Lin Fan lowered his head and looked at the social software on his phone. Sure enough, the most popular video at the moment was the video from No. 1 Primary School.

During the recess, Bai Qi commanded a group of primary school students to charge in the campus, like a general among children, and he was quite serious...

Diao Chan and several music teachers led a group of girls to sing and dance, which was quite ancient. After all, the dance had fascinated King Zhou of Shang back then.

"The Master once said, "When I see two children, it will be a day." It means..."

Zilu took a group of relatively quiet children and sat under a tree, giving lectures there...

"For Diao Chan!"

"Look at my Fang Tian painted halberd!"

Lu Bu was wielding Fang Tian's painted halberd to make steamed buns in the school cafeteria. In the excitement of his divine power, Fang Tian's painted halberd slapped the table, and the bun skins flew into the air one by one. The perfectly chopped meat was swept into the bun skins by Fang Tian's painted halberd. Heavy.

Several canteen chefs around him applauded.

Lin Fan: "..."

Lin Fan could only comfort himself, after all, nothing big happened, right?

And it can be regarded as the first step to barely integrate into modern society. When the coming of the gods is over, even if the four of them are thrown out, they will probably not die of hunger... At least they can sing, dance, and make steamed buns.

For Lin Fan, the most important thing now is...

"Have the people around Huangfengling evacuated?" Lin Fan turned to Situ Hong and asked.

Situ Hong said in a deep voice: "There are mountains within a radius of ten kilometers, and no one lives there."

"Tourists who came in for tourism were also arranged to be dispersed as soon as they got the news. There is no one inside now, and the local troops have issued an emergency blockade."

"Yes." Lin Fan nodded: "Just let them stay there, don't enter, they can't deal with that guy."


Lin Fan picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "Let me tell you more about the mission target."

"Yellow wind monster."

"Identity: The enlightened yellow-haired marten at the foot of Lingshan Mountain."

"Weapon: Three-pronged steel fork."

"Strength: At its peak, it was about thirteen levels, but after sleeping for thousands of years, it only woke up tonight, so it should only be about seven levels."

"Only the seventh level?" Situ Hong was slightly startled and interrupted: "Then why do we need to mobilize an army like this? I can kill him by myself!"


This time, the fourteen patron saints of Great Xia were dispatched!

The strength is generally at the seventh level, and the Blood Demon King Tiger is at the tenth level.

There are so many god-killing armies, as well as one hundred thousand Daxia iron cavalry and one hundred thousand Daxia iron armor.

Just to deal with such a seventh-level thing?

"What I was about to say." Lin Fan said calmly: "His strength is not that big, but his methods are very strong!"


Every demon clan has its own tricks!

Especially the natal magical powers, just like Daji's charm. At first, Lin Fan and the others were as strong as Daji, but under the charm of Tianhu, they almost overturned, thanks to Lin Fan and Gongshu Ming's preparations in advance.

The yellow wind monster seems to be weak, but as a monster that can be written in "Journey to the West" and even forced the monkey to move reinforcements, how can his methods be bad?

Lin Fan said word by word: "The Yellow Wind Monster has great martial arts and profound magic power. The most important thing is his natal magical power."

"Samadhi Kamikaze!"

Although it is not as famous as Samadhi True Fire, the word Samadhi is destined to be extraordinary!

Lin Fan explained: "When the samadhi wind comes together, the yellow sand rolls, which can obscure the field of vision and even cause blindness. It is particularly advantageous in battle. Even if you are defeated, you can still escape."

"I have sent the relevant part of the specific combat information to your communicator."

For a moment, everyone was slightly stunned.

Obstruction of vision and blindness.

What a powerful ability this is!

You know, in the cold weapon period, the battle between swords was nothing more than seeing each other's tricks.

Once you lose your field of vision and can't even see anyone, how can you take advantage of them?

In the era of hot weapons, vision is equally important!

Although guns are much more powerful than swords, and even some heavy firepower can kill people in a wide range, it is equally difficult to cause effective strikes if the field of vision is completely lost.

Some soldiers quickly lowered their heads to look at the battle information received in the communicator, but then they looked strange...

"This is..." Situ Hong looked at the content on the communicator and said complicatedly: "The content about the Yellow Wind Monster in Journey to the West?"

You call this combat information?

What about literary appreciation?

Lin Fan asked doubtfully: "Is there any problem? What a detailed battle process."

Situ Lan: "..."

I have to say that in this strange era, even Journey to the West has become a combat material...

The more Situ Lan read, the more frightened he became. In the content of Journey to the West, even the monkey was helpless against the yellow wind monster's methods and was almost blinded.

In the end, we found Lingji Bodhisattva and used the flying dragon staff to subdue this guy.

"This weird method..." Situ Lan took a deep breath, but then said: "It's okay, we can also go to Lingji Bodhisattva...wait."

Situ Hong's face suddenly turned ugly.

The other soldiers also looked ugly.

"Do you know where Lingji Bodhisattva is?" Situ Hong asked in a complicated tone.

Lin Fan shook his head: "Even if you know where he is, it will be useless if you find him before he wakes up."

As soon as these words came out, Situ Hong said directly: "Then what should we do?"

Other soldiers also looked nervous.

They are not afraid of fighting, even if they are fighting monsters.

But I'm afraid and don't know how to fight!

Are modern weapons powerful?


As long as you know the target location, just kill it directly.

But the yellow wind monster doesn't seem to be powerful, but its ability can restrain modern weapons, making it impossible to lock his position!

Moreover, although the gods of Daxia are also powerful, they can even kill him countless times face to face.

But one can completely hide in the smoke and dust caused by the strong wind of Samadhi and escape directly!

How can you capture someone alive if you can't even see it?

No one would doubt the power of that monkey, but even that dazzling monkey was almost blinded!

Situ Hong suddenly had a fierce look on his face: "If it really doesn't work... don't even think about capturing him alive. I'll notify my superiors immediately and mobilize heavy firepower to flatten the entire ten-mile radius of Huangfengling!"

"I want to see if the Samadhi Kamikaze can't be blown to pieces!"


"No, you are like setting the house on fire when there is a mouse in the house." Lin Fan shook his head: "Don't forget, this land is our home, our country."

"Because of a yellow wind monster, hundreds of square kilometers were destroyed. This loss is unacceptable to us."

Hearing this, Situ Hong frowned: "But..."

"Don't worry." Lin Fan smiled: "The Samadhi Divine Wind... was indeed very powerful back then."

"But now, times have changed."

"To put it bluntly, isn't it just a powerful sandstorm? Blocking sight and blinding eyes? Haha."

For a moment, Situ Hong also reacted!

"Haha, that guy seems to be in trouble." Situ Hong smiled fiercely: "Times have changed."

"Well, the main reason why we brought so many people is because we can't kill him, but capture him alive." Lin Fan said softly: "Remind the soldiers several times on the way, never kill him."

"Just round him up!"

"Because by killing him, not only will we lose a potential comrade, but also... it will anger the Demon Alliance and pit us against the Demon Alliance!"

"Demon Alliance!" Situ Hong was slightly startled.

"An alliance of monsters." Lin Fan smiled and said, "We are not the only ones in this land."

Daji on the side was stunned: "Then why didn't I know? I am also a monster!"

"First of all, you are not from the same era as them." Lin Fan explained: "Secondly, you joined us just after you woke up. They are wary of you, so they will not contact you."

"Actually, including this yellow wind monster, three demon alliance members have awakened at present, but they are still waiting to see the attitude of humans and observing the current world."

"This action is our first time dealing with the Demon Alliance. We must not only show our strength, but also show our attitude to make them willing to form an alliance with us!"

"The yellow wind monster is our best breakthrough point."

"As long as we capture him alive, we can get in touch with the Demon Alliance and establish some relationships. But if the Yellow Wind Monster dies..."

Lin Fan's words stopped abruptly.

But Situ Hong understood what he meant: "Then the Demon Alliance will become antagonistic to us!"

"Yeah." Lin Fan nodded heavily!

The yellow wind monster is an opportunity!

An opportunity to establish a cooperative relationship with the Demon Alliance!

Counting the Yellow Wind Monster, there are actually three big monsters in the Monster Alliance that have awakened.

They were just observing in secret.

The reason why Lin Fan didn't take action in advance was because he wanted them to observe more.

In the previous life, after observation, the Demon Alliance determined that today's humans still did not pose a threat to them, so they chose to take action.

The yellow wind monster was the first to take action, and after he started eating people, humans immediately mobilized their troops and killed him after paying a huge price.

This is victory!

But this kind of victory is not a good thing when it comes to the first contact between humans and the Demon Alliance.

After the death of the Yellow Wind Monster, the entire Demon Alliance saw the attitude of humans towards the demon clan. Taking the death of the Yellow Wind Monster as the starting point, a war between humans and the Demon Alliance was directly triggered!

The war was so long that it even lasted for most of the period of the arrival of the gods, a full ten years.

Because the Monster Alliance was originally the Monster Alliance in that era when monsters were rampant. There were extremely many monsters, and every big monster was extremely powerful.

Especially the monkey's six sworn brothers, each one of them is extremely strong!

During those ten years, humans were fighting against gods and slaying demons at the same time. The situation was extremely difficult.

It wasn't until humans were unable to support them that the Demon Alliance chose to put aside their hatred with humans for a short time and join forces to face the gods, but by that time it was impossible to turn back.

And now.

Lin Fan had another chance to choose!

"This time, capture the Yellow Wind Monster alive!" Lin Fan picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Remember, capture him alive! No one is allowed to kill him!"


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