Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 67: Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows

A mysterious and mysterious aura emerged from the old man Dao Wanqian, and the peach wood sword in his hand vibrated violently.

Each piece of talisman paper spontaneously ignited without any wind.

"How dare you, demons and demons, mess with our Daxia!"

The wind is surging!

Mr. Tao, with his beard and hair flying, looks like an immortal descending!

A Taoist robe stirred up, and the peach wood sword came out, one point and eighteen!

Dao Sect Sword Formation!

Taomu Eighteen Swords!

This is not a pure swordsmanship, but a magic sword used by Taoists to kill demons!

The magic sword rises!

"My Taoist sect is willing to slay demons for generations of Great Xia!" The Taoist master raised his hands high and pressed down suddenly!

at the same time.

The tip of the eighteen wooden sword turned downwards and stabbed downwards in a rotating direction!




The wooden sword penetrates the flesh.

Although it is a mahogany sword, in the hands of Mr. Dao, it is a sharp weapon for slaying demons!

Eighteen pillars of blood spurted out.

As soon as he took action, three people with super powers died, and fifteen more people with super powers were injured!

Those superpowers had been suppressed in place by the phantom of Shushan that was seduced by Mr. Mo Shizhi of the Confucian sect. Facing the wooden sword that was stabbed with the mysterious Taoist rhyme, there was no way to avoid it.

He could only barely twist his body to avoid the vital points.

"You Daxia people, how dare you..." An eighth-grade superpower user suddenly began to tremble all over, and a powerful aura slowly gathered.

His skin turned pale, and the air he breathed turned into white mist.

The golden hair is covered with white frost, and the eyes are shining like ice!

Eighth-grade, ice-type superpower!

The air turned cold at this moment, and ice formed on the floor beneath his feet.

Ice is the most peculiar superpower.

Low temperature can change the properties of any material and also affect the metabolism of the human body.

At this moment, Lin Fan could only feel that the God-killing power rushing through the meridians in his body was solidifying at this moment. Unexpectedly, the aura of the master's aura was also moving slowly, and the Tao Qianqian's Tao Yun seemed to be frozen.

"People of Daxia," the white man bathed in the cold wind looked at Lin Fan with a sneer: "Now, how many percent of your combat strength is left..."

But the next moment.


The back door of the two-story building exploded.


A dull roar came from the body, and among the flying wood chips, a huge rhinoceros rushed straight towards it.


That's not a rhinoceros.

That's a steel rhinoceros made of steel!

The steel behemoth weighing more than ten tons roared angrily, hot steam spurted from its nostrils, directly dissipating the cold wind, and the terrifying impact force directly hit the wall!


The Iron Rhino charged all the way down the hall.

The sharp corners directly penetrated the chests of seven or eight superpower users, causing flesh, blood and bones to splash everywhere!


The eighth-level ice power user tried to build an ice wall in front of him, but facing the steel rhinoceros that was crushing like a mountain, there was no chance of defense, and it cracked like glass.

next moment.

The eighth-grade ice-type superpower user's eyes widened and his pupils shrank suddenly.

In his pupils, the huge reflection of a steel rhino grew bigger and bigger!


The smile on his face hadn't dissipated yet, he only felt a numbness in his chest, and he had been completely pushed away by the Iron Rhino!

The cracked wall.

A young man wearing a Daxia carpenter's uniform slowly walked into the hall. Behind him, steel rhinos ran on all fours, and countless wooden birds chirped and circled.

"Daxia Momen, Gong Shuming, came to visit the Order of the Phoenix."

The young man smiled and looked at the superpowers in the hall indifferently.

At this time, there are only ten people with powers who still have fighting ability!

Lin Fan's dagger, as well as Mr. Mo Shizi from the Confucian sect, Wan Qian from the Taoist sect, and Shu Ming from the Mo sect, directly killed most of the superpowers who rushed out!

Bodies everywhere!

The ten living superpowers looked at the four people who looked like murderous gods with complicated eyes, with a trace of cruelty flashing in their eyes.


You have to fight to have a chance to survive!

They moved slightly, quietly getting together, ready to explode at the same time!


A person with supernatural powers whispered.

However, just when these ten people took action at the same time, a meteor suddenly flashed in the darkness behind them!

A Tang Dao tore through the darkness and disappeared in a flash!






Four heads flew up directly!

Mo Yinxing falls behind the door, starry night!

The assassination sect lurking in the darkness!

The slender, ink-colored figure disappeared in an instant and returned to the darkness again, without even a breath or sound coming out.

The remaining six men no longer had the courage to continue fighting.

Daxia, only five people came!

And it was these five people who directly killed their Order of the Phoenix?

Their Order of the Phoenix just sent three people to Daxia to capture the superpowers!

At this moment, Daxia made them terrified!

The five people from Daxia stood in the dilapidated hall with blood and heads flying everywhere, as if the place had turned into hell.

They simply don't have the courage to take action!



A superpower suddenly raised his hand, and a mist poured out, covering the entire hall.


Mo Zhi subconsciously let out a low cry, covered his nose and backed away.

Dao Wanqian frowned slightly, rolled up the sleeves of his Taoist robe, and a Taoist rhyme stirred up the strong wind and blew up.

The fog in the hall was instantly blown away by the strong wind.

But everyone only saw the six figures escaping from the broken wall.

"Want to run?" Dao Wanqian's face darkened and he was about to chase after him.

Lin Fan grabbed Dao Wanqian and smiled: "Don't worry, they can't run away."

In the distance in the night.

The frightened six people ran wildly through the streets of the Free State at night under the cover of fog.

There was immense fear in their eyes.

Not daring to stop for a second, the six Order of the Phoenix psychics escaped across two streets. Seeing that no one was chasing them, they regained some sense.

"They are not chasing you, so run slower."

"These Daxia people are really too much. We just sent three people to catch a few superpowers from them, and they actually came and killed them!"

"Hmph, just wait. When I get back, I will go to Daxia to catch the superpowers myself! Don't even think about defeating us like this!"

"Those guys will definitely die here. Don't forget, the Phoenix hasn't come out yet!"

The eyes of the six people showed incomparable hatred and anger, but they did not dare to stop.

But the next moment.

The six superpowers suddenly froze.

In the alley ahead, a bald man wearing cassock blocked their way.

His eyes were slightly closed, one hand was standing upright, and the other hand was leaning on a carved iron rod motionless, just blocking it majestically.

There is endless compassion and compassion on his face.

The Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows and remained as calm as ever.

The six people kept walking. When they rushed in front of the bald head, a white man who was full of anger kicked him directly, gritted his teeth and cursed: "What kind of tramp, don't you have eyes, dare to block... …”

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