Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 22 The first members of the God-killing Army

Lin Fan's words were impactful!

After personally experiencing the cruel war in the future, Lin Fan clearly understood what martial arts meant to mankind!

Gods have magical powers and believers.

Human beings, on the other hand, can only rely on their own strength!

Martial arts will be the sharp sword for mankind to fight against gods!

And these people in front of them are all descendants of major martial arts families or sects. They have practiced hard since childhood, and their martial arts has long been superb.

After decades of hard training, all the meridians in their bodies have been opened up, which directly eliminates the most difficult step in the God-killing and Demon-killing Technique.

You know, it's not impossible for ordinary people to practice the God-killing Demon-Slaying Technique. If they could, Lin Fan would love to teach the God-killing Demon-Slaying Technique to everyone in Great Xia on TV, so that everyone in Great Xia can have the power of killing gods!

But the problem is.

The meridians of the human body are so complicated that it would take at least half a year for ordinary people to open them up one by one. If there is a slight mistake, the backlash will come early.

Even Lin Fan, the commander-in-chief of the Asia League who had practiced the god-killing and demon-slaying technique to the extreme in his previous life, had to spend a full night and endure severe pain to open all the meridians bit by bit.

And although these descendants of ancient martial arts have been living in a world without divine power, no matter how they practice, they cannot break through the limits of the human body.

But their meridians have also been opened!

All that needs to be done is to absorb the divine power!

"Wait...divine power..." Dao Wanqian suddenly realized something was wrong, "You just said, absorb the divine power between heaven and earth...that is to say..."

"That's right." Lin Fan nodded, "Before, Blue Star had no supernatural power."

"But now, the two ocean gods are breaking through Blue Star's dimensional barrier and have opened a crack."

"It will take up to three months before Blue Star arrives."

At this point, Lin Fan's words were a little heavy, but then he changed the subject and continued.

"But it is precisely because of the cracks they opened that the breath of the divine world entered our world, adding a ray of divine power in the air."

"This kind of divine power cannot be detected by ordinary people, but to you... it should be the essence of the sun and moon that your Taoism calls, the aura of greatness that Confucianism calls, and the compassionate Buddha's spirit that Buddhism calls."

"It's also what other sects call internal has different names, but in fact, it's all about divine power."

"And with this kind of power, martial arts is the real martial arts."

Lin Fan explained this, and everyone present understood the divine power.

Dao Wanqian nodded in understanding: "So that's it, divine power is internal power... No wonder I couldn't cultivate the internal power mentioned in the classics by my ancestors no matter how I practiced before."

"It seems that those ancestors were not bragging."

"Driving a sword thousands of miles, flying thunder and lightning, making elixirs to eliminate demons, these were all true... and the reason why we can't do it is not because our predecessors are bragging, but because we don't have the internal strength!"

"The Vajra Demon-Suppressing Sutra says that power has no internal power, just like a pod floating on water. It only has its appearance and has no roots." The monk in white clothes on the side remembered the description in the sutra and couldn't help but recite in a low voice: "Amitabha, that's it. , my Buddha has already told me that if it were not for the benefactor’s guidance, the young monk would still not see Mount Tai.”

For a while.

Everyone was excited inside.

They once thought that martial arts had declined.

They once thought that they, the descendants of ancient martial arts, had been eliminated by the times.

They also thought that those seniors were deceiving them, otherwise why would they explain that they had practiced internal energy according to the classics for many years, but they had no internal energy at all?

But now it seems.

It's because they haven't shown the true power of martial arts at all!

Real martial arts.

Just like the records of those seniors, on the day of success, you may fly over the eaves and walk over the wall, or you may kill the enemy with a sword thousands of miles away!

With a majestic aura, one word moved the world!

The Buddha's light is vast and the Vajra's eyes are angry!

The body is like ink, the sword is like falling stars!

There is a long queue of agencies and hundreds of meters of puppets!

This is the real Daxia martial arts!

The crystallization of five thousand years of exploration and innovation by generations of ancestors, how could it be just a set of tricks?

For a while.

These heirs of ancient martial arts are all filled with excitement!

This is what ancient martial arts should look like!

"I wonder if you are now willing to learn the God-killing Demon-Slaying Technique and join our God-killing Army?" Lin Fan saw that the atmosphere was getting better and he quickly asked the question.

At this time, everyone was excited. When they heard Lin Fan's question, they all nodded.

"Hey, of course I do!" Wang Hu, who had the hottest temper, grabbed Lin Fan's hand, "It was me, Wang Hu, who was wrong just now, so please don't mind me... But we have agreed first that after I join, you have to pass me That Lao Shizi Divine Demon Kung Fu. Also, I don’t have much education, so you can’t lie to me. That Lao Shizi Divine Demon Kung Fu must be what you said, it can give me a pair of iron fists..."

"Okay, okay, Wang Hu." Dao Wanqian swept away Wang Hu with a whisk and said in a deep voice: "If, as you said, this god-killing and demon-killing skill can really allow us to carry forward the style of ancient martial arts, then we It’s naturally obligatory!”

To know.

These heirs of ancient martial arts who think they have been eliminated by the times are always thinking about recreating the style of ancient martial arts!

Now, why are you still unwilling?

"If this is really the case, I, Mo Yinxing Luomen, am willing to join the God-Slaying Army!"

"We, the Momen, are also willing to join the God-killing Army and recreate our ancestor's puppet art!"

"Being an enemy of the gods, haha, it's a bit interesting." The Confucian sect laughed and took a step forward with the scroll in hand, "Then let the gods see the scholar's aura!"

Only Dao Wanqian was slightly startled: "Wait a minute, since the ancestors have cultivated internal power, that means... divine power has ever appeared in this world?"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was stunned.

Lin Fan smiled: "Yes, for a while, the gods have visited Daxia."

"It's just the human heroes and mythical beings who fought them off."

"And it was during that period that those human heroes used Eastern martial arts to defeat the gods who dared not enter again!"

"It's just... right now, they can't protect us for the time being."

"And it's time for us to protect them!"

Lin Fan didn't say a word.

In fact, as the cracks in the God Realm continue to expand, the scattered divine power on Blue Star will become more and more intense.

Even without the skill of killing gods and subduing demons, these descendants of ancient martial arts will gradually develop various internal powers.

The skill of killing gods and subduing demons is actually specially created for ordinary people to absorb divine power, and it is just made less difficult. But now that the divine power scattered in the air is too meager, the God-killing and Demon-Slaying Technique has become a good way for these ancient martial arts descendants to absorb divine power.

As for how to promote the skill of killing gods and subduing demons in the future, Lin Fan also has an idea in mind.

But for now, we still need to focus on these ancient martial arts successors who have laid a good foundation and only need to absorb divine power into their bodies, because it takes at least half a year for ordinary people to lay a good foundation.

But now, what Daxia lacks most is time!

"Okay, congratulations to everyone, you have become a member of our God-killing Army." Lin Fan said in a serious tone: "We will talk about it after the enlistment procedures. Now, everyone, cross your legs and close your eyes, follow my instructions, and circulate your inner breath!"

Until then.

The first members of the God-Slaying Army finally enlisted.

The God-killing Army, the sharp blade used to fight the gods, has also taken shape.

And just when Lin Fan was teaching these ancient martial arts disciples the art of killing gods and slaying demons.

A public opinion storm has formed!

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