Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 80 The Empress Phoenix!

If we say the first two things, Lin Fan became a high-ranking idol admired by Daxia soldiers and the legendary commander-in-chief of the Supreme Command Center.

That last thing made these Daxia soldiers suddenly feel that Lin Fan was not a superior figure, but just like them, a flesh-and-blood person, a comrade who fought side by side!

The dignified commander-in-chief actually risked his life to save an unknown worker who was in danger?

I had completed my mission and retreated safely, but then I went back again?

These things seem silly.

But it was this kind of "stupidity" that allowed Lin Fan to gain unprecedented recognition from these soldiers.

He is the commander-in-chief.

They are also comrades fighting side by side!

If Lin Fan, who killed generals with swords, was like a myth in the eyes of these soldiers, then saving Zhao Guochen alone brought Lin Fan's mythical image back to the world again.

Because these soldiers are just like Zhao Guochen!

But the young man in front of him was willing to risk his life to protect a seemingly inconspicuous Daxia person.

Never abandon any Daxia people.

This is exactly Daxia’s belief!

"Lin Fan! Lin Fan! Lin Fan!"

On the return voyage, the soldiers shouted Lin Fan's name loudly.

"Don't, don't be like this..." Lin Fan's face turned red. After all, although he was the commander-in-chief, he was still a high school student, and since he became the commander-in-chief, Lin Fan had not accepted any scenes.

"Haha, whatever you have here, you deserve it." Old Jin smiled and then shouted to the soldiers around him: "Okay, that's almost it. Lin Fan just came back. He is very tired and has injuries on his body. Don’t torment him.”

"Everyone, please go back to your work and continue your work. Also, call the military doctor over!"

Jin Lao could feel that Lin Fan's steps had begun to wander.

After being scolded by Mr. Jin, the soldiers who originally wanted to lift Lin Fan quickly dispersed and returned to their respective posts. However, a military doctor quickly walked over, looked at Lin Fan's injuries, and said quickly: "Look for a few people." A soldier, carry him and follow him to the medical room."

Lin Fan's face was already a little pale at this time, and the injuries caused by the previous retrograde exercise could no longer be suppressed, and his whole body seemed to have lost all strength.

But Lin Fan still shook his head: "No, don't call me a soldier... don't let them see me like this."

Lin Fan had just felt the admiring looks and high morale of those soldiers.

It would not be good if they saw him, the commander-in-chief, suddenly looking seriously injured again. Somewhat demoralizing.

Jin Lao also knew what Lin Fan was thinking and said quickly: "Don't worry, I'll carry you there."

Being held up by Mr. Jin and the military doctor, Lin Fan moved step by step towards the medical room. On the way, he saw several soldiers with admiring expressions on their faces. Lin Fan still endured the weakness and pain and greeted them with a bright smile and raised his hand, pretending to be nothing. Nothing happened.

Finally, the medical room arrived.

The moment he arrived at the medical room, Lin Fan could no longer hold on and collapsed to the ground.

"Mr. Jin, help me put him on the bed and lie down." The military doctor pointed to the bed and said.

Lin Fan was helped to the bed by Mr. Jin and the military doctor, and said weakly: "Well, how is Gong Shuming..."

You know, the entire God-Slaying Army team has reversed their skills.

Their situation should not be much better than Lin Fan's.

Especially Gong Shuming, whose left arm was forcibly cut off!

"Mr. Gongshu is currently in a coma, and his condition is barely stable. However, his broken arm cannot be recovered. I'm afraid..." The military doctor sighed, and then changed the subject: "But the condition of the others is not bad, although the body seems to be overdrawn. It’s gone, and there are still some injuries, but it’s not a big problem, it’s just that there should be some problems...”

Lin Fan nodded.

Retrograde exercises are risking one's life and overdrawing one's potential!

Damage to the foundation cannot be restored by simply using medical equipment.

"I'll give you an injection of nutrient solution first, and then I'll prepare a blood transfusion. I'll do a CT scan later to see which bones are broken..." The military doctor stabbed Lin Fan's arm with a syringe.

Lin Fan didn't care about this, but thought about the members of the first team of the God-killing Army who were reversing the technique with him.

"I owe them... If the foundation is damaged, if we don't deal with it properly, I'm afraid I will end up like this for the rest of my life." Lin Fan's eyes flickered, "When the gods come and Daxia loses me and the first team, then..."

"We must find a way!"

Lin Fan had a complicated look on his face, searching in his memory for a way to repair the foundation.

Mr. Jin on the side looked at the wounds on Lin Fan's body and couldn't help but smacked his lips: "Why did it happen like this? Alas... are those people from the Order of the Phoenix so powerful?"

When Lin Fan killed the Corpse King's generals, it was just a single blow!

Jin Laozhen didn't expect that the Order of the Phoenix in the Free Country would be stronger than the legendary Corpse King's generals?

"It wasn't done by the Order of the Phoenix." Lin Fan waved his hand.

Mr. Jin was stunned: "It's not the Order of the Phoenix, then..."

Lin Fan endured the pain and grinned: "Mr. Jin, help me unbutton it, and I will show you a big treasure."

Seeing Lin Fan's mysterious look, Mr. Jin suddenly trembled: "Don't make trouble with me. I'm too old to do this..."

"Mr. Jin, I'm injured like this, stop joking with me..." Lin Fan was speechless, "Take it out for me."

Mr. Jin unbuttoned Lin Fan.

In Lin Fan's arms, Mr. Jin saw a flash of red.

The hand is gentle, but with an inexplicable warmth.

"Your boy went to the Free Country to perform a mission, and he still carried a red flag in his arms?" Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment, "Is it so ceremonial?"

Lin Fan said: "Take it out and take a look."

Mr. Jin grabbed the red corner and slowly pulled it out.

That's one.

A bright red cloak!

On the cloak, the gilded phoenix is ​​extremely gorgeous and lifelike, and its eyes flow like flames, as if they are alive!

"This is..." At this moment, even Mr. Jin knew that this was absolutely extraordinary!

"Great Xia's national weapon," Lin Fan said word by word: "Empress Phoenix Phi!"

"Empress Feng Pi..." Jin Lao said blankly: "Empress... Feng Pi... could it be..."

"Yes, it's what you think." Lin Fan nodded.

Mr. Jin was silent for a moment, patted Lin Fan on the shoulder, and laughed loudly: "Lin Fan, you have done a great job!"

Empress Phoenix Phi!

This is Daxia’s national weapon!

Mr. Jin's hands holding the Empress Phoenix's robe began to tremble, and he knew what this meant.

Once upon a time, when Daxia was sleeping, a group of bandits blasted open the door with artillery fire and stole countless treasures.

The founding jade seal, the empress' phoenix robe, the ancestral dragon weapon talisman...these great treasures of Great Xia have all disappeared.

And now, the empress Fengpi has returned to Daxia again!

Just one thing is enough for Lin Fan's name to be written in the history of Daxia!

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