
When I saw the video, the Corpse King general walked out of the explosion again.

Everyone felt a sense of despair and insignificance.

What kind of creature is this? It can withstand bullets and explosions. It can even be hit by thirty armed vehicles weighing several tons without moving at all!

Not even the skin was scratched!

This kind of creature has exceeded the upper limit of human understanding.

Is this really an enemy that humans can face?

"This, this won't kill you?"

"This is just a mystery... I haven't reached the level of gods... How can I fight them?"

The few barrages were full of despair.

In that tragic music, three hundred veterans, holding daggers, fought with the corpse king's generals with their own lives!

Just like an ant facing an elephant, the corpse king's generals punched at random, and the bodies of three or four veterans were torn open and shattered.

The bodies of the veterans, who have been tempered for many times, are like tofu when faced with this rotting corpse king!

This is an unstoppable giant!


Even so, those veterans are still like a pack of wolves, marching forward one after another.

There is no BGM, and no filters to pretend to be tragic.

Everyone watched as the living lives turned into stiff corpses in the roar, and the roars were deafening.

"Fight for Daxia!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat!"

"Mission, hold on for five minutes!"

"Thirty-two seconds left, brothers, hold on!"

"I took the first step, haha!"

Instead of showing any fear, each of the veterans rushed forward laughing.

The blood soaked the soil and dyed the emerald green military uniforms.

In the end, no one of the three hundred veterans was left!

Just disappear.

At this moment, everyone was silent as they looked at the Corpse King general who was still unscathed and rushing towards the evacuated workers.

Even the barrage disappeared completely.

This video, which received hundreds of millions of views in just a few minutes, didn’t even have a single comment at this moment.

All the people in Daxia who saw this scene had their fingers trembling and were unable to type!

On the screen, only the young female general who was thrown to the ground by the soldiers and protected until the end was left.

She held a saber and rushed towards the rotten giant covered in blood like a mantis arm.


The giant just punched her and knocked her back more than ten meters, causing her saber to break!

Just as she landed, there was a flash of blue-grey light, and the giant appeared beside her.

"How dare you be an enemy of me, an insignificant being?"

The giant's foot stepped hard on the young female general's head, as if it was crushing a cherry tomato!


At the moment when the young female general's head was about to be crushed!

The figure of a young man suddenly appeared in front of the young female general at a terrifying speed!

One knife, piercing the sole of the foot!

At this moment, the barrage exploded! !

"Who...who is this?"

"Let me rub it, this guy pierced the sole of his foot?"

"Wait, why does it look so familiar... Isn't this the commander-in-chief shown on TV before, the young man named Lin Fan?"

"He is really... the commander-in-chief!"

"I used to wonder why a high school student suddenly became the Commander-in-Chief, but now it seems... The National Seat is wise!"

"Lin Fan, kill that guy!"

"Fuck him!!"


Everyone remembers that young figure!

Lin Fan, the Supreme Command Center of Daxia, Commander-in-Chief!

This is Lin Fan's first public appearance.

Before this, many people thought, why should this high school student become the commander-in-chief?

But at this moment, everyone felt that he was worthy!

Because, at this moment, this figure gave people hope.

It turns out that in the face of that kind of life, human beings do have the power to hurt it!

If you can hurt, you can kill!

For a moment, the seemingly unstoppable giant in the video didn't seem so scary.

Old and new hatreds break out at this moment!

"Fuck him!!"

The barrage is maxed out!

In the video, there is a high-pitched BGM!

The Corpse King general glared at Lin Fan, but the next moment, an old man appeared in the video.

The Taoist robe is blown by the wind, holding a whisk in his hand.

"I know this. This is the president of the Daxia Dao Sect Association and the general master of the Dao Sect, Mr. Wanqian Dao!"

"Why did he come out here?"

"Could it be..."

The old barrage guy vaguely felt something was wrong.

next moment.

"Nine Heavens and Earth Fires refine evil spirits."

Dao Wanqian suddenly opened his eyes, with fire flickering in them!

The next moment, he threw out a handful of yellow talismans. The yellow talisman with the cinnabar pattern rose into the wind and roared towards the Corpse King general!

The Corpse King general wanted to escape, but the yellow paper seemed to be locked on him, being blown by the strong wind and rolled towards him.

Only momentarily.

Thirty-six yellow talisman papers surrounded the Corpse King general a hundred meters in the air!

Dao Wanqian said loudly: "The nine suns of the earth, rise!"

The yellow talisman papers came together for a while, and the cinnabar patterns on them burst out with dazzling light.


Fire breaks out.

The flame is completely different from ordinary flames. There is no trace of cyan, but the whole body is red!

Burning corpses!

For a moment, the barrage was silent.

This scene is beyond everyone’s imagination!

Is this the legendary Taoist magic?

But before everyone could recover, after the appearance of Mr. Dao Wanqian, there was an uninterrupted explosion!

There is a Confucian scholar who made a prophecy by borrowing the power of heaven and earth to turn the Milky Way into a waterfall!

There is a Daxia assassin, silent, with a body like ink, and a sword like falling stars, he retreats with one blow!

He has a fist like a tiger, powerful and domineering!

There is a Vajra with angry eyes to save the demons!

This scene is so fantastic.

Those people showed incredible strength one by one, and the Corpse King general, who was strong enough to withstand gunfire, was defeated again and again under this power!

What excites the audience the most.

What these people use are ancient martial arts from Daxia!

No one can imagine how much hope and joy these descendants of ancient relics brought to them when guns and guns became ineffective!


"That's... Xingyiquan!"

"A great scholar from the Confucian sect, I don't know sir! He is flying!"

"Poetry becomes a waterfall! This is talking about the constitution of heaven!"

"That's the compassionate master of Buddhism. I met him when I went to burn incense!"

"I've seen the Vajra Demon-Suppressing Stick on the Internet! Oh my God, is that the aura of the Buddha? This is the real birth of the Buddha!"

"Is that a ninja? So handsome!"

"Oh, this is the ancestor of the ninja, our Daxia Mo Yinxing has fallen into the family! But he is indeed handsome!"

"Oh my god, I thought that the punch of Wang Hu, the head of the Xingyi Sect, was really a tiger! Where did the tiger shadow on his body come from? Special effects, or internal power?"

This bizarre scene seems to have opened a new door for the people of Daxia.

Behind the door is a new world.

Humans can really fight against those powerful beings!

Moreover, there is a group of people who, like gods, possess some kind of power!

And just when the audience breathed a sigh of relief and thought the battle was over.

But he saw the corpse king general who was already seriously injured and dying roared, and the blood soaked in the soil quickly rushed towards him!

The injured body of the Corpse King general recovered quickly, the severed right arm grew again, the severed ligaments of the left hand healed again, and even the broken skin returned to its original state at this moment!

Even become stronger!

A stronger aura erupted, and the surrounding soil flew away inch by inch. The Corpse King slowly stood up.

The rotten body that was originally five meters tall, at this moment, was seven meters tall!

The cold eyes looked around, like a supreme being looking down at the ants.

"Tiny human beings."

"How dare you try to kill me?"

"Hehehe, I am a general of the Corpse King, your lives will become my camp..."

this moment.

Everyone couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when they saw this general who was not defeated but became more powerful.

The joy in my heart was gone.

This corpse king general seems to be unstoppable!

That feeling of despair reappeared.

Are humans really helpless in the face of this kind of life...


Before anyone could react, they thought another tragic battle would follow.


The corpse king’s general’s voice stopped abruptly.

There was a faint flash of cold light in the air.


Heads fall.


The tall body fell stiffly to the ground, motionless.

The young man stood beside him expressionlessly, holding a knife with one hand.

"The first team of the God-killing Army, the battle is over!"

The boy puts away his knife!

This scene made everyone who clicked on the video widen their eyes, half-open their mouths, and their minds went blank.

This kill was really too crisp and clean!

Behead with one knife!

No one expected that Lin Fan, who had never appeared in public before, would appear in a battle video in this way, and kill the general who was about to go berserk with one sword!

There was silence.

After a few seconds, the barrage exploded!


"This is so damn satisfying, revenge!"

"Oh, it's a pity that those who died before...but fortunately they arrived in time, otherwise the casualties would have been even greater."

"Oh my God, Lin Fan is so strong? Didn't he say he was just a high school student before?"

"He's so handsome! I love him!"

"By the way, shouldn't the commander-in-chief be the one strategizing? Why is our guy so hot-tempered and so strong..."

Barrage filled the screen, and at this time, the video also ended.

Lin Fan silently put away his phone.

"Actually, this video should not have been released," Mr. Mo Zhizi in the carriage whispered: "Which foreign forces are likely to analyze our strength level... This is a hidden danger."

Lin Fan knew what Mo Zhan meant.

Those foreign forces are likely to target people like themselves.


"Haha, it would be better if they believed it. Then they can at least be wary of the gods coming." Lin Fan said lightly: "Besides, in Daxia, are you still afraid of those foreign forces?"

Mo Zhi was silent for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

"This is being sent out mainly for the people of Great Xia to see." Lin Fan said solemnly: "After watching this video, everyone in Great Xia should know what kind of enemy we are facing, and the upcoming battle How cruel it would be.”

"Some things, the sooner you know them, the better."

"Moreover, this video will also tell them that although the enemy is powerful, I, Daxia, also have the power to defeat them."

When Lin Fan said this, he whispered: "As long as the people of Daxia have hope in their hearts, then Daxia will always have hope."

Mo Feifan nodded: "Well, if this video spreads, it will also help recruit soldiers."

And in fact.

This video is spreading faster than anyone imagined!

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