Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 800 They are all ants!

Poseidon patted Lin Fan on the shoulder and turned to leave. Lin Fan also followed Poseidon step by step with a serious expression.

The two of them walked towards the door of the main hall.

Along the way, Lin Fan kept scanning Poseidon with his peripheral vision, observing Poseidon's every move.

Some details in daily life can affect the outcome of the battle.

"The breath is steady and strong, and there is no fluctuation in the breath during the steps."

"Extremely strong endurance, in line with the characteristics of the God of the Ocean."

"Right-handed, my left hand doesn't seem to be very flexible."

The two of them walked towards the temple gate. On the platform outside the temple gate, there were already one hundred and thirty-one ocean gods standing quietly.

Although they were not wearing battle armor, they had not summoned their respective tridents.

But the breath that was revealed inadvertently caused waves to surge in the endless sea below the temple.

The sunshine in the divine world is like golden threads, the sky is clean and spotless, the waves are rising, and the sea and sky are the same color.

Remember m in one second.

Countless sea beasts seemed to have been sensed, and spontaneously gathered under the Ocean Temple to swim in the waves of the sea.

At this moment, all the gods gathered in the Ocean Temple!

Poseidon stopped outside the door, and Lin Fan stood quietly behind him.

All the gods of the sea shouted in unison: "I have seen the Lord God!"


Even the endless sea below was rolling up huge waves, as if to express its respect.

At this moment, Poseidon stood above the sea. Although he said nothing, he seemed to be the center of the world.

Lord of the sea!

The emperor above the sea!

"Everyone." Poseidon said calmly: "My Ocean Temple has been experiencing bad luck in recent days."

"First, the low-level ocean god Asir, Arsha fell into an unknown plane."

"Subsequently, five gods, including the Medium Ocean God Klein, left to investigate and also fell into that plane."

"I originally wanted to lead a team to investigate in person, but I didn't expect... Asiude and his son then rebelled against me, secretly hunted me, the God of the Ocean, and killed nearly thirty gods of my Ocean Temple!"

"Everything that has happened in the past few days has been a huge blow to my Ocean Temple!"

Poseidon's voice echoed like a rolling wave. The moment he spoke, the originally turbulent sea suddenly calmed down, and even the sea beasts stopped screaming.

It was as if even the ocean was controlled by his will.

Many ocean gods also looked sad. It seems that there is an invisible black hand recently. What a bad luck!

"But, everyone!" Poseidon's tone suddenly became louder: "I, the Ocean Temple, will eventually rise!"

"Although my son is young, he is as smart as me! He has seen through Asude's tricks. Now that Asude is dead, the internal troubles in my Ocean Temple have been eliminated!"

"The people standing here are all our own people who are loyal to my Ocean Temple!"

"Next, we should also explore that plane."

"Let them know the power of my Ocean Temple, and let that plane become a stepping stone for the rise of my Ocean Temple!"

"The Ocean Temple rises today!"


The entire endless sea area shook violently!


Thousands of water dragons soared into the sky, and sea beasts hundreds of meters tall looked up to the sky and screamed!

Many ocean gods also swept away their previous sadness, looked excited, and roared: "The ocean temple rises today!"


Poseidon's terrifying divine power burst out, a blue crown condensed on his head, the azure sea battle armor condensed all over his body, blue divine power enveloped his body, his divine light was dazzling, and he was glorious!

The Poseidon Trident, a high-level artifact, pointed directly at the sky, and water dragons soared into the sky!

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

"I, the Ocean Temple, officially start a war with that plane today!"

Many gods of the sea also erupted in their auras, rays of azure light rising into the sky, and crystal-clear sea battle armors condensed out, full of fighting spirit!

"Must win!"

"Conquer that plane!"

"Why should those lower beings be enemies with us!"

"Their world will be ours!"

Lin Fan also shouted: "Crush those damn guys! Let them kneel down and sing our praises!"

Powerful auras erupted in the Ocean Temple, and dazzling glory gathered together, illuminating the entire endless sea, and the entire temple exuded divine power!

The entire endless sea area was boiling and surging at this moment, and each sea beast let out a roar!

Some of the other gods passing by had their eyes widened at this moment, looking puzzled. Those who didn't know thought that the Ocean Temple had finally been driven crazy by successive attacks.

Only Poseidon and the gods of the Ocean Temple were inexplicably excited!

The entire Ocean Temple officially declares war with that plane!

Rise from now on!

On the road to glory!

Poseidon slowly took out a few broken blue soul cards. They were things left by Asir, Klein and others, and they were also used by the temple just in case.


Poseidon crushed it into pieces and poured his majestic divine power into it.

"Where are you going to die? Point me in the direction."

"I will avenge you!"

The soul card instantly turned into dots of stars, condensed into a blue fish light and shadow, rushed into the sky, and rushed in a certain direction.

That's the direction of that plane.

Watching the swimming fish fly away, Poseidon narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes serious.

"found it."

With his strength, he found the direction of that plane in just an instant. His powerful spiritual thoughts surged out like a tide, spanning thousands of miles, and he faintly felt a plane wall.

"Start the war!"

The aura in Poseidon's body suddenly surged, and it suddenly swept into the sky, and a thousand-meter water dragon rushed out from the endless sea.

Poseidon stepped on the water dragon and soared into the sky!

At the same time, many ocean gods also rose into the sky, like streams of blue light, following Poseidon!

Even the countless sea beasts in the endless sea roared at this moment, rushed out of the sea, and followed closely!

Terrifying bodies were revealed one by one, and terrifying giant beasts that were a thousand meters long gathered together, blocking the sun like dark clouds!

These sea beasts are all followers of Poseidon!

Among them are dragon whales, Godzilla, squid king, thousand-meter giant crab, shrimp king and other legendary sea beasts!

When Lin Fan saw this scene, his face turned ugly, but he still shot up into the sky!

Encouraged by the divine power of Poseidon, the gods of the sea are extremely fast, as if they are traveling through space!

For a high god like Poseidon, although he is not the god of space, distance is not a problem at all.

In an instant, everyone rushed into a starry sky.

Lin Fan looked down and found that the scene below was different from what he had imagined.

Even though the gods are in the starry sky, the edge of the divine continent under their feet is still invisible. Looking towards the end, the starry sky is connected to the land.

This is the vastness of the divine world.

Poseidon's divine power still carried everyone towards the distance.

A tenth-level ocean god with white hair and hair suddenly approached Lin Fan and said with a smile: "Young Master, the battle is coming, but don't be nervous."

"You are still young and have not experienced wars or conquered planes. You may still feel how powerful those lower beings are."

"We old men all followed the Lord God and fought all the way here."

"As for the life in those planes... haha, they are nothing more than ants!"

Lin Fan looked stunned: "Are they all ants?"

"Haha, they are all ants!" The God of the Ocean nodded: "If you are still not at ease, young master, I will leave your words here. When the fight actually breaks out, as long as I am here, no life in those planes will be able to get close to you. Within one step! If I don’t die, the young master will not be in danger!”


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