Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 168: God’s Head Hanging on the City Gate

Kameda Kuniza's heart felt cold and he said blankly: "You..."

Zhang Maocai suddenly smiled: "Haha, don't get me wrong, I, Daxia, are still very friendly. I refuse to help you this time. It's really because I, Daxia, have limited national power, and I just want to protect myself!"

After saying that, Guozhao hung up the phone directly.

He walked to the window and looked at the endless land of Daxia behind the city wall.

"What a beautiful place."

Beautiful mountains and rivers, great rivers and mountains.

This is a place that countless ancestors of Daxia have shed blood and defended to the death!

The invasion that year had been repelled by the Daxia people with their blood and lives.

Now, facing the gods, Daxia people must defend them with their blood and lives!

Daxia's national power is limited, and in the face of the gods, it only wants to protect this land.

It doesn't matter if it's the Great Wall of Steel, it doesn't matter if it's 50 million soldiers, it doesn't matter if it's the disciples fighting for the country.

It's all just to protect this land.

This is the home of Daxia people for five thousand years!

It is a home that countless ancestors have shed blood and sacrificed for!

Those citizens of the Free Country could not understand why the people of Daxia were so united in building such a giant thing as the Great Steel Wall, and why they were able to abandon their families and careers and stand on the Great Wall with guns in hand.

Aren’t Daxia people afraid of death?

Daxia people are afraid of death!

However, what Daxia people are more afraid of is the feeling of being invaded, enslaved, deprived of their homeland, and deprived of everything!

Daxia woke up, grew and became stronger under the iron heel of the invaders!

The shame of being invaded and the lessons of blood and tears are buried in the bones of every Daxia person.

This is a memory engraved in the blood of Daxia people, passed down from generation to generation, and serving as a warning to every Daxia person.

The sufferings of the past made Daxia people suffer, but also made Daxia people tough, unafraid of life and death, and steadfast and willing to work.

I would rather die than be invaded again!

I would rather die than be a slave to the subjugation of my country!

I would rather die than taste the taste of being displaced again, and don't ever see my home trampled by invaders!

Therefore, Daxia fought off the invaders one by one and stands tall today, roaring like a lion.

Therefore, even when faced with gods, Daxia will never give in!

The assistant on the side muttered: "The leader of the Kameda Kingdom is really proud. How many of our ancestors died under their guns because of their bloodshed. On weekdays, they help the Free State wave the flag and cheer against us... Oh, now we are facing The invasion of stronger gods, these former invaders actually asked us to put down our hatred, leave our own family alone, and help them? Didn't we go find their free father?"

"Do you really think we are so forgetful? You still say that the past is in the past, even they have forgotten... How shameless!"

The assistant's face was full of anger.

Looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of him, Zhang Maocai sighed: "Maybe it's because they haven't tasted being invaded and haven't felt the hatred."

But let’s be honest.

The decision of the State Council is not actually due to historical reasons between the two countries.

Even if Daxia's national strength is sufficient and a random soldier can kill a god, then from the perspective of all mankind, the government will endure nausea and send troops to help Kameda Kingdom.

after all.

The people of Kameda Kingdom's generation are also innocent in a sense.

It is true that the pressure brought by the gods on Daxia is too great and cannot be distracted from helping other countries.

time flies.

On the Great Steel Wall, soldiers lay casually, snoring in the cold sea breeze.

The disciples closed their eyes and crossed their legs, working with the God-killing Army to perform the God-killing and Demon-Slaying Technique to quickly restore the strength within their bodies.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged at the front of the city wall with Military God Situ Hong and Sword God Zhang Feng, with the god's corpse between them.

On the corpse of the god, there was still a third level of divine power.

The three of them had suffered a huge loss in the previous battle, and they could only rely on the remaining divine power on the corpse of the third-order ocean god to quickly recover at this time.

"The three of us, in this state, may be a little reluctant to deal with a third-level god." Zhang Feng's tone was a little bitter.

Although there are three gods in Daxia this time, these three are only first-level gods.

Lin Fan comforted him softly: "Don't be nervous, we all survived the most difficult times."

"And we're not the only ones fighting side by side this time."

Behind Lin Fan, the dark shadow stood calmly and solemnly, like the most loyal slave.

Zhang Feng nodded slightly, but heard Lin Fan continue: "Besides, that guy has been sleeping for so long, it's time for him to wake up..."

"Who?" Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment.

Lin Fan said softly: "It's okay. Let's recover with all our heart. This is all we can do now. Also, show more confidence. After all... they are watching us."

Zhang Feng paused slightly, as if he understood something, and a confident smile appeared on his lips.

The surrounding soldiers looked at the three men from time to time.

Daxia, on this day, three gods appeared!

These three gods are the trump card against the invading gods!

Their performance was always noticed by the soldiers around them, especially Lin Fan, who was the commander-in-chief and had shown his prowess in the battle just now.

At this time, Shura God Lin Fan, Daxia Military God Situ Hong and Daxia Sword God Zhang Feng are the backbone of Daxia!

Even if you feel uneasy, you must hold on!

At this moment, seeing the expressions of the three people relax, the soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

The clock is ticking.

"The gods are two hundred kilometers away!" Mr. Chen's voice appeared in the headsets of Mr. Jin, Lin Fan and others, and said loudly: "We expect to arrive at the battlefield within twenty minutes!"


Mr. Jin, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up and shouted loudly through all communication equipment: "Everyone is on alert and entering combat mode!"

The soldiers who were still snoring a second ago jumped up from the ground the moment the siren sounded, and came to the fighting position with guns in hand.

As if he was not tired at all, his eyes were sharp, staring at the distant sea.

In fact, everyone was exhausted to the extreme, and all the muscles in their body were showing signs of being overwhelmed.

The battlefield is always the most energy-consuming.

Many people work for eight hours, fishing and paddling during this period, but when they get home, they are so tired that they lie down directly. On the battlefield, every second is in a state of high emotional tension, and even the feeling of hunger will be masked by adrenaline. .

Every second is life and death, screaming.

Two hours in this state is enough to exhaust an energetic person.

And the last battle has lasted for a day and a night!

But even if they are tired, they cannot retreat and must keep up their spirits.

They know that this is a battle related to the survival of Daxia!

The muzzle of the gun pointed directly at the sea again, and the ammunition around the soldiers had been refilled during the rest period, ready to open fire at any time!

The four-thousand-mile-long dragon bared its fangs and roared again!

Chilling, silent.

The sea surface is also very calm, with gentle undulations as far as the eye can see.

This is the calm before the storm.


There was a faint sound of surging waves, and the surging waves could be seen faintly on the sea in the distance!

"The last five minutes!" Mr. Jin shouted loudly: "Get ready to fight!"

Lin Fan, Situ Hong, and Zhang Feng also slowly stood up.

Looking at the charging god, the three of them rose into the sky.

Stand in front of the city wall!

Three gods versus gods!

They seemed to be part of the Great Steel Wall, as if as long as they were there, the gods could not break in!

Standing outside the Great Steel Wall, Lin Fan raised the Shura Sword in his hand.


"It is my lifelong honor, Lin Fan, to fight side by side with you all!"

"Please, everyone, follow me to kill the gods with my sword! Guard Daxia!"

Lin Fan's voice echoed loudly!

Fifty million strong men roared loudly: "Kill!"



The momentum is soaring!

This roar echoed above the sea surface, and even the huge waves rolling in from the depths of the ocean seemed to be suppressed.

"Flag sacrifice!" Lin Fan shouted again.

The shadow behind him flicked violently, and a bloody head emitting holy light was hung high on the city wall flag!

The red flag flutters in the wind, and beneath it is the head of the dead god!

The head of the god hangs on the city gate!

Some words can be expressed without having to speak.

The meaning of this move is self-evident!

This land is called Daxia.

Anyone who offends our country, even if he is a god, will be killed for you!

"Do you still dare to come?!" Lin Fan turned his head and looked into the depths of the ocean, his sword aura rising to the sky.

Faintly visible, a figure emitting holy light was walking on the waves, lifted up by the huge waves.

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