Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 32 You can’t stop me

The middle-aged fat man who looked honest and honest was still subconsciously frightened when he saw Lin Fan at first.

Although he is a contractor.

But the business was not big, and he only had dozens of brothers who came from the town together. Although he had made a little money over the years, in order to better guarantee the job, he still took out a loan and bought a few construction vehicles.

Based on his status, it is impossible to compare with Lin Fan.

Even Lin Fan's words were like orders to ordinary people like him.

But when he heard Lin Fan's words, he was still slightly stunned. Then he didn't know where the courage came from, and he laughed and said: "Boss, how can you say this? How can you just let us go back?"

He still did not dare to refute the commander-in-chief face to face.

But ordinary people also have the wisdom of ordinary people.

Seeing Lin Fan's silence, the middle-aged fat man chuckled and started to make connections: "Boss, let me introduce you. I am Lao Wang, the captain of the Wangjia Village Engineering Team in Heizhou. The dark and thin man next to me is Lao Li. The captain of the Lijiacun engineering team in Heizhou, this is Lao Wu, the captain of the Wujiazhuang engineering team."

"These latter are our brothers."

"We have all seen the boss on TV, and Mr. Jin. Mr. Jin was at the press conference this morning..."

But Lin Fan didn't follow him, and still said: "Everyone, go back."

Lao Wang's face suddenly became tangled.

for a long time.

This little foreman didn't know where he got the courage. He looked at Lin Fan and said, neither humble nor arrogant, "Boss, I can't go back!"

"Can't go back?" Lin Fan frowned.

Lao Wang smiled and said: "Boss, if you want me to go back, then I will definitely be obedient, but these brothers behind me... they will have to beat me to death."


Lao Wang turned around and said: "Brothers, the boss asked us to go back, shall I take you back?"

"Old Wang, you dare to go back and try!"

"That's right, we agreed to go help together. You're so crazy about grandma, aren't you?"

"If you are short of money, just tell us and we will help you get it together! But if you dare to do private work at this time, I will never work with you again!"

The workers' language was simple, but they gave Lao Wang a wry smile.

Lao Wang looked at Lin Fan: "Boss, look, I really can't go back."

Lin Fan looked at the more than a hundred workers in Wuyangyang and explained in a serious voice: "Everyone, I know you also want to help, but please believe us..."

"Boss, what you said is wrong." A worker suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "We believe in you, but there is no reason to only let the country protect us. We should also protect the country!"

"That's right, we don't have much education, but as the saying goes, we are responsible for the rise and fall of the world!"

"This is all our own initiative!"

These workers didn't care whether Lin Fan was a commander or not.

All they knew was that they were there to help.

How could someone push him back?

For a moment, Lin Fan was speechless.

Lao Wang smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, we all know that you have good intentions."


"We are all from Daxia, why are you stopping us from helping Daxia?"

"You have endured hardships and tiredness. We can't just hide behind you, right? Are we still Daxia people?"

"Yes, I admit, my heart is not very good, and these years of socializing have weakened my body. I can't even run five hundred meters, and I can't go to the battlefield."

"You fight on your battlefield, and we fight on our battlefield. This is what a family should look like!"

When Lao Wang said this, his cell phone suddenly rang. He glanced at Lin Fan sheepishly, and then answered the phone.

"Yes, yes, it's me."

"Oh, Boss Zhang, I brought back the people from the construction site... I have to go to Ludong to help."

"Go find other engineering teams for your work first. I'll refund the money to you later."

"Ah, you can't find it. Others have also gone to Ludong..." Lao Wang was slightly startled, "Then don't wait for me. After the project in Ludong is completed, I heard that the entire eastern Big projects have to be done along the coast, so we can’t go back!”

"Oh, I'm not crazy. I know I still have a loan of 10,000 yuan that I have to repay every month, but don't worry, I still have some savings over the years, which can last for a year and a half."

There was silence on the phone for a long time.

Finally a sentence came out.

"Okay, go ahead and do it, I'll wait for you."

Lao Wang was slightly startled: "No, don't wait for me. I said, after Lu Dong finishes his work, there will be the entire eastern coast..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I know. When you're done, come back and repair the pool for me, and don't give me the money back. That's it."

The person on the other end didn't give Lao Wang a chance to speak and hung up the phone directly.

"Boss," Lao Wang looked at Lin Fan with a smile: "Look, I have pushed away all the work over there. What should I say if you ask me to go back now?"

The workers behind Lao Wang also shouted.

"That's right, boss. When I went out, my wife burst into tears, but she still let me come. You said that if I go back at this time, my wife should not scold me?"

"I've finished bragging to my family, and I'm going to help our Daxia. But if I go back like this, I'll be laughed at to death."

For a moment, Lin Fan looked at the "cunning" contractor in front of him and at the workers with firm eyes behind him, and Lin Fan didn't know how to refute.

These ordinary people look extremely small.

But it is because of them that Daxia has flesh and blood.

Just stand tall!

As they said, Daxia protects them, but are they not protecting Daxia?

Although everyone has different identities, they are all from Daxia in essence. Why should Lin Fan stop them from helping Daxia?

Mr. Jin on the side muttered: "Look, I said I can't stop them, they just want to go... Their wife can't keep them, she even agreed to their coming, so we can't keep them either!"

Lin Fan took a deep breath: "That's right, this project is quite complicated. You guys..."

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely obey the command!" Lao Wang reacted very quickly, "We will do whatever the organization tells us to do, and we will absolutely follow the construction standards and never cut corners! Accept inspections from the organization at any time!"

"If it's really difficult."

"It's fine if you don't pay wages, but you have to have food and accommodation included! Of course, the food and accommodation don't have to be very good, it's just a big pot of rice at an ordinary construction site, and there are dormitories in wooden houses..." Lao Wang chuckled.

Lin Fan scratched his head.

I really can’t stop it...

Just by talking, three or four more private engineering teams roared past.

Lin Fan even saw some vehicles posted by XX Company supporting Ludong, loaded with rice, flour, oil and salt, heading towards Ludong.

These are all spontaneous without any mobilization or organization!

People from Daxia, why can't they help Daxia?

In terms of status, Lin Fan was now the commander-in-chief second only to Guozhi.

In terms of strength, Lin Fan is only half a step away from becoming a human demigod!

But he couldn't stop these simple workers!


Although they have little culture, they have a spirit and a soul!

Five thousand years of inheritance, running through the spirit of Daxia!

A difficult one, P Plus support.

Fate of the nation, everyone is responsible!

Daxia people never shy away from going through fire and water for Daxia!

In peaceful times, some people may pursue interests and others may pursue power, but when the storm is approaching, the people of Daxia will all stand up!

You can't stop this kind of spirit, this kind of soul!

"In this case," facing these ordinary workers, even Lin Fan had to give in and bowed: "Well, I'm sorry to bother you all!"


Lin Fan directly said to Jin Lao: "Call the Ministry of Construction to organize the construction teams of these non-governmental organizations and reasonably allocate tasks. In addition, they will be paid according to the salary standards of the state-owned engineering teams, and the food and accommodation conditions must be the same for everyone. "

“In addition, measures such as tuition exemptions and exemptions for children to go to school have also been implemented.”

"As for other help from the private sector, such as firewood, rice, oil and salt, it is acceptable, but it must be purchased at the same price! No one can take it for free!"

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