Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 710: One hundred thousand people for one person

For a moment, General Mike stood there completely stunned, his face full of disbelief.

Armed suppression!

Of course he knows what it means!

At the construction sites of other shelters, visitors come every now and then.

That would be carnage!

Use blood and death to let those poor workers who dare to be enemies of the consortium know the majesty of the Society.

On one side are unarmed poor workers, on the other side are well-equipped armed forces that even have light and heavy machine guns, armored vehicles and even helicopters.

You can imagine what that picture is.

"Do you know what this means..." General Mike's voice trembled.

Mu Wanxia nodded: "This means that Mr. Roosevelt died in a workers' riot, and you, General Mike, avenged him and suppressed these rioting workers."

"In this case, there is no direct relationship between you and Mr. Roosevelt's death."

Remember m in one second.

Mike said word by word: "You will die! Many people will die!"

Two million people, silence.

Mu Wanxia turned to look at the workers carrying hammers and hoes, and suddenly said: "Are we afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"All we have left is our lives!"

Rolling like thunder!

Looking at these people in front of him, General Mike's eyes turned red and he shook his head slightly: "No... I can't possibly let so many of you for myself..."

"Do you really think this is for you!" Mu Wanxia said solemnly: "Are we helping you to keep you alive?"

"Do you think our friendship is this good?"

"We help you because you are General Mike and you are the one who can help us build that passage!"

"In the entire Jishi Association, only you have the ability to help us! And only you are willing to help us!"

"We help you, not to keep you alive, but to help that passage, to keep more people alive! It's for ourselves!"

General Mike paused suddenly, as if he was meeting this seemingly weak oriental woman for the first time.

Mu Wanxia said loudly: "Everyone, the consortium is going to take away our last hope! Our only hope now is the passage into the shelter!"

"General Mike is the only person we can trust, and only he can help us build that passage under the supervision of the Jishi Society!"

"He can't die! Even if I die, he can't die!"

"And if we want him to survive, if we want that passage... we, a group of people must die!"

"Use their deaths to let General Mike get rid of suspicion, let Jishihui calm down the anger of members' death, and let General Mike have an explanation for Jishihui!"

"Their deaths will also allow the passage to be safely completed and allow more people to survive!"

"These dead people will trade their lives for that passage, but they will never be able to enter that passage again, nor will they be able to see the surviving people entering the shelter through that passage and the day they survive. !”

"They will only be regarded as dead thugs by the consortium!"

"But their names will be remembered by each of us! They died in the darkness before the light, just so that more people can see the light!"


Mu Wanxia raised her hands: "Those who are willing to die, raise your hands!"

Two million people were silent.

Who wants to die?

For a life, living is more important than anything else!

But the reason why humans are human, the reason why they are different from other animals, and the reason why they can develop their own civilization and stand on the Blue Star is because...

People have their own thoughts and beliefs!

"I'm going to die!" A strong man suddenly raised his hands and shouted loudly.


"I can die too! As long as my child can enter the shelter, as long as my child can survive, my death will not be in vain!"

"Count me in!"

"My wife is pregnant... Even if she dies, I have to let her and her mother enter the shelter and survive!"

"I can too!"

"Add me! When my child grows up, tell him that his father is great! Although his father did not grow up with him, as long as he lives in the shelter, I will always be by his side!"

For a while.

Shout like thunder!

Each worker raised his right hand with red eyes, holding the hammer and hoe tightly, and roared to death.

For a person, living seems to be very important.

But there are always some things and some people that are more important than your own life!

Many people feel that they will never die for others in this life and cannot understand those who die for others.

But when they really face the choice between their parents, wives, children, friends and themselves, many things do not need to be explained.

The literal word "people" always feels so light, but when you walk on the street, among the bustling crowds, and pass by each of your compatriots, you will feel the weight of the word "people".

Countless shouts converged into three words.

"I'm going to die!"

Damn it!

These workers, who had no guns in their hands, roared fearlessly in the face of death.

The Jishi Society is so lofty, with countless supplies and soldiers with live ammunition.

Like ants, they only have their lives left!

Then use your life!

General Mike stared blankly at this scene, listening to the deafening roar like thunder, his voice trembled: "Is"

At this moment, he felt the power.

That power is even more powerful than the power of Jishihui, and more unstoppable than gods!

This is a power he has never felt in the Free Country before. This is a power spread from Daxia!

"These workers don't know what faith is." Mu Wanxia nodded and said, "But, this is faith."

This is the power of faith!

True faith can make the weak roar, make those who are greedy for life die, and make those who kneel and beg rise up.

Mu Wanxia looked at General Mike and said slowly: "How many people are going to die?"

General Mike was silent for a long time.

"Don't refuse. We are not here to save you, but to save ourselves and our last hope." Mu Wanxia sighed, "Even I can be replaced, but you can't."

"Because you are the only one in the Jishi Association who is willing to help us, and you are also the only one who has the ability to provide materials and help us build a passage."

"To put it bluntly, if it were someone else, as long as they could provide supplies and help us build a passage, we would die for them."

"Right on things, not on people."

"If you are really guilty, then do your best to help us in the future."

General Mike nodded slightly.

"How many people are going to die?" Mu Wanxia asked again. At this moment, even her voice was trembling.

"One hundred thousand... no, fifty thousand..." General Mike's voice trembled, as if every word he spoke was extremely important: "Fifty thousand is enough... I can barely cope with the Jishihui..."

"Fifty thousand..." Mu Wanxia shook her head: "In the eyes of Jishihui, is a consortium family representative really worth only fifty thousand lives? Can this calm their anger?"

This sentence may sound contradictory.

There seems to be no comparison between one life and fifty thousand lives.

After all, in essence, even a representative of a consortium family is just a human life, no different from an ordinary worker.


In the eyes of the consortium, everything is clearly priced!

That was a member of the Society for the Relief of the World, the speaking representative of the Roosevelt family!

A behemoth that towers over the entire free country!

One of them died just like that!

Although the Roosevelt family can also elect other family representatives, how can the majesty of the Jishi Association tolerate provocation? Killing 50,000 people can vent the anger of Jishihui? Can those humble poor workers know the consequences of daring to attack members of the Jishihui?

General Mike was silent.

"One hundred thousand." Mu Wanxia slowly closed her eyes.

General Mike's expression suddenly changed: "Do you realize what we are discussing!"

"We're talking about how many people are going to die!"

"You will die by the gunfire of my security team! You will die by my orders!"

"If you change one word, do you know that 50,000 more people will die! 50,000 more people! This is not business, this is human life!"

"I know." Mu Wanxia opened her eyes again, and it was only then that General Mike realized that her eyes were already filled with tears.

Before, she was just pretending to be strong.

After all, one hundred thousand people!

One life is the disintegration of a family!

"I know what I'm talking about." Mu Wanxia wiped the corners of her eyes and suppressed the sadness in her heart again, "But now you are more important than anyone else. You are alive, the two million of us, and more people, Only then do you have a chance to survive!”

"You can only help us build that passage if you live!"

"You not only have to live, but you also have to make Jishihui trust you as always, and make Jishihui feel that you are on their side and fighting for their interests!"

"One hundred thousand people can make them trust you! Make others dare not doubt you! Let them continue to provide you with a large amount of funds and let us build that channel!"

"After all, killing 50,000 people is barely justified, but you killed 100,000 people! Who dares to doubt that you are on our side! They will think that you really regard Jishihui as your belief! And! We workers are mortal enemies of you!"

These poor workers who have nothing would trade one hundred thousand lives for one General Mike!

One hundred thousand people, just one person!


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