Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 335: Should the city be bombed?

Lin Fan had also thought about why God wanted him to be reborn.

Just for this!

Save Daxia!

"The wounded have been properly placed, and the logistics troops have followed up. The evacuated residents are now dispersed in 32 surrounding villages and towns, and the food supply can keep up." When Mr. Jin said this, he suddenly smiled: "Hehe, The Shura Army of 30 million Free Nation citizens you gave me before...the work is relatively stiff, and it is not good to be photographed by outsiders. Therefore, I arranged for them to farm in a large military base deep in the northwest. Raising pigs... The food in Daxia’s treasury now, I’m afraid to scare you even if I tell you!”

Lin Fan: "..."

Lin Fan gave Jin Lao a Shura army composed of 30 million souls of Free Nation citizens.

Although the origin is reasonable, after all, it was obtained by the second God of the Sea from the Free Country, and Lin Fan just missed it.

But it's still not good to be photographed... But Lin Fan didn't expect that Mr. Jin could come up with this method.

"Let's not talk about that now. Sit down and let's have a simple meeting." Mr. Jin said, pointing to a few empty seats on the conference table.

Lin Fan and the gods of Daxia took their seats one after another.

"Not much else to say. The most critical issue now is what to do with the empty city." Mr. Jin frowned, "We currently have two options."

"One was completely blown up, but no matter what, we built the city brick by brick. And it is the private property of the residents."

"One is to send out troops, step by step, to completely eliminate those rats..."

When Mr. Jin said this, he scratched his head.

Either choice seems tricky.

"What does the throne mean?" Lin Fan asked bluntly.

"I have already discussed it with Guo Zuo," Mr. Jin said in a deep voice: "Guo Zuo means to choose the one with the lowest cost, but at the same time, we must also consider the feelings of the residents."

For a moment, the scene was a little quiet.

The city occupied by the rat tide is really difficult to deal with.

Mr. Zhang Chengfeng pondered for a moment and then said, "Let me talk about this issue first."

"Qingqiu urban area is now difficult to move in and return to its original state."

"Rats have taken over now, everything is being chewed to the point of being reduced to shape, and when there's a rat infestation, rats occupy almost every corner."

"And the carcasses of rats... on the streets, in the houses, everywhere."

"There are countless viruses and bacteria out there! Even after disinfection, to be honest, there are still a lot of risks!"

"Even if the soldiers retake the city again, we must dispose of all the rat corpses, leaving no hair at all, and spray disinfectant in every corner."

"The price of consumption is greater than building another city!"

As Zhang Chengfeng spoke, the video behind him played the footage from the drone in real time.

On the streets, rats were raging, and the blood of rats was flowing freely. The corpses of rats torn apart by bullets were piled up like hills, covering the streets and residential areas.

The rats tore out canned and bagged food from every supermarket, tearing it up and gnawing excitedly.

Some rats even chewed up the cars that had been used as shelters, and countless rats were covered in filth and shuttled through the sewers and streets. The stench could be felt even through the screen.

There are also some rats crawling in and out of the windows of residential buildings, unscrupulously taking out food stored in residents' homes, tearing quilts and clothes into pieces, and taking them back to their nests in the sewers.

Rats are having a carnival in this deserted city.

"Rat people are indeed rats, and they will only stay in dirty sewers!" Bai Qi snorted coldly: "Even the damn house belongs to them, they can just live there, why bother digging into the sewers!"

Zhang Chengfeng continued: "Besides, these rats... I have to admit that they are very cunning and good at avoiding them."

"We can kill them on the streets, and we can round them up in the wilderness."

"But there are too many corners in the city. Even if troops are sent into the city, it is impossible to kill the rats hiding in every corner."

"A well-connected sewer is a paradise for them. If nothing else, if those rats were scattered in the toilets of every resident's house, we wouldn't be able to kill them all."

"Now that they're walled up in cities, they have the best chance."

"Unless the city is completely bombed, it is impossible to completely wipe out the rats."

As soon as these words came out, even Mr. Jin couldn't help but nod.

"But if the city is bombed, the attitude of the residents..." Mr. Jin was a little embarrassed again.

In commanding the battle, Mr. Jin was indeed very decisive.

But at his age, he has long since learned to think about other things.

"The residents are over there. I'll go talk to them."

Lin Fan said, walked out of the room and walked towards the temporary settlement in the village.

At the temporary settlement site, the evacuated residents gathered here. Medical staff shuttled among them, quickly taking samples for accounting. At the same time, they were given antibiotics and those who were bitten immediately cleaned up the carrion and disinfected the wounds.

The moment Lin Fan and the gods of Daxia appeared, the originally noisy resettlement site suddenly became quiet.

"Commander in chief!" someone shouted.

Immediately, the scene became lively.

"Commander in chief, thank you! Thank you soldiers!"

"Without you, we would all be surrounded by rats!"

"Is the soldier who rescued me okay?"

"I shouldn't have turned off my phone and slept in...because of me, I delayed it for two minutes!"

"How could this happen? Fortunately we have military protection!"

"Um, what's the name of the little brother who rescued me? Can you let him add me a contact information..." A little sister said expectantly.

Each of these people had extremely frightened faces. They had witnessed the horror of the rat tide with their own eyes. Some of them were even rescued by soldiers despite the rat tide.

But now, they were only a dozen kilometers away from the city, but they no longer had the slightest fear.

Because Daxia is protecting them!

"Don't worry, everyone, this rat tide outbreak will pass soon. Please believe me." Lin Fan cleared his throat, picked up the microphone and said, "But now I want you to make a choice."

At the same time, televisions suddenly turned on in every temporary settlement in every village and town.

Lin Fan looked at the residents and said, "Currently, that city is already an empty city."

"The best way to get rid of the rats is to blow them up!"

"As long as they are blown up, the rats can be completely killed, and the high temperature of the explosion can also be used for disinfection."

"This is the least expensive and safest method at present. Otherwise, we will have to spend a lot of money to send soldiers into the city, eliminate the rats in every corner as much as possible, and carry out difficult disinfection and finishing work. Just disinfection Liquids are measured in units of 10,000 tons..."

"But I also know that there is your home. Some people have spent decades of their youth in order to have a home there, and then they can buy a house so that their wives, children, and children can live happily."

"Many people grew up there, and every street and every corner has their own memories."

"Once the city is bombed, nothing will be left."

"But I, Daxia, promise to build a new city for you! A city with the same layout as the original, but more prosperous!"

The Great Steel Wall has been built to isolate the ocean, let alone a city!

Lin Fan said solemnly: "I am here to ask everyone to agree to our bombing of the city!"

"But I won't force you, because I also know what my hometown and home mean to Daxia people, and I respect your wishes... So, please vote."

"Those who agree with us to bomb the city should stand on the left."

"Those who disagree will be bombed on the right."

Lin Fan looked at the residents in front of him.

For a while, the residents were silent.

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