Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 38: Better than evil, right?

There are no trenches,

There is no cover.

Situ Hong and three hundred soldiers just stood there, facing the fog and zombies, and responded with the roar of guns and cold bullets!

Their bodies, at this moment, are like standing fortresses!



The legendary and feared zombies are unable to withstand modern firepower at this moment!

Under the bullets like raindrops, each zombie was beaten into a sieve, their heads exploded, and their bodies were broken.

The continuous explosions turned these zombies directly into minced meat!


There was no joy in the eyes of Situ Hong and the veterans.

Just deep sadness.

There was no joy or excitement in the eyes of the surviving workers. Some of them were sobbing, and some clenched their fists.

Those "zombies"... were still working with them ten minutes ago!

Those young faces, those figures turning around and rushing into the mist...

This is the simplest battle these veterans and Situ Hong have ever experienced.

It is also the hardest and most painful battle!


The sound of machine gunfire gradually died down.

In the bluish-white mist, there was no sound, nor was there a zombie figure.

Situ Hong slowly lowered his gun and looked at the fog in front of him.

A full thirty seconds.

There was silence.

There is no sound.


Situ Hong sighed.

When she turned around, the tears on her face were gone, leaving only the still indifferent face.

"It should be safe," Situ Hong said calmly: "Refill the ammunition and assemble on the spot..."


The words are not finished yet.



Deep in the mist, there was a regular, dull sound.

Like a drumbeat.

Like the footsteps of a giant beast.

The earth was shaking imperceptibly at this moment.

Situ Hong suddenly turned around and looked, the muzzle of the gun pointing deep into the mist again.

The gray-white fog rolled in, and a black shadow was vaguely visible.

A black shadow like a giant.

Even before it appeared, there was already a huge sense of oppression!

"Get ready to fight." Situ Hong's cold voice sounded, without any trembling or fear.


Three hundred veterans quickly reloaded their ammunition, and the firepower unit responsible for the mass launcher behind them also reloaded immediately.

The fog rolled in.

The huge figure finally walked out.

The five-meter-tall body was covered in blue-gray color, like lifeless dry bark, with large areas of rot.

A fishy and rotten smell followed.

The ferocious face looked like it came from hell, the nose was completely rotten to the point of being invisible, and the gray-white eyes made people feel chilly.

A sense of oppression appeared in everyone's hearts.

Five meters!

This kind of height is not terrible on ordinary days.

After all, even a building is dozens of meters long.

But when a five-meter-tall humanoid appears in front of you, the feeling of oppression is more terrifying than a building!

To describe it simply, this guy can directly see who is taking a shower on the second floor while standing on the ground.

This is the life that human beings need to look up to!

For a moment, there was silence.

"You killed my beloved puppets."

came a hoarse voice.

The ferocious giant lowered his head to look at the ants that had just reached his calf, and said indifferently: "So."

"You have to compensate me."

"Roar!" The giant was wrapped in blue-gray mist and was about to rush towards Situ Hong.



Situ Hong said loudly!

"Da da da da da da!"


In just a moment, the guns roared again!

Fire exploded!

Bullets poured out like raindrops, spinning and shredding the air.

The terrifying output even formed a firepower network visible to the naked eye, and it was like a long river, roaring and rushing towards the giant!


Short-range tactical missiles rose up one after another and rushed towards the giant in the fog with precision.

At the moment of contact, the fire of the explosion exploded on him. The explosion that destroyed everything completely covered his figure in the fire!

Situ Hong suddenly raised his right hand.

The fire stopped instantly.

"Probably dead." Situ Hong looked at the rolling fog.

But when the smoke clears.

That terrifying figure is still standing!

Safe and sound!

Even the blue-gray skin didn't even have a scratch!

There was silence for a moment.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, looking in disbelief at the rotten giant walking on the charred soil and walking from the smoke-filled crater.

"Fire!!" Situ Hong shouted again, "Blow him to pieces!!"

She still doesn't believe it. Can this guy ignore guns and cannons?


In the roar of guns.

Under Situ Hong's stunned gaze.

The giant walked forward expressionlessly, not caring at all about the bullets hitting him.

That bluish-white skin seemed to have a toughness beyond recognition. Even if it faced an explosion or was hit head-on by a bullet, it didn't leave a single scratch!

"Have humans mastered this weapon now?"

"Time really flies by. How many years have I been sleeping..."

"However, this weapon is still too weak. This kind of power wants to kill me...I am the Corpse King and a general!"

The rotten giant suddenly started running wildly.

"King of Corpses!"


As soon as these four words came out, the pupils of Situ Hong and his three hundred soldiers shrank suddenly!

Transformed by the Yin Qi in mythology, the ancestor of zombies...the zombie king and general!

Are they facing this kind of enemy? !

"Major General Situ, what should we do now!" A veteran shouted loudly while pulling the trigger.

Situ Hong's eyes widened, but he didn't know what to say.

What should you do if you face an enemy that cannot be stopped by guns and artillery?

"No matter what method you use, just hold on for five minutes!" Situ Hong roared, desperately pulling the trigger again!


A veteran ran backwards.

"Don't run away!" Situ Hong yelled through gritted teeth.

But the veteran ignored him and ran back.

Contempt flashed in Situ Hong's eyes. What she despised the most were soldiers who ran away from battle!


Very disappointed!

These soldiers were all trained by her herself!

No matter how difficult or dangerous the battlefield is, they cannot escape.

But why, facing this kind of enemy, did they start to run away?

But the next moment.

Situ Hong was suddenly stunned.

She saw a launch vehicle that had fired short-range missiles, its engine roaring, coming from behind and passing by her!

He ran straight towards the five-meter-long corpse king general who was running towards him!

Inside the cockpit.

The soldier who "escaped" before said with red eyes and a ferocious smile: "I won't run away!"

"Better than evil, right?"

"I'm worse than you!"

"Come on! Don't hide from anyone!"

At this moment, his smile looked like it came from hell, and even the Corpse King's generals were stunned for a moment!

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