Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 384 The Warriors Enter

Standing on the Great Wall, Lin Fan looked to the left and right.

This Great Wall is like an endless dragon, stretching straight into the sky and earth, completely separating the earth from the ocean.

The live broadcast camera also deflected, shooting to the left and right sides of the Great Steel Wall, endless, as if it would never end.

Thirty-six thousand miles!

Only then did everyone realize what a feat they had accomplished.

For a moment, Lin Fan, who was standing on the city wall, and the gods of Daxia, looked at the workers and soldiers below, and then looked at the Great Wall under their feet, feeling a sense of insignificance.

Yes, a sense of insignificance.

In front of this vast Great Xia, what does it mean to be a god like Lin Fan?

In front of the 36,000-mile Great Wall, who is Lin Fan?

In the final analysis, Lin Fan is just a Daxia person!

Just like a brick in the Great Wall.

The real power of Daxia is not the God-killing Army, the gods of Daxia, or the superpowers.

But every Daxia person!

The power gathered by these 140,000,000 Daxia people makes the gods tremble!

"Everyone," Lin Fan saluted with his right hand and said to the workers below and everyone on this land, "Thank you for giving Daxia a miracle."

"This is the greatest miracle in human history."

"This is a miracle that belongs to me, Daxia!"

Silence fell.

Everyone thought about how they spent these two months.

Two hundred million workers came together.

No, not just 200 million.

The 140 million Daxia people and the animals living on this land are all directly or indirectly contributing to the construction of the Great Steel Wall.

This is how the Great Steel Wall came to be.

As Lin Fan said, this is Daxia's miracle!

This is a miracle for all Daxia people!

A miracle that surpasses all the so-called wonders of the world!

This Great Wall of Steel is like a rope, a rope twisted together by 140,000,000 people in Great Xia!

Some clenched their fists, some shed tears.

A worker recalled the days he spent carrying bricks under the scorching sun, and whispered: "It turns out that I have accomplished such a big miracle..."

One netizen looked at the Great Steel Wall, which covers 36,000 miles of coastline and can even be clearly seen on satellite images, like a dragon circling, and said with emotion: "This is really the greatest miracle."

"But," Lin Fan suddenly said: "The real miracle is not this Great Steel Wall."

For a time, countless people were talking about it.

"What's the meaning?"

"Is there any miracle more powerful than this? I don't believe it!"

"That's right, even the pyramids and the Qin Great Wall are just like toys in front of this steel Great Wall, right?"

They don't know that there is anything more powerful than the 36,000-mile-long Great Wall of Steel that stands tall and strong!

But Lin Fan suddenly said: "The real miracle is us!"

"It's you guys!"

"It's every Daxia person, the 140 million Daxia people! And this land that gave birth to 140 million Daxia people!"

"We, and the land under our feet that has been inherited for five thousand years, are the real miracles!"

"In front of the Great Wall, a brick is nothing. But it is countless bricks that build the 36,000-mile Great Wall that blocks the ocean!"

"In front of the Great Xia, including me, no matter how powerful the Great Xia people are, it is nothing, but it is the countless Great Xia people who make up the Great Xia!"

"Thank you all for letting me see the miracles and making me believe that gods can kill us, but they can never defeat us or destroy this land!"

Lin Fan's voice echoed for a long time.

Everyone laughed.


Every Daxia person is a real miracle.

at the same time.




Eight-shot salute, the roar is deafening!

Lin Fan said loudly: "Now that the Great Wall is completed, all construction teams have evacuated in an orderly manner, and the soldiers have entered the garrison units!"

In one sentence, the 36,000-mile coastline started to move.

After being busy so far, the construction team that finally completed the work neatly left the site in buses. Heavy trucks loaded with dismantled machinery and equipment neatly drove out of the work area and left completely.

The soldiers who were wearing work clothes and working with the workers on the construction had now put on green military uniforms, neatly equipped with equipment, loaded guns and ammunition, shouted slogans, and marched neatly towards the Great Steel Wall!

It’s like a handover!

In an area where the Great Steel Wall has been completed.

The workers lined up to walk to the bus, with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction on their faces.

"It's finally done." A worker said with emotion.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted these days," the contractor Lao Wang said with a smile: "I have to take a good rest for a few days when I go back this time. I haven't seen my wife for two months, and I can finally see her this time."

These workers came from all over the country to support the construction.

Now that the construction of the Great Steel Wall is completed, they can finally go home with peace of mind.

Lao Wang looked at the soldiers who passed by him and lined up neatly towards the Great Steel Wall and said: "Brother, let's go!"

During this time, they have been building together and have already developed a relationship like buddies.

In a certain sense, they are all comrades-in-arms!

"Let's go, haha, thank you for your hard work!"

"Old Wang, please contact me when you have time. When I retire from the army, I will come to you for a drink!"

"Haha, I envy you. You can go home with your wife and children so soon."

"Let's go, we have to continue fighting on this!"

The soldiers were a little envious and joked a little.

Everyone is a little reluctant to give up, but everyone knows that everyone has their own division of labor!

While some people are going home, others are also embarking on their own battlefield!

After the construction is completed, the battle belonging to the worker brothers is over. Next, it is time for the soldiers to prepare for the battle!

The workers smiled as they entered the bus going home. After entering the bus, the bus started buzzing.

The smiles on the workers' faces disappeared in unison.

They looked back at the tall and majestic Great Steel Wall and the soldiers who entered the Great Steel Wall with complicated eyes.

"Damn, I actually don't want to leave..."

One worker rubbed his eyes.

Another worker also sighed and said: "Yes, this Great Steel Wall is just like my own child, watching him rise brick by brick. Now that it is suddenly leaving, I am still a little reluctant to let go..."

Lao Wang, the contractor, couldn't help but sigh: "You bitch, when I was moving bricks, all I could think about was my wife and children. Now that I have to go home to see my wife and children, I don't even want to leave..."

In their minds, they recalled scenes during the construction process.

Under the scorching sun, countless brothers worked together to build and sweat for one goal, but no one complained about being tired.

In the cafeteria, all the brothers, regardless of whether they were workers or soldiers, were talking and laughing loudly, using different dialects to tease each other about how exhausted they were when moving bricks.

They laughed loudly here and roared together here.

Now, it's time for them to leave.

"Okay, don't think so much." The driver smiled and said, "Our battlefield is over. Next, it's up to them!"

"go home!"

Pressing the accelerator, buses roared out of the construction area.

In the bus, all the workers looked back at the Great Steel Wall, with achievements, relief, and reluctance in their eyes.

On the city wall, soldiers lined up and watched the bus slowly leaving.

The regiment leader suddenly said: "Regiment 345, salute! Farewell our brothers!"

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