Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 715 Everything is normal

General Mike nodded, but his heart was in great pain.

Those who died for him even had to be buried with a member of the Jishihui after death!

"As long as you're satisfied." General Mike repeated again, then slammed the table.


The scene was silent,

"Mike, you..." Mr. Carnegie was slightly startled.

"As long as you are satisfied!" General Mike slowly raised his head, his eyes were red and filled with tears!

"But have you ever thought about what I think!"

"Did you see the blood all over me?"

"I killed a hundred thousand people!"

"Just for you, just to satisfy you, so that you can sit at the dinner table without any worries, eat steak, drink red wine, and smoke cigars!"

"I'm here to fight in blood!"

"It doesn't matter, because I come from the military and this is what I'm good at!"

" actually doubt me?" General Mike roared.

Everyone was silent.

"Mike, this matter... is our fault..." the leader of the old man sighed, "It's just that, kid, the funds you applied for are indeed a bit too much..."

"I applied for a lot of funds, but have you ever thought about it. The 501 Hope Shelter that I am responsible for is the hub connecting other shelters! It is the largest shelter!" General Mike gritted his teeth and said: "I have two hundred Thousands of angry workers!”

"If I didn't strengthen security and didn't spend any money, would I be alive until now?"

"Did you see what happened to Mr. Roosevelt? He only came in less than half an hour ago, but I am here every day!"

"Do you think I am suppressing this place alone and rejecting all outsiders to collude with them? I am doing it for your safety!"

The old man in the front seat said softly: "Mike..."

"It doesn't matter! If you doubt me, just doubt me!" General Mike said coldly: "I'll put my words here. From now on, anyone who doubts me can come and investigate!"

"I'm always welcome!"

"You can even send someone to remove me and replace me with someone else! I will never say anything else!"

"But I would like to remind you that it is my ability to suppress these two million workers. But I cannot guarantee that those who enter here can get out alive!"

"I welcome anyone who wants to check me or replace me, but you'd better think about what will happen to Mr. Roosevelt first!"

"What do you think, Mr. Carnegie, do you want to check me out? As Roosevelt's new representative, how about you replace me directly?"

For a moment, everyone had complicated expressions and shook their heads.

"Mike, you're kidding, we don't dare to go anymore."

"With you here, we can rest assured."

The woman holding the wine glass glared at the new representative of the Roosevelt family, and whispered: "Yes, alas, I didn't expect you to take such a big risk for us... Some people even doubted you before! "

"General Mike, please stop joking. How dare we replace you." Even the new representative of the Roosevelt family looked guilty: "This matter... is my brother's fault. I will take care of your appropriation in the future." All passed.”

"Mike, don't be angry." The old man in the first seat smiled softly: "We have all seen how loyal you are to us."

"I had some doubts about you before...but you proved yourself with your actions."

"Don't worry, do your best. You will be my pride."

One hundred thousand corpses!

This is enough to prove Mike's loyalty!

Listening to these compliments, General Mike's expression did not change at all. Instead, he frowned and looked at the new representative of the Roosevelt family who was no longer angry in his brows. He frowned and said: "Your brother is dead, but... you seem to be no longer angry? "

"Haha, I am indeed angry." The new representative of the Roosevelt family smiled: "But everything has a price."

"One hundred thousand lives is worth my brother's life, which is enough to satisfy my family."

"The most important thing is... if my brother doesn't die, how can I become the new Mr. Roosevelt? Speaking of which, haha, now this is the most beneficial situation for me. I can not only give the family a satisfactory answer, but also succeed my brother. s right."

"To put it bluntly, I should even thank General Mike. Haha, General Mike, please accept my thanks."

No one would believe it, but he, who had just lost his brother, was even thanking General Mike!

General Mike suppressed his nausea and smiled: "You're welcome."

"By the way, everyone, please come to my house for the funeral tomorrow night. The day after tomorrow, please come to my private manor. In order to celebrate my taking over power, I have specially arranged a secret banquet so that I can get close to you. After all, I am also You are now a member of the Jishi Association, and we will all work together in the future."

Everything is based on interests!

General Mike looked at the smile of the new representative, and then looked at the crying workers collecting the corpses outside the window, with uncontrollable disgust in his eyes.

End of the meeting.

A hundred thousand lives piled up like a mountain saved General Mike!

He even gained the trust of the Jishi Society!

After all, who can believe that a senior executive who killed hundreds of thousands of workers in anger can still collude with these workers?

General Mike's face was not happy at all, but he looked up at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood outside the window.

Outside the window, one hundred thousand corpses!

Stacked together, they are like mountains!

At this time, the surviving workers were collecting the bodies of their family members and friends, crying while carrying them for burial.

General Mike was silent for a long time and said softly: "Let them stop working. Tomorrow, the Roosevelt family's trucks will take these corpses away like dead pigs... and bury them with Mr. Roosevelt..."

Seeing that General Mike was in a bad state, the security captain quickly said: "General, the meeting is over. You should take a shower and change clothes first."

But before General Mike could answer.

"Sir!" A voice came from the intercom: "Commander-in-Chief Daxia has requested a private conversation with you!"

General Mike seemed to suddenly become energetic and immediately said: "Passed."

Not long after.

Lin Fan's voice came from the satellite-encrypted private phone in General Mike's hand: "Is everything normal?"

Is it normal?

General Mike looked up at the body outside the window and tried to speak to the phone in a calm tone: "Everything is normal."

"That's good. I won't have much time to come back this time, and I have to go out again tomorrow." Lin Fan said with a smile: "Over there in the Free Country, you have to be responsible, so hurry up."

"Although the shelter plan is relatively... conservative," Lin Fan thought about the vocabulary and continued: "But it is better than nothing."

"Yeah." General Mike nodded.

Lin Fan felt something was wrong: "Why are you not in a good mood? Something happened?"

"It's okay." General Mike looked down at the blood all over his body and suddenly said: "By the way, can I trust you?"

Lin Fan asked back: "What do you think?"

"Haha." General Mike smiled, "Save a video for me, and I will send it to your private email through an encrypted channel. But... this thing cannot be leaked."

"However, it will be used one day, and you can give it to me when the time comes." General Mike added.

"Yeah, okay."

"Then hang up first."

After Mike finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He got up and walked outside. While walking in the construction site full of corpses, he began to take off his clothes as if there were no other people around, not caring about the eyes of others.

He just wanted to take off the clothes that were still dripping with blood quickly. The pungent smell of blood in the air made him almost vomit.

When he walked to the bathroom, General Mike was naked, opened the valve, frantically applied shower gel all over his body, and then wiped his body with a bath ball.

"Sir..." The person taking a bath next to him looked stunned.

"It can't be wiped clean." General Mike looked at his hands that were shaking uncontrollably and violently. They had obviously been washed white and tender, but in his eyes, they were still full of blood.

Even the water flowing out of the nozzle turned extremely bright red.

The blood of a hundred thousand people!

General Mike ran to the kitchen like crazy, took out a steel wool ball and began to wipe his body. The sharp steel wire scraped blood marks on his skin.

"Sir, what's wrong with you!" The security captain came running quickly!

"It can't be wiped clean, it can't be wiped clean!" General Mike repeated these words blankly. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at his hands blankly.

These hands are filled with blood that cannot be washed away!

The blood of a hundred thousand people!

The bloody scenes, the rows of fallen comrades, the gushing blood, and the corpses torn apart by bullets and crushed by cannonballs kept appearing!

It was these hands that fired the gun!


The steel wire ball with the broken skin and flesh suddenly fell to the ground. General Mike bent down to pick it up, but his trembling hands could not pick it up.

The security captain said in astonishment: "Sir, your hands..."

"It's okay." General Mike tried hard to stop his hands from shaking, but at this moment, the hands that once held the gun so calmly were shaking violently uncontrollably and could not be held tightly.

Those scenes appeared again, the hands fired again and again, and those people fell one by one!



There are 100,000 human lives in these hands, how can they not tremble!

"Sir, don't worry, I'll call the military doctor right away!"

The security captain ran out quickly.

"No need to call the military doctor." General Mike looked at the hands that were washed clean but covered with blood. They were once able to shoot accurately, but now they were completely out of control. He seemed to see the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood again. Countless workers were torn apart by bullets and killed by these hands.

He trembled: "These hands... I know how to cure them."

"One day, these hands will be steady enough to pull the trigger."

General Mike suddenly raised his head. At this moment, his eyes seemed to be burning with fire, blazing!

On this day, General Mike was diagnosed with neurological Parkinson's syndrome.

Both hands can't even hold a glass of water, let alone pulling the trigger on the target, something that is very simple but requires precise control!

A general who can't shoot with both hands!

Even a useless person who needs help from others in his daily life, including buttoning his buttons, drinking water and eating!

at the same time.

After Lin Fan watched the video, he sat there motionless.

That scene was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

How similar to memory!

However, those people did not die from gods, but from fellow human beings, from... General Mike!

But Lin Fan didn't hold grudges against Mike, because this complete surveillance video not only recorded Mike massacring those people, but also recorded Mike's conversations with those people!

They died voluntarily!

Die for General Mac!


It should be said, die for the last hope, die for more people, die for faith!

This is their cooperation with General Mike, not business, because business at least has a price that can be negotiated, but there is no price for a hundred thousand lives!

Once this video is leaked, you can imagine what will happen to General Mike.

He will be cut into pieces by the Jishihui!

This is the only original video left in the world and the only remaining truth!

And this video, which was enough to put Mike beyond redemption, was handed over to Lin Fan!

As long as Lin Fan leaks this video, General Mike, the current leader of the Free State, will immediately die without a burial place.

Mr. Jin, who watched the video with Lin Fan, was silent for a long time and sighed: "One hundred thousand lives... I have seen so many wars, but never such a tragic massacre."

"But it's not his fault. These people are all for him, and for that passage, Mike has to do the same. I can even feel his pain at that time... If you really think about it, this debt belongs to Jishihui. "

"Mike gives this to you... He is equivalent to giving me a letter of approval to Daxia."

Jin Lao’s meaning is very obvious.

Mike handed this video to Daxia that could determine his life or death.

no doubt.

In the future, he will be one of Daxia's own and will be loyal to Daxia!

"No." Lin Fan shook his head: "What he meant was actually very simple. He simply didn't want the truth to be buried, and he didn't want those 100,000 people to die quietly."

Lin Fan remembered Mike's slightly trembling "Everything is normal."

Think about it now.

Those are four words exchanged for one hundred thousand lives!


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