Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 761: I saw God’s guidance!

For a moment, the plane spirit was stunned.

Looking at the face of the human in front of him, the plane spirit struggled hard, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from the power of those hands!

"It's you!" Its eyes were full of disbelief, and it still can't understand what the hell is going on!

"You..." The plane spirit's face turned red, "God, I won't let you go!"

"You'd better be honest now." Lin Fan pressed his hands on the neck of the plane spirit, Shura's divine power rushed out, held it tightly, and said coldly: "You can also rest assured, I will not kill you. "

"I want you to see that change end with your own eyes!"

"I want you to see with your own eyes what kind of choice your child makes!"

"By then, you won't be in such pain anymore. You will be freed from the shackles of God and regain your freedom. By then, you will even thank me."

As Lin Fan spoke, he grabbed the struggling plane spirit, held him by the neck, and dragged him back to that plane.

Lin Fan carried the plane spirit and touched the plane light group.

Just a moment.

Lin Fan and the plane spirit returned to that world again!

The plane spirit's eyes are extremely humiliating and angry. After all, as a plane spirit and as the will of this world, it has never been pressed on the neck by anyone!

Still in your own world!

But then, the plane spirit let out a painful cry, its eyes were extremely painful!

The struggle became more and more desperate. Lin Fan couldn't care about anything and could only try his best to hold him down!


"I will follow all the master's orders!" The strange woman appeared instantly.

Lin Fan said in a deep voice: "Help me hold him down together!"

"Yes, Master."

The strange woman also helped Lin Fan hold down the spirit of the plane. Together, the two of them finally restrained the spirit of the plane completely.

Amid the wailing sound, the plane spirit looked down with red eyes. The two thoughts fought ferociously in its mind, almost tearing it apart. The death of every orc brought it incomparable pain!

"Hold on." Lin Fan's Shura Knife was placed across the plane spirit's neck, "I really want to become comrades in arms with this world."

In the sky, the plane spirits are wailing.

On the ground, the orcs were roaring and fighting!


The roar of the orcs resounded throughout the world, and at this moment, the battle was already heating up.

Although the 200,000 palace guard knights are powerful, they are no longer able to support the 800,000 orcs and 100,000 war beasts!


Cardin raised the horn with one hand and played it vigorously, straddling the back of the war beast and leading the charge, flying a palace guard knight with an axe.

Behind him, 100,000 war beasts carried 100,000 orc knights and charged together amidst the sound of horns. The giant ax and horns only instantly tore apart the defense line of 200,000 palace knights!

"Show them the power of savagery!"


"For hope!"

700,000 orcs followed closely, surrounded the 200,000 temple guardian knights, and began to kill them!

regardless of costs!

That brutal power caused the well-equipped palace knights to fall down one by one, their giant axes shattering heavy armor, and even the orcs pounced on them desperately, their fangs biting their throats!


The orcs roared.

The hymn has become extremely weak.

There were even some Temple Guard knights who were so frightened that they put down their weapons tremblingly, "No more fighting, I, I surrender!"


"Why doesn't God help us! God has abandoned us!"

"God hasn't shown up yet. God doesn't care about us. Why should we fight to the death for Him!"

"We can't go on like this!" Gurka, who was covered in blood and whose heavy armor was broken, was no longer as brave as before. He was supported and stood among the only 100,000 temple guardian knights. Looking at the tragic battle, he gritted his teeth. Said: "If this continues, we will all die!"

"I am not afraid of dying for God!"

"But, we will fail! Once we die, God's faith will disappear from this world!"

The Temple Guard Knights who were still fighting around them gritted their teeth and said, "Sir, what should we do?"

These Templar Knights are not afraid to die for the gods, and even for them, that would be a supreme honor.

But they can't all die here!

Once they all die here, there will no longer be any belief in God here!

"Sir, what should we do!"

"Yes, sir, even if we want to retreat now, where can we retreat to?"

"Why doesn't God come out to help us? We are fighting for Him!"

The Temple Guard Knights looked at Gurka.

Now that the high priest is dead, only Gurka, the captain of the Temple Guard Knight, can make a decision!

Gurka took a deep breath and looked around the chaotic battlefield, trying to find the last solution.

"God will guide us!" Gurka's eyes were anxious, but at the next moment, he suddenly seemed to see something and said loudly: "I saw God's guidance!"

He points forward.

There is the passage that the high priest asked the heaven and earth to open before!

Just a thousand meters away!

It's just that this distance of one thousand meters is now the direction from which 800,000 orcs are counterattacking!

"That passage is connected to the human world!" Gurka said loudly: "As long as we fight out and pass through that passage, we can reach the human world!"

"Those humans are so weak that they can only flee in panic when facing us!"

"And as long as we reach that human world, the sky is huge and the earth is huge, we can completely escape, look for opportunities to grow our power, conquer that world, and then fight back to this world and return to our homeland in the future!"

Gurka looked at the passage and already imagined the scene of the future counterattack.

The other palace guard knights had ugly expressions: "Sir, there are 800,000 orcs in front of us, and there are 100,000 war beasts blocking the way!"

"Are you afraid?" Gurka gritted his teeth and said, "If we stay here any longer, we will all be surrounded and killed to death! There is no place for us in this entire world!"

"We must go to the human world!"

"As long as we get there, the sky and the earth are huge for us to conquer! Those weak humans will be our nourishment. We can easily conquer them and make them believers in God!"

"Everyone!" Gurka said solemnly: "This is not an escape, but a strategic retreat!"

"Today, with faith in God, we are fleeing from our homes like lost dogs."

"In the future, we will recruit countless human believers, fight back here, and take back our homeland from those who betray the gods!"

"This is our last hope!"

"We are not cowards who run away, we are devout believers who hold on to the last hope for God! We will conquer the human plane for God, and then lead the conquered human believers back to fight back!"

As soon as these words came out.

The remaining 100,000 Temple Guard Knights roared angrily: "Hold on to the last hope for God!"

"Those who are not afraid of death, follow me and fight out!" Gurka's heavy sword pointed directly at the space passage: "Everyone, charge in formation, break out of the siege, and enter the human world!"

Just a moment.

One hundred thousand palace-protecting knights lined up, but no longer defended.

Facing 100,000 orc knights and 700,000 orcs riding on hill-like war beasts, they were already at a disadvantage and actually took the initiative to form a charging formation!

Faith is burning in the eyes, and the expression reveals crazy piety!

The hymn is loud!


"Break out of the siege and enter the human world!"

"That's our last hope!"

"We will be safe in the human world!"

"We will easily conquer those weak humans, and in the future, we will coerce human believers, fight back to this plane, and take back our homeland!"

These 100,000 heavily armored temple guardian knights were like crazy demons. They no longer defended, but roared to break through under the siege of 100,000 orc knights and 700,000 orcs!

Swinging the heavy sword!

One hundred thousand palace guard knights gathered together like a spear, and charged towards that passage surrounded by 800,000 orcs!


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