Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 29 A sudden surprise

Lin Fan looked at the two people in front of him with some confusion.

After all, steel resources are so precious, let alone two billion tons!

Moreover, at this critical moment when the gods are about to arrive, steel resources are even more precious.

It can be said that at this time, steel resources mean the survival of a country!

In his previous life, Lin Fan didn't know what method Shang Weitian used to gather enough steel resources.

But you can probably guess it.

Because the high-rise buildings that the people of Daxia worked hard to build were knocked down one after another. The shelves in the supermarket, as well as the pots and pans on the shelves, as well as chairs, and even iron cups and thermoses, have disappeared!

Even private cars owned by ordinary people have become extremely rare.

That is a powerful tool for escaping danger and evacuating quickly!

In the end, even some kitchen knives, iron basins, and screws on the tables of ordinary people were missing. Only a few households have an iron pot, and they have to queue up to cook.

At that time.

Many people are insulting Shang Weitian.

But it is undeniable that Shang Weitian's contribution was made. Under his tough measures, two billion tons of steel were finally collected, and then the Great Steel Wall was urgently built.

The steel was then recycled and built into various facilities.

The underground furnace with a core temperature of 10,000 degrees allowed the people of Great Xia to withstand the coldness of the God of Winter.

The thirteen underground living areas opened by steel allowed hundreds of millions of people in Daxia to avoid the steel falcons that roamed the sky.

Etc., etc.

At that time, it was not surprising that Shang Weitian was tough.

It was really Daxia who had no choice but to do this.

They sacrificed the living standards of the people of Daxia just to survive!

Lin Fan still remembers the time when winter was approaching, when the people of Great Xia huddled in underground survival shelters and swallowed handfuls of dry and cold fried rice.

Shang Weitian's measures were really helpless. Even if it were Lin Fan, he would still do that.

Even the tough measures that Shang Weitian seemed to have his own way were actually approved secretly by Zhang Maocai, the seat of the Great Xia Kingdom, after multiple discussions.

However, only Shang Weitian was scolded by the people of Daxia.

In the history that Lin Fan personally experienced, Shang Weitian was a very controversial person. On the one hand, he used tough methods to reduce the quality of life of the people. But he had to admit that his methods did allow the people of Daxia to survive.

Of course, compared to other countries, Daxia has done very well.

At least, survive.

Even if the quality of life of the people of Daxia is sacrificed, they will survive to the end.

Although the people didn't say anything.

But the scenes of people swallowing fried rice stung Lin Fan.

Lin Fan came back this time to change history!

Not only to change the ending of Daxia, but also to change the entire process!

He wants the people of Great Xia to enjoy the roaring waves in peace, to eat hot pot and sing songs in a warm room in the cold winter, and to enjoy the heavy snow through the window!

Why is Lin Fan so anxious to collect two billion tons of steel?

It's because, after the arrival of the gods, steel became extremely scarce!

Other countries have strict controls on steel resources.

At that time, Daxia could only get steel from the people!

Lin Fan never wanted to see this scene.

He wants to change history!

Let the quality of life of people in Daxia not decline!

Not only do you want to live, but you also want to live comfortably!

Lin Fan looked at the two people who were beaming with joy and said expressionlessly: "Do you have a solution?"

"Yes, yes!" Chen Yan said with a smile: "As expected of the commander-in-chief, I guessed it right away... I originally wanted to give it a try!"

"Ha." Lin Fan's face was gloomy: "I can guess your method, but I don't allow it."

"The lives of the people of Daxia cannot be hindered!"

"In the great summer, two billion tons of steel is a lot, but if everyone puts it together, we can still have it. You are just thinking about the people having private cars, the steel bars in the buildings, and the steel bars in the bridges. Steel, I think of pots, pans, kitchen knives..."

"But I will never allow this!"

"I asked you to think of a way, not to try to take advantage of the people of Daxia. Otherwise, what else would you do?"

"I want you to find other ways to get steel!"

Lin Fan's words were resounding.

But Mr. Chen and Shang Weitian were stunned.

"That... you misunderstood." Shang Weitian said blankly: "This is indeed the worst plan in my heart, but... now, things have changed."

"Huh?" Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "I'm sorry, I just misunderstood."

"Tell me, what can I do?"

Shang Weitian was speechless, but he admired Lin Fan even more in his heart. Without saying much, he said straightforwardly: "Just now, I tentatively sent emails to other countries in the name of the Ministry of Commerce of Daxia, hoping to pay the international market price. Acquire their steel resources.”

"Originally, I didn't have much hope. After all, at this juncture, steel resources are particularly critical."

"But... I never expected that they all agreed!"

"What?!" When Lin Fan heard this, he looked in disbelief and frowned: "Did they agree?"

"That's right!" Shang Weitian looked back on it at this time, still looking incredulous, scratching his head and saying: "If you want to say that we have a good relationship with Mao Xiongguo, I can actually understand it."

"I didn't expect that even countries that had tense relations with us and were vaguely hostile to us, such as the Free Country and Kameda Country, agreed."

"There is no objection even to the quantity we proposed. You know, this is the conservative inventory of their treasury... Even if there is a difference, it will never be too much!"

"This is equivalent to them giving away their steel resources to each other!"

"And, it's at a time like this! When the gods are about to come!"

When Shang Weitian said this, he looked complicated.

This behavior is really difficult to understand.

Even Daxia cannot sell its steel resources to other countries at this time.

After all, the gods are about to arrive. At this time, the importance of steel resources is self-evident.

And those countries... actually helped Daxia so selflessly?

This must be a life-long friendship! !

Blood brothers are nothing more than that.

"I didn't expect that these countries could be so kind." Mr. Chen said complexly: "I can't believe it. It turns out they are all good people!"

Lin Fan scratched his head, still a little unbelievable: "Is the news true?"

"It's true." Shang Weitian said solemnly, "Over there in the Free State, our people just replied that our people are already at the port for customs clearance."

"The same goes for Kameda Country."

"Other countries have also started sending goods, and our people dispatched there are doing inventory work."

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