Every time they saw the Great Steel Wall, they couldn't help but recall the scene of the sea beast roaring, and they were extremely scared every time.

No one can understand how much sense of security they will feel every time they see the Great Steel Wall standing on the border of Daxia after surviving the invasion of the God of the Sea!

Moreover, the food in Daxia is also delicious!

Although the food they were fed was just spicy and sour potato shreds, it was still delicious!

These rescued citizens of the Free Country are not fools. They would rather be refugees in Daxia than return to the Free Country that abandoned them!

"General, let us stay!"

"General Bai, please, let us stay!"

"We don't want to go back, so why go back and continue to wait to die?"

"There is no Great Steel Wall in the Free Country. Those high-level officials would rather squander the resources for themselves than build the Great Steel Wall for us!"

"General, as long as you let us stay, we can be refugees in Daxia!"

They would rather be refugees in Daxia than go back again!

For a while.

Bai Zhan looked at these crying citizens of the Free Country and couldn't help but sigh again.

To be honest, what's wrong with these people?

They are also innocent in the face of disaster.

If you want to blame, you can only blame those high-level officials of the Free State who clearly have the power and resources but sit back and watch the disaster happen!

"Alas, I, Daxia, am not a person who refuses to save you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have saved you in the first place." Bai Zhan said with complex eyes: "But, now you have become the reason for the Free Nation to criticize Daxia."

"Daxia, it is true that I brought you back without any formalities..."

"So, I'm sorry, for the sake of the overall situation, I, Daxia, can only send you back."

When Bai Zhan said this, he looked at the miserable citizens of the Free Country and said helplessly: "Don't be like this, be happy. Anyway, you will be able to return to your homeland soon, so you should be happy."

"General Bai!" A middle-aged white man shouted: "I am willing to change my nationality. As long as I can stay in Daxia, I can become a Daxia person! Contribute to the development of Daxia!"

In order to stay in Daxia and behind the Great Steel Wall, this middle-aged white man worked hard.


"Are you willing? You can?" Bai Zhan raised his eyebrows: "Why, do you think being a Daxia person is wronging you?"

"Haha, you want to be a Daxia native, are you worthy?"

"Do you think it's so easy to get Daxia citizenship? That I can give it to you as long as you are willing?"

Daxia nationality is the most difficult nationality in the world to obtain!

It is also the ticket to return to the motherland for shelter when disaster strikes!

Bai Zhan said loudly: "Don't cry anymore, pack up and prepare to board the plane in five minutes! Go back to your motherland!"

At this moment, the citizens of the Free Country looked at the Great Steel Wall with reluctance.

"How great it would be if I were a Daxia person..."

"I can sleep peacefully at night, and I don't need to worry all the time whether a huge wave will come and drown everything in me..."

"If I were a Daxia person, then when the waves rolled over and the gods invaded, I could be behind the Great Steel Wall, under the protection of the soldiers, eating delicious meals and sleeping peacefully without using anything else. Worry……"

"I heard that in Daxia, hot and sour potato shreds are not considered a hard dish. I heard that people in Daxia eat pot-wrapped pork, twice-cooked pork, braised pork, shrimp dumplings, and black bean pork ribs."

"When we were running for our lives, the people of Daxia were still sleeping. When we were hunted by sea beasts, the people of Daxia were eating delicious delicacies... If there was the protection of this Great Wall, then my wife and children would not have died at all. …”

"In my next life, if possible, I really want to be a Daxia native!"

They are about to return to their motherland.

But I couldn’t be happy at all!

In a free country, there is no Great Wall!

Once the gods come again, then... they will face the waves of sea beasts again, and next time, they will not catch up with Daxia's kind rescue!

And those high-level officials will abandon them without any hesitation!

Suddenly, a citizen of a free country loudly said: "Since nothing can be changed, let's just eat more food!"

"Yes, Daxia's food is so delicious, eat more!"

These citizens of the Free Country picked up their rice bowls with grief and ate hot and sour potato shreds.

Bai Zhan looked at these Free Country citizens with a complicated expression.

They just envy Daxia for having the Great Wall of Steel and having 50 million warriors.

But Daxia's real treasure, what they should really envy, they didn't see!

The real gap between Daxia and the Free Country is these 140 million Daxia people!

Faced with life and death, the Daxia people are united and dare to fight!

Daxia people would rather die to defend their homeland, unite together, and hug each other!

These 140 million Daxia people are more powerful than the Great Wall of Steel!

This is what they should really envy!

"Inform the first flight team to prepare the passenger plane and send them back immediately!" Bai Zhan waved his hand and ordered the guard.

To be honest, Bai Zhan wanted to send them away quickly... The spokesperson of the Free Country actually acted as if Daxia was coveting these more than a hundred Free Country citizens, which Bai Zhan couldn't understand...

And the other side.

Free Country, press conference site.

The atmosphere was very awkward.

The spokesperson of the Free State had no idea that Daxia would have a rescue video, and was caught off guard.

Lin Fan said calmly: "Everyone, the third point of this Free Nation spokesperson's attack on Daxia is why the invading god ended up fighting for Daxia."

"Based on this, he suspected that I, Daxia, controlled this invasion of gods. Those gods were actually created by me, Daxia."


"Actually, the interesting thing is..."

Lin Fan slowly looked at the cameras, and with the whole world watching, he said softly: "I am Shura!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

The barrage was all in confusion.


"What's the meaning?"

"Is he the evil Shura in mythology who is responsible for killing?"

"It's just what you imagined." Behind Lin Fan, the dark power of Shura filled the air, like the corner of an abyss spreading out!

Painful wails came from the abyss, and the dark word "Shura", extremely deep, appeared behind Lin Fan!

At this moment, a cold and violent aura filled the entire venue.

Even through the screen, you can feel the superhuman power in the boy!

The power of the gods!

For a moment, everyone began to tremble unconsciously under the gaze of this young man. It was a look down from the level of life!

"But what's even more interesting is that."

"I can bind the soul!"

"Those gods killed by me, those sea beasts killed by Daxia... will become Daxia's Shura army!"

The spokesman of the Free State shouted: "You are lying, how can the soul be..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Two dark shadows appeared in front of him, one on the left and one on the right, with the trident pressed against his throat!

Two gods of the ocean!

Lin Fan looked at the spokesman of the Free State and said calmly: "Never doubt the methods of God."

One after another, ferocious sea beasts roared out from the dark abyss behind Lin Fan!

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