Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 666: Altaïr, something is wrong

All the gods of the sea present looked at Lin Fan.

"Altaïr, did you kill them?"

"Before they died, they all went to the toilet with you."

The expressions of the gods of the sea were complicated. After all, just before lunch, Altaïr soared into the sky and became the adopted son of Poseidon because he revealed the true identity of Elder Tod and solved the hunting crisis of the god of the sea!

But now, Altaïr in front of him turned out to be...


Poseidon stood up slowly. There was no trace of kindness on his face as a foster father, only a hint of murderous intent.

"Click, click."

The battle armor of the sea made a crisp sound, and Poseidon walked towards Lin Fan step by step under pressure.

The terrifying aura was all released. At this moment, it seemed as if there was an endless ocean accompanying Poseidon. Every step he took, the majestic divine power slapped on Lin Fan like an endless wave!

Although he didn't attack, the force was terrifying!

The majestic divine power was undulating like endless waves, and every step was like a giant wave crashing down on him.

Under that terrifying impact, Altaïr's figure began to become unsteady.


The trident touched the ground. Poseidon stopped and looked at the adopted son in front of him with cold eyes.

"Altaïr, I'll give you a chance to explain."

"Tell me, why do those people die every time they go to the bathroom with you?"

Lin Fan quickly shouted loudly: "Father, you are wronged!"

"I am loyal to the Ocean Temple... As for why those people died after going to the toilet with me..."

"I don't know why! I didn't kill them!"

"By the way, I understand, it's not that they die after going to the toilet with me, but that someone specially selects the people who go to the toilet with me to hunt!"

"I understand!" Lin Fan suddenly said, "My foster father must be an accomplice of Elder Tuode who is hiding in the dark. After seeing me expose their plan, he simply framed me!"

Poseidon was slightly startled.

Framed? not impossible.

"Sir!" Altaïr's father, the eleventh-level Ocean God Asude, couldn't bear it any longer. He quickly knelt down beside Altaïr and said in a deep voice: "Master Poseidon, don't be deceived by bad people. You have wronged my son!”

"My son is a good man!"

"Otherwise why did he stand up and testify against Elder Tuode before? You know that if you hadn't been here, my son would have been almost silenced by Elder Tuode!"

"His loyalty to you, sir, can be seen from the sun and the moon!"

"Also, although the surveillance video is fake, it also shows that those people at least left the toilet alive!"

"I can guarantee with my life that there will be absolutely nothing wrong with my son!"

Lin Fan suddenly looked moved: "Father!"

"It doesn't have to be like this!" Ashude patted Lin Fan on the shoulder: "You are my son, of course I believe you!"

Poseidon pondered for a moment and had to say that what Ashude said made some sense.

If it was really Altaïr who did it, then why did he come forward to testify against Elder Tod who modified the surveillance video?

At this moment, the deputy palace master suddenly said: "Lord Poseidon, Ashude's guarantee doesn't mean anything. After all, we don't know how many enemies are hiding in the dark, and we don't know who is loyal to us. Yes, who betrayed us?"

"But I'm curious, why does Altaïr go to the toilet so frequently? Could it be that he deliberately takes people to the toilet to hunt alone?"

The deputy palace master looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan gritted his teeth and said with a shameful look on his face: "Okay, I admit it, I urinate frequently and my kidneys are weak!"

As soon as these words came out.

The God of the Ocean present was suddenly in an uproar.

"Altaïr...didn't see it..."

"Oh my god, he actually... As a god, he actually has this disease!"

"It's a pity, you're so young."

"If it were me, I would rather admit that I am the murderer than admit this! This is simply more uncomfortable than death!"

"Daughter, I know you are interested in Altaïr...but, ahem, think about it again. You don't understand these things yet, but they are very important to male gods. You will understand in the future."

The gods of the sea all looked at Altaïr with complicated eyes that included sympathy, pity, ridicule, and pride. Lin Fan lowered his head severely, as if he was being executed in public.

But there is nothing we can do!

You can't really admit that you are hunting gods, right?

If he had to choose between social death and biological death, then Lin Fan would still choose social death...

Besides, Altaïr is the one who is embarrassed, what does it have to do with Lin Fan and me!

North, the young master of the palace, also said softly: "Father, when I had dinner with Altaïr, he did mention that he had this problem. I am also going to give him some aphrodisiac fire fish."

"Also, although he went to the toilet frequently, he came back quickly every time and was neatly dressed with no signs of fighting."

"After all," North added: "Altaïr only needs the fifth level of strength. Even if he really wants to hunt and kill the opponent, even if he tricks the opponent into the toilet, he will not be able to defeat even an unsuspecting sixth-level god. Attack the sneak attack!"

"If he can't kill him with one blow, he will be in a hard fight and may even die!"

"So, it's impossible for him to kill so many gods in one meal and still have his clothes neatly dressed and look normal and continue to dine with me!"

Ashude, who was kneeling on the ground, said in a deep voice: "Sir! What the young hall master said is absolutely true!"

"I guarantee with my life that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my son! Moreover, with his weak strength, it is impossible for him to do such a disaster!"

I have to say that being weak is actually a benefit...

With level five strength here, how could Altaïr quietly kill more than a dozen gods in a row in the toilet?

"Besides, if my son was really the murderer, how could he commit such a blatant crime?" Ashude said again in a deep voice, "Isn't this looking for death?"

"With your wisdom and wisdom, you will never be deceived by the murderer's plan!"

Poseidon was silent for a moment, as if he finally understood this, and then nodded: "With my wisdom, how could I be deceived by such a scheme?"

"They thought they could frame Altaïr by using such means."

"But their frame-up methods are too obvious."

The terrifying pressure like the coming of the Nine Heavens Sea suddenly dissipated, and Poseidon once again showed a smile as gentle as the sun on the sea: "Altaïr, don't worry."

"You are still my adopted son."

"You won't blame me, will you?"

Lin Fan knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "My adoptive father has devoted himself to the safety of us and other gods of the sea. How dare I, my adopted son, blame my adoptive father?"

"It's all the fault of the despicable murderer who tried to deceive the adoptive father with his tricks!"

"Altaïr has the trust of his adoptive father and is willing to serve the Ocean Temple forever from generation to generation!"

"Okay." Poseidon looked up at the many ocean gods and said softly: "Everyone, this meeting is over. Let's disperse."

"Until the murderer is identified, everyone must act cautiously and act together in whatever they do. Never act alone."

"During this time, I will also find out the real murderer."

After saying that, Poseidon looked at North and said softly: "My son, please stay alone. I have something to say to you."

Not long after, all the gods of the sea present left.

In the empty hall, only Poseidon and North were left.

"Father, you..." North frowned slightly, a little confused.

Poseidon whispered: "There's something wrong with Altaïr."

For a moment, his IQ suddenly went online!


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