Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 702: I am the only human race who is willing to raise fire for all living beings in the worl

Daxia has more than just reason!

There is also five thousand years of shining humanity!

Mr. Chen's voice trembled slightly: "If we see weak planes, we will plunder them and kill them. How are we different from the gods!"

"In order to resist the invasion of gods, we massacre other planes. Wouldn't we become the next gods!"

But Jin Lao still said in a deep voice: "But if we keep them until the gods order them to attack us, those planes will still be a scourge! They are a threat to Daxia!"

"Now, those planes don't even have gods. If we take action first, we can easily destroy them by just sending out our team of god-killers."

"But if we wait until the god comes, our team of God-killers will be busy dealing with the god, and the lives in those planes will come with the army of god's believers... It will be a big trouble!"

Mr. Jin and Mr. Chen stared at each other without taking a step back.

As a scientific researcher, Mr. Chen seldom quarreled with others. In his early years, Mr. Jin fought on the battlefield and was so powerful that Mr. Chen's hands were shaking.

But Mr. Chen still straightened his back and tried hard to stand upright.

Because once he steps back, all the lives on hundreds of planes will become withered bones!

Remember m in one second.

The scene froze for a moment.

All questions seem to have correct answers.

But at this moment, it seemed that both Mr. Chen and Mr. Jin were right.

What Mr. Chen is thinking about is the life in those planes.

What Mr. Jin is thinking about is the safety of Daxia!

No one is wrong!

However, the choice is completely opposite!

"Mr. Chen, don't be kind to women!" Mr. Jin breathed heavily and said in a deep voice: "This matter is more relevant than you think. Daxia's dealing with gods is now at its limit, and there are hundreds more to come. Is the plane against us?"

"Poseidon has thrust this opportunity into our hands. We must seize the opportunity to eliminate all hidden dangers and reduce the power of the gods!"

"There are all believers in the gods. Didn't Lin Fan also say that as long as the gods say a word, even if they are told to die, they will not frown!"

"If you are merciful now, our soldiers will have to face more enemies in the future!"

"Now as long as we send the God Killer team in, we can completely eliminate this danger, destroy all hundreds of planes, and kill all future enemies!"

Mr. Chen was speechless for a while. After a long time, he sighed and said, "But... have you ever considered the feelings of life in those planes?"

"Here we are, talking in a few words and lightly discussing the survival of countless lives."

"We have gods who have powerful force, so we can judge their life and death from a high position, right?"

"Then, is it natural for gods to decide our life and death?"

"Have we already considered the beings in those planes to be inferior beings that are inferior to us and can kill at will, just like us in the eyes of the gods?"

"Why should we fight!"

"It's because the fate of my human race cannot be determined by the gods!"

"In the end, we are now going to judge them like gods, right?"

Mr. Chen, who was wearing a white coat and looking bookish, roared out angrily, which actually made Mr. Jin subconsciously take half a step back!

After a long silence, Mr. Jin still said word by word: "No matter what you say, I still retain my own opinion, destroy it!"

Mr. Chen was still tit for tat: "Then I will keep my own opinions and will not eliminate them!"

The gods of Daxia also quarreled with each other at this time.

"After all, it is a life." Zhang Chengfeng sighed: "I support Mr. Chen and will not eliminate him."

"Tao Sect, eliminate demons and defend Tao. Anyone who threatens our Daxia human race is a demon!" Tao Wanqian was filled with murderous intent, and his Tao charm faintly emitted thunder: "I support Mr. Jin!"

The ancient sword roared, and Zhang Feng said calmly: "If there is a war, my Shushan Sword Sect is willing to use the sword for the human race!"

"Amitabha," the Buddha's light sprouted, and the abbot clasped his hands together: "My Buddha is compassionate, and I support Mr. Chen on behalf of Buddhism. Don't massacre."

Shang Weitian frowned and said: "If we can snatch all the resources from those planes and capture some of the lives there as productivity... it would not be bad."

And right now.

"Everyone, stop arguing." Lin Fan suddenly said.

Mr. Chen looked at Lin Fan: "Lin Fan, which side do you support?"

"Lin Fan, you have to consider Daxia's safety. You cannot be merciful as a woman at this time!" Mr. Jin said in a deep voice.

Everyone knows the importance of Lin Fan's statement!

Because the ocean treasure house where those planes are located is in his hands.

Only if he agrees can the fate of those planes be truly decided.

Lin Fan looked at Mr. Jin and said, "What Mr. Jin said actually makes sense."

"I once saw a definition called the Law of the Dark Forest in a science fiction novel."

"Because of the laws of the dark forest, whenever a powerful plane discovers a weak plane, it will begin to massacre."

"This has nothing to do with good or evil, but for safety, to eliminate threats, and to survive."

"If you really want to be guilty, then being weak is a sin."

Jin Lao's face relaxed slightly and he nodded slightly.

But Lin Fan changed the topic: "But I feel that although the law of the dark forest is very real, it ignores one point."

"That's morality."

"Don't forget, we were once weak."

"Now that we are strong, are we going to kill the weak?"

"While we are fighting against the gods, we are going to kill other weak planes like gods, or even go further than the gods, and directly kill those planes completely?"

"We discuss their fate in a few words, but have we ever thought about their feelings? How would we feel if someone decided the fate of our human race in a few words?"

"As Mr. Chen said, haven't we become those gods! In the end, even if we win the war with the gods, there will still be new gods overriding countless creatures in the heavens, and that is us! Here we are! At that time, did we really win!"

Mr. Jin's face darkened and he said coldly: "Lin Fan, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

"If the overall situation is important, you don't need to consider the details, right?" Lin Fan paused and continued: "The overall situation is important, which is a wrong proposition in itself."

"There are hundreds of planes, ranging from the first to the tenth level. The tenth level plane has the largest number of millions of living beings, while the first level plane with the smallest number has only thousands of living beings. After all, the total is only more than three thousand. All living things.”

"For the safety of my 140 million compatriots in Great Xia, it seems reasonable to kill more than 30 million living beings."

"After all, the minority obeys the majority. Even if we vote, these more than 30 million people will die."

"But is it really correct for the minority to obey the majority?"

"Is it really okay to kill a few people for no reason for the safety of the many?"

“Has anyone ever asked a minority what they think!”

"That's hundreds of planes, with more than 30 million living beings!"

"One day, what if we become a minority? What should we do! Are we being massacred wantonly!"

"You have said so much," Mr. Jin said with an ugly face: "Lin Fan, do you mean not to destroy those planes? You must know that once the gods give the order, our warriors..."

"Mr. Jin, don't worry." Lin Fan continued: "That's what I meant."

"We can unite them!"

Lin Fan said word by word.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Mr. Jin frowned: "You mean..."

Lin Fan nodded: "Gods can make them abandon themselves and believe in gods, so why can't we destroy the faith established by gods, let them regain their own consciousness, and liberate their thoughts that are imprisoned by gods!"

For a while.

Everyone is breathing heavily!

This is equivalent to competing with gods for believers and space!

Shatter your faith and liberate your mind!

"Is it really possible?" Mr. Jin frowned: "You just said that even if the gods ask them to die, they will not frown!"

"This kind of faith can't be shattered by just a few words!"

It’s not that Mr. Jin has never thought about unity.

However, Mr. Jin, who came out of the war, knows the power of faith!

He has seen our soldiers in desperate situations, facing the enemy's surrender, but still fighting for their lives!

He had seen the crazy enemy shouting that the jade was broken while disemboweling him with a knife!


What crazy power!

It's enough to make a person loyal, give up everything, and pursue the so-called nobility!

In the history of Blue Star, some fanatical religious believers would even push their family members into the fire pit for the sake of their beliefs. Others persuaded him to give up his faith. While shouting that the heretic should be executed, he took a knife and fought with them!

Not to mention religious believers, even some ardent fans of popular celebrities can abandon their families in order to chase stars.

These fanatical religious believers, these fanatical fans, were once normal people, received normal education, and had normal cognition.

Under the guidance of that false belief, they can become so crazy.

In those planes, the belief in the gods was established from generation to generation after those planes were conquered by the gods.

Brainwashing from generation to generation!

There has never been a normal education, and there has never been a normal understanding. From birth, they were instilled with the idea of ​​belief in gods.

Who knows how deep-rooted the beliefs are there!

Who knows how crazy the creatures are there!

"Crushing the faith in those planes is more difficult than massacre!" Mr. Mo Zhi also said solemnly: "After all, you can chop off the head with one knife, but you cannot chop off the faith with one knife."

There is no doubt that Lin Fan has to choose the most difficult path.

Shatter your faith and liberate your mind!

But that is not a belief that can be shattered in just a few words!

In those planes, after generations of brainwashing, it is almost an unquestionable truth to believe in gods, sing praises to gods, and dedicate everything to gods, just like one plus one equals two.

The difficulty of breaking faith is equivalent to making all living beings believe again. One plus one does not equal two!


"In these thousands of planes that believe in gods, all living beings live in confusion, as if they are in endless darkness." Lin Fan looked out the window and into the dark night, "When darkness comes, someone must light the flame."

"In the beginning, our ancestors faced the darkness and raised the torch."

"Now, it's our turn!"

Lin Fan stood up slowly and said in a firm voice: "Everyone, I know that it is difficult to drill wood to make fire."

"But when the fire rises into the sky and all the darkness is swept away, we will find that it is all worth it and must be done!"

"Everyone!" Lin Fan looked around at everyone, looking at everyone one by one, and said slowly: "The night is approaching, and darkness covers all living things."

"Only my human race is willing to raise fire for all living beings in the world!"

Outside the Great Steel Wall, dazzling lights pierce the darkness!

Within the territory of Daxia, countless lights illuminate the night!

This is mankind’s pursuit of light, as it has always been, and will remain unchanged forever!


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