"I won't say anything more." Lin Fan said solemnly: "You have also seen the enemy you are facing this time."

"to be honest."

"This general is a bit of a loser... If he wakes up normally, his strength will be thousands of times what he showed this time. After all, he is a general of the Corpse King."

"But the enemies you face in the future will be more powerful and incredible than him!"

When Lin Fan said this, his eyes were complicated.

This time, the Corpse King's generals were awakened unexpectedly. It was not clear whether it was good luck or bad luck.

In Lin Fan's memory, the Corpse King's generals were one of the mysteries that caused the greatest losses to Daxia.

The generals of the Corpse King in their prime state possess power comparable to that of a tenth-level God of Strength, as well as a nearly indestructible and ruined body.

The key is.

His Yin Qi can continue to spread, infecting humans into zombies, and the humans who become zombies are new sources of infection.

Just overnight, hundreds of thousands of Daxia people were transformed into zombies.

The corpse king's generals can also continue to become more powerful as the number of zombies increases.

In theory, this is a guy who can grow infinitely.

The speed of the spread was almost unbelievable... By the time the military noticed it, the Corpse King's generals had already caused a city to fall.

In the end, Daxia had no choice but to make a difficult decision and pay a heavy price to completely eliminate the Corpse King's generals.

And right now.

"Lin Fan..." The awakened Situ Hong dragged his seriously injured body over and walked over with a painful expression on his face. His eyes were complicated and he said: "Just now..."


Situ Hong said almost through gritted teeth.

"Why did you apologize to me?" Lin Fan smiled.

"Just now, I was angry. I know that the sacrifice of those soldiers has nothing to do with you... It's just..." Situ Hong's eyes were complicated.

After calming down, she realized what she had just done.

If it weren't for Lin Fan, if it weren't for the first team of the God-killing Army that he taught.

There may be more people who died!

If not done well, everyone involved in the construction of the Great Steel Wall will become zombies.

He was the hero who saved everyone present and killed the Corpse King's generals, and he was the commander-in-chief of the subsequent war!

And he, in a fit of rage, slashed at Lin Fan with his sword!

"But... they are just like that..." Situ Hong's eyes were sad, but then he took a deep breath and looked at Lin Fan expressionlessly: "Assassinating the officer is tantamount to collaborating with the enemy. Just shoot me!"

Lin Fan looked at Situ Hong helplessly.

After a moment of silence, Lin Fan rubbed his cheek and said, "Stop joking, how could I be willing to kill a future military god? A future patron saint of Great Xia?"

Situ Hong was stunned for a moment: "You mean..."

"You should be able to feel that there is a power in your body." Lin Fan looked at Situ Hong, "You have embarked on the road to becoming a god."

"The road to becoming a god, the road to the gods."

"Once you finish walking, it's an improvement in your life level."

Lin Fan patted Situ Hong on the shoulder: "If you are really guilty and never want to experience the despair just now... I can agree to your joining the God-killing Army."

Situ Hong looked at the young man in front of him.

Join the God-Slaying Army...

"I would like to join the God-killing Army!" Situ Hong clenched her fists and said solemnly.

"Okay, I will pass on the God-killing Demon-Slaying Technique to you later, but you are different from them. You have never practiced ancient martial arts. It is too late to practice now. The meridians in your body have not been opened, so... your practice will be somewhat It's slow and painful." Lin Fan looked at Situ Hong.

"Can it be more painful than seeing a comrade die in front of your eyes?" Situ Hong's voice was extremely firm: "Teach me!"

"Okay." Lin Fan nodded: "But you are also responsible for teaching this set of exercises to the soldiers below, so that the entire military can start practicing."

Situ Hong nodded without hesitation.

She never wanted to see her comrade die again!

She had witnessed the death of her comrades with her own eyes, and witnessed the transcendent power of Lin Fan and others.

She must popularize this technique among the military!

Lin Fan slowly stood up and walked to the head of the Corpse King general.

At this time, the head was surrounded by Chen Yan and his scientific team. A group of polite researchers in white coats were observing the head.

To be honest, when these researchers faced this bloody head, their faces turned pale!

But there was no fear in their eyes. Instead, they looked at the head excitedly, carefully recording every feature!

Because they know.

The research on this head is likely to help Daxia avoid huge losses in the future!

Seeing Lin Fan coming over, Chen Yan quickly held up the notebook and said carefully: "The biological tissue is being sent to the laboratory for analysis. It can be determined so far that the head is 87 centimeters long, has a radius of 32 centimeters, and weighs one ton. Twenty-five kilograms, the brain is similar to the human brain, and has the ability to think... It's just strange that the time of death is at least 150,000 years ago. It has decayed. It should be dead by rights, but the cells still have activity..."

Lin Fan nodded: "Because, there is something inside him."

Under the astonished gaze of everyone, Lin Fan drew out the short knife from his waist and slashed hard at the cloudy eyes!


The whole eyeball was pierced!

Not just eyeballs.

With the burst of blue-gray blood, the short knife in Lin Fan's hand pierced the eye and penetrated all the way into the brain!

Immediately, Lin Fan sheathed the knife, dug his hands into the rotting flesh, and began to rummage around.

For a moment, all the researchers felt nauseated.

This picture is really too bloody and exciting!

Only Mr. Chen stared at all this with excitement, unwilling to miss the scene. He took a pen and quickly recorded: "Cut open the most fragile eyeball and search in the prefrontal area of ​​the brain..."

"Found it!" Lin Fan seemed to be holding something in his hands, and he exerted force!


The blue-gray brain that had been turned into paste burst out, and Lin Fan's hands forcefully pulled out a fist-sized, slightly red black stone from the corpse king general's brain!

The moment this stone appeared, everyone held their breath, and the surrounding air seemed to turn cold at this moment.

That's an evil breath!

Evil is a vague definition.

But at this moment, looking at this stone, everyone felt a violent, evil, and raging force surging within it.

The black stone was covered with red veins like blood vessels, and they were even squirming!

"This is..." Chen Yan pushed up his glasses tremblingly.

"The Heart of the Corpse King." Lin Fan looked at the stone, "A kind of devil seed."

"Devil seeds?" Chen Yan took notes with a pen.

"Devil seeds are the foundation of demons. Just like godhood to gods, with demon seeds, you will gain the power of demons and become a demon."

"And with godhead, you will become a true god."

Chen Yan's hand holding the pen was shaking!

This stone can transform humans into demons and possess demonic powers!

Lin Fan held the stone, walked to the first team of the God-killing Army, and said solemnly: "Now, I need to know."

"Which of you is willing to become a demon and have the power of the Corpse King's generals?"

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