Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 787 The express delivery department is preparing to send

Facing the bullet wrapped in the Buddha's light, the face of the charging God of Death changed, and he felt extremely powerful!


The huge Death God's Scythe slashed towards the face, the black robes stirred, and the terrifying aura burst out from the Death God in charge. The billowing black energy rushed out from the Death God's Sickle, and instantly became a hundred meters in size!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

There was a crisp sound of metal collision, bullets hit the huge death sickle one after another, and the bright Buddha light actually retreated under the rolling black air!

That was part of the power that the Death Lord refined from the Book of Life and Death!

He was directly forced back a hundred meters by the continuous bullets!

The other two Death Gods rushed from the left and right sides, and the Death God's scythes also slashed down!

"Amitabha, good, good, good."

Compassion snorted and threw away two AKs. Just when the God of Death breathed a sigh of relief, Compassion suddenly threw two round objects from his arms.


"Eat my mercy grenade!"

On those two grenades, the Buddha's light shines brightly, and the swastika seal condenses!

The pupils of the two Death Gods shrank suddenly, but they did not have time to escape.


The two grenades exploded instantly, but there were no fragments or explosions.

Time seemed to stop, the terrifying solid Buddha light exploded, the swastika seal instantly expanded, billowing golden light enveloped the entire area, and the sound of chanting was heard like thunder, and instantly sounded,

The two Death Gods were instantly affected by the Buddha's light that exploded from the grenade, and were forced back a hundred meters in an instant!

"It's not over yet." Master Compassion clasped his hands expressionlessly, billowing Buddha light radiated from his body, and he looked majestic.

For example, the compassionate master of the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva recited sutras in a low voice: "Amitabha, now that he has achieved righteousness and benefit, his heart is filled with enthusiasm..."

The three Death Gods, who were forced back a hundred meters by bullets and grenades, snorted coldly: "Isn't it too late to chant sutras at this time?"

Master Compassion was unmoved and continued: "The location coordinates are 32,85. All missile units will provide support and output full firepower."

The god of death was slightly startled.

This chanting...why is it so weird!

Suddenly, the eyes of the God of Death shrank suddenly and he looked down.

I saw that in Daxia's underworld, countless missiles and cannon muzzles were slowly turning, all aimed at him!

"Position parameters received!"

"Target locked, turn on infrared guidance."

"Full firepower output!"

One by one, the heroic spirits of the missile force roared and pulled down the launch rod.


In the dazzling flames, huge ground-to-air missiles with a length of more than ten meters and dozens of meters soared into the sky and swept straight into the sky!

The missile launch vehicle roared endlessly, and countless missiles dragged out the flames like a torrent of flames and steel, rushing out!


The heavy artillery roared, and the huge shells shredded the air!

Even the fighter planes in the distance released dazzling missiles at this moment!

For a moment, a particularly frightening feeling appeared in the hearts of the three Death Gods. It felt like they were being targeted by countless ferocious beasts!

They looked up and saw that the sky in all directions was filled with torrents of steel and flames. Missiles and cannonballs were hitting them from all directions, either from top to bottom or from bottom to top!

Just like poisonous snakes spitting out messages!

"Damn it!"

At this moment, they had a feeling that these missiles seemed to be firmly locked on their aura, making it impossible to avoid them!

"Do you really think that what the poor monk recited is an ordinary scripture?" Master Compassion withdrew and retreated, and said in a cold voice: "Amitabha, have you ever heard of the Buddhist scriptures of precision guidance parameters?"

"This is the most powerful Buddhist scripture in Daxia now!"

The three gods of death suddenly cursed in their hearts.

Damn it, just report the parameters when you report them. Can you please stop having anything to do with Buddhist scriptures!

But it was too late to curse at this time.


A horrific explosion has occurred.

A missile fell from the sky, and no matter how hard the three Death Gods turned and dodged, the missile chased the three of them like cobras, and then crashed onto the three Death Gods!

In just an instant, the terrifying fire exploded, the Buddha's light was dazzling, and the Sanskrit sounds curled up!





Continuous missiles and cannon balls fell one after another, and the terrifying explosion covered a kilometer in radius, and the flames shot into the sky, seeming to illuminate this gray world!

The plane of death has not been shaken for thousands of years, this extremely stable gray world is trembling at this moment!

Under the terrifying firepower of humans, even the heaven and earth are shaking.


The raging explosion instantly obscured the figures of the three Death Gods in charge. The three people were stunned as they crashed to the ground with roars and flames from the sky, smashing hundreds of thousands of walking Death Gods who were still escaping on the ground.


The horrific explosion lasted for ten minutes without stopping.

The Compassionate Master stood in the distance in the air, holding a telescope and staring at the area filled with flames. He couldn't help but sigh: "Amitabha, how good it is, how good it is."

After looking at it for a while, the Compassionate Master slowly raised his hand: "Okay, that's almost it. After all, the poor monk still has to be compassionate. It's not good to blow up any flowers or plants."


The last heavy artillery roared, and immediately, the missile troops gave up their fire attack on the area where the three Death Gods were in charge, and continued to kill the walking Death Gods who were still fleeing.

"Should he be dead?" Yan Luo, who was a senior military officer during his lifetime, frowned and said with a walkie-talkie, "How the hell can he not die?"

The explosion gradually subsided, and the flames that towered into the sky gradually dissipated.

Under the smoke, everything within a radius of several kilometers was pitch black, and the ground sunk ten meters down, as if a terrifying god had punched him here!

Master Compassion is indeed compassionate. With this firepower, there is no need to worry about accidentally blowing up flowers and plants.

Even the ground was blown up by it!

The entire bombing area was completely silent, with no trace of life left!

"Dead?" Master Compassion frowned slightly, but then his pupils suddenly shrank!

In the pitch-black crater, surrounded by gunpowder smoke, three figures in black robes stood up slowly, leaning on sickles.

The black robe was almost completely reduced to rags.

The black robes fluttered in the hot air, and the skeleton's feet stepped on the charred soil, stepping out step by step from the acrid smoke.

There are obviously only three figures, but there is a strong sense of oppression!

The three gods of death emerged from the ruins again!

"What kind of monster is this!" Yan Luo looked ugly and gritted his teeth and said, "Can't this be killed by an explosion?"

At this moment, everyone felt the powerful strength of the Death Temple!

The dark death scythe exudes a powerful aura, which is the aura that governs life and death. It comes from the rules of life and death in the original book of life and death!

Rolling black mist emitted from the three Death Gods, and the skeleton's eyes burned with dark flames.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

A god of death clapped his hands. The skull face under the black robe slowly raised its head and smiled at Master Compassion from afar: "Not bad."

“Really good!”

"Human weapons actually have such power!"

"It's a pity that it's still too weak."

"Fortunately, your weapons are too weak. They don't have the power to break through life and death, or the power to destroy everything."

Master Compassion frowned slightly.

"But this also surprises us." The three Death Gods rose into the sky again, slowly raised the Death God's sickle, and said with a smile: "I'll give you one more chance. It's not too late to surrender now."

Master Compassion did not answer, but slowly took out a red button box and chanted the sutra in a low voice again.

"Amitabha, since he has achieved great benefits, his heart is full of enthusiasm... The location coordinates are 585 and 24, the nuclear weapons are ready to be ignited, and the express delivery department is ready to send..."


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