Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 50: Debt collection from Daxia!

These four words are like throwing hot stones on the still lake.

For a moment, the originally quiet scene suddenly boiled!

"If the city is destroyed, I would rather die!"

"If the city is destroyed, I would rather die!"

"If the city is destroyed, I would rather die!"

"The city is broken..."

The accompanying soldiers present all had their eyes widened, their faces flushed, and they shouted these words at the top of their lungs.

"If the city is destroyed, I would rather die!"

This is the persistence of Daxia people to their land!

Suddenly, the shouting disappeared instantly.

Lin Fan put down his raised right fist and said in a deep voice: "Go back and continue the construction!"

No hesitation or nonsense.

The young soldiers turned around and walked back in formation.

It doesn't seem to be any different than when I came here, but there seems to be something different.

If the city is destroyed, I would rather die!

This Great Steel Wall is Daxia's first and last line of defense against the gods!

Because behind the Great Steel Wall is their land!

Two hours later.

Lin Fan was sitting on an off-road vehicle parked next to the construction site of the Great Steel Wall, crossing his legs and closing his eyes, recovering quickly.

Outside the window, workers and young soldiers were working enthusiastically. The sudden appearance of the Corpse King's generals not only failed to frighten them, but also accelerated their construction speed.

After what happened just now, everyone knows.

This construction is a war with life, gods and mystery!

A voice came over the intercom.

"Dao Wanqian, when we arrive at the designated area, Dao disciples have already started patrolling and defending."

"Don't you know that when we arrived at the designated area, the Confucian disciples began to patrol and defend."

"Compassion, after arriving at the designated area, Buddhist disciples began to patrol and defend."

"Xingye, after arriving at the designated area, the disciples of Mo Yinxing's fallen disciples will start patrolling and defending."

"Gongshu Ming, after arriving at the designated area, the Momen disciples begin..."

Lin Fan picked up the walkie-talkie: "Copy that, everyone should be careful and alert. If there is a problem in the area you are responsible for, report it immediately."



The members of the first team of the God-Slaying Army have already spread out on the 2,000-kilometer coastline of Jiaodong where the Great Steel Wall is about to be built, as Lin Fan had previously ordered.

In fact, the sudden appearance of the general this time forced Lin Fan to be careful.

"I was careless this time." Lin Fan looked guilty, "It should have been avoided."

"I just didn't expect that the general would be awakened in advance when he was supposed to show up for some time."

This incident also reminded Lin Fan.

Some things no longer follow the trajectory of history.

Lin Fan's rebirth was like a stone thrown into the long river of time. He wanted to stir up a ripple to change the long river, but more ripples also appeared.

"If this is the case..." Lin Fan frowned, "then some things that may appear in the future may also be brought forward."

"Show up early..."

Lin Fan frowned, thinking about everything in his memory, arranging each thing according to time.


Lin Fan suddenly opened his eyes and said coldly: "The generals of the Corpse King were awakened in advance, and those superpowers should also appear in advance!"

Lin Fan said coldly: "I know you have some tricks. Now, send wooden birds to patrol Qingcheng, and send another hundred combat dolls to be on standby at Qingcheng Stadium."

"If any accident occurs, report it to me immediately."

Lin Fan still remembers it.

The first superpower organization seems to have appeared in Qingcheng.

"You mean, Qingcheng..." Gong Shuming was slightly startled.

"Yes, there must be something wrong there." Lin Fan said in a deep voice.

"I'll send out wooden birds to patrol right now."

After saying that, Gong Shuming, who was in charge of guarding in another area, turned around and walked into a temporary warehouse.

On the shelves in the warehouse, there are small wooden birds, exquisitely crafted, even the feathers are lifelike.

Gong Shuming's hands caressed each wooden bird.

And the wooden bird that he caressed instantly heard the sound of a clockwork mechanism in its body, and then vibrated, and a pair of eyes suddenly opened!

"Chirp chirp chirp~"

The chirping of birds filled the warehouse.

"Go." Gongshu Ming waved his hand.

The next moment, densely packed wooden birds flapped their wings and soared into the sky, like a torrent of birds, roaring out of the warehouse, vibrating their wings and soaring into the sky!

This, at this time, truly comes from Luban’s craftsmanship!

Momen’s clever skills!

And the other side.

Lin Fan exhaled, feeling vaguely relieved.

He still needs to guard the construction of the Great Steel Wall in this area and cannot escape. But with Momen's agencies guarding Qingcheng, even if there is any accident, it can be delayed.

As long as he delays, he will have time to rush to Qingcheng before the enemy causes losses.

And just when Lin Fan thought of this.

"Beep bell bell."

Lin Fan's cell phone rang again.

Lin Fan looked at the call and picked up the phone: "Shang Weitian, what's wrong?"

Shang Weitian's voice was extremely complicated: "Now there is a good thing and a bad thing."

"Huh?" Lin Fan was stunned.

"The good thing is that all the steel resources sold to us by various countries have been shipped. The customs has accepted it." Shang Weitian said with joy in his voice, "In other words, all the two billion tons of steel resources have been collected, and the entire The comprehensive construction of the Great Steel Wall can be satisfied!”

"Okay!" Lin Fan rubbed his hands excitedly, "Then the bad news..."

Shang Weitian was a little complicated: "The bad news is that the ambassadors from various countries asked us to settle the cash immediately."

"Otherwise, they will join forces to sanction us, and we may not even rule out joining forces and using force."

"What we predicted before was indeed correct. These guys are really not so kind. If they really want to fight, I, Daxia, are not afraid. The main thing is... if you don't pay back the money you owe, it's really a shame."

Lin Fan nodded: "It's okay, just do as I taught you before. I will cooperate with you at critical moments."

"Okay!" After hearing Lin Fan's words, Shang Weitian seemed to feel confident, "I will send you the location coordinates right now. It is very close to you, on the high seas outside Jiaodong, and they asked me to negotiate there! "

Lin Fan hung up the phone.

Originally, he was worried about who would be responsible for guarding the place after he left. But since it was on the high seas nearby, there was no need to worry.

at the same time.

On the international Internet, a grand live broadcast is underway.

The Free Country, the Indy White Elephant Country, the Kameda Country, the Pasta Country, the Kangaroo Country... all the countries that sell steel resources to Daxia have sent their own diplomatic ambassadors and media reporters, and they are bound to make this live broadcast a big deal. vast!

Number of viewers, three billion!

Live broadcast title: "Collecting Debt from Daxia!"

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