.

Despicable Shura, likes to torture teammates the most.

When it comes to torturing teammates, I, Lin Fan, am a professional!

"Commander-in-chief, why are you talking like that? They also want to become gods in their hearts. It's not their fault. You can't scold them like that..." Chique on the side hurriedly comforted him, but looking at the bursts of light, Chique was stunned for a moment and said excitedly: "33,213, 33,225! 33,252... Commander-in-chief, scold them more harshly! Scold them to death! If it doesn't work, I'll do it!"

The people in the audience were angry at first, saying why the commander-in-chief was still scolding people and helping to speak.

"Commander-in-chief, you are too harsh."

"That's right, they have also experienced a life-and-death battle. They are not afraid of death for Daxia, but there is really no way."

"Didn't you say that this is all a probability. They are just unlucky today. It's not their fault. Just take it slowly in the future."

"That's right... um? Wait? It seems that there is another god... hiss, it seems that the more you scold, the more you scold..."

"How about we come too?"

Key here!

The people were silent for a moment, then followed Lin Fan and transformed into the Great Xia Key Fairy, and started to curse.


"That's right, we trusted you so much, but you..."

"What a demigod carefully selected by the God Killing Army, you are not as good as my pigs! It's a waste to feed you! Are you worthy of your parents!"

"Don't go home tonight, I don't have a son like you!" A soldier's mother gritted her teeth and said, "Unfortunate for my family! Today I will sever the mother-son relationship with you!"

The audience watching the live broadcast also took out the keyboard magic tools, transformed into elegant pianists, and began to play beautiful piano music.

Key Fairy starts the key formation!

There are three million key fairies on the land of Great Xia, and the curses resounded for three thousand miles, and the rolling key energy was like the water of the Yellow River coming from the sky.

How is the key art of the people of Great Xia?

The key art is all-powerful!

This is a traditional reserved project, which has never been cut off even for a thousand years. After five thousand years of inheritance, the source of the Great Xia key art has been passed down and the old has been introduced. Even a random old lady can master extremely profound skills in keyboard skills, looking down on the sky and looking down on gods.

If it is a competition of keyboard skills, ten God Realms are not enough for Daxia to spray.

Of course, Lin Fan, who was born in the sweet home of Zuan and has parents in Zuan, is the leader of keyboard immortals.

Sword God Zhang Feng whispered: "What a terrifying keyboard energy!"

Guan Erye slightly opened his eyes: "Back then, Mr. Wolong debated with scholars, scolded Situ Wanglang to death, and sprayed Dongwu Zhou Yu to death... and now, Mr. Wolong's way is widely spread! Mr. Wolong, this prosperous age is what you wish for!"

The main character is that everyone is eloquent.

"Despicable!" Xingye looked at Lin Fan, who was leading the spraying, with a helpless look.

The warrior was sad because of the failure of becoming a god, but you didn't comfort him, but sprayed him?

After speaking, Xingye said to Shang Weitian: "Record it, record it all, whoever breaks through to the semi-god realm in the future, let him listen to this!"

The pressure belongs to pure torture of teammates.

Shang Weitian: "..."

You still say Lin Fan is mean?

You are the Shura God!

These Great Xia gods who followed Lin Fan seem to have learned bad things!

While recording, Shang Weitian thought about providing these tapes to the European semi-gods for a fee...well, helping friendly forces grow, and earning another batch of military funds.

I am still kind.

Lin Fan cursed for half an hour, and his mouth was dry.

The number of gods finally stopped at 34,000.

This despicable and evil Shura brought 140 million citizens and cursed out 1,000 gods with the posture of the Supreme Key Immortal.

Very reasonable.


From today, there are 34,000 gods in Daxia!

And the remaining warriors who have not yet become gods were all scolded by the monstrous scolding, and their faces were flushed and tears were streaming down their faces.

After all, it was the scolding and disappointed eyes of 140 million people.

This scolding from their family made them feel more uncomfortable than dying in the hands of gods. Just an hour ago, they were still carrying everyone's hopes, like heroes waiting to go to war.

And under this violent emotional ups and downs, although they still haven't become gods, the gene locks in their bodies have been greatly shaken, and there are faint divine power fluctuations.

"Okay." Lin Fan suddenly raised his right hand.

Everyone fell silent.

"I'm sorry, brothers, although I scolded you just now, I didn't mean to scold you." Lin Fan bowed and apologized: "It's just to help you become gods, I'm sorry."

"Blame me if you want to blame, anyway, I don't feel guilty... cough cough, anyway, you are all great! The reason why you can't become gods is not your fault, it's just luck. This is a probability!"

"If it's so easy to become a god, then the gods would have died long ago!"

"You have done a good job, this probability has exceeded expectations!"

The people who had been cold and scolding before also laughed and said: "I'm sorry, brothers!"

"You are all great!"

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\u003e"We are just helping the commander-in-chief to help you become gods! Don't think too much, I'm sorry brothers,"

"I'm sorry, you are all great, we all know that failure is not your fault!"

"Child, don't be sad, I will kill the pig at home tonight and give you meat to eat!"

"Child, I will always be your mother!"

The failed soldiers: "..."

The authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. These soldiers just reacted and looked at those compatriots with bright smiles. They felt helpless and cute at the same time.

Of course, it was even more sad... It turned out that so many people believed in me until the last moment and helped me. I carried so much hope, but I didn't succeed.

"They believed in me so much, even if I failed, they believed in me and helped me, but I couldn't become a god. I am just a waste..." Some soldiers clenched their fists and shed tears.


The heart was moved, and the emotions fluctuated violently again. For a while, more than a dozen people became gods.

Lin Fan nodded. It was almost done. He was already tortured to the extreme. His emotions were also stretched to the limit.

Thirty-four thousand.

Among the twenty-three thousand soldiers, seventeen thousand five hundred became gods!

Reaching a terrifying probability of about seventy-five percent!

This was not only the result of three god-building plans and many battles, but also the hard training of these soldiers day and night, and the gradual development of their potential!

As long as there are five more god-building plans, everyone can become a god!

Lin Fan looked up at the sky, looking at the blurred figures emitting glory.

It was a bit embarrassing to say that before this, although he, the commander-in-chief, did not look at the surface of fearlessness of gods and shouting for war and killing, in fact, he always suppressed a trace of fear of gods in his heart.

He had seen the broken future and knew how powerful these gods were.

That was the fear from the heart, the fear from the depths of the soul.

But now, he is no longer afraid!

The human race has turned the key to becoming a god and opened the door to becoming a god.

This is not a rare accidental godhood, but a real, large-scale canonization of gods!

The weak human race climbed the unreachable ladder with wisdom and persistence, and smashed the door that separated humans from gods.

"God, now it's your turn to be afraid."

"Come on."


"Provide more steps to the gods for the Daxia people, and become the nutrients for Daxia, until everyone in Daxia becomes a god!"

Until Daxia, everyone becomes a god!

By then, let's see who invades whom! Let's see who is noble!

By then, all the noble gods will build Daxia for me, and they will be refrigerators, fertilizers, excavators, and generators!

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Fan cleared his throat: "Congratulations to the brothers who have become gods, you will be incorporated into the Gods' Legion."

"But I also remind you that you will fight directly with the gods."

"You will face the gods directly!"

"Your chance of death will be greatly increased! Don't blame me for not reminding you, on the battlefield, you will die in front of the soldiers who have not yet become gods, you will die before the city walls collapse, and you will die more than the soldiers who have not become gods!"

What responded to Lin Fan was a roar of rage: "We are not afraid!"

"If you are afraid of death, why don't you just become a ghost! Damn it, just die!"

"Haha, face the gods directly, if there really is such a day, killing one will not be a loss, and two will be a blood profit!"

"To die for the country is what a real man does, fortunately!"

This terrifying morale of facing death with indifference, even Xiang Yu's eyes were shocked: "Live as a hero, die as a hero Ghost heroes. These warriors, if placed two thousand years ago, everyone could be called the overlord! "

Lin Fan smiled, and then said: "As for the failed warriors, don't be sad. "

"Your bodies have been washed by divinity, and now the divinity is hidden in your body, just waiting for an opportunity to revive. "

"By then, you will directly become a god!"

"Your chance of becoming a god has been infinitely improved! As long as you continue to train, fight, and challenge your limits, you can awaken the divinity in your body and achieve the body of a god!"

"Moreover, as long as you go through the God-casting Plan eight times, you will 100% break the limit, awaken the divinity, and become a god in the flesh!"

"Now, you just need to work hard, sweat and bleed! Sooner or later, you will become a god!"

Until hearing what Lin Fan said, those failed warriors were no longer lost. They raised their heads, and their eyes were burning with fire again.


"Great, we still have a chance to become a god! And the chance is great!"

"Let's go!"

"I'm going to the Great Wall of Steel tonight. I'm most afraid of water. I shiver every time. I'm going to jump fifty times tonight!"

"Li Laoer, don't be crazy. Wait for me in our God Legion. I will definitely find you! I will be your squad leader then! You want me to shine my shoes. When I go there, I will ask you to shine my shoes, wash my clothes and fold my quilts every day!"

"Hehe, okay, then I won't wait. I happen to be the God of the Ocean. I'll give you something exciting tonight. Don't do a 500-meter dive. Let's do a 1,000-meter dive directly to help you become a god!"

"Ah, this..."

The warriors who were disappointed because of the failure to become gods are full of fighting spirit again.

Except for an old soldier who had to experience a 1,000-meter dive because he was too motivated.


Six thousand two hundred words.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow. I’ll try to write as much as I can when I have time.

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