Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 230 Dracula’s Choice

She gripped the cross hard, looked at the vampires walking towards her with red eyes, and said loudly: "Lord, where are you!"

She is the most devout believer.

Although she is only eighteen years old, her parents have taken her to church every day to be baptized and worship since she can remember.

She firmly believed in the existence of the Lord and that He would save everyone.

Dracula slowly stopped in front of the girl.

Dracula looked at the stupid girl in front of him who believed in no one, and smiled.

"Don't you understand yet?"

"Stupid humans, facing a changing world, always like to put their hope in someone. Now, let me help you understand the situation."

After the words fell, behind Dracula, bat-like wings spread out!


Two blood-red chains roared out and pierced the couple who were trying to pull the girl up!

The blood was drawn out in an instant, and the couple was drained of blood and turned into mummies.

"Run quickly, daughter..."

The woman's eyes widened, and she used her last strength to tremble and say a word.

The girl who was chanting the Bible suddenly stopped and looked at her dead parents blankly, her eyes blank.

"Do you understand now?" Dracula looked at the girl with a smile, not in a hurry to enjoy it.

The blood of despair is the sweetest.

"Your god cannot save you."

The girl stared blankly at the corpses of her parents, and the determined light in her eyes suddenly began to fade away little by little.

Instead of looking at Dracula, she looked toward the sky.

It was a look of extreme despair.

The girl whispered: "I once believed in you with my own life."

"In the face of death, I believe in you."

"I believe in your glory, great Lord."

"But why didn't you show up!"

"Why don't you help me!"

"Did you abandon me?"

Dracula looked at the girl in front of him, his smile becoming more and more joyful.

This blood full of despair is getting sweeter and sweeter.

But the next moment, Dracula's expression suddenly changed slightly.

"I don't believe you anymore." The girl stood up slowly.

this moment.

She finally discovered the truth.

Lord, does not exist.

"I am my master!"

The moment this sound appeared, the world was silent.

A powerful aura surged out from the young man's body, and in the dark night, thunder penetrated the heart of the sky!


The thunder was like a pillar, hitting the girl hard and rushing down!

A giant hammer came with thunder and fell into the girl's hands!

Wrapped in thunder, the girl's golden hair was flying like a god of war, and her eyes were radiating cold thunder!

Silver armor emerged from her body.

"I am the Lord!" The girl held the cold hammer and her voice was like thunder!

"The descendant left by the Nordic God of Thunder!" Dracula was slightly stunned. The terrifying thunder actually made him afraid to get close.

Western Europe, the first person to become a god, appears!

In addition to the four gods of Daxia, he is the first person from other countries to become a god!

The bloodline left behind by the Nordic God of Thunder, the descendant of the God of Thunder, Brenda!

It’s not the path to becoming a god, but the godhood and temple hidden in the blood!

But then Dracula laughed.

"Being a god...your blood is even sweeter."


The giant hammer smashed down directly.

A bolt of lightning struck Dracula.

But the next moment.

Dracula actually walked forward against the thunder and lightning, and countless blood rushed out, directly turning into chains, locking the girl!

"But you are only at level one!"

Dracula smiled fiercely, slowly opened his fangs, and rolled up the bloody chains, dragging the girl in front of him.

The so-called power of the God of Thunder is powerful.

But it’s only the first level!

"This is my first time sucking the blood of a god."

The fangs pressed against the girl's neck.

But the next moment.

"Dracula, I am the leader of the Baguette Kingdom..."

A voice suddenly came from a military loudspeaker.

at the same time.

The live broadcast screen was cut off directly.

No one knows what happened.

Five minutes after he found out, the spokesperson looked down at the incoming text message and suddenly smiled: "Everyone, there is news from the military."

"After a hard fight, we defeated the vampire."

"Those vampires suffered heavy casualties and have retreated without a trace."

"We predict that they may head to Daxia! Our danger is lifted!"

And the other side.

"What's going on?" Wang Hu, who was watching the live broadcast, ran out of the outpost with a confused look on his face, "How did the Baguette Kingdom defeat the vampires?"

Lin Fan showed no expression on his face and just said: "Sure enough, it's just like in the memory."

in memory.

Because of the emergence of vampires, the believers in the French Country became desperate and the first person to become a god appeared.

The descendant left behind by the Nordic God of Thunder!

This is a moment of change for Europe. After today, it seems that some kind of shackles have been broken, and the descendants left by the Nordic gods will quickly awaken.

God once invaded Blue Star.

Daxia relied on the Eastern Martial God to block all the gods.

During that battle, Northern Europe fell for a while. Those gods used myths to spread their reputation, harvest believers, and left behind their heirs until they were beaten out of the Blue Star by the Eastern God of War.

And these heirs possess the power of gods.

Now, their power is about to awaken.

But their awakening is not a good thing!

"After handling this matter, we must quickly find time to talk to the son of the Thunder God." Lin Fan looked solemn.

Because in memory.

This descendant of the God of Thunder formed the Alliance of Gods in Western Europe and recruited the descendants of other gods.

At the beginning, they helped Western Europe and indeed blocked waves of invasions by gods. They even formed an alliance with Daxia, and the two sides supported each other.

But later... they became an organization that helped the gods invade Blue Star, placing themselves above humans, taking pride in the blood of the gods, and helping the gods to dominate the human race!

At the beginning, Lin Fan was not aware of the changes in the Alliance of Gods and thought that they were still trustworthy allies, which resulted in a big loss for Daxia.

And this time.

Lin Fan wanted to tell the descendants of the gods from the beginning of the birth of the Alliance of Gods that gods are not above humans!

But so far, what needs to be faced is not the European Gods Alliance.

"No, I mean, how did the Baguette Kingdom win?" Wang Hu didn't care about the heirs, he was just curious about why he won?

Lin Fan sighed.

"They didn't win."

"Ah?" Wang Hu was stunned: "I didn't win. Why did those vampires..."

"They made a deal with vampires." Lin Fan said solemnly: "For vampires, what they most hope to find is a country with a large population to reproduce and spread and to strengthen themselves."

"And that country had better be stronger, because, if possible, they will grow to the point where they quietly take over that country."

"The leader of the Baguette Kingdom told them about the existence of Daxia."

"Moreover, the French Country has made its attitude clear. If these vampires really insist on a head-on confrontation, the French Country will use nuclear weapons to wipe out the land on a large scale! They have the courage to bury millions of people with them!"

"Vampires who have not reached the fifth level cannot withstand nuclear weapons at all, even Dracula."

"As for Daxia, they will never give up their own land, and they will not carry out nuclear land cleansing on their own land! In their view, Daxia does not have the courage to use nuclear weapons to clean the land on a large scale." Lin Fan said solemnly. Said: "So, how to choose Dracula is no longer difficult!"

"What a fool!" Wang Hu's face darkened: "Are you so shameless!"

The sword god Zhang Feng on the side couldn't help it anymore: "Are these people from the French Stick Country stupid? If the vampires really rush into Daxia, then when they grow stronger, won't the French Stick Country have to fall?"

"No, they're not stupid."

Lin Fan shook his head: "The descendants of gods have begun to awaken. Those people have placed their hopes on these descendants of gods. They hope that with this time difference, the descendants of gods can awaken to the point where they can rival vampires."

"They are also considering their own interests...forget it, let's not talk about this and speed up the construction."

"Those vampires will spread across various countries. At their speed, they will reach Daxia in five days! Moreover, along the way, their number and strength will further increase!"

"We must be prepared!"

"Also, inform Mr. Jin to urgently summon 100,000 soldiers to guard the snowy mountains!"

"Daxia will go to war with vampires!"

For a moment, everyone became nervous.

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