Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 2 You can take my words as God’s prophecy

"The two third-level ocean gods are extremely weak among the gods. They are just low-level gods. They entered this plane by mistake. But even so, the battle still lasted for more than two months. , causing huge casualties.”

"One comes to Great Xia, and the other comes to the free country of the west."

Daxia and the Free State were both top powers with powerful military forces, but they never expected that a god would come, let alone how extraordinary the power of the god was.

Although they all survived with nuclear weapons in the end, the two ocean gods escaped back to the Ocean Temple.

Since then, the gods in the divine world have learned the plane coordinates of this blue star plane that was once forgotten and even feared.

An independent plane with six billion potential believers that has not yet been occupied by a god is the coveted fat for any god.

Six billion believers.

What a terrifying amount.

The entire Blue Star is such a vast divine domain.

This is enough for dozens of demigods to become high-level gods along the way, and is even very attractive to high-level gods.

Those gods were even more surprised to find that the gods who once protected this world were dead.

From that day on, this land that was once forgotten by the gods was once again remembered by the gods.

One by one, gods led their own religious races to descend from the sky, and one by one, demons crawled out of the abyss.

The gods ask humans to sacrifice their souls and become emotionless believers to serve themselves.

The devil tricks humans into signing a contract and becoming the devil's apostle.

From that day on, mankind learned a cruel truth. It turns out that God is not as kind as the legend.

After witnessing the tragic death of his relatives and friends, Lin Fan, who survived, resolutely joined the Great Xia Alliance Army.

In those battles, Lin Fan lived and died step by step, every inch of his blood was printed, and he became one of the five patron saints of Daxia with every strike of his sword, and he was also the last one to survive.

Carrying six stars on his shoulders, he became the only six-star holy general who was superior to the five-star golden generals, and was named the God of War in Great Xia!

As the supreme commander-in-chief of the Asian League, the position of commander-in-chief!

He is also one of the few human beings who has become a god in the flesh. His god name is Shura, and he has the priesthood of Shura God. He has the strength of a fifteenth-level high-ranking god!

With a Shura sword stained with the blood of countless gods, it can even stand up to Apollo, the God of the Sun!

He even pushed against all opinions and single-handedly pushed Daxia to build countless incredible and shocking projects.

There is the Great Steel Wall to fight against Poseidon, the god of the ocean, and there is an underground furnace to fight against Amoni, the god of winter. In order to fight against the sun god Apollo, Tibet was even hollowed out and an underground city group was built.

With these incredible constructions, the people of Daxia withstood rising tides, cold winters, and even solar explosions, becoming the hope of mankind that persisted until the end!

"But now."

"I'm still too weak!"

"I alone am not enough to change everything. This matter must be told to the higher-ups as soon as possible!"

Lin Fan took a deep breath of the cold winter air and ran back home without caring about the teacher chasing after him.

Father Lin and Mother Lin were sitting on the sofa watching TV, looking at the news broadcast on the TV with some confusion.

"According to our reporter, a large number of Buddha statues in the temple in Sacheng were broken into pieces. Experts judged that they were in disrepair. Restoration personnel have been organized to conduct an inspection..."

"According to our reporter's report, there was a sound of chanting in the middle of the night in Mount Emei, which lasted for three days. After expert investigation, it was found that the strange sound was caused by the mountain wind blowing through the forest at a specific angle. The official media has now refuted the rumor on the Internet."

"According to our reporter's report..."

"His dad," Mother Lin rubbed her eyebrows, "Why are these news so strange?"

"Because the foreign gods are coming, and these Eastern gods who once protected us are warning us." Lin Fan's voice came from the door.

Lin's father looked at Lin Fan in surprise and asked, "Why are you back? School..."

"The boiler room of the school exploded. Today is a holiday." Lin Fan replied casually.

Lin Fan looked at his parents with red eyes, remembering the scene when his parents tried their best to block him when the sea monster came.

"Oh, then have a good rest today," Lin's father did not doubt Lin Fan's excuse and said to himself: "It's almost my senior year of high school, so I have to study hard. Judging from your current results, the key problems are not big. But you still can’t take it lightly, I’m going to sign you up for an intensive class, and by the way, I’ll stew pork ribs at home to replenish you..."

Halfway through speaking, Father Lin suddenly felt something was wrong and turned around to look.

Lin Fan had already walked quickly back to the bedroom.

"This child..." Father Lin smiled helplessly.

"Okay, it's rare that you come back for a day's rest, so don't nag him." Mother Lin stood up and said, "I'm going to the market to buy some ribs. By the way, don't forget to borrow five thousand yuan from Lao Zhang. Now I'm going to tutoring class It’s not cheap…”

The home is small and poor, but very warm.

Lin Fan sat beside his bed and calmed down.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry."

"Going to school is not something I should think about now. For the rest of my life, I have to follow my own wishes."

"Please allow me to be selfish for once. This time, parents, I want you to live well."

"I want everyone to live well!"


Lin Fan took out the old Nokia under the pillow and made a call.

It was a private number, buried deep in his memory.

And the other side.

In an antique office, an old man wearing a military uniform without any military symbols or medals was correcting documents with reading glasses.

The old man was over sixty years old, but although his temples were gray, he was in good spirits. He had the aura of a soldier and the dignity of a high-ranking man.

"Beep bell bell."

The mobile phone in the old man's arms rang.

"Mr. Jin," a secretary walked over quickly and bent slightly: "Everyone is here. The meeting will start soon. You..."

"No rush," the old man smiled and waved his hand, "I'll answer the phone first."

This is his personal phone number. The only people who know this number are his wife and two children, whom he has been with all his life.

At his age and status, this kind of phone call from home is more important than the red dedicated phone on the table.

"Weird..." The old man looked at the number on his phone that he had never seen before, frowned, but still picked up: "Hello?"

"Lao Jin, you are indeed still alive!"

A young man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

It seemed like he was very surprised, and his tone made it seem like the two of them were very close friends.

" are..." The old man tried hard to remember the owner of the voice, and finally shook his head: "No sales, thank you."

With that said, the old man was about to hang up the phone.

"Lao Jin, don't hang up yet." The young man's voice suddenly became nervous.

"I know we don't know each other yet, but... your name is Jin Minsheng, the general manager of the Luzhou Military Region, with the title of five-star golden general. You have a black mole on your chest, two bullet holes on your belly, one on your shoulder, and one on your thigh. There is also a bullet hole, all of which were injured during border friction."

"You also have a stab wound on your left leg. It was cut by a gangster when you acted bravely while the army was on vacation."

"Do you know me?" Mr. Jin frowned slightly, then smiled: "Although I am not a young person and do not understand the Internet, I also know that this is information that can be found online... You are a very attentive salesman. , Okay, hang up, don’t make this call in the future.”

"The second combat brigade under your name, brigade commander Liu Mengfa, the firepower configuration of this brigade is... the firepower configuration of the third combat brigade is..." The young man's tone suddenly changed.

As soon as these words came out.

Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment, his eyes instantly turned cold.

At this moment, the old man was like a sharp blade, and his whole body was filled with iron blood!

Mr. Jin clutched his cell phone tightly and said coldly: "These are military secrets. How do you know? Which company are you a spy for?"

With that said, Mr. Jin was about to instruct his secretary to lock the phone and find out the location of the signal source.


"You don't need to know who I am, we will get to know each other later."

"If you must know, I can tell you that I am the future god, the first patron saint of Daxia, the Shura God, Lin Fan."

"Now, you can take what I'm about to say next as a prophecy from God."

Lin Fan held the microphone tightly, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

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