Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 156 Let’s try it!

Xinjinshan City is roaring with sea water.

A figure was carried by the huge waves and walked safely. His whole body exuded sacred light, dazzling and noble.

Next to him were roaring waves and half of the collapsed building.

Human corpses and broken cars were floating, and sea beasts were roaring and surging.

Suddenly, I seemed to notice something.

He looked up to the sky, where a steel goshawk spread its white wings and roared into the sky.

"Want to leave?" He smiled coldly, as if he wanted to reach out his hand, but after thinking about it, he withdrew his gaze.

Those hundreds of people are not important.

Now, the most important thing to him is...

The god walking on the waves raised his head and looked towards the deeper land, where there were more lands and potential believers waiting for him to conquer.

"You are all mine."

And the other side.

The capital of the Free State, in the white palace that symbolizes supreme power.

The richly decorated room had soft carpets and a fire crackled in the fireplace.

"Has all the information on the Internet been blocked?!" The leader of the Free Country slapped the table and stood up, his fat body panting: "Quickly block it!"

The assistant on the side quickly said: "It has been blocked. All signal towers within a hundred kilometers of the west coast have been closed. There are no new videos uploaded."

"Yes, well done. The most urgent task now is to delete all the videos that have been uploaded to avoid causing greater panic and affecting the economy!" The fat face of the first leader of the Free Country was extremely determined, "Also, are those important people Evacuated safely!"

"After the hard work of the soldiers, they all evacuated safely!"

"Huh..." the leader of the Free Country slowly exhaled, "That's fine, that's fine... As long as those important people are still there, that's fine."

The assistant couldn't bear it: "Those ordinary people..."

"Ordinary mean those ordinary people who pay taxes for us, work for important people throughout their lives, and the rewards they receive immediately become new profits for important people, and they spend their entire lives creating benefits for important people? "The leader of the Free Country said this and said calmly: "We in the Free Country believe in them, and they will definitely overcome the difficulties!"

The assistant hesitated for a moment, then said with complicated eyes: "But we had a chance..."

"What? You mean, let us build a city wall like Daxia?" The leader of the Free Country slapped the table: "Are you crazy?"

"Do you really think that I don't know what Daxia said is true?"

"But do you know how much resources Daxia consumed and how much economy it lost in order to build that city wall?"

"Their economic development has lagged far behind ours in these three months! They put all their energy on the city walls!"

"Don't you have any brains? God kills civilians, but we in the Free Country have no shortage of people without jobs! As long as those important people are still there, we will still recruit new workers! You know, building a steel Great Wall requires How much money will it cost?"

For a moment, the assistant was speechless.

The leader of the Free State lit a cigarette, exhaled slowly, and sat relaxed on the chair: "Now that the important people have evacuated, what happens next..."

"Jingle Bell!"

The phone on the table suddenly rang.

The leader of the Free State stood up quickly, bent down respectfully to answer the phone, and said with a smile: "You are..."

"The person you are speaking to is Jishihui, Council No. 3."

A cold voice came from the microphone.

As soon as these words came out, the leader of the Free Country sweated slightly.

"What are your orders?" the leader of the Free Country said respectfully.

A cold voice came from the phone: "Have you figured out what to do next?"

The leader of the Free Country hesitated slightly: "I... can probably know."

Councilor No. 3 on the microphone said coldly: "You know, why don't you do it yet?"

The leader of the Free Nation looked hesitant: "If that happens, the impact will be very bad. In the next election, I will probably..."

"What are you afraid of!" Councilor No. 3 reprimanded loudly: "You are the leader, you have the right to do that!"

"Every second you hesitate, do you know how much of our land is swallowed up by the sea, how many civilians are killed, and how many buildings are destroyed?"

"Xinjinshan City has fallen, do you want more cities to fall?"

"Do you know how much money we lose every second?"

The leader of the Free Country took a deep breath: "You mean..."

"Now, release the nuclear bomb immediately!" Councilor No. 3 said coldly: "There is no need to worry, and the number of nuclear bombs does not need to be calculated conservatively. You just need to remember to kill that god with one blow!"

"Otherwise, every second, we will lose huge economic losses! If this continues, important people like us will not even have a place to hide, and those ordinary people who work for us and create profits will also be gone!"

"Hurry up! If we really suffer huge losses, I think it's time for you, the leader, to finish!"

"Yes!" The leader of the Free Country straightened his back.

But then.

"Wait a minute." Councilor No. 3 was silent for two seconds and suddenly laughed: "Actually, there is no need to kill..."

"You just need to injure that god so that he doesn't dare to invade again."

"In that case, he will run to the other side of the ocean. Haha, I heard that the war in Daxia is fierce now... How about we give those Daxia people another surprise."

"After all, Daxia is well prepared. Haha, if we are just allowed to bear these losses, it would be too uneconomical for us..."

The laughter was dark and chilling.

"Are you going to drive him to Daxia?" The leader of the Free Nation breathed slightly, "You are really as wise as the legend! In this case, although our economic development has been delayed by this crisis, they will not Think better of it!"

A soft laughter came from the phone: "In this case, you can bring the conflict to Daxia. I heard that Daxia also kidnapped our citizens..."

"With this incident, and the fact that Daxia has also been hit hard by the gods, you won't lose your support, and with the help of our Jishi Association..."

"As long as you do a good job, in the next election, I can guarantee you that you will still be the leader of the free country."

"Okay, go and deal with it."


The phone has been hung up, but the threatening voice still seems to be echoing.

"Yes!" The leader of the Free State shouted loudly, and then dialed the phone again: "Military Base No. 1?"

"Sir, what are your orders?"

The leader of the Free State said coldly: "What is the specific situation?"

"The seawater has entered 85 kilometers of the west coast. It has currently lost 400,000 square kilometers of land and affected 15 million people. Their lives and deaths are unknown... The gods are currently coercing the seawater and sea beasts to move forward at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. The speed is extremely fast. !”

The leader of the Free State asked bluntly: "How many nuclear bombs would be needed to kill gods?"

"Nuclear bomb?!" The people at the military base were shocked. "You, you mean, use nuclear weapons..."

"You have to know that once nuclear weapons are used, those who are still alive will die..."

"And because of the high-speed movement of the god, we must cover a large area. This cannot be achieved by one or two nuclear bombs. Counting the flight time of the nuclear bombs, we must at least... cover the entire west coast of 200 kilometers!"

"This requires at least a thousand nuclear bombs!"

"In this way, we will lose millions of square kilometers of land, even those people who are not affected by the sea, those who still have a chance to escape..."

Nuclear weapons are always a double-edged sword!

While it can effectively kill the gods, it will also directly cause the original land to become barren, making it impossible for humans to set foot on it, and causing nuclear pollution to spread.

It will even lead to... a large number of innocent people, before they die in the waves, they have already died from weapons invented by humans themselves that are supposed to protect humans!

At this point, even the personnel at the military base tightened their voices: "First Officer, please give us time, our troops are gathering, and our soldiers of the Free State are willing to try!"

"What are you trying to do? Do you know how much economy we lose every second?" The Free Nation's throne reprimanded in a cold voice: "The time you spent gathering together has caused so much damage!"

"Also, even if you gather together and use armed force to barely kill those sea beasts and gods, how much military expenditure will you spend and how many people will you use to block the sea water?"

"You are different from those workers. Every time one of you soldiers dies, the official will have to compensate you one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand free coins!"

"The shells you fired, the damaged fighter planes, and scrapped combat vehicles are all money!"

"What's more, we don't have the Great Steel Wall, and that thing would be more expensive to build!"

"In the face of danger, how can we let you warriors go on the field!"

"As for those workers, let them die. They don't need compensation from us anyway. We still have more unemployed people waiting to be hired!"

The voice of the leader of the Free State was cold and rational.

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